Internet Modern History Sourcebook
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Nationalism was the most successful political force of the 19th century. It
emerged from two main sources: the Romantic exaltation of "feeling" and
"identity" [see Herder above all on this] and the Liberal requirement that a legitimate state be based on a "people" rather than, for example, a dynasty, God, or
imperial domination. Both Romantic "identity nationalism" and Liberal
"civic nationalism" were essentially middle class movements. There were two main
ways of exemplification: the French method of "inclusion" - essentially that
anyone who accepted loyalty to the civil French state was a "citizen". In
practice this meant the enforcement of a considerable degree of uniformity, for instance
the destruction of regional languages. The US can be seen to have, eventually, adopted
this ideal of civic inclusive nationalism. The German method, required by political
circumstances, was todefine the "nation" in ethnic terms. Ethnicity in practice
came down to speaking German and (perhaps) having a German name. For the largely
German-speaking Slavic middle classes of Prague, Agram etc. who took up the
nationalist ideal, the ethnic aspect became even more important than it had been
for the Germans. It is debateable whether, in practice, all nationalisms ended up as
chauvinistic and aggressive, but the very nature of nationalism requires that
boundaries be drawn. Unless these boundaries are purely civic, successful
nationalism, in many cases produced a situation in which substantial groups of outsiders
were left within "nation-states".
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Cultural Nationalism: The Nation
as Positive Focus of Identity
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Liberal Nationalism: The Nation as
a Basis for Liberal Democracy
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814): Addresses to the German
Nation, 1806 [At this Site]
Political nationalism as a response to Napoleon.
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814): Address to the German
Nation, 1807 [At this Site]
- Giuseppe Mazzini (1802-1872): An Essay On the Duties of Man
Addressed to Workingmen [At Hanover]
Mazzini is perhaps the premier representative of Liberal Nationalism.
- Giuseppe Mazzini (1802-1872): On Nationality as a Key to
Social Development, 1852, excerpts [At this Site]
Louis Kossuth (1802-1894): Speech in Washington DC,
January 7, 1852 [Was At H-net, now Internet Archive]
Kossuth was a leading Hungarian Nationalist.
- Heinrich von Gagern: German Student Movement
- Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847): Justice for Ireland,
Speech to House of Commons, Feb 4, 1836 [At this Site]
- Theodor Herzl (1860-1904): On the Jewish State, 1896,
excerpts [At this Site]
- Theodor Herzl (1860-1904): The Jewish State, 1896 [At this
- Proclamation of the Irish Republic, Easter 1916 [readable
image file of poster] [At this Site]
- Henry W. Massingham: Ireland, 1916--And
Beyond, The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1916 [At The Atlantic] [Internet Archive version here]
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Triumphal Nationalism: The Nation
as a Claim to Superiority
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