Internet Islamic History Sourcebook
Editor: Paul Halsall
This page is a subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks listed below, along with added texts and web site indicators. For more contextual
information, for instance about Western imperialism, or the history of a given period,
check out these web sites.
Notes: |
In addition to direct links to documents, links are made to a
number of other web resources. |
Link to a secondary article, review or discussion on a given
topic. |
Link to a website focused on a specific issue.. These are not
links to every site on a given topic, but to sites of serious educational value. |
The Pre-Islamic Arab
Pre-Islamic Arabs
- Ancient Accounts of Arabia 430 BCE-550 CE
- Pre-Islamic Arabia: The
Hanged Poems before 622 CE
- The Pre-Islamic poems of Imru-Ul-Quais, Antar, and Zuhair which Muhammad allowed
to remain hanging in the Ka'aba.
- 2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century Vll. Byzantinism and Arabism: Interactiion, 528-539 [At this Site]
- 2ND Irfan Shahîd: Rome and the Arabs: A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs 1984 full text PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century full text 1984 PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century full text 1989 PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 1, Part 1, Political and Military History, full text 1995 PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 1, Part 2 Ecclesiastical History, full text 1995 PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 2, Part 1 Toponymy, Monuments, Historical Geography, and Frontier Studies, 2002 full text PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Irfan Shahîd: Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Volume 2, Part 2 Economic, Social, and Cultural History, full text 2010 PDF [Dumbarton Oaks/Internet Archive]
2ND Philip K. Hitti: The Original Arab, The Bedouin [Was At Oneworld, now Internet Archive]
Pre-Islamic Persia
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Muhammad and
Foundations - to 632 CE
Religious and Social Context of 7th Century Arabia
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Islam Faith and Theology
The Sunni Tradition
The Shi'ite Tradition
Islam as a Modern Faith
Women in Islam
The Qur'an: The Women [Was At CCNY, now Internet Archive]
From Surah's 2 and 4.
- 27 Prominent Medieval Andalusi Women trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
Biographies of medieval Andalusi women are drawn from the Kitāb al-Ṣilah of Ibn Bashkuwal (d. 1183), the Takmilat Kitāb al-Ṣilah by Ibn al-Abbar (d. 1260), and the Kitāb Ṣilat al-Ṣila by Ibn al-Zubayr (d. 1308).
- Ibn Bashkuwal (d. 1183): Prominent Andalusi Muslim Women: A Short List from Kitab al-Silla trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- A Visit to the Wife
of Suleiman the Magnificent (Translated from a Genoese Letter), c. 1550
- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762): Dining With The
Sultana 1718
- Demetra Vaka: Aïshé Hanoum c. 1888
Life of a Turkish woman.
- WEB Women in Islam [At Answering
The website is a site devoted to arguments with Muslims. This web page contains links to
explanations, defences, and attacks on the subject of women in Islam.
- 2ND Sherif Abdel Azeem: Women In Islam Versus Women In the
Judaeo-Christian Tradition [At TWF]
Widely reproduced "defence" of women's role in Islam.
2ND Anne Hardwick: From Muhammad to Present:
Islamic Law and Women [At Internet Archive, from Rhodes]
2ND Barbara Crossette: "A Manual on Rights of Women
Under Islam," New York Times, December 29, 1996 [At Internet Archive, from Mt Holyoke]
2ND Ghada Barsoum: Polemics on the Veil in Egypt
Student paper on modern Egyptian debates. [At Internet Archive]
2ND Douglas Jehl: "Egyptian Court Voids Ban on
Cutting of Girls' Genitals," New York Times, June 26, 1997 [At NY
2ND John F. Burns: "Journal: Islamic Police Create
a Minefield for Women," New York Times, August 29, 1997 [At Internet Archive, from Mt
2ND Marelise Simons: "Cry of Muslim Women for
Equal Rights Is Rising," New York Times, March 9, 1998 [At Internet Archive, from Mt
- Female Circumcision/Female Genital Mutilation
Back to Index
Islamic Expansion and
- WEB Transmediterrane Geschichte (Transmediterranean History) [Univ of Konstanz] [Internet Archive backup here]
"Transmediterranean History" is an anthology of sources, with comments, intended to facilitate access to transmediterranean topics and their source documentation for researchers, teachers and interested parties.
The database provides source excerpts in the original and in translation, structured epochally and arranged chronologically. The texts are in original language with side-by-side German translation. Progress is being made in providing English versions." Periods covered are: Before Arab-Islamic Expansion; Aran-Islamic Expansion (7th-9th centuries); New Neighbours (9th-11th centuries); Latin Christian Expansion (11-13th centuries).
-The site has shifted from a wiki format to a PDF format which supports more authoratative referencing. Although one cannot yet rely on AI translation, the results of Google Translation on the wiki version were quite satisfactory on this site, partly because the German translations are in uncomplicated German. This link takes you to the old wiki version, and this link to the Internet Archive of the wiki version.
- 2ND The
Battle of Badr 624 CE [At Internet Archive, from]
- Al-Baladhuri: The Battle of
The Yarmuk (636 CE) and After
The Byzantines lost control of Syria at Yarmuk.
- Accounts of the Arab
Conquest of Egypt 642 CE
The Coptic account from The History of The Patriarchs of Alexandria and an Arab
account - Al-Baladhuri: The Conquest of Alexandria
- Ibn Abd-el-Hakem: The
Islamic Conquest of Spain
- Al Maggari: Tarik's
Address to His Soldiers 711 CE, from The Breath of Perfumes
- Anonymous Arab Chronicler: The Battle of Poitiers
732 CE
- Arabs, Franks, and the
Battle of Tours: Three Accounts 732 CE
- 2ND Fred Donner: The Early Islamic Conquests, (Princeton:
Princeton Univ Press, 1981), pp.251 ff - Chapter VI. "Conclusions: 1. Tribe and State
in Arabia: Second Essay"
- 2ND Judith Herrin: The Formation of Christendom.
"Byzantium Confronted by Islam", (Princeton: Princeton Univ, Press. 1987),
Governance and Government Institutions
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The Caliphate
- The Poets of Arabia
- Al Hariri of Basrah (446-516 A.H./1054-1122 CE): Maqamat (The
Assemblies), c. 1100 CE, 12 of the 50 "assemblies". Maqamat (singular Maqamah) were a popular sort of Arabic entertainment literature (adab).
This is perhaps the most popular example.
- The Women and Her Suitors story from the Thousand and One Nights [caution: very rude!]
Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor story from the Thousand and One Nights [At
Sacred Texts]
- The Arabian Nights Entertainments, translated by Andrew Lang
The Arabian Nights translated Sir.
Richard Francis Burton. Full Text - Sacred Texts]
Ibn Fadlan. Risala 921 CE [At
Ibn Fadlan -an Arab chronicler. In 921 C.E., the Caliph sent Ibn Fadlan with an embassy
to the King of the Bulgars of the Middle Volga. Ibn Fadlan wrote an account of his
journeys with the embassy, called a Risala. This Risala is of great value as a
history, although it is clear in some places that inaccuracies and Ibn Fadlan's own
prejudices have slanted the account to some extent.
The Nizámu'l Mulk (?-1092 CE) : On the Courtiers and
Familars of Kings
- Ibn Battuta (1307-1377 CE): Travels
- Ibn Battuta (1307-1377 CE): Travels in Asia and
Africa 1325-1354
2ND Arthur Goldschmidt: A Concise History of the Middle East. Chap. 8. "Islamic Civilization"
- 2ND Oleg Grabar: Ceremonial and Art at the
Umayyad Court. PhD Dissertation, Princeton Univ 1955. Chap. I. The Umayyad Royal
Idea and its Expression under Mu'awiyah I. pp 18 ff
- 2ND Oleg Grabar: The Formation of Islamic Art, (New Haven: Yale Univ Press, 19??), pp. 43- 71,.Chap. 3 "The Symbolic
Appropriation of the Land" chapter 3
2ND S. M. Ghazanfar: The Islamic World and the Western
Renaissance [At Cyberistan].
Useful enough, but written with a chip on his shoulder by an economist.
Gender and Sexuality in Classical Islam
Successor States: Umayyad Spain
- 2ND David J. Wasserstein: The Caliphate in the West, (Oxford: ClarendonPress, 1993), chap. 1. "The Caliphal Institution in al-Andalus
until 422/1031"
- Bibliography of Translated Texts from Medieval/Early Modern Iberia and North Africa [At Ballandalus][Internet Archive version here]
A non-exhaustive list of texts and documents from medieval/early modern Iberia and North Africa (covering roughly the period 500-1700) that have been translated into English. Maintained by Mohamad Ballan.
- The Mozarabic Chronicle (754CE): full translation and analysis by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, full text [At] [Internet Archive version here]
A contemporary Latin-language source on the Muslim invasion and conquest of Spain during the early eighth century.
- Ibn Abd-el-Hakem: The Islamic Conquest of Spain .
- A Hispano-Muslim Embassy to the Vikings in 845: An Account of al-Ghazal’s Journey to the North 845, trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- ‘Abd Allah bin Buluggin, Emir of Granada 1073-90: Warfare in Eleventh-Century Spain (Al-Andalus), according to The Tibyan trans translated by Amin T Tibi [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- ‘Abd al-Wahid al Marrakushi (13th Century): The Battle of Zallaqa 1086 [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- Zirid Emir Abdullah ibn Buluggin (d. 1090): On the Reputation of Dynasties trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- Abu al-Walid ibn al-Hajj (d. 1318): The Reign of Ibn Hud (r. 1228-1238) trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
The reign of Abū’Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf ibn Hūd al-Judhamī (r. 625–635/1228–1238), an Andalusi emir who controlled much of al-Andalus in the early 13th century following the weakening of the Almohads.
- The Poetry of the Spanish Moors Selections
- Mawlid Poetry from the Morisco Period of al-Andalus (Commemorating the Birth of Mohammad) trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- Muslim accounts of warfare in al-Andalus [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- ‘Abd Allah bin Buluggin, Emir of Granada 1073-90: Warfare in Eleventh-Century Spain (Al-Andalus), according to The Tibyan trans translated by Amin T Tibi [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- ‘Abd al-Wahid al Marrakushi (13th Century): The Battle of Zallaqa 1086 [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- Ismā‘īl ibn al-Aḥmar (d. 1407): The Expulsion of Qadi Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi (d. 1148) from Seville trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- 27 Prominent Medieval Andalusi Women trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
Biographies of medieval Andalusi women are drawn from the Kitāb al-Ṣilah of Ibn Bashkuwal (d. 1183), the Takmilat Kitāb al-Ṣilah by Ibn al-Abbar (d. 1260), and the Kitāb Ṣilat al-Ṣila by Ibn al-Zubayr (d. 1308).
- Ibn Bashkuwal (d. 1183): Prominent Andalusi Muslim Women: A Short List from Kitab al-Silla trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- Lisān al-Dīn Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allāh ibn al-Khaṭīb al-Salmānī (d. 1374): The Commemoration of the Martyrdom of al-Husayn b. Ali (d. 680) in al-Andalus trans Mohammed Ballan [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
Al-Andalus Image Gallery [At
Hispanic Muslims]
- An Andalusi Muslim in Early Modern Europe: Shihab al-Din Ahmad al-Hajari’s Description of the 17th-Century Netherlands trans Mohammed Ballam [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here]
- The Royal Edict of Expulsion (1609) and the Last Andalusi Muslims (“Moriscos”) of Spain 1609, trans Mohammed Ballam [At Ballandalus] [Internet Archive version here].
Successor States: Fatamid Egypt
Successor States: Mameluk Egypt
Successor States: North Africa/Maghreb
The Mongol Invasions
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The Persians
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The Turkish Irruption
- 2ND J.J. Saunders: A History of Medieval Islam, (London: Routledge, 19??), chap. 9. "IX The Turkish Irruption"
- 2ND Z. V. Togan: The Origins of the Kazaks and the ôzbeks Central Asian Survey Vol. 11, No. 3. 1992, [At]
- Claudia Rapp and Johannes Prieser-Kapeller, eds.. Mobility and Migration in Byzantium; A Sourcebook [At] PDF [Internet Archive version here]
Five hundred pages of translations into English on sources about migration in Byzantium. Includes both internal migration, and sections on Jews, Slavs, Armenians, Varangians (Norse), Catalans, Turks, and in relation to the Crusades. Gender-related migration is also covered.
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The Ottomans
- Sidi Ali Reis (16th Century CE): Mirat ul Memalik (The
Mirror of Countries), 1557 CE
A Turkish traveler's account of the world of India and the Middle East.
- Women
Ottoman Egypt
- Architecture
- Science and Technology
- Painting
- Poetry
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The Expansion Eastwards
East Indies
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Islamic Africa - Sub Sahara
WEB Islam
and Indigenous African Culture [Was At Harvard, now Internet Archive]
A clear narrative, and excellent maps on the penetration of Islam across the Sahara and in
East Africa.
- Abû Ûthmân al-Jâhiz: The
Essays excerpts, c. 860 CE
On the Zanj (Black Africans). Arab Muslim opinions.
African States
African Islamic Culture
The Slave Trade
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Interaction with the Latin Christian West
Anonymous: Guide-book
to Palestine. (c. 1350). Translated by. J. H. Barnard. London: Palestine
Pilgrims Text Society, 1894. [At Internet Archive was at Traveling to Jerusalem/U Sth Colorado]
- John Poloner (1422): Description
of the Holy Land (c. 1421), based on the translation of Aubrey Stewart from the Tobler
text. London, 1894. [At Internet Archive was at Traveling to Jerusalem/U Sth Colorado]
- Felix Fabri (1480 & 1483-84): The Book of the Wanderings of Felix
Fabri (Circa 1480-1483 A.D.) trans. Aubrey Stewart. 2 vols. London: Palestine
Pilgrims' Text Society, 1896 [At Internet Archive was at Traveling to Jerusalem/U Sth Colorado]
- Pietro Casola (1494): Canon
Pietro Casola's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Year 1494. trans. Mary Margaret Newett.
Manchester: The University Press, 1907. [At Internet Archive was at Traveling to Jerusalem/U Sth Colorado]
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The Western Intrusion
European 19th Century Imperialism
The Ottoman Empire in the Face of Western Power
World War I
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Islamic Nationalism
Arab Nationalism
British and French Diplomacy
Islam and Democracy
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1932): Speech at the National
Convention of the People's Party of the Republic, in Ankara between 15- 20 October, 1927.
[Was At, now Internet Archive]
- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881-1932): Address to Turkish Youth [Turkish and English][Was At Turkish Language, now Internet Archive]
- 2ND Mustapha Kemal Ataturk
(1881-1938)[Was At UTK, now Internet Archive]
Back to Index
The Islamic World
Since 1945
- Islamic World: Country Studies
Prepared for Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army. These are full descriptions of the countries
concerned, in terms of history, geography, economy, etc. There are also useful
bibliographies. [At LOC]
- Western Views of the Region
- Benjamin R. Barber: Jihad Vs. McWorld The Atlantic Monthly, March 1992 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
International Affairs/Organizations
- Proclamation of Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) November 1, 1954 [Was At HTA, now Internet Archive]
- Charles de Gaulle, French Premier: Speech at
Constantine, Algeria October 3, 1958 [At this Site]
- The Islamic Salvation Front National Provisional Executive Bureau:
Communique No. 42 Algiers, November 14 1993 [Was At HTA, now Internet Archive]
- 2ND William Lewis, "Algeria at the Brink," Strategic Forum, National Defense University, Number 32, June,
1995 [Was At NDU, now Internet Archive]
- Robert Kaplan: Sons of Devils The Atlantic Monthly, November 1987 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
On Kurdish identity.
- Laurie Mylroie: After Saddam Hussein The Atlantic Monthly, December 1992 [Was At The Atlantic, now Internet Archive]
On the Kurds in the Middle East.
Saudi Arabia
The Palestine/Israel Conflict
World War I and its Effects
The Politics and Culture of the Interwar Years
Establishment of Israel
Israeli Government
Peace Efforts
Israel's Peace Initiative, May 14, 1989 [At Jewish Virtual Library]
Invitation to Madrid Peace Conference,
October 30, 1991 [At Jewish Virtual Library]
Israel-PLO Recognition, September
9-10, 1993 [At Jewish Virtual Library]
Israel-Palestinian Declaration of
Principles, September 13, 1993 [At Jewish Virtual Library]
Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the
Jericho Area, May 4, 1994 - Preamble and Articles [At Jewish Virtual Library]
The Washington Declaration
(Israel-Jordan-US), July 25, 1994 [At Jewish Virtual Library]
Interim Agreement between Israel and
the Palestinians, September 28, 1995 [At Jewish Virtual Library]
Palestinian Organizations and Politics
Local Culture
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Islamic History Maps
Origins, Expansion and Core Areas
- Satellite Map of the Middle
East (source unknown) [At Medieval Sourcebook]
The Middle East in the Sixth Century
from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
Muslim Expansion in the Time of Muhammad from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- Map of Muslim Expansion until A.D. 661 from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Growth of Muslim Power:
First 25 Years (BW) [At Medieval Sourcebook] Source: H.G. Wells, A Short
History of the World, (London: 1922)
- Muslim Expansion in the West in the Umayyad Period (661-750) from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Muslim Empire: 750 CE (BW) Source: H.G. Wells, A Short History of the World, (London: 1922) [At
Medieval Sourcebook]
The Abbasid Caliphate (786-809)
from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957)
[Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
The Mediterranean in the Ninth Century from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Late Abbasid Caliphate c .900 CE
from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Muslim World c. 1300CE
from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Muslim World c. 1500CE
from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Middle East in the Nineteenth Century from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden,
1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
Turks: Seljuqs and Ottomans
India and Far East
- The First Crusade, 1099 (Col) A clickable map of all of Europe in 1099 Source: Adaptation of "Europe at the
time of the First Crusade", in Muir's Historical Atlas: Medieval and Modern,
(London: 1911)
- The Crusader States in the
Early 12th Century (BW) Source: George Richard Potter, The Autobiography of Ousama,
(New York: 1929
- Crusader States (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: Medieval and Modern, (London: 1911)
- Jerusalem (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: Medieval and Modern, (London: 1911)
- Second and Third Crusades
(Col) Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: Medieval and Modern, (London: 1911)
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Further Resources on
Islamic History
[Note this was once quite an extensive section with 25 sites listed, but guides to the web turned out to be very hard to maintain. From the list in 2002 only 2 are now active. Good advice now is to look up Islamic history topics on Wikipedia and consult the further resources links at the bottom of many articles. Wikipedia is never a place to end research but it is a good place to start.]
- Guides to the Web
- Academic Pages
- General Interest Sites
- Muslim Sites
Back to Index
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personal and educational use. No permission is granted for commercial use.
If any copyright has been infringed, this was unintentional. The possibility of a site
such as this, as with other collections of electronic texts, depends on the large
availability of public domain material from texts translated before 1927. [In the US, all
texts issued before 1927 are now in the public domain. Texts published before 1964 may be
in the public domain if copyright was not renewed after 28 years. This site seeks to abide
by US copyright law: the copyright status of texts here outside the US may be different.]
Efforts have been made to ascertain the copyright status of all texts here, although,
occasionally, this has not been possible where older or non-US publishers seem to have
ceased existence. Some of the recently translated texts here are copyright to the
translators indicated in each document. These translators have in every case given
permission for non-commercial reproduction. No representation is made about the
copyright status of texts linked off-site. This site is intended for educational use.
Notification of copyright infringement will result in the immediate removal of a text
until its status is resolved.
The Internet Islamic History Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The date of inception was
4/8/1998. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site
name or location].WEB indicates a link to one of small
number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.
© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]