Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Maps and Images
Guide to Contents
The section of the Sourcebook is devoted to copy-permitted maps and images.
These images can be used in teaching, and in web page creation. The source of images is
indicated for each image.
- Main Page will take you back to
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- New Accessions Page will take you back
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- Search the Sourcebook will enable
searches of the full texts of all the source texts at Fordham, at ORB, or selected
ancient, late antique, and medieval text databases.
Medieval Maps
If the map you want is not here, try:
- Europe: Outline Map(BW)
- Europe on the Eve of the Barbarian Invasions, 395 (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: Medieval and Modern, (London: 1911)
- Europe, 476, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 526, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 600, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 800, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 900, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 1099(Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 1360, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Europe, 1519, (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
- Satellite Map of the Middle
East (source unknown) [At Medieval Sourcebook]
The Middle East in the Sixth Century,
from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
Muslim Expansion in the Time of Muhammad from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- Map of Muslim Expansion until A.D. 661, from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Growth of Muslim Power:
First 25 Years (BW) [At Medieval Sourcebook] Source: H.G. Wells, A Short
History of the World, (London: 1922)
- Muslim Expansion in the West in the Umayyad Period (661-750), from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Muslim Empire: 750 CE (BW) Source: H.G. Wells, A Short History of the World, (London: 1922) [At
Medieval Sourcebook]
The Abbasid Caliphate (786-809)
from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957)
[Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
The Mediterranean in the Ninth Century from R. Roolvink et al., Historical Atlas of the Muslim Peoples (Amsterdam, 1957) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Late Abbasid Caliphate c .900 CE,
from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Muslim World c. 1300CE,
from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Muslim World c. 1500CE,
from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden, 1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
- The Middle East in the Nineteenth Century, from W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam (Leiden,
1981) [Was At UPenn, now Internet Archive]
Turks: Seljuqs and Ottomans
India and Far East
Merovingians and Carolingians
- Frankish Domains 511-561 (BW)
Source: Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks, trans. Ernest Brehaut,(New York:
Columbia University Press, 1916)
- Frankish Domains at Time of Charles Martel (BW)
Source: H.G. Wells, A Short History of the World, (London: 1922)
- Europe at Death of Charlemagne, 814 (BW)
Source: H.G. Wells, A Short History of the World, (London: 1922)
- The Division of the Carolingian Empire: Verdun 843 and
Mersen, 870 (Col)
Adapted from Muir's Historical Atlas: (1911)
Growth of European States
The Mongols
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copyright infringement will result in the immediate removal of a text until its status is
© Paul Halsall January 1998-October 2000 1998
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
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Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 5 February 2025 [CV]