Internet Modern History Sourcebook
Asia Since 1900
See Main Page for a guide
to all contents of all sections.
- See Internet Indian History Sourcebook
- Wikipedia: History of India since 1947
- WEB Documents Relating to Jammu and Kashmir [Was At Mt. Holyoke, now Internet Archive]
- South Asia: Country Studies
-Prepared for Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army. These are full descriptions of the countries concerned, in terms of history, geography, economy, etc. There are also useful bibliographies. [At LOC]
- Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941): Gitanjali or "song offerings" 1913 [Was At School of Wisdom, now Internet Archive]
- Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941): Once There Was a King 1916 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]
- Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941): The Home and the World 1915, translated [from Bengali to English] by Surendranath Tagore, 1919, full text [At ibiblio] [Internet Archive version here]
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920): Address to the Indian National
Congress 1907 [At this Site]
- Jabez Sunderland: The New Nationalist Movement in India The Atlantic Monthly, October 1908, [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
- Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948): Indian Home Rule 1909 [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]
- British Government Statement: Policy in India
1946 [At this Site]
- Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964): Tryst with Destiny: Speech on the Granting of Indian Independence August 14, 1947 [At this Site]
- Wikipedia: States and Union Territories of India
- K.R. Malkani: The Sindh Story [Was AT UIUC]
- Arthur Bonner: India's Masses: the Public That Can't Be Reached The Atlantic Monthly, October 1959 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
- Leland Hazard: Strong Medicine for India The Atlantic Monthly, December 1965 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
- Declaration of Pakistan and India on Jammu and Kashmir
1966 [At this Site]
- Conor Cruise O'Brien: Holy War Against India The Atlantic Monthly, August 1998, [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
On Sikh nationalism.
- WEB Bangladesh Liberation War Museum
- WEB India-Pakistan War, As reported at the time by TIME Magazine. Probably the best online source [All now via Internet Archive]
- TIME Dec. 6, 1971 Conflict in Asia: India v Pakistan
- TIME Dec. 13, 1971
- TIME Dec. 20, 1971 The Bloody Birth of Bangladesh
- TIME Dec. 27, 1971
- Wikipedia: Nehru–Gandhi family
- CNN: Assasination of Indira Gandhi [video] [Was At CNN, now Internet Archive]
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- See Internet East Asian History
- WEB Primary Sources: CHINA [At Asia for Educators-Columbia University] [Internet Archive version here]
A really good collection of primary sources translated specially for teaching purposes.
- One China The Atlantic Monthly, March 1996 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive backup here]
Coverage by the magazine of China in the 20th century.
- Chinese Efforts to Modernize: 1911-1949
- The Atlantic: The Break-up of China, and Our Interest in It The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1899 [At The Atlantic Monthly] [Internet Archive version here]
- Zou Rong (1885-1911): The Revolutionary Army 1905 [Was At IUP, now Internet Archive]
A radical Anti-Manchu tract, published in Shanghai.
- Paul S. Reinsch: A Parliament for China The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1909 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
- Proclamation of The Abdication of the Manchus 1912 [At this Site]
- Ching Chun Wang: A Plea for the Recognition of the Chinese Republic The Atlantic Monthly, January 1913 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
- Sun Yat-sen: Fundamentals of National Reconstruction 1923 CE [At this Site]
Luxun Lu Hsun (1881-1936): Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
Translated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys Yang, full text of 20 stories. [At ibiblio]
A leading May 4th Movement writer.
- Communist Rule
- WEB Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Complete Works [At] has the entire text of Mao's selected works (all 5 volumes) as well as some unofficial later volumes compiled by Indian Maoists.
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan March 1927 [At this Site]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): The People's Democratic Dictatorship [At this Site]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): In Commemoration of the 28th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China June 30, 1949, excerpts [At this Site]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Quotations of Chairman Mao [Was At WSU, now Internet Archive]
- Mao Zedong (1893-1976): Quotations of Chairman Mao full text. [At Artbin] [Internet Archive version here]
- Statement of the Central Committee of The Chinese
Communist Party February 1, 1947 [At this Site]
- The Common Program of The Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference 1949 [At this Site]
- Lu Ting-yi: Let Flowers of Many Kinds Blossom, Diverse
Schools of Thought Contend! 1956 [At this Site]
- Chinese Communist Party: The Leaders of the CPSU are the
Greates Splitters of Our Times February 4, 1964 [At this Site]
- The Romanian Workers' Party: Statement on the
Sino-Soviet Dispute April 22, 1964 [At this Site]
- Pravda: Editorial: The Anti-Soviet Policy of Communist
China February 16,1967 [At this Site]
- China Gets the Bomb 1964 [At this Site]
- Defense Minister Lin Piao: The Nature of People's War
Statement of September 3, 1965 [At this Site]
A standard Maoist view.
- Editorial of the Liberation Army Daily (Jiefangjun Bao): Mao Tse-Tung's Thought is the Telescope and Microscope
of Our Revolutionary Cause June 7, 1966 [At this Site]
- Chinese Relations with the US
- Dissidents
- Post Mao China
- Orville Schell: Once Again, Long Live Chairman Mao The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1992 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
On the commodifiction of Mao.
- Xiao-huang Yin: China's Gilded Age The Atlantic Monthly, April 1994, [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
The changes in China's society wrought by Deng's drive toward a free-market economy.
- 2ND Sun Y Y., The Chinese Reassessment of Socialism 1976-1992, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995) [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]
- Hong Kong
- Atlantic Report: Hong Kong The Atlantic Monthly, June 1957 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
Hong Kong still in the early stages of its emergence as an economic powerhouse.
- Maynard Parker: Report on Hong Kong The Atlantic Monthly, November 1967 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
Hong Kong in the face of Mao's Cultural Revolution.
- Cait Murphy: A Culture of Emigration The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1991 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
The growing unease among Chinese Hong Kong citizens about the impending Chinese rule.
- Hong Kong Constitution, 1990 [Was At ICL, now Internet Archive]
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WEB Vietnam War Documents and Links [Now Internet Archive]
- WEB Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy--Vietnam [Was At Mt. Holyoke, now Internet Archive]
- Ho Chi Minh (1890-1968): Program for Communist of Indochina
1930, excerpts [At this Site]
- Vietnamese Declaration of Independence 1945 [At this
- Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945) [PDF] [At Asia for Educators-Columbia University] [Internet Archive version here]
- Selected Poems and Popular Songs Regarding the "Modern" Haircut [PDF] [At Asia for Educators-Columbia University] [Internet Archive version here]
- The Lu: "Remembering the Jungle: The Words of the Tiger in the Zoo" [PDF] [At Asia for Educators-Columbia University] [Internet Archive version here]
- The Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference: On
Restoring Peace in Indochina July 21, 1954 [At this Site]
- The Manifesto of The Laodong Party February1951
- Two Letters to Ngo Dinh Diem [Was At Wiretap, now Internet Archive]
Eisenhower, October 23, 1954 (Department of State Bulletin, November 15, 1954): and
Kennedy, December 14, 1961 (Department of State Bulletin, January 1, 1962)
- President Eisenhower: Letter to Ngo Dinh
Diem October 23, 1954 [At this Site]
Beginning US "humanitarian" aid.
- Viet Cong Program 1962 [At this Site]
- Charles de Gaulle: France's Attitude Toward US
Policy in Vietnam 1964 [At this Site]
- Tonkin Gulf Incident 1964
[At Yale]
- The Tonkin Bay Resolution 1964 [At this Site]
- US State Department: North Vietnamese
Aggression 1965 [At this Site]
State Department: White Paper on
Vietnam Feb. 27, 1965 [At Wiretap]
- U.S. State Department: Aggression from the
North February 27, 1965 [At this Site]
- President Lyndon Johnson and Ho Chi Minh: Letter
Exchange 1967 [At this Site]
- John Kerry, for Vietnam Veterans Against the War: Statement to
the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations 1971 [At this Site]
- War Powers Resolution Nov. 7, 1973 [At Yale] [Internet Archive version here]
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Other Asian Countries
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The Internet Modern Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The date of inception was
9/22/1997. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site
name or location]. Locally available texts are marked by [At this Site]. WEB indicates a link to one of small
number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 5 February 2025 [CV]