Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Selected Sources: Early Germanic Peoples and States
Romanized (Christian) Goths
--In Gaul
--In Spain
- Third Council of Toledo: The Visigoth Conversion to Catholicism 589 PDF [At Catholic Culture] [Internet Archive version here]
- Creed of the Council of Toledo, 675
- Professions of Faith Extracted from Jews on Baptism,
Visigothic and Byzantine
- Fourth Council of Toledo: Division of the Tithe in
Spain, 633
- The Jews of Spain
and the Visigothic Code, 654-681
- The Visigothic Code (Forum iudicum) ed. and trans. by S.P. Scott PDF (Print edition: Boston
Book Company, 1910) [Also here at Internet Archive]. Also available in Latin [At MDZ]
- The Visigothic Code (Book II: On Justice), trans Ralph W. Ewton (MA Thesis, 1961) PDF [Internet Archive version here]
- Isidore of Seville (c.560-636): Chronicon, trans. Kenneth Wolf (2004), full text [At Tertullian] [Internet Archive version here]
- Isidore of Seville (c.560-636): The Etymologies, trans.Ernest Brehaut (1912), very long excerpts/full text, PDF [Internet Archive version here]
- La necrópolis de época visigoda de Castiltierra (Segovia) 1932-1935 Materiales conservados en el Museo Arqueológico Nacional (The Visigothic necropolis of Castiltierra (Segovia) Excavations directed by E. Camps and J. M.ª de Navascués, 1932-1935. Materials preserved in the National Archaeological Museum) [Internet Archive]
Non-Christian Germans
- The Ripuarian Law: Inheritance of Allodial Land, c.
- Tomb of Childeric, modern archeological report [At ArchEurope] [internet Archive version here]
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): On
Clovis and the Vase at Soissons, from History of the Franks, Book II. These are
different selections than in Tierney. Geary has much longer selection from Books II and
IX, from a copyrighted translation, but see next item. See also
Catholic Encyclopedia: The Franks
- The Conversion of Clovis: Two Accounts, 496
by The Chronicle of St. Denis, and Gregory of Tours.
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): History of the Franks,
6th century.
Complete text of Earnest Brehaut's abridged translation 1916.
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): History of the Franks,
6th century.
Complete text of O.M. Dalton's complete 1927 translation 1927 PDF [At Internet Acrchive]
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): The Conversion of
Clovis, from History of the Franks, Book II..
- Fifth Council of Orleans: Concerning Freedmen, 549
- Gregory of Tours: Enslaving Noble Families, 511
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Church Exemption from
Taxation, c. 570
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Exemption of Tours from
Poll Tax, c. 585
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Exemption of the Church in
Clermont from Royal Taxes, c. 590
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Harsh Treatment of Serfs
and Slaves, c. 575
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Opposition to Royal
Taxation, c. 575-580
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Episodes of Medieval Warfare from the History of the Franks [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- Remigius of Reims: Letter to Clovis [at Lincoln] [Internet Archive version here]
- Avitus : Letter 46 to Clovis [See article by Danuta Shanzer here] [Internet Archive version here]
- Gregory of Tours (539-594): Life of St. Gall,
from Lives of the Fathers, (539-594).
- Law of the Salian Franks
- Dado of Rouen: The Life of Eligius , 588-660 CE, trans,
Jo Ann McNamara.
- St. Eligius: Redemption of Slaves, c. 630
- Tolls on the Rhône, c. 630
- Dagobert, King of the Franks: Grant of an Estate to
Monks of St. Denis, 635
- Testament of St Bercharius establising the Abbey of Montierender, 663 [At Wikisource]
German Cultures
NOTES: copyrighted means the text is not available for free distribution. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site name or
location]. No indication means that the text file is local. WEB indicates a link to one of
small number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially
valuable overview.
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 5 February 2025 [CV]