The Monk of Saint Gall:
The Life of Charlemagne, 883/4
In addition to Einhard's Life of Charlemagne (also
online), written circa 829-836 in imitation of Suetonius, there is this other Life of
Charlemagne (De Carolo Magno) written by the Monk of St. Gall (usually identified
with Notker Balbulus, or "the Stammerer", d. 912). This highly anecdotal
"life" was composed for Charles the Fat in 883-4, and covers many subjects other
than Charlemagne.
For a more recent translation see
Einhard and Notker the Stammerer: Two Lives of Charlemagne, trans. Lewis
Thorpe, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1969)
-Thorpe's introduction and notes are really useful short discussions of: Carolingian
sources; Charlemagne; Einhard, and the Monk of St. Gall.
Book I
Concerning the Piety of Charles and His Care of the Church
After the omnipotent ruler of the world, who orders alike the fate of kingdoms and the
course of time, had broken the feet of iron and clay1 in one noble statue, to wit the Romans, he raised by the hands of the illustrious Charles
the golden head of another, not less admirable, among the Franks. Now it happened, when he
had begun to reign alone in the western parts of the world, and the pursuit of learning
had been almost forgotten throughout all his realm, and the worship of the true Godhead
was faint and weak, that two Scots came from Ireland to the coast of Gaul along with
certain traders of Britain. These Scotchmen were unrivalled for their skill in sacred and
secular learning: and day by day, when the crowd gathered round them for traffic, they
exhibited no wares for sale, but cried out and said, [60]"Ho, everyone that desires
wisdom, let him draw near and take it at our hands; for it is wisdom that we have for
Now they declared that they had wisdom for sale because they said that the people cared
not for what was given freely but only for what was sold, hoping that thus they might be
incited to purchase wisdom along with other wares; and also perhaps hoping that by this
announcement they themselves might become a wonder and a marvel to men: which indeed
turned out to be the case. For so long did they make their proclamation that in the end
those who wondered at these men, or perhaps thought them insane, brought the matter to the
ears of King Charles, who always loved and sought after wisdom. Wherefore he ordered them
to come with all speed into his presence and asked them whether it were true, as fame
reported of them , that they had brought wisdom with them. They answered, "We both
possess it and are ready to give it, in the name of God, to those who seek it
worthily." Again he asked them what price they asked for it; and they answered,
"We ask no price, O king; but we ask only for a fit place for teaching and quick
minds to teach; and besides food to eat and raiment to put on, for without these we cannot
accomplish our pilgrimage."2
[61] This answer filled the king with a great joy, and first he kept both of them with
him for a short time. But soon, when he must needs go to war, he made one of them named
Clement reside in Gaul, and to him he sent many boys both of noble, middle and humble
birth, and he ordered as much food to be given them as they required, and he set aside for
them buildings suitable for study. But he sent the second scholar into Italy and gave him
the monastery of Saint Augustine near Pavia, that all who wished might gather there to
learn from him.
2. But when Albinus (Alcuin), an Englishman,3 heard that the most religious Emperor Charles gladly entertained wise men, he entered into
a ship and came to him. Now Albinus was skilled in all learning beyond all others of our
times, for he was the disciple of that most learned priest Bede, who next to Saint Gregory
was the most skillful interpreter of the scriptures. And Charles received Albinus kindly
and kept him at his side to the end of his life, except when he marched with his armies to
his vast wars: nay, Charles would even call himself Albinus's disciple; and Albinus he
would call his master. He appointed him to rule over the abbey of Saint Martin, near to
the city of Tours: so that, when he himself was absent, Albinus might rest there and [62]
teach those who had recourse to him. And his teaching bore such fruit among his pupils
that the modern Gauls or Franks came to equal the ancient Romans or Athenians.
3. Then when Charles came back, after a long absence, crowned with victory, into Gaul,
he ordered the boys whom he had entrusted to Clement to come before him and present to him
letters and verses of their own composition. Now the boys of middle or low birth presented
him with writings garnished with the sweet savours of wisdom beyond all that he could have
hoped, while those of the children of noble parents were silly and tasteless. Then the
most wise Charles, imitating the judgment of the eternal Judge, gathered together those
who had done well upon his right hand and addressed them in these words: "My
children, you have found much favour with me because you have tried with all your strength
to carry out my orders and win advantage for yourselves. Wherefore now study to attain to
perfection; and I will give you bishoprics and splendid monasteries, and you shall be
always honourable in my eyes." Then he turned severely to those who were gathered on
his left, and, smiting their consciences with the fire of his eyes, he flung at them in
scorn these terrible words, which seemed thunder rather [63] than human speech: "You
nobles, you sons of my chiefs, you superfine dandies, you have trusted to your birth and
your possessions and have set at naught my orders to your own advancement: you have
neglected the pursuit of learning and you have given yourselves over to luxury and sport,
to idleness and profitless pastimes." Then solemnly he raised his august head and his
unconquered right hand to the heavens and thus thundered against them, "By the King
of Heaven, I take no account of your noble birth and your fine looks, though others may
admire you for them. Know this for certain, that unless you make up for your former sloth
by vigourous study, you will never get any favour from Charles."
4. Charles used to pick out all the best writers and readers from among the poor boys
that I have spoken of and transferred them to his chapel; for that was the name that the
kings of the Franks gave to their private oratory, taking the word from the cope of
St. Martin, which they always took with them in war for a defence against their enemies.
Now one day it was announced to this most wary King Charles that a certain bishop was
dead; and, when the king asked whether the dead bishop had made any bequests for the good
of his soul, the messenger replied, "Sire, he has bequeathed no more than two pounds
of silver." [64] thereupon one of his chaplains, sighing, and no longer able to keep
the thoughts of his mind within his breast, spake in the hearing of the king these words:
"That is small provision for a long, a never-ending journey."
Then Charles, the mildest of men, deliberated a space, and said to the young man,
"Do you think then, if you were to get the bishopric, you would care to make more
provision for that same long journey?" These cautious words fell upon the chaplain as
ripe grapes into the mouth of one who stands agape for them, and he threw himself at the
feet of Charles and said, "Sire, the matter rests upon the will of God and your own
power." Said the king, "Stand behind the curtain, that hangs behind me, and mark
what kind of help you would receive if you were raised to that honour."
Now, when the officers of the palace, who were always on the watch for deaths or
accidents, heard that the bishop was dead, one and all of them, impatient of delay and
jealous of each other, began to make suit for the bishopric through the friends of the
emperor. But Charles still persisted unmoved in his design; he refused everyone, and said
that he would not disappoint his young friend. At last Queen Hildigard sent some of the
nobles of the realm, and [65] at last came in person, to beg the bishopric for a certain
clerk of her own. The emperor received her petition very graciously and said that he would
notand could not deny her anything; but that he thought it shame to deceive his little
chaplain. But still the queen, woman-like, thought that a woman's opinion and wish ought
to outweigh the decrees of men; and so she concealed the passion that was rising in her
heart; she sank her strong voice almost to a whisper; and with caressing gestures tried to
soften the emperor's unspoken mind. "My sire and king," she said, "what
does it matter if that boy does lose the bishopric? Nay, I beseech you, sweet sire, my
glory and my refuge, give it to your faithful servant, my clerk." Then that young
man, who had heard the petitions from behind the curtain close to the king's chair where
he had been placed, embraced the king through the curtain and cried, "Sir king, stand
fast and do not let anyone take from you the power that has been given you by God."
Then that strict lover of truth bade him come out, and said, "I intend you to have
the bishopric; but you must be very careful to spend more and make fuller provision for
that same long and unreturning journey both for yourself and for me."
5. Now there was at the king's court a certain [66] mean and humble clerk, very
deficient also in a knowledge of letters. The most pious Charles pitied his poverty, and,
though everyone hated him and tried to drive him from the court, he could never be
persuaded to turn him away or dismiss him therefrom. Now it happened that, on the eve of
Saint Martin, the death of a certain bishop was announced to the emperor. He summoned one
of his clerks, a man of high birth and great learning, and gave him the bishopric. The new
bishop, thereupon, bursting with joy, invited to his house many of the palace attendants,
and also received with great pomp many who came from the diocese to greet him: and to all
he gave a superb banquet.
It happened then that, loaded with food, drenched with liquor and buried in wine, he
failed to go to the evening service on that most solemn eve. Now it was the custom for the
chief of the choir to assign the day before to everyone the responsory or responsories
which they were to chant at night. The response: Lord, if still I am useful to Thy
people,4 had fallen to the lot of this man,
who had the bishopric, as it were, in his grasp. Well, he was absent; and after the lesson
a long pause followed, and each man urged his neighbor to take up the responsory, and each
man answered that he was bound to chant only what had [67] been assigned to him. At last
the emperor said: "Come, one of you must chant it." Then this mean clerk,
strengthened by some divine inspiration, and encouraged by the command, took upon himself
the responsory. The kindly king thinking that he would not be able to chant the whole of
it ordered the others to help him and all began at once to chant. But from none of them
could the poor creature learn the words, and, when the response was finished, he began to
chant the Lord's Prayer with the proper intonation. Then everyone wished to stop him; but
the most wise Charles wanted to see where he would get to, and forbade anyone to interfere
with him. He finished with Thy Kingdom come and the rest, willy-nilly, had to take
it up and say Thy will be done.
When the early lauds were finished, the king went back to his palace, or rather to his
bedroom, to warm himself and dress for the coming festal ceremony. He ordered that
miserable servant and unpractised chanter to come into his presence. "Who told you to
chant that ?" he asked. "Sire, you ordered someone to sing," said the
other. "Well," said the king (the emperor was called king at first), "who
told you to begin in that particular responsory?" Then the poor creature, inspired as
it is thought by [68] God, spoke as follows, in the fashion which inferiors then used to
superiors, whether for honour, appeal, or flattery: -- "Blessed lord, and
blessing-bestowing king, as I could not find out the right verse from anyone, I said to
myself that I should incur the anger of your majesty if I introduced anything strange. So
I determined to intone something the latter part of which usually came at the end of the
The kindly emperor smiled gently upon him and thus spoke before all his nobles.
"That proud man, who neither feared nor honoured God or his king who had befriended
him, enough to refrain one night from dissipation and be in his place to chant the
response which I am told fell to his share, is by God's decree and mine deprived of his
bishopric. You shall take it, for God gives it you, and I allow it; and be sure to
administer it according to canonical and apostolic rules."
6. When another prince of the Church died, the emperor appointed a young man in his
place. When the bishop designate came out of the palace to take his departure, his
servants, with all the decorum that was due to a bishop, brought forward a horse and steps
to mount it: but he took it amiss that they should treat him as though he were decrepit;
and leaped from the ground on to the horse's back with such violence that [69] he nearly
fell off on the other side. The king looked on from the steps of the palace and had him
summoned and thus addressed him: "My good sir, you are nimble and quick, agile and
headstrong. You know yourself that the calm of our empire is disturbed on all sides by the
tempests of many wars. Wherefore I want a priest like you at my court. Remain therefore as
an associate in my labours as long as you can mount your horse with such agility."
7. While I was speaking about the arrangement of the responses I forgot to speak about
the rules for reading and I must devote a few words to that subject here. In the palace of
the most learned Charles there was no one to apportion to each reader the passages that
were to be read; no one put a seal at the end of the passage or made ever such a little
mark with his finger-nail. But all had to make themselves so well acquainted with the
passage, which was set down for reading, that if they were suddenly called on to read they
could perform their duty without incurring his censure. He indicated whom he wished to
read by pointing his finger or his staff, or by sending some one of those who where
sitting close by him to those at a distance. He marked the end of the reading by a
guttural sound. And all watched so intently for this mark that whether it came at the end
of a sentence [70] or in the middle of a clause of a sub-clause, none dared go on for an
instant, however strange the beginning or the end might seem. And thus it came to pass
that all in the palace were excellent readers, even if they did not understand what they
read. No foreigner and no celebrity dared enter his choir unless he could read and chant.
8. When Charles one day came in his journeyings to a certain palace, a certain clerk
from among the wandering monks entered the choir and being completely ignorant of these
rules was soon forced to remain stupid and silent among the singers. Thereupon the
choirmaster raised his wand and threatened to strike him unless he went on singing. Then
the poor clerk, now knowing what to do or where to turn, and not daring to go out, twisted
his neck into the shape of a bow and with open mouth and distended cheeks did his utmost
to imitate the appearance of a singer. All the rest could not restrain their laughter, but
the most valiant emperor, whose mind was never shaken from its firm base even by great
events, seemed not to notice his mockery of singing and waited in due order until the end
of the mass. But then he called the poor wretch before him and pitying his struggles and
his anxiety soothed his fears with these words: -- "Many thanks, good clerk, for your
singing and your [71] efforts." Then he ordered a pound of silver to be given him to
relieve his poverty.
9. But I must not seem to forget or to neglect Alcuin; and will therefore make this
true statement about his energy and his deserts: all his pupils without exception
distinguished themselves by becoming either holy abbots or bishops. My master Grimald 5 studied the literal arts under him, first in Gaul
and then in Italy. But those who are learned in these matters may charge me with falsehood
for saying "all his pupils without exception"; when the fact is that there were
in his schools two young men, sons of a miller in the service of the monastery of Saint
Columban, who did not seem fit and proper persons for promotion to the command of
bishoprics or monasteries; but even these men were, by the influence probably of their
teacher, advanced one after the other to the office of minister in the monastery of
Bobbio, in which they displayed the greatest energy.
So the most glorious Charles saw the study of letters flourishing throughout this whole
realm, but still he was grieved to find that it did not reach the ripeness of the earlier
fathers; and so, after super-human labours, he broke out one day with this expression of
his sorrow: quot;Would that I had twelve clerks so learned in all wisdom and so perfectly
trained [72] as were Jerome and Augustine." Then the learned Alcuin, feeling himself
ignorant indeed in comparison with these great names, rose to a height of daring, that no
man else attained to in the presence of the terrible Charles, and said, with deep
indignation in his mind but none in his countenance, "The Maker of heaven and earth
has not many like to those men and do you expect to have twelve?"
10. Here I must report something which the men of our time will find it difficult to
believe; for I myself who write it could hardly believe it, so great is the difference
between our method of chanting and the Roman, were it not that we must trust rather the
accuracy of our fathers than the false suggestions of modern sloth. Well then, Charles,
that never-wearied lover of the service of God, when he could congratulate himself that
all possible progress had been made in the knowledge of letters, was grieved to observe
how widely the different provinces -- nay, not the provinces only but districts and cities
-- differed in the praise of God, that is to say in their method of chanting. He therefore
asked of Pope Stephen of blessed memory -- the same who, after Hilderich King of the
Franks had been deposed and tonsured, had anointed Charles to be ruler of the kingdom
after the ancestral custom of the people6 -- he
asked [73] of Pope Stephen, I say, that he should provide him with twelve clerks deeply
learned in divine song. The Pope yielded assent to his virtuous wish and his divinely
inspired design and sent to him in Frankland from the apostolic see clerks skilled in
divine song, and twelve in number, according to the number of the twelve apostles.
Now, when I said Frankland just above, I meant all the provinces north of the Alps; for
as it is written: "In those days ten men shall take hold out of all the languages of
the nations, shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew," so at that
time, by reason of the glory of Charles, Gauls, Aquitanians, Æduans, Spaniards, Germans,
and Bavarians thought that no small honour was paid to them, if they were thought worthy
to be called the servants of the Franks.
Now when the aforementioned clerks were departing from Rome, being, like all Greeks and
Romans, torn with envy of the glory of the Franks, they took counsel among themselves, and
determined so to vary their method of singing that his kingdom and dominion should never
have cause to rejoice in unity and agreement. So when they came to Charles they were
received most honourably and despatched to the chief places. And thereupon each in his
[74] allotted place began to chant as differently as possible, and to teach others to sing
in like fashion, and in as false a manner as they could invent. But as the most cunning
Charles celebrated one year the feast of the Birth and Coming of Christ at Trèves or
Metz, and most carefully and cleverly grasped and understood the style of the singing; and
then the next year passed the same solemn season at Paris or Tours, but found that the
singing was wholly different from what he had heard in the preceding year; as moreover he
found that those whom he had sent into different places were also a variance with one
another; he reported the whole matter to Pope Leo, of holy memory, who had succeeded
Stephen.7 The Pope summoned the clerks back to
Rome and condemned them to exile or perpetual imprisonment, and then said to Charles:
"If I send you others they will be blinded with the same malice as their predecessors
and will not fail to cheat you. But I think I can satisfy your wishes in this way. Send me
two of the cleverest clerks that you have by you, in such a way that those who are with me
may not know that they belong to you, and, with God's help, they shall attain to as
perfect a knowledge of those things as you desire." So said, so done. Soon the Pope
sent them back excellently trained to Charles. [75] One of them he kept at his own court:
the other upon the petition of his son Drogo, Bishop of Metz,8 he sent to that cathedral. And not only did his energy show itself
powerful in that city, but it soon spread so widely throughout all Frankland, that now all
in these regions who use the Latin tongue called the ecclesiastical chant Metensian; or,
if they use the Teutonic or Teuthiscan tongue, they call it Mette; or if the Greek form is
used it is called Mettisc.9 The most pious
emperor also ordered Peter, the singer who had come to reside with him, to reside for a
while in the monastery of St. Gall. There too Charles established the chanting as it is
to-day, with an authentic song-book, and gave most careful instructions, being always a
warm champion of Saint Gall, that the Roman method of singing should be both taught and
learnt. He gave to the monastery also much money and many lands: he gave too relics,
contained in a reliquary made of solid gold and gems, which is called the Shrine of
11. It was the habit of the most religious and temperate Charles to take food during
Lent 10 at the seventh hour of the day after
having been present at the celebration of mass and evening lauds: and in so doing he was
not violating the fast for he was following the Lord's command in taking food at an [76]
earlier hour than usual. Now a certain bishop, who offended against the precept of Solomon
in being just but foolish, took him unwisely to task for this. Whereupon the most wise
Charles concealed his wrath, and received the bishop's admonition in all humility, saying,
"Good sir bishop, your admonition is good; and now my advice to you is that you
should take no food until the very humblest of my servants, who stand in my court, have
been fed." Now while Charles was eating he was waited upon by dukes and rulers and
kings of various peoples; and when his banquet was ended then those who served him fed and
they were served by counts and præfects and nobles of different ranks. And when these
last had made an end of eating then came the military officers and the scholars of the
palace: then the chiefs of the various departments of the palace; then their subordinates,
then the servants of those servants. So that the last comers did not get a mouthful of
food before the middle of the night. When therefore Lent was nearly ended, and the bishop
in question had endured this punishment all the time, the most merciful Charles said to
him: "Now, sir bishop, I think you have found out that it is not lack of
self-restraint but care for others which makes me dine in Lent before the hour of
[77] 12. Once he asked a bishop for his blessing and he thereupon, after blessing the
bread, partook of it first himself and then wanted to give it to the most honourable
Charles: who, however, said to him: "You may keep all the bread for yourself";
and much to the bishop's confusion he refused to receive his blessing.
13. The most careful Charles would never give more than one county to any of his counts
unless they happened to live on the borders or marches of the barbarians; now would he
ever give a bishop any abbacy or church that was in the royal gift unless there were very
special reasons for doing it. When his councilors of friends asked him the reason for this
he would answer: "With that revenue or that estate, with that little abbey or that
church I can secure the fidelity of some vassal, as good a man as any bishop or count, and
perhaps better." But when there were special reasons he would give several benefices
to one man; as he did for instance to Udalric, brother of the great Hildigard, the mother
of kings and emperors. Now Udalric, after Hildigard's death, was deprived of his honours
for a certain offence; and a buffoon thereupon said in the hearing of the most merciful
Charles: "Now has Udalric, by the death of his sister, lost all his honours both [78]
in east and west." Charles was touched by these words and restored to him at once all
his former honours. He opened his hands, most widely and liberally, when justice bade him,
to certain holy places, as will appear in the sequel.
14. There was a certain bishopric which lay full in Charles's path when he journeyed,
and which indeed he could hardly avoid: and the bishop of this place, always anxious to
give satisfaction, put everything that he had at Charles's disposal. But once the emperor
came quite unexpectedly and the bishop in great anxiety had to fly hither and thither like
a swallow, and had not only the palaces and houses but also the courts and squares swept
and cleaned: and then, tired and irritated, came to meet him. The most pious Charles
noticed this, and after examining all the various details, he said to the bishop: "My
kind host, you always have everything splendidly cleaned for my arrival." Then the
bishop, as if divinely inspired, bowed his head and grasped the king's never-conquered
right hand, and hiding his irritation, kissed it and said: "It is but right, my lord,
that, wherever you come, all things should be thoroughly cleansed." Then Charles, of
all kings the wisest, understanding the state of affairs said to him: "If I empty I
can also fill." And [79] he added: "You may have that estate which lies close to
your bishopric, and all your successors may have it until the end of time."
15. In the same journey too he came to a bishop who lived in a place through which he
must needs pass. Now on that day, being the sixth day of the week, he was not willing to
eat the flesh of beast or bird; and the bishop, being by reason of the nature of the place
unable to procure fish upon the sudden, ordered some excellent cheese, rich and creamy, to
be placed before him. And the most self-restrained Charles, with the readiness which he
showed everywhere and on all occasions, spared the blushes of the bishop and required no
better fare: but taking up his knife cut off the skin, which he thought unsavoury, and
fell to on the white of the cheese. Thereupon the bishop, who was standing near like a
servant, drew closer and said, "Why do you do that, lord emperor? You are throwing
away the very best part." Then Charles, who deceived no one, and did not believe that
anyone would deceive him, on the persuasion of the bishop put a piece of the skin in his
mouth, and slowly ate it and swallowed it like butter. Then approving of the advice of the
bishop, he said: "Very true, my good host," and he added: "Be sure to send
me [80] every year to Aix two cart-loads of just such cheeses." The bishop was
alarmed at the impossibility of the task and, fearful of losing both his rank and his
office, he rejoined: -- "My lord, I can procure the cheeses, but I cannot tell which
are of this quality and which of another. Much I fear lest I fall under your
censure." Then Charles from whose penetration and skill nothing could escape, however
new or strange it might be, spoke thus to the bishop, who from childhood had known such
cheeses and yet could not test them. "Cut them in two," he said, "then
fasten together with a skewer those that you find to be of the right quality and keep them
in your cellar for a time and then send them to me. The rest you may keep for yourself and
your clergy and your family." This was done for two years and the king ordered the
present of cheeses to be taken in without remark: then in the third year the bishop
brought in person his labouriously collected cheeses. But the most just Charles pitied his
labour and anxiety and added to the bishopric an excellent estate whence he and his
successors might provide themselves with corn and wine.
16. As we have shown how the most wise Charles exalted the humble, let us now show how
he brought low the proud. There was a bishop who sought [81] above measure vanities and
the fame of men. The most cunning Charles heard of this and told a certain Jewish
merchant, whose custom it was to go to the land of promise and bring from thence rare and
wonderful things to the countries beyond the sea, to deceive or cheat this bishop in
whatever way he could. So the Jew caught an ordinary household mouse and stuffed it with
various spices, and then offered it for sale to the bishop, saying that he had brought
this most precious never-before-seen animal from Judea. The bishop was delighted with what
he thought a stroke of luck, and offered the Jew three pounds of silver for the precious
ware. Then said the Jew, "A fine price indeed for so precious an article! I had
rather throw it into the sea than let any man have it at so cheap and shameful a
price." So the bishop, who had much wealth and never gave anything to the poor,
offered him ten pounds of silver for the incomparable treasure. But the cunning rascal,
with pretended indignation, replied: "The God of Abraham forbid that I should thus
lose the fruit of my labour and journeyings." Then our avaricious bishop, all eager
for the prize, offered twenty pounds. But the Jew in high dudgeon wrapped up the mouse in
the most costly silk and made as if he would depart. Then the bishop, as thoroughly taken
in as he deserved [82] to be, offered a full measure of silver for the priceless object.
And so at last our trader yielded to his entreaties with much show of reluctance: and,
taking the money, went to the emperor and told him everything. A few days later the king
called together all the bishops and chief men of the province to hold discourse with him;
and, after many other matters had been considered, he ordered all that measure of silver
to be brought and placed in the middle of the palace. Then thus he spoke and said: --
"Fathers and guardians, bishops of our Church, you ought to minister to the poor, or
rather to Christ in them, and not to seek after vanities. But now you act quite contrary
to this; and are vainglorious and avaricious beyond all other men." Then he added:
"One of you has given a Jew all this silver for a painted mouse." Then the
bishop, who had been so wickedly deceived, threw himself at Charles's feet and begged
pardon for his sin. Charles upbraided him in suitable words and then allowed him to depart
in confusion.
17. This same bishop was left to take care of Hildigard, when the most warlike Charles
was engaged in campaigns against the Huns.11 He
was so puffed up by his intimacy with her that he had the audacity to ask her to allow him
to use the golden sceptre of the incomparable Charles on festal days instead of his [83]
episcopal staff. She deceived him cleverly, and said that she dare not give it to anyone,
but that she would carryhis request faithfully to the king. So, when Charles came back,
she jestingly told him of the mad request of the bishop. He kindly promised to do what she
wished and even more. So, when all Europe, so to speak, had come together to greet Charles
after his victory over so mighty a people, he pronounced these words in the hearing of
small and great: "Bishops should despise this world and inspire others by their
example to seek after heavenly things. But now they are misled by ambition beyond all the
rest of mankind; and one of them not content withholding the first episcopal see in
Germany has dared without my approval to claim my golden sceptre, which I carry to signify
my royal will, in order that he might use it as his pastoral staff." The guilty man
acknowledged his sin, received pardon and retired.
18. Now, my Lord Emperor Charles, I much fear that through my desire to obey your
orders I may incur the enmity of all who have taken vows and especially of the highest
clergy of all. But for all this I do not greatly care, if only I be not deprived of your
Once that most religious Emperor Charles gave orders that all bishops throughout his
wide domains [84] should preach in the nave of their cathedral before a certain day, which
he appointed, under penalty of being deprived of the episcopal dignity, if they failed to
comply with the order. -- But why do I say "dignity" when the apostle protests:
"He that desires a bishopric desires good work"? But in truth, most serene of
kings, I must confess to you that there is great "dignity" in the office, but
not the slightest "good work" is required. Well, the aforementioned bishop was
at first alarmed at this command, because gluttony and pride were all his learning, and he
feared that if he lost his bishopric he would lose at the same time his soft living. So he
invited two of the chiefs of the palace on the festal day, and after the reading of the
lesson mounted the pulpit as though he were going to address the people. All the people
ran together in wonder at so unexpected an occurrence, except one poor red-headed fellow,
who had his head covered with clouts, because he had no hat, and was foolishly ashamed of
his red hair. Then the bishop -- bishop in name but not in deed -- called to his
doorkeeper or rather his scario (whose dignity and duties went by the name of the
ædileship among the ancient Romans) and said: "Bring me that man in the hat who is
standing there near the door of the church." The doorkeeper made haste to obey, [85]
seized the poor man and began to drag him towards the bishop. But he feared some heavy
penalty for daring to stand in the house of God with covered head, and struggled with all
his might to avoid being brought before the tribunal of the terrible judge. But the
bishop, looking from his perch, now addressing his vassals and now chiding the poor knave,
bawled out and preached as follows: -"Here with him! don't let him slip! Willy-nilly
you've got to come." When at last force or fear brought him near, the bishop cried:
"Come forward; nay you must come quite close." Then he snatched the
head-covering from his captive and cried to the people: -- "Lo and behold all ye
people; the boor is red-headed." Then he returned to the altar and performed the
ceremony, or pretended to perform it.
When the mass was thus scrambled through his guests passed into his hall, which was
decorated with many-coloured carpets, and cloths of all kinds; and there a magnificent
banquet, served in gold and silver and jewelled cups, was provided, calculated to tickle
the appetite of the fastidious or the well-fed. The bishop himself sat on the softest of
cushions, clad in precious silks and wearing the imperial purple, so that he seemed a king
except for the sceptre and the title. He was surround by troops of rich knights, in [86]
comparison with whom the officers of the palace (nobles though they were) of the
unconquered Charles seemed to themselves most mean. When they asked leave to depart after
this wonderful and more than royal banquet he, desiring to show still more plainly his
magnificence and his glory, ordered skilled musicians to come forward, the sound of whose
voices could soften the hardest hearts or turn to ice the swiftly flowing waters of the
Rhine. And at the same time every kind of choice drink, subtly and variously compounded,
was offered them in bowls of gold and gems, whose sheen was mixed with that of the flowers
and leaves with which they were crowned: but their stomachs could contain no more so that
the glasses lay idle in their hands. Meanwhile pastry cooks and sausage makers, servers
and dressers offered preparations of exquisite art to stimulate their appetite, though
their stomachs could contain no more: it was a banquet such as was never offered even to
the great Charles himself.
When morning came and the bishop returned some way towards soberness, he thought with
fear of the luxury that he had paraded before the servants of the emperor. So he called
them into his presence, loaded them with presents worthy of a king, and implored them to
speak to the terrible Charles of the goodness [87] and simplicity of his life; and above
all to tell him how he had preached publicly before them in his cathedral.
Upon their return Charles asked them why the bishop had invited them. Thereupon they
fell at his feet and said: "Master, it was that he might honour us as your
representatives, far beyond our humble deserts." "He is," they went on,
"in every way the best and the most faithful of bishops and most worthy of the
highest rank in the Church. For, if you will trust our poor judgement, we profess to your
sublime majesty that we heard him preach in his church in the most stirring fashion."
Then the emperor who knew the bishop's lack of skill pressed them further as to the manner
of his preaching; and they, perforce, revealed all. Then the emperor saw that he had made
an effort to say something rather than disobey the imperial order; and he allowed him, in
spite of his unworthiness, to retain the bishopric.
19. Shortly after a young man, a relation of the emperor's, sang, on the occasion of
some festival, the Allelulia admirably: and the Emperor turned to this same bishop and
said: "My clerk is singing very well." But the stupid man, thought that he was
jesting and did not know that the clerk was the [88] emperor's relation; and so he
answered: "Any clown in our countryside drones as well as that to his oxen at their
ploughing." At this vulgar answer the emperor turned on him the lightning of his
flashing eyes and dashed him terror-stricken to the very ground.12
[Six chapters omitted by the translator; see note 12]
26. But though the rest of mankind may be deceived by the wiles of the devil and his
angels, it is pleasant to consider the word of our Lord, who in recognition of the bold
confession of Saint Peter said: -- "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build
my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Wherefore even in
these times of great peril and wickedness he has allowed the Church to remain unshaken and
Now since envy always rages among the envious so it is customary and regular with the
Romans to oppose or rather to fight against all strong Popes, who are from time to time
raised to the apostolic see. Whence it came to pass that certain of the Romans, themselves
blinded with envy, charged the above-mentioned Pope Leo13 of holy memory with a deadly crime and tried to blind him. But they
were frightened and held back by some divine impulse, and after trying in vain to gouge
out his eyes, they slashed them across [89] the middle with knives. The Pope had news of
this carried secretly by his servants to Michael, Emperor of Constantinople; but he
refused all assistance saying: "The Pope has an independent kingdom and one higher
than mine; so he must act his own revenge upon his enemies." Thereupon the holy Leo
invited the unconquered Charles to come to Rome; following in this the ordinance of God,
that, as Charles was already in very deed ruler and emperor over many nations, so also by
the authority of the apostolic see he might have now the name of Emperor, Cæsar and
Augustus. Now Charles, being always ready to march and in warlike array, though he knew
nothing at all of the cause of the summons, came at once with his attendants and his
vassals; himself the head of the world he came to the city that had once been the head of
the world. And when the abandoned people heard of his sudden coming, at once, as sparrows
hide themselves when they hear the voice of their master, so they fled and hid in various
hiding-places, cellars, and dens. Nowhere howsoever under heaven could they escape from
his energy and penetration; and soon they were captured and brought in chains to the
Cathedral of St. Peter. Then the undaunted Father Leo took the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ and held it over his [89] head, and then in the presence of Charles and his
knights, in presence also of his persecutors, he swore in the following words: -- "So
on the day of the great judgment may I partake in the promises, as I am innocent of the
charge that is falsely laid against me." Then many of the prisoners asked to be
allowed to swear upon the tomb of St. Peter that they also were innocent of the charge
laid against them. But the Pope knew their falseness and said to Charles: "Do not, I
pray you, unconquered servant of God, give assent to their cunning; for well they know
that Saint Peter is always ready to forgive. But seek among the tombs of the martyrs the
stone upon which is written the name of St. Pancras,14 that boy of thirteen years; and if they will swear to you in his name
you may know that you have them fast." it was done as the Pope ordered. And when many
people drew near to take the oath upon this tomb, straightway some fell back dead and some
were seized by the devil and went mad. Then the terrible Charles said to his servants:
"Take care that none of them escapes." Then he condemned all who had been taken
prisoner either to some kind of death or to perpetual imprisonment.
As Charles stayed in Rome for a few days, the bishop of the apostolic see called
together all who [90] would come from the neighbouring districts and then, in their
presence and in the presence of all the knights of the unconquered Charles, he declared
him to be Emperor and Defender of the Roman Church.15 Now Charles had no guess of what was coming; and, though he could not
refuse what seemed to have been divinely preordained for him, nevertheless he received his
new title with no show of thankfulness. For first he thought that the Greeks would be
fired by greater envy than ever and would plan some harm against the kingdom of the
Franks; or at least would take greater precautions against a possible sudden attack of
Charles to subdue their kingdom, and add it to his own empire. And further the magnanimous
Charles recalled how ambassadors from the King of Constantinople had come to him and had
told him that their master wished to be his loyal friend; and that, if they became nearer
neighbours, he had determined to treat him as his son and relieve the poverty of Charles
from his resources: and how, upon hearing this, Charles was unable to contain any longer
the fiery ardour of his heart and had exclaimed: "Oh, would that pool were not
between us; for then we would either divide between us the wealth of the east, or we would
hold it in common."
[91] But the Lord, who is both the giver and the restorer of health, so showed his
favour to the innocency of the blessed Leo that he restored his eyes to be brighter than
they were before that wicked and cruel cutting; except only that, in token of his virtue,
a bright scar (like a very fine thread) marked his eyelids.
27. The foolish may accuse me of folly because just now I made Charles say that the
sea, which that mighty emperor called playfully a little pool, lay between us and the
Greeks; but I must tell my critics that at that date the Bulgarians and the Huns and many
other powerful races barred the way to Greece with forces yet unattacked and unbroken.
Soon afterwards, it is true, the most warlike Charles either hurled them to the ground, as
he did the Slavs and the Bulgars; or else utterly destroyed them, as was the case with the
Huns, that race of iron and adamant. And I will go on to speak of these exploits as soon
as I have given a very slight account of the wonderful buildings which Charles (Emperor,
Augustus, and Cæsar), following the example of the all-wise Solomon, built at Aix, either
for God, or for himself, or for the bishops, abbots, counts and all guests that came to
him from all quarters of the world.
[93] 28. When the most energetic Emperor Charles could rest awhile he sought not
sluggish ease, but laboured in the service of God. He desired therefore to build upon his
native soil a cathedral finer even than the works of the Romans, and soon his purpose was
realised. For the building thereof he summoned architects and skilled workmen from all
lands beyond the seas; and above all he placed a certain knavish abbot whose competence
for the execution of such tasks he knew, though he knew not his character. When the August
emperor had gone on a certain journey, this abbot allowed anyone to depart home who would
pay sufficient money: and those who could not purchase their discharge, or were not
allowed to return by their masters, he burdened with unending labours, as the Egyptians
once afflicted the people of God. By such knavish tricks he gathered together a great mass
of gold and silver and silken robes; and exhibiting in his chamber only the least precious
articles, he concealed in boxes and chests all the richest treasures. Well, one day there
was brought to him on a sudden the news that his house was on fire. He ran, in great
excitement, and pushed his way through the bursting flames into the strong room where his
boxes, stuffed with gold, were kept: he was not satisfied to take [94] one away, but would
only leave after he had loaded his servants with a box apiece. And as he was going out a
huge beam, dislodged by the fire, fell on the top of him; and then his body was burnt by
temporal and his soul by eternal flames. Thus did the judgment of God keep watch for the
most religious Emperor Charles, when his attention was withdrawn by the business of his
29. There was another workman, the most skilled of all int he working of brass and
glass. Now this man (his name was Tancho and he was at one time a monk of St. Gall) made a
fine bell and the emperor was delighted with its tone. Then said that most distinguished,
but most unfortunate worker in brass: "Lord emperor, give orders that a great weight
of copper be brought to me that I may refine it; and instead of tin give me as much silver
as I shall need -- a hundred pounds at least; and I will cast such a bell for you that
this will seem dumb in comparison to it." Then Charles, the most liberal of monarchs,
who "if riches abounded set not his heart upon them" readily gave the necessary
orders, to the great delight of the knavish monk. He smelted and refined the brass; but he
used, not silver, but the purest sort of tin, and soon he made a bell, much better than
the one that the emperor had formerly admired, [95] and, when he had tested it, he took it
to the emperor, who admired its exquisite shape and ordered the clapper to be inserted and
the bell to be hung in the bell-tower. That was soon done; and then the warden of the
church, the attendants and even the boys of the place tried, one after the other, to make
the bell sound. But all was in vain; and so at last the knavish maker of the bell came up,
seized the rope, and pulled at the bell. When, lo and behold! down from on high came the
brazen mass; fell on the very head of the cheating brass founder; killed him on the spot;
and passed straight through his carcass and crashed to the ground carrying his bowels with
it. When the aforementioned weight of silver was found, the most righteous Charles ordered
it to be distributed among the poorest servants of the palace.
30. Now it was a rule at that time that if the imperial mandate had gone out that any
task was to be accomplished, whether it was the making of bridges, or ships or causeways,
or the cleansing or paving or filling up of muddy roads, the counts might execute the less
important work by the agency of their deputies or servants; but for the greater
enterprises, and especially such as were of an original kind, no duke or count, no bishop
or abbot could possibly [96] get himself excused. The arches of the great bridge at Mainz
bear witness to this; for all Europe, so to speak, laboured at this work in orderly
co-operation, and then the knavery of a few rascals, who wanted to steal merchandise from
the ships that passed underneath, destroyed it.
If any churches, with the royal domain, wanted decorating with carved ceilings or wall
paintings, the neighbouring bishops and abbots had to take charge of the task; but if new
churches had to be built then all bishops, dukes and counts, all abbots and heads of royal
churches and all who were in occupation of any public office had to work at it with
never-ceasing labour from its foundations to its roof. You may see the proof of the
emperor's skill in the cathedral at Aix, which seems a work half human and half divine;
you may see it in the mansions of the various dignitaries which, by Charles's device, were
built round his own palace in such a way that from the windows of his chamber he could see
all who went out or came in, and what they were doing, while they believed themselves free
from observation; you may see it in all the houses of his nobles, which were lifted on
high from the ground in such a fashion that beneath them the retainers of his nobles and
the servants of those retainers and every class of man [97] could be protected from rain
or snow, from cold or heat, while at the same time they were not concealed from the eyes
of the most vigilant Charles. But I am a prisoner within my monastery walls and your
ministers are free; and I will therefore leave to them the task of describing the
cathedral, while I return to speak of how the judgment of God was made manifest in the
building of it.
31. The most careful Charles ordered certain nobles of the neighbourhood to support
with all their power the workmen whom he had set to their task, and to supply everything
that they required for it. Those workmen who came from a distance he gave in charge to a
certain Liutfrid, the steward of his palace, telling him to feed and clothe them and also
most carefully to provide anything that was wanting for the building. The steward obeyed
these commands for the short time that Charles remained in that place; but after his
departure neglected them altogether, and by cruel tortures collected such a mass of money
from the poor workmen that Dis and Pluto would require a camel to carry his ill-gotten
gains to hell. Now this was found out in the following way.
The most glorious Charles used to go to lauds at night in a long and flowing cloak,
which is now neither used nor known: then when the morning [98] was over he would go back
to his chamber and dress himself in his imperial robes. All the clerks used to come ready
dressed to the nightly office, and then they would wait for the emperor's arrival, and for
the celebration of mass either in the church or in the porch which then was called the
outer court. Sometimes they would remain awake, or if anyone had need of sleep he would
lean his head on his companion's breast. Now one poor clerk, who used often to go to
Liutfrid's house to get his clothes (rags I ought to call them) washed and mended, was
sleeping with his head on a friend's knees, when he saw in a vision a giant, taller than
the adversary of Saint Anthony,16 come from the
king's court and hurry over the bridge, that spanned a little stream, to the house of the
steward; and he led with him an enormous camel, burdened with baggage of inestimable
value. He was, in his dream, struck with amazement and he asked the giant who he was and
whither he wished to go. And the giant made answer: "I come from the house of the
king and I go to the house of Liutfrid; and I shall place Liutfrid on these packages and I
shall take him and them down with me to hell."
Thereupon the clerk woke up, in a fright lest Charles should find him sleeping. He
lifted up [99] his head and urged the others to wakefulness and cried: "Hear, I pray
you, my dream. I seemed to see another Polyphemus, who walked on the earth and yet touched
the stars, and passed through the Ionian Sea without wetting his sides. I saw him hasten
from the royal court to the house of Liutfrid with a laden camel. And when I asked the
cause of his journey, he said: 'I am going to put Liutfrid on the top of the load, and
then take him to hell.'"
The story was hardly finished when there came from that house, which they all knew so
well, a girl who fell at their feet and asked them to remember her friend Liutfrid in
their prayers. And, when they asked the reason for her words, she said: "My lord, he
went out but now in good health, and, as he stayed a long time, we went in search of him,
and found him dead." When the emperor heard of his sudden death, and was informed by
the workmen and his servants of his grasping avarice, he ordered his treasures to be
examined. They were found to be of priceless worth, and when the emperor, after God the
greatest of judges, found by what wickedness they had been collected he gave this public
judgment: "Nothing of that which was gained by fraud must go to the liberation of his
soul from purgatory. Let his [100] wealth be divided among the workmen of this our
building, and the poorer servants of our palace."17
32. Now I must speak of two things which happened in that same place. There was a
deacon who followed the Italian custom and resisted the course of nature. For he went to
the baths and had himself closely shaved, polished his skin, cleaned his nails, and had
his hair cut as short as if it had been done by a lathe. Then he put on linen and a white
robe, and then, because he must not miss his turn, or rather desiring to make a fine show,
he proceeded to read the gospel before God and His holy angels, and in the presence of the
most watchful king; his hear in the meantime being unclean, as events were to show. For
while he was reading, a spider came down from the ceiling by a thread, hooked itself on to
the deacon's head, and then ran up again. The most observant Charles saw this happen a
second and a third time, but pretended not to notice it, and the clerk, because of the
emperor's presence, dare not keep of the spider with his hand, and moreover did not know
that it was a spider attacking him, but thought that it was merely the tickling of a fly.
So he finished the reading of the gospel, and also went through the rest of the office.
But when he left the cathedral he soon began to swell up, and [101] died within an hour.
But the most scrupulous Charles, inasmuch as he had seen his danger and had not prevented
it, thought himself guilty of manslaughter and did public penance.
33. Now the most glorious Charles had in his suite a certain clerk who was unsurpassed
in every respect. And of him that was said which was never said of any other mortal man:
for it was said that he excelled all mankind in knowledge of both sacred and profane
literature; in song whether ecclesiastical or festive; in the composition and rendering of
poems and in the sweet fulness of his voice and in the incredible pleasure which he gave
[Other men have had drawbacks to compensate for their excellences18]: for Moses the lawgiver filled with wisdom by the teaching of God,
complains nevertheless that "he is not eloquent" but slow of speech, and
"of a slow tongue," and sent therefore Joshua to take counsel with Eleasar, the
high priest, who by the authority of the God, who dwelt within him, commanded even the
heavenly bodies: and our Master Christ did not allow John the Baptist to work any miracle
while in the body, though he bare witness that "among them that are born of women
there hath not arisen a greater" than he: and He bade Peter revere the wisdom of
Paul, though Peter [102] by the revelation of the Father recognised Him and received from
Him the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and He allowed John His best-loved disciple to fall
into so great a terror that he did not dare to come to the place of His sepulchre, though
weak women paid many visits to it.
But as the scriptures say: "To him that hath shall be give"; and those, who
know from whom they have the little which they possess, succeed; while he who knows not
the giver of his possessions, or, if he knows it, gives not due thanks to the Giver, loses
all. For, while this wonderful clerk was standing in friendly fashion near the most
glorious emperor, suddenly he disappeared. The unconquered Emperor Charles was
dumfoundered at so unheard of and incredible an occurrence: but, after he had made the
sign of the cross, he found in the place where the clerk had stood something that seemed
to be a foul-smelling coal, which had just ceased to burn.
32. The mention of the trailing garment that the emperor wore at night has diverted us
from his military array. Now the dress and equipment of the old Franks was as follows: --
Their boots were gilt on the outside and decorated with laces three cubits long. The
thongs round the legs were red, and under them they wore upon their legs and thighs [103]
linen of the same colour, artistically embroidered. The laces stretched above these linen
garments and above the crossed thongs, sometimes under them and sometimes over them, now
in front of the leg and now behind. Then came a rich linen shirt and then a buckled
sword-belt. The great sword was surround first with a sheath, then with a covering of
leather, and lastly with a linen wrap hardened with shining wax.
The last part of their dress was a white or blue cloak in the shape of a double square;
so that when it was placed upon the shoulders it touched the feet in front and behind, but
at the side hardly came down to the knees. In the right hand was carried a stick of
apple-wood, with regular knots, strong and terrible; a handle of gold or silver decorated
with figures was fastened to it. I myself am lazy and slower than a tortoise, and so never
got into Frankland; but I saw the King of the Franks19 in the monastery of Saint Gall, glittering in the dress that I have
But the habits of man change; and when the Franks, in their wars with the Gauls, saw
the latter proudly wearing little striped cloaks, they dropped their national customs and
began to imitate the Gauls. At first the strictest of emperors did not forbid the new
habit, because it seemed more suitable for war: but, when he found that the Frisians were
abusing [104] his permission, and were selling these little cloaks at the same price as
the old large ones, he gave orders that no one should buy from the, at the usual price,
anything but the old cloaks, broad, wide and long: and he added: "What is the good of
those little napkins? I cannot cover myself with them in bed and when I am on horseback I
cannot shield myself with them against wind and rain."
In the preface to this little work I said I would follow three authorities only. But as
the chief of these, Werinbert, died seven days ago and to-day (the thirteenth of May) we,
his bereaved sons and disciples, are going to pay solemn honour to his memory, here I will
bring this book to an end, concerning the piety of Lord Charles and his care of the
Church, which has been taken from the lips of this same clerk, Werinbert.
The next book which deals with the wars of the most fierce Charles is founded on the
narrative of Werinbert's father, Adalbert. He followed his master Kerold in the Hunnish,
Saxon and Slavic wars, and when I was quite a child, and he a very old man, I lived in his
house and he used often to tell me the story of these events. I was most unwilling to
listen and would often run away; but in the end by sheer force he made me hear.
Book II
Concerning the Wars and Military Exploits of Charles
As I am going to found this narrative on the story told by a man of the world, who had
little skill in letters, I think it will be well that I should first recount something of
earlier history on the credit of written books. When Julian,20 whom God hated, was slain in the Persian war by a blow from heaven, not
only did the transmarine provinces fall away from the Roman Empire, but also the
neighbouring provinces of Pannonia, Noricum, Rhætia, or in other words the Germans and
the Franks or Gauls. Then too the kings of the Franks (or Gauls) began to decay in power
because they had slain Saint Didier, Bishop of Vienna, and had expelled those most holy
visitors, Columban and Gall. Whereupon the race of the Huns,21 who had already often ravaged Francia [106] and Aquitania (that is to
say the Gauls and the Spains), now poured out with all their forces, devastated the whole
land like a wide-sweeping conflagration, and then carried off all their spoils to a very
safe hiding-place. Now Adalbert, whom I have already mentioned, used to explain the nature
of this hiding-place as follows: -- "The land of the Huns," he would say,
"was surrounded by nine rings."22 I
could not think of any rings except our ordinary wicker rings for sheepfolds; and so I
asked: "What, in the name of wonder, do you mean, sire?" "Well," he
said, "it was fortified by nine hedges." I could not think of any hedges except
those that protect our cornfields, so again I asked and he answered: "One ring was as
wide, that is, it contained as much within it, as all the country between Tours and
Constance. It was fashioned with logs of oak and ash and yew and was twenty feet wide and
the same in height. All the space within was filled with hard stones and binding clay; and
the surface of these great ramparts was covered with sods and grass. Within the limits of
the ring shrubs were planted of such a kind that, when lopped and bent down, they still
threw out twigs and leaves. Then between these ramparts hamlets and houses were so
arranged that a man's [107] voice could be made to reach from one to the other. And
opposite to the houses, at intervals in those unconquerable walls, were constructed doors
of no great size; and through these doors the inhabitants from far and near would pour out
on marauding expeditions. The second ring was like the first and was distant twenty
Teutonic miles (or forty Italian) from the third ring; and so on to the ninth: though of
course the successive rings were each much narrower than the preceding one. But in all the
circles the estates and houses were everywhere so arranged that the peal of the trumpet
would carry the news of any event from one to the other."
For two hundred years and more the Huns had swept the wealth of the western states
within these fortifications, and as the Goths and Vandals were disturbing the repose of
the world at the same time the western world was almost turned into a desert. But the most
unconquerable Charles so subdued them in eight years that he allowed scarcely any traces
of them to remain. He withdrew his hand from the Bulgarians, because after the destruction
of the Huns they did not seem likely to do any harm to the kingdom of the Franks. All the
booty of the Huns, which he found in Pannonia, [108] he divided most liberally among the
bishoprics and the monasteries.
2. In the Saxon war in which he was engaged in person for some considerable time, tow
private men (whose names I know, but modesty forbids me to give them) organised a storming
party, and destroyed with great courage the walls of a very strong city and fortification.
When the most just Charles saw this he made one of them, with the consent of his master
Kerold, commander of the country between the Rhine and the Italian Alps and the other he
enriched with gifts of land.
3. At the same time there were the sons of two nobles whose duty it was to watch at the
door of the king's tent. But one night they lay as dead, soaked in liquor; while Charles,
wakeful as usual, went the round of the camp, and came back to his tent without anyone
having noticed him. When morning came he called to him the chiefs of his kingdom, and
asked them what punishment seemed due to those who betrayed the King of the Franks into
the hands of the enemy. Then these nobles, quite ignorant of what had occurred, declared
that such a man was worthy of death. But Charles merely upbraided them bitterly and let
them go unharmed.
4. There were also with him two bastards, the [109] children of a concubine. As they
had fought in battle most bravely, the emperor asked them whose children they were, and
where they were born. When he was informed of the facts, he called them to his tent at
midday and said: "My good fellows, I want you to serve me, and me only." They
exclaimed that they were there for no other purpose than to take even the lowest place in
his service. "Well then," said Charles, "you must serve in my
chamber." They concealed their indignation and said they would be glad to do so; but
soon they seized the moment when the emperor had begun to sleep soundly, and then rushed
out to the camp of the enemy and, in the fray that followed, wiped out the taint of
servitude in their own blood and that of the enemy.
5. But occupations such as these did not prevent the high-souled emperor from sending
frequent messengers, carrying letters and presents, to the kings of the most distant
regions; and they sent him in turn whatever honours their lands could bestow. From the
theatre of the Saxon war he sent messengers to the King of Constantinople; who asked them
whether the kingdom of "his son Charles" was at peace or was being invaded by
neighbouring peoples. Then the leader of the embassy made answer that [110] peace reigned
everywhere, except only that a certain race called the Saxons were disturbing the
territories of the Franks by frequent raids. Whereupon the sluggish and unwarlike Greek
king answered: "Pooh! why should my son take so much trouble about a petty enemy that
possesses neither fame nor valour? I will give you the Saxon race and all that belong to
it." When the envoy on his return gave this message to the most warlike Charles, he
smiled and said: "The king would have shown greater kindness to you if he had given
you a leg-wrap for your long journey."
6. I must not conceal the wise answer which the same envoy gave during his embassy to
Greece. He came with his companions to one of the royal towns in the autumn; the party was
divided for entertainment, and the envoy of whom I speak was quartered on a certain
bishop. This bishop was given up to fasting and prayer, and left the envoy to perish of
almost continuous hunger: but, with the first smile of spring, he presented the envoy to
the king. The king asked him his opinion of the bishop. Then the envoy sighed from the
very bottom of his heart and said: "That bishop of yours reaches the highest point of
holiness that can be attained to without God." The king was amazed [111] and said:
"What! can a man be holy without God?" Then said the envoy: "It is written,
'God is love,' and in that grace he is entirely lacking."
Thereupon the King of Constantinople invited him to his banquet and placed him among
his nobles. Now these had a law that no guest at the king's table, whether a native or a
foreigner, should turn over any animal or part of an animal: he must eat only the upper
part of whatever was placed before him. Now, a river fish, covered with spice, was brought
and placed on the dish before him. He knew nothing of the custom and turned the fish over
whereupon all the nobles rose up and cried: "Master, you are dishonoured, as no king
ever was before you." Then the king groaned and said to our envoy: "I cannot
resist them: you must be put to death at once: but ask me any other favour you like and I
will grant it." He thought awhile and then in the hearing of all pronounced these
words: "I pray you, lord emperor, that in accordance with your promise you will grant
me one small petition." And the king said: "Ask what you will, and you shall
have it: except only that I may not give you your life, for that is against the laws of
the Greeks." Then said the envoy: "With my dying breath I ask one favour; let
everyone who saw me turn that fish over [112] be deprived of his eyes." The king was
amazed at the stipulation, and swore, by Christ, that he had seen nothing, but had only
trusted the word of others. Then the queen began to excuse herself: "By the
beneficent Mother of God, the Holy Mary, I noticed nothing." Then the other nobles,
in their desire to escape from the danger, swore, one by the keeper of the keys of heaven,
and another by the apostle of the Gentiles, and all the rest by the virtue of the angels
and the companies of the saints, that they were beyond the reach of the stipulation. And
so the clever Frank bet the empty-headed Greeks in their own land and came home safe and
A few years later the unwearied Charles sent to Greece a certain bishop remarkable both
for his physical and mental gifts, and with him the most noble duke Hugo. After a long
delay they were at last brought into the presence of the king and then sent about to all
manner of places. But at last they got their dismissal and returned, after paying heavily
for their journey by sea and land.
Soon afterwards the Greek king sent his envoy to the most glorious Charles. It so
happened that the bishop and the duke whom I have mentioned were just then with the
emperor. When it was announced that the envoys were coming they advised the most [113]
wise Charles to have them led round through mountains and deserts, so that they should
only come into the emperor's presence when their clothes had been worn and wasted, and
their money was entirely spent.
This was done; and when at last they arrived, the bishop and his comrade bade the count
of the stables to take his seat on a high throne in the midst of his underlings, so that
it was impossible to believe him anyone lower than the emperor. When the envoys saw him
they fell upon the ground and wanted to worship him. But they were prevented by the
ministers and forced to go farther. Then they saw the count of the palace presiding over a
gathering of the nobles and again they thought it was the emperor and flung themselves to
earth. But those who were present drove them forward with blows and said: "That is
not the emperor." Next they saw the master of the royal table surrounded by his noble
band of servants; and again they fell to the ground thinking that it was the emperor.
Driven thence they found the chamberlains of the emperor and their chief in council
together; and then they did not doubt but that they were in the presence of the first of
living men. But this man too denied that he was what they took him for; and yet he
promised [114] that he would use his influence with the nobles of the palace, so that if
possible the envoys might come into the presence of the most August emperor. Then there
came servants from the imperial presence to introduce them with full honours. Now Charles,
the most gracious of kings, was standing by an open window leaning upon Bishop Heitto, for
that was the name of the bishop who had been sent to Constantinople. The emperor was clad
in gems and gold an glittered like the sun at its rising: and round about him stood, as it
were the chivalry of heaven, three young men, his sons,23 who have since been made partners in the kingdom; his daughters and
their mother decorated with wisdom and beauty as well as with pearls; leaders of the
Church, unsurpassed in dignity and virtue; abbots distinguished for their high birth and
their sanctity; nobles, like Joshua when he appeared in the camp of Gilgal; and an army
like that which drove back the Syrians and Assyrians out of Samaria. So that if David had
been there he might well have sung: "Kings of the earth and all people; princes and
all judges of the earth; both young men and maidens; old men and children let them praise
the name of the Lord." Then the envoys of the Greeks were astonished; their spirit
left them and their courage failed; [115] speechless and lifeless they fell upon the
ground. But the most kindly emperor raised them, and tried to cheer them with encouraging
words. At last life returned to them; but when they saw Heitto, whom they had once
despised and rejected, now in so great honour, again they grovelled on the ground in
terror; until the king swore to them by the King of Heaven that he would do them no harm.
They took heart at this promise and began to act with a little more confidence; and so
home they went and never came back again.
7. And here I must repeat that the most illustrious Charles had men of the greatest
cleverness in all offices. When the morning lauds had been celebrated before the emperor
on the octave of the Epiphany, the Greeks proceeded privately to sing to God in their own
language psalms with the same melody and same subject matter as "veterem hominem"
and the following words in our missal. Thereupon the emperor ordered one of his chaplains,
who understood the Greek tongue, to adopt that psalm in Latin to the same melody, and to
take special care that a separate syllable corresponded to every separate note, so that
the Latin and Greek should resemble one another as far as the nature of the two languages
allowed. So it came to pass [116] that all of them have been written in the same rhythm,
and in one of them conteruit has been substituted for "contrivit."
These same Greek envoys brought with them every kind of organ, as well as other
instruments of various kinds. All of these were covertly inspected by the workmen of the
most wise Charles, and then exactly reproduced. The chief of these was that musicians'
organ, wherein the great chests were made of brass: and bellows of ox-hide blew through
pipes of brass, and the bass was like the roaring of the thunder, and in sweetness it
equalled the tinkling of lyre or cymbal. But I must not, here and now, speak of where it
was set up, and how long it lasted, and how it perished at the same time as other losses
fell upon the state.
8. About the same time also envoys of the Persians were sent to him. They knew not
where Frankland lay; but because of the fame of Rome, over which they knew that Charles
had rule, they thought it a great thing when they were able to reach the coast of Italy.
They explained the reason of their journey to the bishops of Campania and Tuscany, of
Emilia and Liguria, of Burgundy and Gaul and to the abbots and counts of those regions;
but by all they were either deceitfully handled or else [117] actually driven off; so that
a whole year had gone round before, weary and footsore with their long journey, they
reached Aix at last and saw Charles, the most renowned of kings by reason of his virtues.
They arrived in the last week of Lent, and, on their arrival being made known to the
Emperor, he postponed their presentation until Easter Eve. Then when that incomparable
monarch was dressed with incomparable magnificence for the chief of festivals, he ordered
the introduction of the envoys of that race that had once held the whole world in awe.24 But they were so terrified at the sight of the
most magnificent Charles that one might think they had never seen king or emperor before.
He received them however most kingly, and granted them this privilege -- that they might
go wherever they had a mind to, even as one of his own children, and examine everything
and ask what questions and make what inquiries they chose. They jumped with joy at this
favour, and valued the privilege of clinging close to Charles, of gazing upon him, of
admiring him, more than all the wealth of the east.
They went up into the ambulatory that runs round the nave of the cathedral and looked
down upon the clergy and the nobles; then they [118] returned to the emperor, and, by
reason of the greatness of their joy, they could not refrain from laughing aloud; and they
clapped their hands and said: -- "We have seen only men of clay before: here are men
of gold." Then they went to the nobles, one by one, and gazed with wonder upon arms
and clothes that were strange to them; and then came back to the emperor, whom they
regarded with wonder still greater. They passed that night and the next Sunday
continuously in church; and, upon the most holy day itself, they were invited by the most
munificent Charles to a splendid banquet, along with the nobles of Frankland and Europe.
There they were so struck with amazement at the strangeness of everything that they had
hardly eaten anything at the end of the banquet.
"But when the Morn, leaving Tithonus' bed,
Illumined all the land with Ph¦bus' torch"
then Charles, who could never endure idleness and sloth, went out to the woods to hunt
the bison and the urochs; and made preparations to take the Persian envoys with him. But
when they saw the immense animals they were stricken with a mighty fear and turned and
fled. But the undaunted hero [119] Charles, riding on a high-mettled charger, drew near to
one of these animals and drawing his sword tried to cut through its neck. But he missed
his aim, and the monstrous beast ripped the boot and leg-thongs of the emperor; and,
slightly wounding his calf with the tip of its horn, made him limp slightly: after that,
furious at the failure of its stroke, it fled to the shelter of a valley, which was
thickly covered with stones and trees. Nearly all his servants wanted to take off their
own hose to give to Charles, but he forbade it saying: "I mean to go in this fashion
to Hildigard." Then Isambard, the son of Warin (the same Warin that persecuted your
patron Saint Othmar25), ran after the beast and
not daring to approach him more closely, threw his lance and pierced him to the heart
between the shoulder and the wind-pipe, and brought the beast yet warm to the emperor. He
seemed to pay no attention to the incident; but gave the carcass to his companions and
went home. But then he called the queen and showed her how his leg-coverings were torn,
and said: "What does the man deserve who freed me from the enemy that did this to
me?" She made answer: "He deserves the highest boon." Then the emperor told
the whole story and produced the enormous [120] horns of the beast in witness of his
truth: so that the empress sighed and wept and beat her breast. But when she heard that it
was Isambard, who had saved him from this terrible enemy, Isambard, who was in ill favour
with the emperor and who had been deprived of all his offices -- she threw herself at his
feet and induced him to restore all that had been taken from him; and a largess was given
to him besides.
These same Persian envoys brought the emperor an elephant, monkeys, balsam, nard,
unguents of various kinds, spices, scents and many kinds of drugs: in such profusion that
it seemed as if the east had been left bare that the west might be filled. They came
by-and-by to stand on very familiar terms with the emperor; and one day, when they were in
a specially merry mood and a little heated with strong beer, they spoke in jest as
follows: -- "Sir emperor, your power is indeed great; but much less than the report
of it which is spread through all the kingdoms of the east." When he heard this he
concealed his deep displeasure and asked jestingly of the,: "Why do you say that, my
children? How did that idea get into your head?" Then they went back to the beginning
and told him everything that had happened to them in the lands beyond [121] the sea; and
they said: -- "We Persians and the Medes, Armenians, Indians, Parthians, Elamites,
and all the inhabitants of the east fear you much more than our own ruler Haroun.26 And the Macedonians and all the Greeks (how
shall we express it?) they are beginning to fear your overwhelming greatness more than the
waves of the Ionian Sea. And the inhabitants of all the islands through which we passed
were as ready to obey you, and as much devoted to your service, as if they had been reared
in your palace and loaded with your favours. But the nobles of your own kingdom, it seems
to us, care very little about you except in your presence: for when we came as strangers
to them, and begged them to show us some kindness for the love of you, to whom we desired
to make our way, they gave no heed to us and sent us away empty-handed." Then the
emperor deposed all counts and abbots, through whose territories those envoys had come,
from all the offices that they held; and fined the bishops in a huge sum of money. Then he
ordered the envoys to be taken back to their own country with all care and honour.
9. There came to him also envoys form the King of the Africans, bringing a Marmorian
lion and a Numidian bear, with Spanish iron and Tyrian [122] purple, and other noteworthy
products of those regions. The most munificent Charles knew that the king and all the
inhabitants of Africa were oppressed by constant poverty; and so, not only on this
occasion but all through his life, he made them presents of the wealth of Europe, corn and
wine and oil, and gave them liberal support; and thus he kept them constantly loyal and
obedient to himself, and received from them a considerable tribute.
Soon after the unwearied emperor sent to the emperor of the Persians horse and mules
from Spain; Frisian robes, white, grey, red and blue; which in Persia, eh was told, were
rarely seen and highly prized. Dogs too he sent him of remarkable swiftness and
fierceness, such as the King of Persia had desired, for the hunting and catching of lions
and tigers. The King of Persia cast a careless eye over the other presents, but asked the
envoys what wild beasts or animals these dogs were accustomed to fight with. He was told
that they would pull down quickly anything they were set on to. "Well," he said,
"experience will test that." Next day the shepherds were heard crying loudly as
they fled from a lion. When the noise came to the palace of the king, he said to the
envoys: "Now my [123] friends of Frankland, mount your horses and follow me."
Then they eagerly followed after the king as though they had never known toil of
weariness. When they came in sight of the lion, though he was yet at a distance, the
satrap of the satraps said to them: "Now set your dogs on to the lion." They
obeyed and eagerly galloped forward; the German dogs caught the Persian lion, and the
envoys slew him with swords of northern metal, which had already been tempered in the
blood of the Saxons.
At this sight Haroun, the bravest inheritor of that name, understood the superior might
of Charles from very small indications, and thus broke out in his praise: -- "Now I
know that what I heard of my brother Charles is true: how that by the frequent practice of
hunting, and by the unwearied training of his body and mind, he has acquired the habit of
subduing all that is beneath the heavens. How can I make worthy recompense for the honours
which he has bestowed upon me? If I give him the land which was promised to Abraham and
shown to Joshua, it is so far away that he could not defend it from the barbarians: or if,
like the high-souled king that he is, he tried to defend it I fear that the provinces
which lie upon the frontiers of the Frankish [123] kingdom would revolt from his empire.
But in this way I will try to show my gratitude for his generosity. I will give that land
into his power; and I will rule over it as his representative. Whenever he likes or
whenever there is a good opportunity he shall send me envoys; and he will find me a
faithful manager of the revenue of that province."
Thus was brought to pass what the poet spoke of as an impossibility: --
"The Parthian's eyes the Arar's stream shall greet
And Tigris' waves shall lave the German's feet":
for through the energy of the most vigourous Charles it was found not merely possible
but quite easy for his envoys to go and return; and the messengers of haroun, whether
young or old, passed easily from Parthia into Germany and returned from Germany to
parthia. (And the poet's words are true, whatever interpretation the grammarians put on
"the river Arar," whether they think it an affluent of the Rhone or the Rhine;
for they have fallen into confusion on this point through their ignorance of the locality27). I could call on Germany to bear witness to my
words; for in the time of your glorious father Lewis the land was compelled to pay a penny
for every acre of land held under the [125] law towards the redemption of Christian
captives in the Holy Land; and they made their wretched appeal in the name of the dominion
anciently held over that land by your great-grandfather Charles and your grandfather
10. Now as the occasion has arisen to make honourable mention of your
never-sufficiently-praised father,28 I should
like to recall some prophetic words which the most wise Charles is known to have uttered
about him. When he was six years old and had been most carefully reared in the house of
his father, he was thought (and justly) to be wiser than men sixty years of age. His
father then, hardly thinking it possible that he could bring him to see his grandfather,
nevertheless took him from his mother, who had reared him with the most tender care, and
began to instruct him how to conduct himself with propriety and modesty in the presence of
the emperor; and how if he were asked a question he was to make answer and show in all
things deference to his father. Thereafter he took him to the palace; and, on the first or
second day, the emperor noted him with interest standing among the rest of the courtiers.
"Who is that little fellow?" he said to his son; and he had for answer: "He
is mine, sire; and yours if you deign to have him." So he said: "Give him to
[126] me"; and, when that was done, he took the little fellow and kissed him and sent
him back to the place where he had formerly stood. But now he knew his own rank; and
thought it shame to stand lower than any one who was lower in rank than the emperor; so
with perfect composure of mind and body he took his place on terms of equality with his
father. The most prophetic Charles noticed this; and, calling his son Lewis, told him to
find out the name of the boy; and why he acted in this way; and what it was that made him
bold enough to claim equality with his father. The answer that Lewis got was founded on
good reason: "When I was your vassal," he said, "I stood behind you and
among soldiers of my own rank, as I was bound to do: but now I am your ally and comrade in
arms, and so I rightly claim equality with you." When Lewis reported this to the
emperor, the latter gave utterance to words something like these: -- "If that little
fellow lives he will be something great." (I have borrowed these words from the Life
of Saint Ambrose,29 because the actual words
that Charles used cannot be translated directly into Latin. And it seems fair to apply the
prophecy which was made of Saint Ambrose to Lewis; for Lewis closely resembled the saint,
except in such points as are necessary to an earthly [127] commonwealth, as for instance
marriage and the use of arms; and in the power of his kingdom and his zeal for religion,
Lewis was, if I may say so, superior to Saint Ambrose. He was a Catholic in faith, devoted
to the worship of God, and the unwearied ally, protector, and defender of the servants of
Here is an instance of this. When our faithful Abbot Hartmuth -- who is now your hermit
-- reported to him that the little endowment of Saint Gall, which was due not to royal
munificence but to the petty offerings of private people, was not defended by any special
charter such as other monasteries have, nor even by the laws that are common to all
people, and so was unable to procure any defender or advocate, King Lewis himself resisted
all our opponents, and was not ashamed to proclaim himself the champion of our weakness in
the presence of all his nobles. At the same time too he wrote a letter to your genius
directing that we should have license to make petition, after taking a special vote, for
whatever we would through your authority. But alas, what a stupid creature I am! I have
been probably drawn aside by my personal gratitude for the special kindness he showed us,
away from his general and indescribable goodness and greatness and nobleness.)
[128] 11. Now lewis, King and Emperor of all Germany, of the provinces of Rhætia and
of ancient Francia, of Saxony too and of Thuringia, of the provinces of Pannonia and of
all northern nations, was of large build and handsome; his eyes sparkled like the stars,
his voice was clear and manly. His wisdom was quite out of the common, and he added to it
by constantly applying his singularly acute intellect to the study of the scriptures. He
showed wonderful quickness too in anticipating or overcoming the plots of his enemies, in
bringing to an end the quarrels of his subjects , and in procuring every kind of advantage
for those who were loyal to him. More even than his ancestors he came to be a terror to
all the heathen that stood round about his kingdom. And he deserved his good fortune; for
he never defiled his tongue by condemning, nor his hands by shedding Christian blood;
except once only, and then upon the most absolute necessity. But I dare not tell that
story until I see a little Lewis or a Charles standing by your side.30 After that one slaughter, nothing could induce him to condemn anyone to
death. But the measure of compulsion which he used against those who were accused of
disloyalty or plots was merely this: he deprived them of office, and no new circumstance
[129] and no length of time could then soften his heart so as to restore them to the
former rank. He surpassed all men in his zealous devotion to prayer, religious fasting and
the care of the service of God; and like Saint Martin, whatever he was doing, he prayed to
God as though he were face to face with Him. On certain days he abstained from flesh and
all pleasant food. At the time of litanies he used to follow the cross with unshod feet
from his palace as far as the cathedral; or if he were at Regensburg as far as the church
of Saint Hemmeramm..31 In other places he
followed the customs of those whom he was with. He built new oratories of wonderful
workmanship at Frankfurt and Regensburg. In the latter place, as stones were wanting to
complete the immense fabric, he ordered the walls of the city to be pulled down; and in
certain holes in the wall they found bones of men long dead, wrapped in so much gold, that
not only did it serve to decorate the cathedral, but also he was able to furnish certain
books that were written on the subject with cases of the same material nearly a finger
thick. No clerk could stay with him, or even come into his presence, unless he were able
to read and chant. He despised monks who broke their vows, and loved those who kept them.
He was so full of [130] sweet tempered mirth, that, if anyone came to him in a morose
mood, merely to see him and exchange a few words with him sent the visitor away with
raised spirits. If anything evil of foolish was done in his presence, or if it happened
that he were told of it, then a single glance of his eyes was enough to check everything,
so that what is written of the eternal Judge who sees the hears of men (viz. "A King
that sitteth on the throne of judgment, scattereth away all evil with His eyes:) might be
fairly said to have begun in him, beyond what is usually granted to mortals.
All this I have written by way of digression, hoping that, if life lasts and Heaven is
propitious, I may in time to come write much more concerning him.
12. But I must return to my subject. While Charles was detained for a little at Aix by
the arrival of many visitors and the hostility of the unconquered Saxons and the robbery
and piracy of the Northmen and Moors, and while the war against the Huns was being
conducted by his son Pippin, the barbarous nations of the north attacked Noricum and
eastern Frankland and ravaged a great part of it. When he heard of this he humiliated them
in his own person; and he gave orders that all the boys and children of the invaders
should be "measured with the sword"; and if anyone exceeded that measurement he
should be shortened by a head.
This incident led to another much greater and more important. For, when your imperial
majesty's most holy grandfather departed from life, certain giants (like to those who,
Scripture tells us, were begotten by the sons of Seth from the daughters of Cain), blown
up with the spirit of pride and doubtless like to those who said, "What part have we
in David and what inheritance is the son of Esau?" -- these mighty men, I say,
despised the most worthy children of Charles, and each tried to seize for himself the
command in the kingdom and themselves to wear the crown. Then some of the middle class
were moved by the inspiration of God to declare that, as the renowned Emperor Charles had
once measured the enemies of Christianity with the sword, so, as long as any of his
progeny could be found of the length of a sword, he must rule over the Franks and over all
Germany too: thereupon that devilish group of conspirators was as it were struck with a
thunderbolt, and scattered in all directions.
But, after conquering the external foe, Charles was attacked at the hands of his own
people in a remarkable but unavailing plot..32 For on his return from the Slavs into his own kingdom he was nearly captured [131] and put
to death by his son, whom a concubine had borne to him and who had been called by his
mother by the ill-omened name of the most glorious Pippin. The plot was found out in the
following manner. This son of Charles had been plotting the death of the emperor with a
gathering of nobles, in the church of Saint Peter; and when their debate was over, fearful
of every shadow, he ordered search to be made, to see whether anyone was hidden in the
corners or under the altar. And behold they found, as they feared, a clerk hidden under
the altar. They seized him and made him swear that he would not reveal their conspiracy.
To save his life, he dared not refuse to take the oath which they dictated: but, when they
were gone, he held his wicked oath of small account and at once hurried to the palace.
With the greatest difficulty he passed through the seven bolted gates, and coming at
length to the emperor's chamber knocked upon the door. The most vigilant Charles fell into
a great astonishment, as to who it was that dared to disturb him at that time of night. He
however ordered the women (who followed in his train to wait upon the queen and the
princesses) to go out and see who was at the door and what he wanted. When they went out
and found the wretched creature, they bolted the door in his face and then, bursting [133]
with laughter and stuffing their dresses into their mouths, they tried to hide themselves
in the corners of the apartments. But that most wise emperor, whose notice nothing under
heaven could escape, asked straitly of the women who it was and what he wanted. When he
was told that it was a smooth-faced, silly, half-mad knave, dressed only in shirt and
drawers, who demanded an audience without delay, Charles ordered him to be admitted. Then
he fell at the emperor's feet and showed all that had happened. So all the conspirators,
entirely unsuspicious of danger, were seized before the third hour of the day and most
deservedly condemned to exile or some other form of punishment. Pippin himself, a dwarf
and a hunchback, was cruelly scourged, tonsured, and sent for some time as a punishment to
the monastery of Saint Gall; the poorest, it was judged, and the straitest in all the
emperor's broad dominions.
A short time afterwards some of the Frankish nobles sought to do violence to their
king. Charles was well aware of their intentions, and yet did not wish to destroy them;
because, if only they were loyal, they might be a great protection to all Christian men.
So he sent messengers to this Pippin and asked him his advice in the matter.
They found him in the monastery garden, in the [134] company of the elder brothers, for
the younger ones were detained by their work..33 He was digging up nettles and other weeds with a hoe, that the useful herbs might grow
more vigorously. When they had explained to him the reason of their coming he sighed
deeply, from the very bottom of his heart, and said in reply: -- "If Charles thought
my advice worth having he would not have treated me so harshly. I give him no advice. Go,
tell him what you found me doing." They were afraid to go back to the dreaded emperor
without a definite answer, and again and again asked him what message they should convey
to their lord. Then at last he said in anger: -- "I will send him no message except
-- what I am doing! I am digging up the useless growths in order that the valuable herbs
may be able to develop more freely."
So they went away sorrowfully thinking that they were bringing back a foolish answer.
When the emperor asked them upon their arrival what answer they were bringing, they
answered sorrowfully that after all their labour and long journeying they could get no
definite information at all. Then that most wise king asked them carefully where they had
found Pippin, and what he was doing, and what answer he had given them; and they said:
"We found him sitting on a rustic seat turning over the [135] vegetable garden with a
hoe. When we told him the cause of our journey we could extract no other reply than is,
even by the greatest entreaties: 'I give no message except -- what I am doing! I am
digging up the useless growths in order that the valuable herbs may be able to develop
more freely.'" When he heard this the emperor, not lacking in cunning and mighty in
wisdom, rubbed his ears and blew out his nostrils and said: "My good vassals, you
have brought back a very reasonable answer." So while the messengers were fearing
that they might be in peril of their lives, Charles was able to divine the real meaning of
the words. He took all those plotters away from the land of the living; and so gave to his
loyal subjects room to grow and spread, which had previously been occupied by those
unprofitable servants. One of his enemies, who had chosen as part of the spoil of the
empirethe highest hill in France and all that could be seen from it, was, by Charles's
orders, hanged upon a high gallows on that very hill. But he bade his bastard son Pippin
choose the manner of life that most pleased him. Upon this permission being given him, he
chose a post in a monastery then most noble but now destroyed..34 (Who is there that does not know the manner of its destruction! But I
will not tell the [136] story of its fall until I see your little Bernard with a sword
girt upon his thigh.)
The magnanimous Charles was often angry because he was urged to go out and fight
against foreign nations, when one of his nobles might have accomplished the task. I can
prove this from the action of one of my own neighbors. There was a man of Thurgau, .35 of the name of Eishere, who as his name implies
was "a great part of a terrible army".36 and so tall that you might have thought him sprung from the race of Anak, if they had not
lived so long ago and so far away. Whenever he came to the river Dura and found it swollen
and foaming with the torrents from the mountains, and could not force his huge charger to
enter the stream (though stream I must not call it, but hardly melted ice), then he could
seize the reins and force his horse to swim through behind him, saying: "Nay, by
Saint Gall, you must come, whether you like it or not!"
Well, this man followed the emperor and mowed down the bohemians and the Wiltzes and
Avars as a man might mow down hay; and spitted them on his spear like birds. When he came
home the sluggards asked him how he had got on in the country of the Winides; and he,
contemptuous of some and angry with others, replied: "Why should I have been [137]
bothered with those tadpoles? I used sometimes to spit seven or eight or nine of them on
my spear and carry them about with me squealing in their gibberish. My lord king and I
ought never to have been asked to weary ourselves in fighting against worms like
13. Now about the same time the emperor was putting the finishing touch to the war with
the Huns, and had received the surrender of the races that I have just mentioned, the
Northmen left their homes and disquieted greatly the Gauls and the Franks. Then the
unconquered Charles returned and tried to attack them by land in their own homes, but a
march through difficult and unknown country. But, whether it was that the providence of
God prevented it in order that, as the Scripture says, He might make trial of Israel, or
whether it was that our sins stood in the way, all his efforts came to nothing. One night,
to the serious discomfort of the whole army, it was calculated that fifty yoke of oxen
belonging to one abbey had died of a sudden disease. Afterwards when Charles was making a
prolonged journey through his vast empire, Gotefrid, king of the Northmen, encouraged by
his absence, invaded the territory of the Frankish kingdom and chose the district of the
Moselle for his home..37 But Gotefrid's [138]
own son (whose mother he had just put away and taken to himself a new wife) caught him,
while he was pulling off his hawk from a heron, and cut him through the middle with his
sword. Then, as happened of old when Holofernes was slain, none of the Northmen dare trust
any longer in his courage or his arms; but all sought safety in flight. And thus the
Franks were freed without their own effort, that they might not after the fashion of
Israel boast themselves against God. Then Charles, the unconquered and the invincible,
glorified God for His judgment; but complained bitterly that any of the Northmen had
escaped because of his absence. "Ah, woe is me!" he said, "that I was not
thought worthy to see my Christian hands dabbling in the blood of those dog-headed
14. It happened too that on his wanderings Charles once came unexpectedly to a certain
maritime city of Narbonensian Gaul. When he was dining quietly in the harbour of this
town, it happened that some Norman scouts made a piratical raid. When the ships came in
sight some thought them Jews, some African or British merchants, but the most wise
Charles, by the build of the ships and their speed, knew them to be not merchants but
enemies, and said to his companions: "These ships [139] are not filled with
merchandise, but crowded with our fiercest enemies." When they heard this, in eager
rivalry, they hurried in haste to the ships. But all was in vain, for when the Northmen
heard that Charles, the Hammer, as they used to call him, was there, fearing lest their
fleet should be beaten back or even smashed in pieces, they withdrew themselves, by a
marvellously rapid flight, not only from the swords but even from the eyes of those who
followed them. The most religious, just and devout Charles had risen from the table and
was standing at an eastern window. For a long time he poured down tears beyond price, and
none dared speak a word to him; but at last he explained his actions and his tears to his
nobles in these words: -- "Do you know why I weep so bitterly, my true servants? I
have no fear of those worthless rascals doing any harm to me; but I am sad at heart to
think that even during my lifetime they have dared to touch this shore; and I am torn by a
great sorrow because I foresee what evil things they will do to my descendants and their
May the protection of our Master Christ prevent the accomplishment of this prophecy;
may your sword, tempered already in the blood of the Nordostrani, resist it! The sword of
your brother Carloman will help, which now lies idle and rusted, not for [140] want of
spirit, but for want of funds, and because of the narrowness of the lands of your most
faithful servant Arnulf..38 If your might wills
it, if your might orders it, it will easily be made bright and sharp again. These and the
little shoot of Bernard form the only branch that is left of the once prolific root of
Lewis, to flourish under the wonderful growth of your protection. Let me insert here
therefore in the history of your namesake Charles an incident in the life of your
great-great-grandfather Pippin: which perhaps some future little Charles or Lewis may read
and imitate.
15. When the Lombards and other enemies of the Romans were attacking them, they sent
ambassadors to this same Pippin, and asked him for the love of Saint Peter to condescend
to come with all speed to their help. As soon as he had conquered his enemies he came
victoriously to Rome,.39 and this was the song
of praise with which the citizens received him. "The fellow-citizens of the apostles
and the servants of God have come to-day bringing peace, and making their native land
glorious, to give peace to the heathen and to set free the people of the Lord." (Many
people, ignorant of the meaning and origin of this song, have been accustomed to sing it
on the birthdays of the apostles.) Pippin feared [141] the envy of the people of Rome (or,
more truly, of Constantinople) and soon returned to Frankland.
When he found that the nobles of his army were accustomed in secret to speak
contemptuously of him, he ordered one day a huge and ferocious bull to be brought out; and
then a savage lion to be let loose upon him. The lion rushed with tremendous fury on the
bull, seized him by the neck and cast him on the ground. Then the king said to those who
stood round him: "Now, drag off the lion from the bull, or kill the one on the top of
the other." They looked on one another, with a chill at their hearts, and could
hardly utter these words amidst their sobs: -- "Lord, what man is there under heaven,
who dare attempt it?" Then Pippin rose confidently from his throne, drew his sword,
and at one blow cut through the neck of the lion and severed the head of the bull from his
shoulders. Then he put back his sword into its sheath and sat again upon his throne and
said: "Well, do you think I am fit to be your lord? Have you not heard what the
little David did to the giant Goliath, or what the child Alexander did to his
nobles?" They fell to the ground, as though a thunderbolt had struck them, and cried:
"Who but a madman would deny your right to rule over all mankind?"
[142] Not only was his courage shown against beasts and men; but he also fought an
incredible contest against evil spirits. The hot baths at Aix had not yet been built; but
hot and healing waters bubbled from the ground. He ordered his chamberlain to see that the
water was clean and that no unknown person was allowed to enter into them. This was done;
and the king took his sword and, dressed only in linen gown and slippers, hurried off to
the bath; when lo! the Old Enemy met him, and attacked him as though he would slay him.
But the king, strengthened with the sign of the cross, made bare his sword; and, noticing
a shape in human form, struck his unconquerable sword through it into the ground so far,
that he could only drag it out again after a long struggle. But the shape was so far
material that it defiled all those waters with blood and gore and horrid slime. But even
this did not upset the unconquerable Pippin. He said to his chamberlain: "Do not mind
this little affair. Let the defiled water run for a while; and then, when it flows clear
again, I will take my bath without delay."
16. I had intended, most noble emperor, to weave my little narrative only round your
great-grandfather Charles, all of whose deeds you know [143] well. But since the occasion
arose which made it necessary to mention your most glorious father Lewis, called the
illustrious, and your most religious grandfather Lewis, called the pious, and your most
warlike great-great-grandfather Pippin the younger, I thought it would be wrong to pass
over their deeds in silence, for the sloth of modern writers has left them almost untold.
There is no need to speak of the elder Pippin, for the most learned Bede in his
ecclesiastical history has devoted nearly a whole volume to him. But now that I have
recounted all these things by way of digression I must swim swan-like back to your
illustrious namesake Charles. But, if I do not curtail somewhat his feats in war, I shall
never come to consider his daily habits of life. Now I will give with all possible brevity
the incidents that occur to me.
17. When after the death of the ever-victorious Pippin the Lombards were again
attacking Rome, the unconquered Charles, though he was fully occupied with business to the
north of the Alps, marched swiftly into Italy. He received the Lombards into his service
after they had been humbled in a war that was almost bloodless, or (one might say), after
they had surrendered of their own free will; and to prevent them from ever again revolting
[144] from the Frankish kingdom or doing any injury to the territories of Saint Peter, he
married the daughter of Desiderius, chief of the Lombards. But no long time afterwards,
because she was an invalid and little likely to give issue to Charles, she was, by the
counsel of the holiest of the clergy, put aside, even as though she were dead: whereupon
her father in wrath bound his subjects to him by oath, and shutting himself up within the
walls of Pavia, he prepared to give battle to the invincible Charles, who, when he had
received certain news of the revolt, hurried to Italy with all speed.
Now it happened that some years before one of the first nobles, called Otker, had
incurred the wrath of the most terrible emperor, and had fled for refuge to Desiderius.
When the near approach of the dreaded Charles was known, these two went up into a very
high tower, from which they could see anyone approaching at a very great distance. When
therefore the baggage-waggons appeared, which moved more swiftly than those used by Darius
or Julius, Desiderius said to Otker: "Is Charles in that vast army?" And Otker
answered: "Not yet." Then when he saw the vast force of the nations gathered
together from all parts of his empire, he said with confidence to Otker: "Surely
Charles moves in pride among those forces." But Otker answered: "Not yet, not
yet." Then Desiderius fell into great alarm and said, "What shall we do if a yet
great force comes with him?" And Otker said, "You will see what he is like when
he comes. What will happen to us I cannot say." And, behold, while they were thus
talking, there came in sight Charles's personal attendants, who never rested from their
labours; and Desiderius saw them and cried in amazement, "There is Charles." And
Otker answered: "Not yet, not yet." Then they saw the bishops and the abbots and
the clerks of his chapel with their attendants. When he saw them he hated the light and
longed for death, and sobbed and stammered, "Let us of down to hide ourselves in the
earth from the face of an enemy so terrible." And Otker answered trembling, of once,
in happier days, he had had through and constant knowledge of the policy and preparations
of the unconquerable Charles: "When you see an iron harvest bristling in the fields;
and the Po and the Ticino pouring against the walls of the city like the waves of the sea,
gleaming black with glint of iron, then know that Charles is at hand." Hardly were
these words finished when there came from the west a black cloud, which turned the bright
day to horrid gloom. But as the emperor drew nearer the gleam [146] of the arms turned the
darkness into day, a day darker than any night to that beleaguered garrison. Then could be
seen the iron Charles, helmeted with an iron helmet, his hands clad in iron gauntlets, his
iron breast and broad shoulders protected with an iron breastplate: an iron spear was
raised on high in his left hand; his right always rested on his unconquered iron falchion.
The thighs, which with most men are uncovered that they may the more easily ride on
horseback, were in his case clad with plates of iron: I need make no special mention of
his greaves, for the greaves of all the army were of iron. His shield was all of iron: his
charger was iron coloured and iron-hearted. All who went before him, all who marched by
his side, all who followed after him and the whole equipment o the army imitated him as
closely as possible. The fields and open places were filled with iron; the rays of the sun
were thrown back by the gleam of iron; a people harder than iron paid universal honour to
the hardness of iron. The horror of the dungeon seemed less than the bright gleam of iron.
"Oh the iron! Woe for the iron!" was the confused cry that rose from the
citizens. The strong walls shook at the sight of the iron; the resolution of young and old
fell before the iron. Now when the truthful Otker saw in one swift glance all this which
[147] I, with stammering tongue and the voice of a child, have been clumsily explaining
with rambling words, he said to Desiderius: "There is the Charles that you so much
desired to see": and when he had said this he fell to the ground half dead.
But as the inhabitants of the city, either through madness or because they entertained
some hope of resistance, refused to let Charles enter on that day, the most inventive
emperor said to his men: "Let us build to-day some memorial, so that we may not be
charged with passing the day in idleness. Let us make hast to build for ourselves a little
house of prayer, where we may give due attention to the service of God, if they do not
soon throw open the city to us." No sooner had he said it than his men flew off in
every direction, collected lime and stones, wood and paint, and brought them to the
skilled workmen who always accompanied him. And between the fourth hour of the day and the
twelfth they built, with the help of the young nobles and the soldiers,such a cathedral,
so provided with walls and roofs, with fretted ceilings and frescoes, that none who saw it
could believe that it had taken less than a year to build. But, how on the next day some
of the citizens wanted to throw open the gate; and some wanted to fight against him, even
without hope of [148] victory, or rather to fortify themselves against him; and how easily
he conquered, took and occupied the city, without the shedding of blood, and merely by the
exercise of skill; -- all this I must leave others to tell, who follow your highness not
for love, but in the hope of gain.
Then the most religious Charles marched on and came to the city of Friuli, which the
pedants call Forum Julii. Now it happened just at this time that the bishop of that city
(or, to use a modern word, the patriarch) was drawing near to the end of his life. Charles
made haste to visit him, in order that he might designate his successor by name. But the
bishop, with remarkable piety, sighed from the bottom of his heart and said: "Sire, I
have held this bishopric for a long time without any use of profit; and now I leave it to
the judgement of god and your disposal. For I do not wish, at the point of death, to add
anything to the mountain of sin that I have heaped together during my life, for which I
shall have to make answer to the inevitable and incorruptible Judge." The most wise
Charles was so pleased with these words, that he rightly thought him the equal in virtue
of the ancient fathers.
After Charles, of all the energetic Franks the most energetic, had stayed in that
country for a short time, [149] while he was appointing a worthy successor to the deceased
bishop, one festal day after the celebration of mass he said to his retinue: "We must
not let leisure lead us into slothful habits: let us go hunting and kill something; and
let us all go in the very clothes that we are wearing at this moment." Now the day
was cold and rainy and Charles was wearing a sheepskin, not much more costly than the
cloak which Saint Martin wore when with bare arms he offered to God a sacrifice that
received divine approval. But the others -- for it was a holiday and they had just come
from Pavia, whither the Venetians had carried all the wealth of the east from their
territories beyond the sea -- the other, I say, strutted in robes made of pheasant-skins
and silk; or of the necks, backs and tails of peacocks in their first plumage. Some were
decorated with purple and lemon-coloured ribbons; some were wrapped round with blankets
and some in ermine robes. They scoured the thickets; they were torn by branches of trees,
thorns, and briars; they were drenched with rain; they were defiled with the blood of wild
beasts and the filth of the skins; and in this plight they returned home. Then the most
crafty Charles said: "No one of us must take off his dress of skins before he goes to
bed; they will dry better upon our bodies." Then everyone, more anxious [150] about
his body than his dress, made search for fire and tried to warm himself. Then they
returned and remained in attendance upon Charles far into the night before they were
dismissed to their apartments. Then when they began to draw off their dresses of skins and
their slender belts, the creased and shrunken garments could be heard even from a distance
cracking like sticks broken when they are dry: and the courtiers sighed and groaned and
lamented that they had lost so much money on a single day. They had received however a
command from the emperor to appear before him next day in the same skin-garments. When
they came it was no longer the splendid show of yesterday; for they looked dirty and
squalid in their discoloured and rent clothes. Then Charles, full of guile, said to his
chamberlain: "Give my sheepskin a rub and bring it to me." It came quite white
and perfectly sound and Charles took it and showed it to all those who were there and
spoke as follows: -- "Most foolish of mortal men! which of these dresses is the most
valuable and the most useful, this one of mine which was bought for a piece of silver, or
those of yours which you bought for pounds, nay for many talents?" Their eyes sank to
the ground for they could not bear his most terrible censure.
[151] Your most religious father imitated this example of the Great Charles all through
his life, for he never allowed anyone, who seemed to him worthy of his notice or his
teaching, to wear anything when on campaign against the enemy except the military
accoutrements, and garments of wool and linen. If any of his servants, ignorant of this
rule, happened to meet him with silk or silver or gold upon his person, he would receive a
reprimand of the following king and would depart a better and a wiser man. "Here's a
blase of gold and silver and scarlet! Why, you wretched fellow, can't you be satisfied
with perishing yourself in battle if Fate so decides? Must you also give your wealth into
the hands of the enemy; which might have gone to ransom your soul, but now will decorate
the temples of the heathen?" But now, though you know it better than I do, I will
tell again how, from early youth up to his seventieth year, the unconquered Lewis
delighted in iron; and what an exhibition of his fondness for iron he made in the presence
of the legates of the Northmen!
18. When the kings of the Northmen sent gold and silver as witness of their loyalty and
their swords as a mark of their perpetual subjection and surrender, the king gave orders
that the precious metals should be [152] thrown upon the floor, and should be looked upon
by all with contempt, and be trampled upon by all as though they were dirt. But, as he sat
upon his lofty throne, he ordered the swords to be brought to him that he might make trial
of them. Then the ambassadors, anxious to avoid the possibility of any suspicion of an
evil design, took the swords by the very point (as servants hand knives to their masters)
and thus gave them to the emperor at their own risk. He took one by the hilt and tried to
bend the tip of the blade right back to the base; but the blade snapped between his hands
which were stronger than the iron itself. Then one of the envoys drew his own sword from
its sheath and offered it, like a servant, to the emperor's service, saying: "I think
you will find this sword as flexible and as strong as your all-conquering right hand could
desire." Then the emperor (a true emperor he! As the Prophet Isaiah says in his
prophecy, "Consider the rock whence ye were hewn"; for he out of all the vast
population of Germany, by the singular favour of God, rose to the level of the strength
and courage of an earlier generation) -- the emperor, I say, bent it like a vine-twig from
the extreme point back to the hilt, and then let it gradually straighten itself again.
Then the envoys gazed upon one another and said in amazement: [153] "Would that our
kings held gold and silver so cheap and iron so precious."
19. As I have mentioned the Northmen I will show by an incident drawn from the reign of
your grandfather in what slight estimation they hold faith and baptism. Just as after the
death of the warrior King David, the neighbouring peoples, whom his strong hand had
subdued, for a long time paid their tribute to his peaceful son Solomon: even so the
terrible race of the Northmen still loyally paid to Lewis the tribute which through terror
they had paid to his father, the most august Emperor Charles. Once the most religious
Emperor Lewis took pity on their envoys, and asked them if they would be willing to
receive the Christian religion; and, when they answered that always and everywhere and in
everything they were ready to obey him, he ordered them to be baptised in the name of Him,
of whom the most learned Augustine says: "If there were no Trinity, the Truth would
never have said: 'Go and teach all peoples, baptising them in the name of the Father, Son
and Holy Ghost.'" The nobles of the palace adopted them almost as children, and each
received from the emperor's chamber a white robe and from their sponsors a full Frankish
attire, of costly robes and arms and other decorations.
[154] This was often done and from year to year they came in increasing numbers, not
for the sake of Christ but for earthly advantage. They made haste to come, not as envoys
any longer but as loyal vassals, on Easter Eve to put themselves at the disposal of the
emperor; and it happened that on a certain occasion they came to the number of fifty. The
emperor asked them whether they wished to be baptised, and when they had confessed he bade
them forthwith be sprinkled with holy water. As linen garments were not ready in
sufficient numbers he ordered shirts to be cut up and sewn together into the fashion of
wraps. One of these was forthwith clapped upon the shoulders of one of the elder men; and
when he had looked all over it for a minute, he conceived fierce anger in his mind, and
said to the emperor: "I have gone through this washing business here twenty times
already, and I have been dressed in excellent clothes of perfect whiteness; but a sack
like this is more fit for clodhoppers than for soldiers. If I were not afraid of my
nakedness, for you have taken away my own clothes and have given me no new ones, I would
soon leave your wrap and your Christ as well."
Ah! how little do the enemies of Christ value the words of the Apostle of Christ where
he says: -- "All ye that are baptised in Christ, put on christ:; and [155] again:
"Ye that are baptised in Christ are baptised in His death"; or that passage
which is aimed especially at those who despise the faith and violate the sacraments:
"Crucifying the Son of God afresh and putting Him to an open shame!" Oh! would
that this were the case only with the heathen; and not also among those who are called by
the name of Christ!
20. Now I must tell a story about the goodness of the first Lewis, and then I shall
come back to Charles. That most peaceable emperor Lewis, being free from the incursions of
the enemy, gave all his care to works of religion, as, for instance, to prayer, to works
of charity, to the hearing and just determinations of trials at law. His talents and his
experience had made him very skilful in this latter business; and when one day there came
to him one, who was considered a very Achitophel by all, and tried to deceive him he gave
him this answer following, with courteous mein and kindly voice, though with some little
agitation of mind. "Most wise Anselm," he said, "if I may be allowed to say
so, I would venture to observe that you are deviating from the path of rectitude."
From that day the reputation of that legal luminary sank to nothing in the eyes of all the
[156] 21. Moreover the most merciful Lewis was so intent on works of charity that he
liked not merely to have them done in his sight, but even to do them with his own hand.
Even when he was away he made special arrangements for the trial of cases in which the
poor were concerned. He chose one of their own number, a man of small bodily strength, but
apparently more courageous than the rest, and gave orders that he should decide offenses
committed by them; and should see to the restoration of stolen property, the requital of
injuries and wounds, and in cases of greater crimes to the infliction of mutilation,
decapitation, and the exposure of the bodies on the gallows. This man established dukes,
tribunes, centurions and their representatives, and performed his task with energy.
Moreover the most merciful emperor, worshipping Christ in the persons of all the poor,
was never weary of giving them food and clothing: and he did so especially on the day when
Christ, having put off His mortal body, was preparing to take to Himself an incorruptible
one. On that day it was his practice to make presents to each and every one of those who
served in the palace or did duty in the royal court. He would order belts, leg coverings
and precious garments brought from all parts of his vast empire [157] to be given to some
of his nobles; the lower orders would get Frisian cloaks of various colours; his grooms,
cooks and kitchen-attendants got clothes of linen and wool and knives according to their
needs. Then, when according to the Acts of the Apostles there was no one that was in need
of anything, there was a universal feeling of gratitude. The ragged poor, now decently
clad, raised their voices to heaven with the cry of "'Kyrie Eleison' to the blessed
Lewis" through all the wide courts and the smaller openings of Aix (which the Latins
usually call porches); and all the knights who could embraced the feet of the emperor; and
those who could not get to him worshipped him afar off as he made his way to church. On
one of these occasions one of the fools said in jest:"O happy Lewis, who on one day
hast been able to clothes so many people. By Christ, I think that no one in Europe has
clothed more than you this day except Atto.".40 When the emperor asked him how it was possible that Atto should have clothed more, the
jester, pleased to have secured the attention of the emperor, said with a grin: "He
has distributed to-day a vast number of new clothes." The emperor, with the sweetest
possible expression on his face, took this for the silly joke it was, and entered the
church in humble devotion, and there behaved [158] himself so reverently that he seemed to
have our Lord Jesus Christ Himself before his bodily eyes.
It was his habit to go to the baths every Saturday, not for any need there was of it,
but because it gave him an opportunity of making presents; for he used to give everything
that he took off, except his sword and bet, to his attendants. His liberality reached even
to the lowest grades: insomuch that he once ordered all his attire to be given to one
Stracholf, a glazier, and a servant of Saint Gall. When the servants of the barons heard
of this, they laid an ambuscade for him on the road and tried to rob him. Then he cried
out: "What are you doing? You are using violence to the glazier of the emperor!"
They answered: "You can keep your office but . . . "
[Here the MS. ends, and the further adventures of Stracholf are left
to conjecture.]
1. The reference is to the Book of Daniel II, 33.
2. The pilgrimage is, of course, life.
3. The visit of Albinus (or Alcuin) of York to the court of
King Charles is alluded to in Eginhard's Life of Charles, Ch. XXV. His arrival in
Frankland occurred in 781, and was of the utmost importance in stimulating and guiding the
intellectual renascence of Charles's reign.
4. "Lord, if I am still useful to thy people I will
willingly take on myself this labour on their behalf. Thy will be done" is the full
versicle, which comes on the 11th November (St. Martin's Day). The story in the text is
made intelligible when we find that more than one of the responses that follow end with
the words "Thy will be done." The poor clerk knew that, and started off,
therefore, on the Lord's Prayer, which he knew would bring him to the right ending.
5. Grimald was Abbot of St. Gall from 841 to 872. It will be
noticed all through the piece that the narrative becomes more full and definite, though
not necessarily more truthful, when it touches on the writer's own monastery.
6. The whole of this statement is a tissue of absurdities,
which are, however, worth a moment's attention , as giving some indication of the value
that is to be attached to the Monk of St. Gall's testimony. The Pope Stephen here alluded
to must be Stephen II, who occupied the Papal throne from 752 to 757. He it was who
crowned Pippin King of the Franks in 754. He can have had nothing to do with Charlemagne,
who did not reign until 768; but the words of the text (se ad gubernacula regni
perunxit) can only refer to Charles. It must have been Pope Stephen III (768-772) to
whom Charlemagne appealed it there is any truth in the story at all; and Pope Stephen III,
can, of course, have had nothing to do with Hilderich.
7. Pope Leo III did not succeed Pope Stephen until after an
interval of 23 years. Pope Leo III's date is 795-816.
8. For Drogo see Eginhard's Life, Ch XV. But again the
unhistorical character of the narrative is shown by the fact that Drogo was made Bishop of
Metz, after the death of Charles, and against his own will.
9. A curious display of trivial learning! But it is
interesting to note the mention of Greek as a language not wholly unknown to a monk of the
ninth century.
10. See Eginhard's Life, Ch. XXIV, for the difficulties
found by Charles in observing the fasts of Lent.
11. Here is another notorious error. Hildigard died in 783.
Fastrada was queen when, in 791, Charles advanced to the war against the Avars.
12. The next six chapters are omitted, because in them the
Monk of St. Gall is led away, by his desire to tell a good and edifying story, into matter
that has no connection of any kind with Charlemagne, and is sometimes offensive to modern
taste. The stories are for the most part to the discredit of the Episcopal order. A single
phrase in Chapter XXV may be noted, as indicating the theocratic view of Charles which the
writer takes throughout: "the most religious Charles" is called episcopus
episcoporum, "the bishop of bishops."
13. Our author here again handles events of the most
general notoriety in a spirit completely independent of historical accuracy. Leo III, was,
it is true, the Pope to whose assistance Charlemagne came; but no Michael was ruling at
that time in Constantinople. Michael II reigned from 820-829, and Michael III from
845-867. Thus the name was associated, in the mind of the Monk of St. Gall, with the
imperial throne of the east -- and that was more than enough. The sentiment attributed to
the Emperor is as impossible as his name is inaccurate.
14. St. Pancras is one of the saints given by the
persecution of the Emperor Diocletian to the calendar of the Church. He is said to have
been executed in his fourteenth year in the year 295. The following extract from the
Golden Legend will explain the reference in the text: "Of him said Gregory of Tours,
Doctor: That if there be a man that will make a false oath in the place of his sepulchre,
tofore or he came to the chancel of the quire he shall be travailed with an evil spirit
and out of mind, or he shall fall on the pavement all dead. It happed on a time that there
was a great altercation between two men, and the judge wist not who had wrong. And, for
the jealousy of justice that he had, he brought them both unto the altar of Saint Peter
for to swear, praying the apostle that he would declare who had right. And when he that
had wrong had sworn and had none harm, the judge who knew the malice of him said all on
high: This old Peter here is either over-merciful, or he is propitious to this young man,
but let us go to Pancrace and demand we of him the truth; and when they came to the
sepulchre, he that was culpable swore and stretched forth his hand, but he might not
withdraw his hand again to him, and anon after he died there, and therefore unto this day,
of much people it is used that for great and notable causes make their oaths upon the
relics of S. Pancrace."
15. This celebrated coronation took place on Christmas Day
of the year 800, and marks the foundation of the Medieval Empire. Charles is known to have
expressed regret either at the fact or the manner of the presentation of the imperial
crown; and the Monk of St. Gall is not so wide of the point as usual in the account he
gives of the causes of his hesitation.
16. Giants figure largely in the stories which are told of
St. Antony's temptation. The Golden Legend says: "S. Anthony recordeth of himself
that he had seen a man so great and so high that he vaunted himself to be the virtue and
the providence of God and said to me: 'Demand of me what thou wilt, and I shall give it to
thee.' And I spit in the midst of his visage, and anon I armed me with the sign of the
cross, and ran upon him, and anon he vanished away. And after this the devil appeared to
him in so great stature that he touched the heaven, etc." Gigantic appearances
figure, too, elsewhere in the story of St. Antony's trials.
17. Two motives are to be detected in most of these stories
beyond the general purpose of moral and religious edification. There is the jealousy of
the bishops, so usually felt by the monks, and there is the scorn felt by the northern
peoples for the refinements of the Italian population.
18. I have inserted the passage in brackets, which seems
necessary to give meaning to the following instances.
19. This King of the Franks is, of course, not Charlemagne,
but Charles the Third, called the Fat, who in 883 spent three days in the Monastery of St.
20. Julian's death took place in 367. It need scarcely be
pointed out that the Monks' historical narrative is here of the very wildest description.
21. It is unnecessary to disentangle the Monk's strange
perversion of history; but it may be noted that he identifies the Avars, whom Charlemagne
subdued, with the Huns who followed Attila. But the Huns and the Avars, though allied in
race, where two quite distinct nationalities.
22. It would be an interesting inquiry whether
archaeological or historical research corroborates in any way this interesting account
which Adalbert gives of the Hunnish fortifications.
23. These three sons are -- Charles, who died in 811;
Pippin, who died in 810; and Lewis, who succeeded to the undivided dominions of
Charlemagne, and is usually known as Lewis the Pious.
24. The Persians of the ninth century are by the Monk
identified with the Persians of the period of Marathon and Salamis.
25. It must be remembered that the whole of the Monk's
narrative is nominally addressed to Charles the Fat, great-grandson of Charlemagne.
26. This is the famous Haroun al Raschid already mentioned
in Eginhard's Life of Charlemagne.
27. There is really no doubt about the identification of
the Arar. It is the Saône, the most important of the tributaries of the Rhone.
28. This is Lewis of Bavaria, who was King of Germany from
843-876, the son of Lewis the Pious, and the father of Charles the Fat.
29. The Monks's method here is not difficult to understand.
The words of St. Ambrose and the parallel between the Saint and Charles are clearly
introduced to give evidence of the writer's wide learning.
30. Charles the Fat had no children; but he had a brother,
Carloman, King of Bavaria, and another, Lewis, King of Saxony.
31. St. Hemmeramm (or Emmeran, as the name is now usually
written) was first a bishop in some Frankish see (possibly Poitiers) who about 649 went as
a missionary to the idolaters of Bavaria. He was assassinated in 652 near Munich, on his
road to Rome. A church in Regensburg is still called by his name.
32. This conspiracy is given in Eginhard's Life, Chap. XX,
but without the Monk's picturesque details, and with the substitution of Prumia (in the
Moselle country) for the Monastery of St. Gall. Eginhard's authority must, of course, be
preferred, and we have, therefore, a striking instance of the monkish chronicler's desire
to turn everything to the honour of his own cloister.
33. This story has a long history. It is first told of
Thrasybulus, tyrant of Miletus; it was then adapted by Livy (1-54) to Tarquin, King of
Rome, with slight alterations. The same story, which is here told somewhat clumsily, and
applied to Charlemagne, is given by Ekkehard as belonging to the reign of Charles III.
34. The reference is to the Monastery of Prumia, which was
destroyed by the Northmen in 882.
35. Thurgau is in Switzerland.
36. "Eis," meaning terrible; and
"here," an army.
37. No Northman made any permanent settlement on the
Moselle either in the reign of Charles or at any other time. At most this can refer only
to the boast, or design, of some such chief as Gotefrid.
38. The allusion to the Nordostrani fixes this reference to
the year 882, when the Northmen were a terrible and increasing danger to all Frankland.
The Arnulf here mentioned was the son of Charles the Fat, and, later, Emperor.
39. This story of King Pippin's visit to Rome is entirely
legendary. It is repeated by later chroniclers, but is certainly without basis of any
40. I confess myself unable to make anything out of the
jester's references to Atto.
A.J. Grant, ed. and trans. Early Lives of Charlemagne by Eginhard and the Monk of St.
Gall, (London: Chatto & Windus, London, 1926), 59-158.
Page numbers of the printed edition are indicated in the texts by numbers in brackets,
e.g. [59].
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