Internet Modern History Sourcebook
19th Century Religion
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Religion in the Face of
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Catholicism: Reaction and
- The Popes: Reaction and Reform
- Renewed Marianism and Devotionalism
- Converts
- 2ND Patrick Allitt: Catholic Converts: British and American Intellectuals Turn to Rome, Chapter 1, with an interesting review by
Peter Steinfels. [At NY Times] [Internet Archive version here]
- Francis Thompson !859-1907): The Hound of Heaven,
with discussion [Was At Drexel, now Internet Archive]
- Lytton Strachey: Cardinal Manning (1807-1982), from Eminent
Victorians, 1918 [At this Site][At this Site]
Poison pen portraits of both Manning and Newman.
2ND Peter C. Erb: A Question of Sovereignty: The Politics of Manning's Conversion 1996 [Was At Emory, now Internet Archive]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The Theory of
Developments in Religious Doctrine, 1843 [At this Site]
This is a "University Sermon" from 1843 (the last of his Fifteen Sermons
Preached Before the University of Oxford), not the more extended monograph of 1845.
John Henry Newman (1801-1990): Essay On the
Development of Christian Doctrine, long excerpts. [At Newman Reader] [Internet Archive version here]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Surrender to God (1st
Sunday in Lent), 1848 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The World and Sin (2nd Sunday in Lent), 1848 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Faith and Private
Judgement,1849 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The Second Spring: A
sermon delivered to the First Provincial Council of Westminster, 1852 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): The Idea of A University, 1854 [At this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Sermon on Fasting [At
this Site]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): On Consulting the Faithful
in Matters of Doctrine, July 1859 [At this Site]
Newman advances ideas in ecclesiology which were not fully understood until a century
later at the Second Vatican Council.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Apologia Pro Vita Sua 1864 [Project Gutenberg]
Complete text, with the subsidiary documents. This is probably the single most influential
document produced by and about English Catholicism.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Apologia Pro Vita Sua,
1864, plus material from later editions [At Newman Reader] [Internet Archive version here]
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): A Letter Addressed to His
Grace the Duke of Norfolk on Occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Expostulation, Dec.
27, 1874 [At this Site]
Newman's great Catholic defence of the primacy of conscience against all other authority.
- John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Who is to Blame? [At this Site]
Newman on the nature of constitutional government.
- 2ND See Catholic Encyclopedia:
John Henry Newman [At New Advent]
and E. L. Core
Henry Newman: His Developing Faith, His Life as a Catholic [At Victorian Web] [Internet Archive version here]
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): Selected Poetry [At Toronto]
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): Poems, complete 1918
edition, [At Bartleby]
- Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889): Poems, complete 1918
edition, [Project Gutenberg]
Gilbert Keith Chesteron: Heretics 1905, full
text, [At CCEL]
- Gilbert Keith Chesteron: Orthodoxy 1909,
full text, [At CCEL]
WEB Mgsr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914) [At
Notre Dame] [Internet Archive version here]
Mgsr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914): Papers of a Pariah,
1907 [Was At Notre Dame, now Internet Archive]
Mgsr. Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914): Confessions of a Convert,
1913 [At Notre Dame] [Internet Archive version here]
- St. George Jackson Mivart (1827-1900): On the Genesis of the
Species 1871 [At this Site]
Mivart was a Catholic convert who wrote a noted reply to the Darwinian thesis, which
he did not dismiss out of hand, in 1871. In 1876, Pope Pius IX conferred on him the degree
of doctor of philosophy.
- Converts and Decadence
- Radicals
- Dorothy Day: Aims and Purposes, 1940
[At Catholic Worker] [Internet Archive version here]
WEB Dorothy Day Archives [At
Catholic Worker] [Internet Archive version here]
Many more texts by Dorothy Day and other Catholic Worker writers.
- Missionary Expansion
Pope Leo XIII: Encyclical: Catholicae
Ecclesiae (On Slavery in The Missions), 1890. [At the Vatican]
- Anti-Catholicism
- Resistence to Roman Control
- Old Catholics
- "Modernism"
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Activism, Rationalism, and Fideism
William James (1842-1910): The
Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902 [At PsyWWW][Full Text] [Internet Archive version here]
- Biblical Criticism
- Liberal Protestantism
- Muscular Christianity
- The Oxford Movement
- WEB The Nineteenth Century High Church: Tractarianism, the Oxford Movement, and Ritualism [At Victorian Web] [Internet Archive version here]
- John Keble (1792-1866): Sermon
on National Apostasy 1833 [At Victorian Web] [Internet Archive version here]
Preached at the Assize Sermon in Oxford, it was sensation and is seen as the beginning of
the Oxford Movement.
- 2ND Glenn Everett on Tractarianism [At Victorian Web] [Internet Archive version here]
- 2ND Catholic Encyclopedia on
The Oxford Movement
- The Tracts for the Times, 1833-1841 [At this Site]
Listing of all tracts, with links to online texts were available.
- Tracts for the Times 1: Thoughts on the Ministerial
Commisson, 1833, [by John Henry Newman][At this Site]
- Tracts for the Times 2: The Catholic Church, 1833
[by John Henry Newman][At this Site]
- Tracts for the Times 3: Thoughts on Alteration in the
Liturgy, 1833 [by John Henry Newman][At this Site]
- Tracts for the Times 4: Adherence to the Apostolical
Succession the Safest Course. On Alterations in the Prayer-book, 1833 [by John
Keble] [At this Site]
John Henry Newman (1801-1890): Written
Works [At Newman Reader] [Internet Archive version here]
- Negating the 39 Articles [At this Site]
- Pope Leo XIII (b.1810-r.1878-1903): On the Nullity of
Anglican Orders, Apostolicae Curae, 1896 [At this Site]
- Archbishops of England: Reply to Leo XIII [At this
- Quakers
- Fundamentalism
- Missionary Expansion
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Orthodoxy: Christian Life Under Tsars and Sultans
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Judaism and Modernity
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Eastern Religions in the West
- WEB Madame Blavatsky: Works [At] [Internet Archive version here]
Large number of texts from the major figure in Theosophy.
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Consideration of Religious Thought
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The Internet Modern Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The date of inception was
9/22/1997. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site
name or location]. Locally available texts are marked by [At this Site]. WEB indicates a link to one of small
number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 5 February 2025 [CV]