Ancient History Sourcebook:
Petition to the Emperor Philip,
On Official & Military Extortion, 246 CE
A petition to the Emperor Philip the Arab, about all the sufferings these people
have to endure in the 240's BC
Petition of the Araguenians and Rescript of the Emperor Philip [r. 243-249
CE] on Official & Military Extortion, 246 CE
Most reverend and serene of all emperors, although in your most felicitous times all
other persons enjoy an untroubled and calm existence, since all wickedness and oppression
have ceased, we, alone experiencing a fortune most alien to these most fortunate times,
present this supplication to you. We are unreasonably oppressed and we suffer extortion by
those persons whose duty it is to maintain the public welfare. For although we live
remotely and are without military protection, we suffer afflictions alien to your most
felicitous times. Generals and soldiers and lordlings of prominent offices in the city and
your Caesarians, coming to us, traversing the Appian district, leaving the highway, taking
us from our tasks, requisitioning our plowing oxen, make exactions that are by no means
their due. And it happens thus that we are wronged by extortions. Our possessions are
spent on them, and our fields are stripped and laid waste....
Scanned by: J. S. Arkenberg, Dept. of History, Cal. State Fullerton. Prof. Arkenberg
has modernized the text.
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© Paul Halsall, August 1998
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