Medieval Sourcebook:
Sixth Ecumenical Council: Constantinople III, 680-681
[Note: pagination of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers edition preserved]
Historical Introduction.
Extracts from the Acts, Session I.
The Letter of Pope Agatho to the Emperor.
The Letter of the Roman Synod to the Council.
Introductory Note.
Extracts from the Acts, Session VIII.
The Sentence against the Monothelites, Session XIII.
The Acclamations, Session XVI.
The Definition of Faith.
Abstract of the Prosphoneticus to the Emperor.
The Synodal Letter to Pope Agatho.
Excursus on the Condemnation of Pope Honorius.
The Imperial Edict in abstract.
The Sixth Ecumenical Council met on November 7, 680, for its
first session, and ended its meetings, which are said to have
been eighteen in number, on September 16th of the next year. The
number of bishops present was under three hundred and the minutes
of the last session have only 174 signatures attached to them.
When the Emperor first summoned the council he had no intention
that it should be ecumenical. From the Sacras it appears that
he had summoned all the Metropolitans and bishops of the jurisdiction
of Constantinople, and had also informed the Archbishop of Antioch
that he might send Metropolitans and bishops. A long time before
he had written to Pope Agatho on the subject.
When the synod assembled however, it assumed at its first
session the title "Ecumenical," and all the five patriarchs
were represented, Alexandria and Jerusalem having sent deputies
although they were at the time in the hands of the infidel.
In this Council the Emperor presided in person surrounded
by high court officials. On his right sat the Patriarchs of Constantinople
and Antioch and next to them the representative of the Patriarch
of Alexandria. On the Emperor's left were seated the representatives
of the Pope. In the midst were placed, as usual, the Holy Gospels.
After the eleventh session however the Emperor was no longer able
to be present, but returned and presided at the closing meeting.
The sessions of the council were held in the domed hall (or
possibly chapel) in the imperial palace; which, the Acts tell
us, was called Trullo (
It may be interesting to remark that the Sacras sent to the
bishops of Rome and Constantinople are addressed, the one to "The
Most holy and Blessed Archbishop of Old Rome and Ecumenical Pope,"
and the other to "The Most holy and Blessed Archbishop of
Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch." Some of the titles
given themselves by the signers of the "Prosphoneticus"
are interesting--"George, an humble presbyter of the holy
Roman Church, and holding the place of the most blessed Agatho,
ecumenical Pope of the City of Rome ... ," "John, an
humble deacon of the holy Roman Church and holding the place of
the most blessed Agatho, and ecumenical Pope of the City of Rome
," "George, by the mercy of God bishop of Constantinople
which is New Rome," "Peter a presbyter and holding the
place of the Apostolic See of the great city Alexandria
," "George, an humble presbyter of the Holy Resurrection
of Christ our God, and holding the place of Theodore the presbyter,
beloved of God, who holds the place of the Apostolic See of Jerusalem
... ," "John, by the mercy of God bishop of the City
of Thessalonica, and legate of the Apostolic See of Rome,"
"John, the unworthy bishop of Portus, legate of the whole
Council of the holy Apostolic See of Rome," "Stephen,
by the mercy of God, bishop of Corinth, and legate of the Apostolic
See of Old Rome."
(Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 609 et seqq.)
[After a history of the assembly of the Council, the Acts
begin with the Speech of the Papal Legatee, as follows:]
Most benign lord, in accordance with the Sacra to our most
holy Pope(1) from your God-instructed majesty, we have been sent
by him to the most holy footsteps of your God-confirmed serenity,
bearing with us his suggestion (
suggestions) as well as the other suggestion of his Synod equally
addressed to your divinely preserved Piety by the venerable bishops
subject to it, which also we offered to your God-crowned Fortitude.
Since, then, during the past forty-six years, more or less, certain
novelties in expression, contrary to the Orthodox faith, have
been introduced by those who were at several times bishops of
this, your royal and God-preserved city, to wit: Sergius, Paul,
Pyrrhus, and Peter, as also by Cyrus, at one time archbishop of
the city of Alexandria, as well also as by Theodore, who was bishop
of a city called Pharan, and by certain others their followers,
and since these things have in no small degree brought confusion
into the Church throughout the whole world, for they taught dogmatically
that there was but one will in the dispensation of the Incarnation
of our Lord Jesus Christ, one of the Holy Trinity, and one operation;
and since many times your servant, our apostolic see, has fought
against this, and then prayed against it, and by no means been
able, even up to now, to draw away from such a depraved opinion
its advocates, we beseech your God-crowned fortitude, that such
as share these views of the most holy church of Constantinople
may tell us, what is the source of this new-fangled language.
[Answer of the Monothelites made at the Emperor's bidding:]
We have brought out no new method of speech, but have taught whatever
we have received from the holy Ecumenical Synods, and from the
holy approved Fathers, as well as from the archbishops of this
imperial city, to wit: Sergius, Paul, Pyrrhus, and Peter, as also
from Honorius who was Pope of Old Rome, and from Cyrus who was
Pope of Alexandria, that is to say with reference to will and
operation, and so we have believed, and so we believe, so we preach;
and further we are ready to stand by, and defend this faith.
(Read at the Fourth Session, November 15, at the request of
George, Patriarch of Constantinople and his Suffragans.)
(Bossuet, Defensio Cler. Gal. Lib. VII., cap. xxiv.)
All the fathers spoke one by one, and only after examination
were the letters of St. Agatho and the whole Western Council approved.
Agatho, indeed, and the Western Bishops put forth their decrees
thus ['We have directed persons from our humility to your valour
protected of God, which shall offer to you the report of us all,
that is, of all the Bishops in the Northern or Western Regions,
in which too we have summed up the confession of our Apostolic
Faith, yet(1)] not as those who wished to contend about these
things as being uncertain, but, being certain and unchangeable
to see them forth in a brief definition, [suppliantly beseeching
you that, by the favour of your sacred majesty, you would command
these same things to be preached to all, and to have force with
all.'] Undoubtedly, therefore, so far as in them lay, they defined
the matter. The question was, whether the other Churches throughout
the world would agree, and a matter so great was only made clear
after Episcopal examination. But the high, magnificent, yet true
expressions, which St. Agatho had used of his See, namely, that
resting on the promise of the Lord it had never turned aside from
the path of truth, and that its Pontiffs, the predecessors of
Agatho, who were charged in the person of Peter to strengthen
their brethren, had ever discharged that office, this the Fathers
of the Council hear and receive. But not the less they examine
the matter, they inquire into the decrees of Roman Pontiffs, and,
after inquiry held, approve Agatho's decrees, condemn those of
Honorius: a certain proof that they did not understand Agatho's
expressions as if it were necessary to receive without discussion
every decree of Roman Pontiffs even deride, inasmuch as they are
subjected to the supreme and final examination of a General Council:
but as if these expressions taken as a whole, in their total,
hold good in the full and complete succession of Peter, as we
have often said, and in its proper place shall say at greater
(Found in Migne, Pat. Lat., Tom. LXXXVII., col. 1161; L. and C.,
Tom. VI., col. 630.)
Agatho a bishop and servant of the servants of God to the
most devout and serene victors and conquerors, our most beloved
sons and lovers of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Emperor
Constantine the Great, and to Heraclius and Tiberius, Augustuses.
While contemplating the various anxieties of human life, and
while groaning with vehement weeping before the one true God,
in prayer that he might impart to my wavering soul the comfort
of his divine mercy, and might lift me by his right hand out of
the depths of grief and anxiety, I most gratefully recognize,
my most illustrious lords and sons, that your purpose [i.e. of
holding a Council] afforded me deep and wonderful consolation.
For it was most pious and emanated from your most meek tranquillity,
taught by the divine benignity for the benefit of the Christian
commonwealth divinely entrusted to your keeping, that your imperial
power and clemency might have a care to enquire diligently concerning
the things of God (through whom Kings do reign, who is himself
King of Kings and Lord of Lords) and might seek after the truth
of his spotless faith as it has been handed down by the Apostles
and by the Apostolic Fathers, and be zealously affected to command
that in all the churches the pure tradition be held. And that
no one may be ignorant of this pious intention of yours, or suspect
that we have been compelled by force, and have not freely consented
to the carrying into effect of the imperial decrees touching the
preaching of our evangelical faith which was addressed to our
predecessor Donus, a pontiff of Apostolic memory, they have through
our ministry been sent to and entirely approved by all nations
and peoples; for these decrees Holy Spirit by his grace dictated
to the tongue of the imperial pen, out of the treasure of a pure
heart, as the words of an adviser not of an oppressor, defending
himself, not looking with contempt upon others; not afflicting,
but exhorting; and inviting to those things which are of God in
godly wise, because he, the Maker and Redeemer of all men, who
had he come in the majesty of his Godhead into the world, might
have terrified mortals, preferred to descend through his inestimable
clemency and humility to the estate of us whom he had created
and thus to redeem us, who also expects from us a willing confession
of the true faith.
And this it is that the blessed Peter, the prince of the Apostles,
teaches: "Feed the flock of Christ which is among you, not
by constraint, but willingly, exhorting it according to God."
Therefore, encouraged by these imperial decrees, O most meek lords
of all things, and relieved from the depths of affliction and
raised to the hope of consolation, I have begun, refreshed somewhat
by a better confidence, to comply with promptness with the flyings
which were sometime ago bidden by the Sacra of your gentlest fortitude,
and am endeavouring in obedience therewith to find persons, such
as our deficient times and the quality of this obedient province
permit, and taking advice with my fellow-servant bishops, as well
concerning the approaching synod of this Apostolic See, as concerning
our own clergy, the lovers of the Christian Empire, and, afterwards
concerning the religious servants of God, that I might exhort
them to follow in haste the footsteps of your most pious Tranquillity.
And, were it not that the great compass of the provinces, in which
our humility's council is situated had caused so great a loss
of time, our servitude a while ago could have fulfilled with studious
obedience what even now has scarcely been done. For while from
the various provinces a council has been gathering about us, and
while we have been able to select some persons of those from this
very Roman city immediately subject to your most serene power,
or from those near by, others again we have been obliged to wait
for from far distant provinces, in which the word of Christian
faith was preached by those sent by the predecessors of my littleness;
and thus quite a space of time has elapsed: and I pass over my
bodily pains in consequence of which life to a perpetually suffering
person is neither possible nor pleasant. Therefore, most Christian
lords and sons, in accordance with the most pious jussio of your
God-protected clemency, we have had a care to send, with the devotion
of a prayerful heart (from the obedience we owe you, not because
we relied on the [superabundant] knowledge of those whom we send
to you), our fellow-servants here present, Abundantius, John,
and John, our most reverend brother bishops, Theodore and George
our most beloved sons and presbyters, with our most beloved son
John, a deacon, and with Constantine, a subdeacon of this holy
spiritual mother, the Apostolic See, as well as Theodore, the
presbyter legate of the holy Church of Ravenna and the religious
servants of God the monks. For, among men placed amid the Gentiles,
and earning their daily bread by bodily labour with considerable
distraction, how could a knowledge of the Scriptures, in its fulness,
be found unless what has been canonically defined by our holy
and apostolic predecessors, and by the venerable five councils,
we preserve in simplicity of heart, and without any distorting
keep the faith come to us from the Fathers, always desirous and
endeavouring to possess that one and chiefest good, viz.: that
nothing be diminished from the things canonically defined, and
that nothing be
changed nor added thereto, but that those same things, both in
words and sense, be guarded untouched? To these same commissioners
we also have given the witness of some of the holy Fathers, whom
this Apostolic Church of Christ receives, together with their
books, so that, having obtained from the power of your most benign
Christianity the privilege of suggesting, they might out of these
endeavour to give satisfaction, (when your imperial Meekness shall
have so commanded) as to what this Apostolic Church of Christ,
their spiritual mother and the mother of your God-sprung empire,
believes and preaches, not in words of worldly eloquence, which
are not at the command of ordinary men, but in the integrity of
the apostolic fifth, in which having been taught from the cradle,
we pray that we may serve and obey the Lord of heaven, the Propagator
of your Christian empire, even unto the end. Consequently, we
have granted them faculty or authority with your most tranquil
mightiness, to afford satisfaction with simplicity whenever your
clemency shall command, it being enjoined on them as a limitation
that they presume not to add to, take away, or to change anything;
but that they set forth this tradition of the Apostolic See in
all sincerity as it has been taught by the apostolic pontiffs,
who were our predecessors. For these delegates we most humbly
implore with bent knees of the mind your clemency ever full of
condescension, that agreeably to the most benign and most august
promise of the imperial Sacra, your Christlike Tranquillity may
deem them worthy of acceptance and may deign to give a favourable
hearing to their most humble suggestions. Thus may your meekest
Piety find the ears of Almighty God open to your prayers, and
may you order that they return to their own unharmed in their
rectitude of our Apostolic faith, as well as in the integrity
of their bodies. And thus may the supernal Majesty restore to
the benign rule of your government through the most heroic and
unconquerable labours of your God-strengthened clemency, the whole
Christian commonwealth, and may he subdue hostile nations to your
mighty sceptre, that there may be satisfaction from this time
forth to every soul and to all nations, because what you deigned
to promise solemnly by your most august letters about the immunity
and safety of those who came to the Council, you have fulfilled
in all respects. It is not their wisdom that gave us confidence
to make bold to send them to your pious presence; but our littleness
obediently complied with what your imperial benignity, with a
gracious order, exhorted to. And briefly we shall intimate to
your divinely instructed Piety, what the strength of our Apostolic
faith contains, which we have received through Apostolic tradition
and through the tradition of the Apostolical pontiffs, and that
of the five holy general synods, through which the foundations
of Christ's Catholic Church have been strengthened and established;
this then is the status [and the regular tradition(1)] of our
Evangelical and Apostolic faith, to wit, that as we confess the
holy and inseparable Trinity, that is, the Father, the Son and
the Holy Ghost, to be of one deity, of one nature and substance
or essence, so we will profess also that it has one natural will,
power, operation, domination, majesty, potency, and glory. And
whatever is said of the same Holy Trinity essentially in singular
number we understand to refer to the one nature of the three consubstantial
Persons, having been so taught by canonical logic. But when we
make a confession concerning one of the same three Persons of
that Holy Trinity, of the Son of God, or God the Word, and of
the mystery of his adorable dispensation according to the flesh,
we assert that all things are double in the one arm the same our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ according to the Evangelical tradition,
that is to say, we confess his two natures, to wit the divine
and the human, of which and in which he, even after the wonderful
and inseparable union, subsists. And we confess that each of his
natures has its own natural propriety, and that the divine, has
all filings that are divine, without any sin. And we recognize
that each one (of the two natures) of the one and the same incarnated,
that is, humanated (humanati) Word of God is in him unconfusedly,
inseparably and unchangeably, intelligence alone discerning a
unity, to avoid the error of confusion. For we equally detest
the blasphemy of division and of commixture. For when we confess
two natures and
two natural wills, and two natural operations in our one Lord
Jesus Christ, we do not assert that they are contrary or opposed
one to the other (as those who err from the path of truth and
accuse the apostolic tradition of doing. Far be this impiety from
the hearts of the faithful!), nor as though separated (per se
separated) in two persons or subsistences, but we say that as
the same our Lord Jesus Christ has two natures so also he has
two natural wills and operations, to wit, the divine and the human:
the divine will and operation he has in common with the coessential
Father from all eternity: the human, he has received from us,
taken with our nature in time. This is the apostolic and evangelic
tradition, which the spiritual mother of your most felicitous
empire, the Apostolic Church of Christ, holds. This is the pure
expression of piety. This is the true and immaculate profession
of the Christian religion, not invented by human cunning, but
which was taught by the Holy Ghost through the princes of the
Apostles. This is the firm and irreprehensible doctrine of the
holy Apostles, the integrity of the sincere piety of which, so
long as it is preached freely, defends the empire of your Tranquillity
in the Christian commonwealth, and exults [will defend it, will
render it stable; and exulting], and (as we firmly trust) will
demonstrate it full of happiness. Believe your most humble [servant],
my most Christian lords and sons, that I am pouring forth these
prayers with my tears, or its stability and exultation [in Greek
exaltation]. And these things I (although unworthy and insignificant)
dare advise through my sincere love, because your God-granted
victory is our salvation, the happiness of your Tranquillity is
our joy, the harmlessness of your kindness is the security of
our littleness. And therefore I beseech you with a contrite heart
and rivers of tears, with prostrated mind, deign to stretch forth
your most clement right hand to the Apostolic doctrine which the
co-worker of your pious labours, the blessed apostle Peter, has
delivered, that it be not hidden under a bushel, but that it be
preached in the whole earth more shrilly than a bugle: because
the true confession thereof for which Peter was pronounced blessed
by the Lord of all things, was revealed by the Father of heaven,
for he received from the Redeemer of all himself, by three commendations,
the duty of feeding the spiritual sheep of the Church; under whose
protecting shield, this Apostolic Church of his has never turned
away from the path of truth in any direction of error, whose authority,
as that of the Prince of all the Apostles, the whole Catholic
Church, and the Ecumenical Synods have faithfully embraced, and
followed in all things; and all the venerable Fathers have embraced
its Apostolic doctrine, through which they as the most approved
luminaries of the Church of Christ have shone; and the holy orthodox
doctors have venerated and followed it, while the heretics have
pursued it with false criminations and with derogatory hatred.
This is the living tradition of the Apostles of Christ, which
his Church holds everywhere, which is chiefly to be loved and
fostered, and is to be preached with confidence, which conciliates
with God through its truthful confession, which also renders one
commendable to Christ the Lord, which keeps the Christian empire
of your Clemency, which gives far-reaching victories to your most
pious Fortitude from the Lord of heaven, which accompanies you
in battle, and defeats your foes; which protects on every side
as an impregnable wall your God-sprung empire, which throws terror
into opposing nations, and smites them with the divine wrath,
which also in wars celestially gives triumphal palms over the
downfall and subjection of the enemy, and ever guards your most
faithful sovereignty secure and joyful in peace. For this is the
rule of the true faith, which this spiritual mother of your most
tranquil empire, the Apostolic Church of Christ, has both in prosperity
and in adversity always held and defended with energy; which,
it will be proved, by the grace of Almighty God, has never erred
from the path of the apostolic tradition, nor has she been depraved
by yielding to heretical innovations, but from the beginning she
has received the Christian faith from her founders, the princes
of the Apostles of Christ, and remains undefiled unto the end,
according to the divine promise of the Lord and Saviour himself,
which he uttered in the holy Gospels to the prince of his disciples:
saying, "Peter, Peter, behold, Satan hath desired to have
you, that he might sift
you as wheat; but I have prayed for thee, that (thy) faith fail
not. And when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
Let your tranquil Clemency therefore consider, since it is the
Lord and Saviour of all, whose faith it is, that promised that
Peter's faith should not fail and exhorted him to strengthen his
brethren, how it is known to all that the Apostolic pontiffs,
the predecessors of my littleness, have always confidently done
this very thing: of whom also our littleness, since I have received
this ministry by divine designation, wishes to be the follower,
although unequal to them and the least of all. For woe is me,
if I neglect to preach the truth of my Lord, which they have sincerely
preached. Woe is me, if I cover over with silence the truth which
I am bidden to give to the exchangers, i.e., to teach to the Christian
people and imbue it therewith. What shall I say in the future
examination by Christ himself, if I blush (which God forbid!)
to preach here the truth of his words? What satisfaction shall
I be able to give for myself, what for the souls committed to
me, when he demands a strict account of the office I have received?
Who, then, my most clement and most pious lords and sons, (I speak
trembling and prostrate in spirit) would not be stirred by that
admirable promise, which is made to the faithful: "Whoever
shall confess me before men, him also will I confess before my
Father, who is in heaven"? And which one even of the infidels
shall not be terrified by that most severe threat, in which he
protests that he will be full of wrath, and declares that "Whoever
shall deny me before men, him also will I deny before my Father,
who is in heaven"? Whence also blessed Paul, the apostle
of the Gentiles, gives warning and says: "But though we,
or an angel from the heaven should preach to you any other Gospel
from what we have evangelized to you, let him be anathema."
Since, therefore, such an extremity of punishment overhangs the
corruptors, or suppressors of truth by silence, would not any
one flee from an attempt at curtailing the truth of the Lord's
faith? Wherefore the predecessors of Apostolic memory of my littleness,
learned in the doctrine of the Lord, ever since the prelates of
the Church of Constantinople have been trying to introduce into
the immaculate Church of Christ an heretical innovation, have
never ceased to exhort and warn them with many prayers, that they
should, at least by silence, desist from the heretical error of
the depraved dogma, lest from this they make the beginning of
a split in the unity of the Church, by asserting one will, and
one operation of the two natures in the one Jesus Christ our Lord:
a thing which the Arians and the Apollinarists, the Eutychians,
the Timotheans, the Acephali, the Theodosians and the Gaianitae
taught, and every heretical madness, whether of those who confound,
or of those who divide the mystery of the Incarnation of Christ.
Those that confound the mystery of the holy Incarnation, inasmuch
as they say that there is one nature of the deity and humanity
of Christ, contend that he has one will, as of one, and (one)
personal operation. But they who divide, on the other hand, the
inseparable union, unite the two natures which they acknowledge
that the Saviour possesses, not however in an union which is recognized
to be hypostatic; but blasphemously join them by concord, through
the affection, of the will, like two subsistences, i.e., two somebodies.
Moreover, the Apostolic Church of Christ, the spiritual mother
of your God-founded empire, confesses one Jesus Christ our Lord
existing of and in two natures, and she maintains that his two
natures, to wit, the divine and the human, exist in him unconfused
even after their inseparable union, and she acknowledges that
each of these natures of Christ is perfect in the proprieties
of its nature, and she confesses that all things belonging to
the proprieties of the natures are double, because the same our
Lord Jesus Christ himself is both perfect God and perfect man,
of two and in two natures: and after his wonderful Incarnation,
his deity cannot be thought of without his humanity, nor his humanity
without his deity. Consequently, therefore, according to the rule
of the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, she also
confesses and preaches that there are in him two natural wills
and two natural operations. For if anybody should mean a personal
will, when in the holy Trinity there are said to be three Persons,
it would be necessary that there should be asserted three personal
wills, and three personal operations (which is absurd
and truly profane). Since, as the truth of the Christian faith
holds, the will is natural, where the one nature of the holy and
inseparable Trinity is spoken of, it must be consistently understood
that there is one natural will, and cue natural operation. But
when in truth we confess that in the one person of our Lord Jesus
Christ the mediator between God and men, there are two natures
(that is to say the divine and the human), even after his admirable
union, just as we canonically confess the two natures of one and
the same person, so too we confess his two natural wills and two
natural operations. But that the understanding of this truthful
confession may become clear to your Piety's mind from the God-inspired
doctrine of the Old and the New Testament, (for your Clemency
is incomparably more able to penetrate the meaning of the sacred
Scriptures, than our littleness to set it forth in flowing words),
our Lord Jesus Christ himself, who is true and perfect God, and
true and perfect man, in his holy Gospels shews forth in some
instances human things, in others, divine, and still in others
both together, making a manifestation concerning himself in order
that he might instruct his faithful to believe and preach that
he is both true God and true man. Thus as man he prays to the
Father to take away the cup of suffering, because in him our human
nature was complete, sin only excepted, "Father, if it be
possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will,
but as thou wilt." And in another passage: "Not my will,
but thine be done." If we wish to know the meaning of which
testimony as explained by the holy and approved Fathers, and truly
to understand what "my will," what "thine"
signify, the blessed Ambrose in his second book to the Emperor
Gratian, of blessed memory, teaches us the meaning of this passage
in these words, saying: "He then, receives my will, he takes
my sorrow, I confidently call it sorrow as I am speaking of the
cross, mine is the will, which he calls his, because he bears
my sorrow as man, he spoke as a man, and therefore he says: 'Not
as I will but as thou wilt.'" Mine is the sadness which he
has received according to my affection.(1) See, most pious of
princes, how clearly here this holy Father sets forth that the
words our Lord used in his prayer, "Not my will," pertain
to his humanity; through which also he is said, according to the
teaching of Blessed Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles, to have
"become obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross."
Wherefore also it is taught us that he was obedient to his parents,
which must piously be understood to refer to his voluntary obedience,
not according to his divinity (by which he governs all things),
but according to his humanity, by which he spontaneously submitted
himself to his parents. St. Luke the Evangelist likewise bears
witness to the same thing, telling how the same our Lord Jesus
Christ prayed according to his humanity to his Father, and said,
"Father, if it be possible let the cup pass from me; nevertheless
not my will but thine be done,"--which passage Athanasius,
the Confessor of Christ, and Archbishop of the Church of Alexandria,
in his book against Apollinaris the heretic, concerning the Trinity
and the Incarnation, also understanding the wills to be two, thus
explains: And when he says, "Father, if it be possible, let
this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will but thine be done,"
and again, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak;"
he shews that there are two wills, the one human which is the
will of the flesh, but the other divine. For his human will, out
of the weakness of the flesh was fleeing away from the passion,
but his divine will was ready for it. What truer explanation could
be found? For how is it possible not to acknowledge in him two
wills, to wit, a human and a divine, when in him, even after the
inseparable union, there are two natures according to the definitions
of the synods? For John also, who leaned upon the Lord's breast,
his beloved disciple, shews forth the same self-restraint in these
words: "I came down from heaven not to do mine own will but
the will of the Father that sent me." And again: "This
is the will of him that sent me, that of all that he gave me I
should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last
day." Again he introduces the Lord as disputing with the
Jews, and saying among other things: "I seek not mine own
will, but the will of him that sent me." On the meaning of
which divine words
blessed Augustine, a most illustrious doctor, thus writes in his
book against Maximinus the Arian. He says, "When the Son
says to the Father 'Not what I will, but what thou wilt,' what
doth it profit thee, that thou broughtest thy words into subjection
and sayest, It shews truly that his will was subject to his Father,
as though we would deny that the will of man should be subject
to the will of God? For that the Lord said this in his human nature,
anyone will quickly see who studies attentively this place of
the Gospel. For therein he says, 'My soul is exceeding sorrowful
even unto death.' Can this possibly be said of the nature of the
One Word? But, O man, who thinkest to make the nature of the Holy
Ghost to groan, why do you say that the nature of the Only-begotten
Word of God cannot be sad? But to prevent anyone arguing in this
way, he does not say 'I am sad;' (and even if he had so said,
it could properly only have been understood of his human nature)
but he says 'My soul is sad,' which soul he has as man; however
in this also which he said, 'Not what I will' he shewed that he
willed something different from what the Father did, which he
could not have done except in his human nature, since he did not
introduce our infirmity into his divine nature, but would transfigure
human affection. For had he not been made man, the Only Word could
in no way have said to the Father, 'Not what I will.' For it could
never be possible for that immutable nature to will anything different
from what the Father willed. If you would but make this distinction,
O ye Arians, ye would not be heretics."
In this disputation this venerable Father shews that when
the Lord says "his own" he means the will of his humanity,
and when he says not to do "his own will," he teaches
us not chiefly to seek our own wills but that through obedience
we should submit our wills to the Divine Will. From all which
it is evident that he had a human will by which he obeyed his
Father, and that he had in himself this same human will immaculate
from all sin, as true God and man. Which thing St. Ambrose also
thus treats of in his explanation of St. Luke the Evangelist.
[After this follows a catena of Patristic quotations which
I have not thought worth while to produce in full. After St. Ambrose
he cites St. Leo, then St. Gregory Nazianzen, then St. Augustine.
(L. & C., col. 647.)]
From which testimonies it is clear that each of those natures
which the spiritual Doctor has here enumerated has its own natural
property, and that to each one a will ought to be assigned. For
an angelic nature cannot have a divine or a human will, neither
can a human nature have a divine or an angelic will. For no nature
can have anything or any motion which pertains to another nature
but only that which is naturally given by creation. And as this
is the truth of the matter it is most certainly clear that we
must needs confess that in our Lord Jesus Christ there are two
natures and substances, to wit, the Divine and human, united in
his one subsistence or person, and that we further confess that
there are in him two natural wills, viz.: the divine and the human,
for his divinity so far as its nature is concerned could not be
said to possess a human will, nor should his humanity be believed
to have naturally a divine will: And again, neither of these two
substances of Christ must be confessed as being without a natural
will; but his human will was lifted up by the omnipotency of his
divinity, and his divine will was revealed to men through his
humanity. Therefore it is necessary to refer to him as God such
things as are divine, and as man such things as are human; and
each must be truly recognized through the hypostatic union of
the one and the same our Lord Jesus Christ, which the most true
decree of the Council of Chalcedon sets forth--[Here follows citation.]
This same thing also the holy synod which was gathered together
in Constantinople in the time of the Emperor Justinian of august
memory, teaches in the viith. chapter of its definitions. [Here
follows the citation,] Moreover it is necessary that we should
faithfully keep what those Venerable Synods taught, so that we
never take away the difference of natures as a result of the union,
but confess one Christ, true and perfect God and also true and
perfect man, the propriety of each nature being kept intact. Wherefore,
if in no respect the difference of the natures of our Lord
Jesus Christ has been taken away, it is necessary that we preserve
this same difference in all its proprieties. For whoso teaches
that the difference is in no respect to be taken away, declares
that it must be preserved in all things. But when the heretics
and the followers of heretics say that there is but one will and
one operation, how is this difference recognized? Or where is
the difference which has been defined by this holy Synod preserved?
While if it is asserted that there is but one will in him (which
is absurd), those who make this assertion must needs say that
that will is either human or divine, or else composite from both,
mixed and confused, or (according to the teaching of all heretics)
that Christ has one will and one operation, proceeding from his
one composite nature (as they hold). And thus, without any doubt,
the difference of nature is destroyed, which the holy synods declared
to be preserved in all respects even after the admirable union.
Because, though they taught that Christ was one, his person and
substance one, yet on account of the union of the natures which
was made hypostatically, they likewise decreed that we should
clearly acknowledge and teach the difference of those natures
which were united in him, after the admirable union. Therefore
if the proprieties of the natures in the same our one Lord Jesus
Christ were preserved on account of the difference [of the natures],
it is congruous that we should with full faith confess also the
difference of his natural wills and operations, in order that
we may be shown to have followed in all respects their doctrine,
and may admit into the Church of Christ no heretical novelty.
And although there exist numerous works of the other holy
Fathers, nevertheless we subjoin to this our humble exposition
a few testimonies out of the books which are in Greek, for the
sake of fastidiousness.(1)
[Here follows a catena of passages from the Greek fathers,
viz.: St. Gregory Theologus, St. Gregory Nyssen, St. John bishop
of Constantinople, St. Cyril, bishop of Alexandria. (L. &
C., col. 654.)]
From these truthful testimonies it is also demonstrated that
these venerable fathers predicated in the one and the same Lord
Jesus Christ two natural wills, viz.: a divine and a human, for
when St. Gregory Nazianzen says," The willing of that man
who is understood to be the Saviour," he shows that the human
will of the Saviour was deified through its union with the Word,
and therefore it is not contrary to God. So likewise he proves
that he had a human, although deified will, and this same he had
(as he teaches in what follows) as well as his divine will, which
was one and the same with that of the Father. If therefore he
had a divine and a deified will, he had also two wills. For what
is divine by nature has no need of being deified; and what is
deified is not truly divine by nature. And when St. Gregory Nyssen,
a great bishop, says that the true confession of the mystery is,
that there should be understood one human will and another a divine
will in Christ, what does he bid us understand when he says one
and another will, except that there are manifestly two wills?
[He next proceeds to comment upon the passage cited from St.
John, then upon that from St. Cyril of Alexandria. After this
follow quotations from St. Hilary, St. Athanasius, St. Denys the
Areopagite, St. Ambrose, St. Leo, St. Gregory Nyssen, St. Cyril
of Alexandria, which are next commented on in their order. He
then proceeds: (L. & C., col. 662.)]
There are not lacking most telling passages in other of the
venerable fathers, who speak clearly of the two natural operations
in Christ, not to mention St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. John of
Constantinople, or those who afterwards conducted the laborious
conflicts in defence of the venerable council of Chalcedon and
of the Tome of St. Leo against the heretics from whose error the
assertion of this new dogma has arisen: that is to say, John,
bishop of Scythopolis, Eulogius, bishop of Alexandria, Euphraemius
and Anastasius the elder, most worthy rulers of the church of
Theopolis, and above all that emulator of the true and apostolic
faith, the Emperor Justinian of pious memory, whose uprightness
of faith exalted the Christian State as much as his sincere confession
pleased God. And his pious memory is esteemed worthy
of veneration by all nations, whose uprightness of faith was disseminated
with praise throughout the whole world by his most august edicts:
one of these, to wit, that addressed to Zoilus, the patriarch
of Alexandria, against the heresy of the Acephali to satisfy them
of the rectitude of the apostolic faith, we offer to your most
tranquil Christianity, sending it together with this paper of
our lowliness through the same carriers. But lest this declaration
should be thought burdensome on account of its length, we have
inserted in this declaration of our humility only a few of the
testimonies of the Holy Fathers, especially [when writing to those]
on whom the care and arrangement of the whole world as on a firm
foundation are recognized to rest; since this is altogether incomparable
and great, that the care of the whole Christian State being laid
aside for a little out of love and zeal for true religion, your
august and most religious clemency should desire to understand
more clearly the doctrine of apostolical preaching. For from the
different approved fathers the truth of the Orthodox faith has
become clear although the treatment is short. For the approved
fathers thought it to be superfluous to discourse at length upon
what was evident and clear to all; for who, even if he be dull
of wit, does not perceive what is evident to all? For it is impossible
and contrary to the order of nature that there should be a nature
without a natural operation: and even the heretics did not dare
to say this, although they were, all of them, hunting for human
craftiness and cunning questions against the orthodoxy of the
faith, and arguments agreeable to their depravities.
How then can that now be asserted which never was said by
the holy orthodox fathers, nor even was presumptuously invented
by the profane heretics, viz.: that of the two natures of Christ,
the divine and the human, the proprieties of each of which are
recognized as being preserved in Christ, that anyone in sound
mind should declare there was but one operation? Since if there
is one, let them say whether it be temporal or eternal, divine
or human, uncreated or created: the same as that of the Father
or different from that of the Father. If therefore it is one,
that one and the same must be common to the divinity anti to the
humanity (which is absurd), therefore while the Son of God, who
is both God and man, wrought human things on earth, likewise also
the Father worked with him according to his nature (naturaliter,
); for what things the Father
doeth these the Son also doeth likewise. But if (as is the truth)
the human acts which Christ did are to be referred to his person
alone as the Son, which is not the same as that of the Father;
in one nature Christ worked one set of works, and in the other
another, so that according to his divinity the Son does the same
things that the Father does; and likewise according to his humanity,
what things are proper to the manhood, those same, he as man,
did because he is truly both God and man. For which reason we
rightly believe that that same person, since he is one, has two
natural operations, to wit, the divine and the human, one uncreated,
and the other created, as true and perfect God and as true and
perfect man, the one and the same, the mediator between God and
men, the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore from the quality of the
operations there is recognized a difference void of offence (
of the natures which are joined in Christ through the hypostatic
union. We now proceed to cite some passages from the execrable
writings of the heretics hated of God, (1) whose words and sayings
we equally abominate, for the demonstration of those things which
our inventors of new dogma have followed teaching that in Christ
there is but one will and one operation.
[Then follow quotations from Apollinaris, Severus, Theodosius
of Alexandria. (L. & C., col. 667.)]
Behold, most pious lords and sons, by the testimonies of the
holy Fathers, as by spiritual rays, the doctrine of the Catholic
and Apostolic Church has been illustrated and the darkness of
heretical blindness, which is offering error to men for imitation,
has been revealed. Now it is necessary that the new doctrine should
follow somebody, and by whose authority it is supported, we shall
[Here follow quotations from Cyrus of Alexandria, Theodore
of Pharon, Sergius of Constantinople, Pyrrhus, Paulus his succes-
sor, Peter his successor. (L. & C., col. 670.)]
Let then your God-rounded clemency with the internal eye of
discrimination, which for the guidance of the Christian people
you have been deemed worthy to receive by the Grace of God, take
heed which one of such doctors you think the Christian people
should follow, the doctrine of which one of these they should
embrace so as to be saved; for they condemn all, and each one
of them the other, according as the various and unstable definitions
in their writings assert sometimes that there is one will and
one operation, sometimes that there is neither one nor two operations,
sometimes one will and operation, and again two wills and two
operations, likewise one will and one operation, and again neither
one, nor two, and somebody else one and two.
Who does not hate, and rage against, and avoid such blind
errors, if he have any desire to be saved and seek to offer to
the Lord at his coming a right faith? Therefore the Holy Church
of God, the mother of your most Christian power, should be delivered
and liberated with all your might (through the help of God) from
the errors of such teachers, and the evangelical and apostolic
uprightness of the orthodox faith, which has been established
upon the firm reek of this Church of blessed Peter, the Prince
of the Apostles, which by his grace and guardianship remains free
from all error, [that faith I say] the whole number of rulers
and priests, of the clergy and of the people, unanimously should
confess and preach with us as the true declaration of the Apostolic
tradition, in order to please God and to save their own souls.
And these things we have taken pains to insert in the tractate
of our humility, for we have been afflicted and have groaned without
ceasing that such grievous errors should be entertained by bishops
of the l Church, who are zealous to establish their own peculiar
views rather than the truth of the faith, and think that our sincere
fraternal admonition has its spring in a contempt for them. And
indeed the apostolic predecessors of my humility admonished, begged,
upbraided, besought, reproved, and exercised every kind of exhortation
that the recent wound bright receive a remedy, moved thereto not
by a mind filled with hatred (God is my witness) nor through the
elation of boasting, nor through the opposition of contention,
nor through an inane desire to find some fault with their teachings,
nor through anything akin to the love of arrogance, but out of
zeal for the uprightness of the truth, and for the rule of the
confession of the pure Gospel, and for the salvation of souls,
and for the stability of the Christian state, and for the safety
of those who rule the Roman Empire. Nor did they cease from their
admonitions after the long duration of this domesticated error,
but always exhorted and bore record, and that with fraternal charity,
not through malice or pertinacious hatred (far be it from the
Christian heart to rejoice at another's fall, when the Lord of
all teaches, "I desire not the death of a sinner, but that
he be converted and live;" and who rejoiceth over one sinner
that repenteth more than over ninety-and-nine just persons: who
came down from heaven to earth to deliver the lost sheep, inclining
the power of his majesty), but desiring them with outstretched
spiritual arms, and exhorting to embrace them returning to the
unity of the orthodox faith, and awaiting their conversion to
the full rectitude of the orthodox faith: that they might not
make themselves aliens froth our communion, that is from the communion
of blessed Peter the Apostle, whose ministry, we (though unworthy)
exercise, and preach the faith he has handed down, but that they
should together with us pray Christ the Lord, the spotless sacrifice,
for the stability of your most strong and serene Empire.
We believe, most pious lords [singular in the Latin] of all
things, that there has been left no possible ambiguity which can
prevent the recognizing of those who have followed the inventors
of new dogma. For the sweetness of spiritual understanding with
which the sayings of the Fathers are full has become evident to
the eyes of all; and the stench of the heretics, to be avoided
by all the faithful, has been made notorious. Nor has it remained
unknown that the inventors of new dogma have been shewn to be
the followers of heretics, and not the walkers in the footsteps
of the holy Fathers: therefore whoever wishes to colour any error
of his whatever, is condemned by the light of truth, as the Apostle
of the Gentiles
says, "For everything that doth make manifest is light,"
for the truth ever remains constant and the same, but falsehood
is ever varying, and in its wanderings adopting things mutually
contradictory. On this account the inventors of the new dogma
have been shewn to have taught things mutually contradictory,
because they were not willing to be followers of the Evangelical
and Apostolic faith. Wherefore since the truth has shone forth
by the observations of your God-inspired piety, and falsity which
has been exposed has attained the contempt which it deserved,
it remains that the crowned truth may shine forth victoriously
through the pious favours of your God-crowned clemency; and that
the error of novelty with it inventors and with those who follow
their doctrine, may receive the punishment due their presumption,
and be cast forth from the midst of the orthodox prelates for
the heretical pravity of their innovation, which into the holy,
Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ they have endeavoured
to introduce, and to stain with the contagion of heretical pravity
the indivisible and unspotted body of the Church [of Christ].
For it is not just that the injurious should injure the innocent,
nor that the offences of some should be visited upon the inoffensive,
for even if in this world to the condemned mercy is extended,
yet they who are thus spared reap for that sparing no benefit
in the judgment of God, and by those thus sparing them there is
incurred no little danger for their unlawful compassion.
But we believe that Almighty God has reserved for the happy
days of your gentleness the amending of these things, that filling
on earth the place and zeal of our Lord Jesus Christ himself,
who has vouchsafed to crown your rule, ye may judge just judgment
for his Evangelical and Apostolical truth: for although he be
the Redeemer and Saviour of the human race yet he suffered injury,
and bore it even until now, and inspired the empire of your fortitude,
so that you should be worthy to follow the cause of his faith
(as equity demanded, and as the determination of the Holy Fathers
and of the Five General Synods decreed), and that you should avenge,
through his guardianship, on the spurners of his faith, the injury
done your Redeemer and Colleague in reigning, thus fulfilling
magnanimously with imperial clemency that prophetic utterance
with which David the King and Prophet, spake to God, saying, "The
zeal of thine house hath eaten me up." Wherefore having been
extolled for so God-pleasing a zeal, he was deemed fit to hear
that blessed word spoken by the Creator of all men, "I have
found David, a man after my heart, who will do all my will."
And to him also it was promised in the Psalms, "I have found
David, my servant, with my holy oil have I anointed him: My hand
shall aid him and my arm shall comfort him," so that the
most pious majesty of your Christian clemency may work to further
the cause of Christ with burning zeal for the sake of remuneration,
and may he make all the acts of your most powerful empire both
happy and prosperous, who hath stored up his promise in the Holy
Gospels, saying," Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all
these things shall be added unto you." For all, to whom has
come the knowledge of the sacred heads, (1) have been offering
innumerable thanksgivings and unceasing praises to the defender
of your most powerful dominion, being filled with admiration for
the greatness of your clemency, in that you have so benignly set
forth the kind intention of your august magnanimity; for in truth,
as most pious and most just princes, you have deigned to treat
divine things with the fear of God, having promised every immunity
to those persons sent to you from our littleness.
And we are confident that what your pious clemency has promised,
you are powerful to carry out, in order that what has been vowed
and promised to God by the religious philanthropy beyond your
Christian power, may nevertheless be fulfilled by the aid of his
Wherefore let praise by all Christian nations, and eternal
memory, and frequent prayer be poured forth before the Lord Christ,
whose is the cause, for your safety, and your triumphs, and your
complete victory, that the nations of the Gentiles, being impressed
by the terror of the supernal majesty, may lay down most humbly
their necks beneath the sceptre of your most powerful rule, that
the power of your most pious kingdom may continue until the ceaseless
joy of the eternal kingdom succeeds to this temporal reign. Nor
anything be found more likely to commend the clemency of your
unconquerable fortitude to the divine majesty, than that those
who err from the rule of truth should be repelled and the integrity
of our Evangelical and Apostolic faith should be everywhere set
forth and preached.
Moreover, most pious and God-instructed sons and lords, if
the Archbishop of the Church of Constantinople shall choose to
hold and to preach with us this most unblameable rule of Apostolic
doctrine of the Sacred Scriptures, of the venerable synods, of
the spiritual Fathers, according to their evangelical understanding,
through which the form of the truth has been set forth by us through
the assistance of the Spirit, there will ensue great peace to
them that love the name of God, and there will remain no scandal
of dissension, and that will come to pass which is recorded in
the Acts of the Apostles, when through the grace of the Holy Spirit
the people had come to the acknowledging of Christianity, all
of us will be of one heart and of one mind. But if (which God
forbid!) he shall prefer to embrace the novelty but lately introduced
by others; and shall ensnare himself with doctrines which are
alien to the rule of orthodox truth and of our Apostolic faith,
to decline which as injurious to souls' these have put off, despite
the exhortation and admonitions of our predecessors in the Apostolic
See, down to this day, he himself should know what kind of an
answer he will have to give for such contempt in the divine examination
of Christ before the judge of all, who is in heaven, to whom when
he cometh to judgment also we ourselves are about to give an account
of the ministry of preaching the truth which has been committed
to us, or for the toleration of things contrary to the Christian
religion: and may we (as I humbly pray) preserve unconfusedly
and freely, with simplicity and purity, whole and undefiled, the
Apostolic and Evangelical rule of the right faith as we have received
it from the beginning. And may your most august serenity, for
the affection and reverence which you bear to the Catholic and
Apostolic right faith, receive the perfect reward of your pious
labours from our Lord Jesus Christ himself, the ruler with you
of your Christian empire, whose true confession you desire to
preserve undefiled, because nothing in any respect has been neglected
or omitted by your God-crowned clemency, which could minister
to the peace of the churches, provided always that the integrity
of the true faith was maintained: since God, the Judge of all,
who disposes the ending of all matters as he deems most expedient,
seeks out the intent of the heart, and will accept a zeal for
piety. Therefore I exhort you, O most pious and clement Emperor,
and together with my littleness every Christian man exhorts you
on bended knee with all humility, that to all the God-pleasing
goodnesses and admirable imperial benefits which the heavenly
condescension has vouchsafed to grant to the human race through
your God-accepted care, this also you would order, for the redintegration
of perfect piety, to offer an acceptable sacrifice to Christ the
Lord your fellow-ruler, granting entire impunity, and free faculty
of speech to each one wishing to speak, and to urge a word in
defence of the faith which he believes and holds, so that it may
most manifestly be recognized by all that by no terror, by no
force, by no threat or aversion any one wishing to speak for the
truth of the Catholic and Apostolic faith, has been prohibited
or repulsed, and that all unanimously may glorify your imperial
(divinam) majesty, throughout the whole since of their lives for
so great and so inestimable a good, and may pour forth unceasing
prayers to Christ the Lord that your most strong empire may be
preserved untouched and exalted. The Subscription. May the grace
from above keep your empire, most pious lords, and place beneath
its feet the neck of all the nations.
(Found in Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 677
et seqq., and in Migne, Pat. Lat. Tom. LXXXVII., col. 1215 et
seqq. [This last text, which is Mansi's, I have followed].)
To the most pious Lords and most serene victors and conquerors,
our own sons beloved of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ, Constantine,
the great Emperor, and Heraclius and Tiberius, Augustuses, Agatho,
the bishop and servant of the servants of God, together with all
the synods subject to the council of the Apostolic See.
[The Letter opens with a number of compliments to the Emperor,
much in style and matter like the introduction of the preceding
letter. I have not thought it worth while to translate this, but
have begun at the doctrinal part, which is given to the reader
in full. (Labbe and Cossart, col. 682.)]
We believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and
earth, and of all things visible and invisible; and in his only-begotten
Son, who was begotten of him before all worlds; very God of Very
God, Light of Light, begotten not made, being of one substance
with the Father, that is of the same substance as the Father;
by him were all things made which are in heaven and which are
in earth; and in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of life, who
proceedeth from the Father, and with the Father and the Son together
is worshipped and glorified; the Trinity in unity and Unity in
trinity; a unity so far as essence is concerned, but a trinity
of persons or subsistences; and so we confess God the Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost; not three gods, but one God,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: not a subsistency of
three names, but one substance of three subsistences; and of these
persons one is the essence, or substance or nature, that is to
say one is the godhead, one the eternity, one the power, one the
kingdom, one the glory, one the adoration, one the essential will
and operation of the same Holy and inseparable Trinity, which
hath created all things, hath made disposition of them, and still
contains them.
Moreover we confess that one of the same holy consubstantial
Trinity, God the Word, who was begotten of the Father before the
worlds, in the last days of the world for us and for our salvation
came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Ghost, and
of our Lady, the holy, immaculate, ever-virgin and glorious Mary,
truly and properly the Mother of God, that is to say according
to the flesh which was born of her; and was truly made man, the
same being very God and very man. God of God his Father, but man
of his Virgin Mother, incarnate of her flesh with a reasonable
and intelligent soul: of one substance with God the Father, as
touching his godhead, and consubstantial with us as touching his
manhood, and in all points like unto us, but without sin. He was
crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, he suffered, was buried
and rose again; ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right
hand of the Father, and he shall come again to judge both the
quick and the dead, and of his kingdom there shah be no end.
And this same one Lord of ours, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten
Son of God, we acknowledge to subsist of and in two substances
unconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably, the difference
of the natures being by no means taken away by the union, but
rather the proprieties of each nature being preserved and concurring
in one Person and one Subsistence, not scattered or divided into
two Persons, nor confused into one composite nature; but we confess
one and the same only-begotten Son, God the Word, our Lord Jesus
Christ, not one in another, nor one added to another, but himself
the same in two natures--that is to say in the Godhead and in
the man-
hood even after the hypostatic union: for neither was the Word
changed into the nature of flesh, nor was the flesh transformed
into the nature of the Word, for each remained what it was by
nature. We discern by contemplation alone the distinction between
the natures united in him of which inconfusedly, inseparably and
unchangeably he is composed; for one is of both, and through one
both, because there are together both the height of the deity
and the humility of the flesh, each nature preserving after the
union its own proper character without any defect; and each form
acting in communion with the other what is proper to itself. The
Word working what is proper to the Word, and the flesh what is
proper to the flesh; of which the one shines with miracles, the
other bows down beneath injuries. Wherefore, as we confess that
he truly has two natures or substances, viz.: the Godhead and
the manhood, inconfusedly, indivisibly and unchangeably [united],
so also the rule of piety instructs us that he has two natural
wills and two natural operations, as perfect God and perfect man,
one and the same our Lord Jesus Christ. And this the apostolic
and evangelical tradition and the authority of the Holy Fathers
(whom the Holy Apostolic and Catholic Church and the venerable
Synods receive), has plainly taught us.
[The letter goes on to say that this is the traditional faith,
and is that which was set forth in a council over which Pope Martin
presided, and that those opposed to this faith have erred from
the truth, some in one way, and some in another. It next apologizes
for the delay in sending the persons ordered by the imperial Sacra,
and proceeds thus: (Labbe and Cossart, col. 686; Migne, col. 1224).]
In the first place, a great number of us are spread over a
vast extent of country even to the sea coast, and the length of
their journey necessarily took much time. Moreover we were in
hopes of being able to join to our humility our fellow-servant
and brother bishop, Theodore, the archbishop and philosopher of
the island of Great Britain, with others who have been kept there
even till to-day; and to add to these divers i bishops of this
council who have their sees in different parts, that our humble
suggestion [i.e., the doctrinal definition contained in the letters]
might proceed from a council of wide-spread influence, lest if
only a part were cognizant of what was being done, it might escape
the notice of a part; and especially because among the Gentiles,
as the Longobards, and the Sclavi, as also the Franks, the French,
the Goths, and the Britains, there are known to be very many of
our fellow-servants who do not cease curiously to enquire on the
subject, that they may know what is being done in the cause of
the Apostolic faith: who as they can be of advantage so long as
they hold the true faith with us, and think in unison with us,
so are they found troublesome and contrary, if (which may God
forbid!) they stumble at any article of the faith. But we, although
most humble, yet strive with all our might that the commonwealth
of your Christian empire may be shown to be more sublime than
all the nations, for in it has been rounded the See of Blessed
Peter, the prince of the Apostles, by the authority of which,
all Christian nations venerate and worship with us, through the
reverence of the blessed Apostle Peter himself. (This is the Latin,
which appears to me to be corrupt, the Greek reads as follows:
"The authority of which for the truth, all the Christian
nations together with us worship and revere, according to the
honour of the blessed Peter the Apostle himself.")
[The letter ends with prayers for constancy, and blessings
on the State and Emperor, and hopes for the universal diffusion
and acceptance of the truth.]
(Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 730.)
[ The Emperor said]
Let George, the most holy archbishop of this our God-preserved
city, and let Macarius, the venerable archbishop of Antioch, and
let the synod subject to them [i.e., their suffragans] say, if
they submit to the force (
) of the suggestions sent by
the most holy Agatho Pope of Old (1) Rome and by his Synod.
[The answer of George, with which all his bishops, many of
them, speaking one by one, agreed except Theodore of Metilene
(who handed in his assent at the end of the Tenth Session).]
I have diligently examined the whole force of the suggestions
sent to your most pious Fortitude, as well by Agatho, the most
holy Pope of Old(1) Rome, as by his synod, and I have scrutinized
the works of the holy and approved Fathers, which are laid up
in my venerable patriarchate, and I have found that all the testimonies
of the holy and accepted Fathers, which are contained in those
suggestions agree with, and in no particular differ from, the
holy and accepted Fathers. Therefore I give my submission to them
and thus I profess and believe.
[The answer of all the rest of the Bishops subject to the
See of Constantinople. (Col. 735.)]
And we, most pious Lord, accepting the teaching of the suggestion
sent to your most gentle Fortitude by the most holy and blessed
Agatho, Pope of Old Rome, and of that other suggestion which was
adopted by the council subject to him, and following the sense
therein contained, so we are minded, so we profess, and so we
believe that in our one Lord Jesus Christ, our true God, there
are two natures unconfusedly, unchangeably, undividedly, and two
natural wills and two natural operations; and all who have taught,
and who now say, that there is but one will and one operation
in the two natures of our one Lord Jesus Christ our true God,
we anathematize.
[The Emperor's demand to Macarius. (Col. 739.)]
Let Macarius, the Venerable Archbishop of Antioch, who has
now heard what has been said by this holy and Ecumenical Synod
[demanding the expression of his faith], answer what seemeth him
[The answer of Macarius.]
I do not say that there are two wills or two operations in
the dispensation of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
but one will and one theandric operation.
(L. and C., Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 943.)
The holy council said: After we had reconsidered, according
to our promise which we had made to your highness, the doctrinal
letters of Sergius, at one time patriarch of this royal god-protected
city to Cyrus, who was then bishop of Phasis and to Honorius some
time Pope of Old Rome, as well as the letter of the latter to
the same Sergius, we find that these documents are quite foreign
to the apostolic dogmas, to the declarations
of the holy Councils, and to all the accepted Fathers, and that
they follow the false teachings of the heretics; therefore we
entirely reject them, and execrate them as hurtful to the soul.
But the names of those men whose doctrines we execrate must also
be thrust forth from the holy Church of God, namely, that of Sergius
some time bishop of this God-preserved royal city who was the
first to write on this impious doctrine; also that of Cyrus of
Alexandria, of Pyrrhus, Paul, and Peter, who died bishops of this
God-preserved city, and were like-minded with them; and that of
Theodore sometime bishop of Pharan, all of whom the most holy
and thrice blessed Agatho, Pope of Old Rome, in his suggestion
to our most pious and God-preserved lord and mighty Emperor, rejected,
because they were minded contrary to our orthodox faith, all of
whom we define are to be subjected to anathema. And with these
we define that there shall be expelled from the holy Church of
God and anathematized Honorius who was some time Pope of Old Rome,
because of what we found written by him to Sergius, that in all
respects he followed his view and confirmed his impious doctrines.
We have also examined the synodal letter of Sophronius of holy
memory, some time Patriarch of the Holy City of Christ our God,
Jerusalem, and have found it in accordance with the true faith
and with the Apostolic teachings, and with those of the holy approved
Fathers. Therefore we have received it as orthodox and as salutary
to the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and have decreed that
it is right that his name be inserted in the diptychs of the Holy
(Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 1010.)
[The Acclamations of the Fathers.]
Many years to the Emperor! Many years to Constantine, our great
Emperor! Many years to the Orthodox King! Many years to our Emperor
that maketh peace! Many years to Constantine, a second Martian!
Many years to Constantine, a new Theodosius! Many years to Constantine,
a new Justinian! Many years to the keeper of the orthodox faith!
O Lord preserve the foundation of the Churches!O Lord preserve
the keeper of the faith!
Many years to Agatho, Pope of Rome! Many years to George,
Patriarch of Constantinople! Many years to Theophanus, Patriarch
of Antioch! Many years to the orthodox council! Many years to
the orthodox Senate!
To Theodore of Pharan, the heretic, anathema! To Sergius,
the heretic, anathema! To Cyrus, the heretic, anathema! To Honorius,
the heretic, anathema! To Pyrthus, the heretic, anathema!
To Paul the heretic, anathema!
To Peter the heretic, anathema!
To Macarius the heretic, anathema!
To Stephen the heretic, anathema!
To Polychronius the heretic, anathema!
To Apergius of Perga the heretic, anathema!
To all heretics, anathema! To all who side with heretics, anathema!
May the faith of the Christians increase, and long years to
the orthodox and Ecumenical Council!
(Found in the Acts, Session XVIII., L. and C., Concilia, Tom.
VI., col. 1019.)
The holy, great, and Ecumenical Synod which has been assembled
by the grace of God, and the religious decree of the most religious
and faithful and mighty Sovereign Constantine, in this God-protected
and royal city of Constantinople, New Rome, in the Hall of the
imperial Palace, called Trullus, has decreed as follows.
The only-begotten Son, and Word of God the Father, who was
made man in all things like unto us without sin, Christ our true
God, has declared expressly in the words of the Gospel, "I
am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk
in darkness, but shall have the light of life." And again,
"My peace I leave with, you, my peace I give unto you."
Our most gentle Sovereign, the champion of orthodoxy, and opponent
of evil doctrine, being reverentially led by this divinely uttered
doctrine of peace, and having convened this our holy and Ecumenical
assembly, has united the judgment of the whole Church. Wherefore
this our holy and Ecumenical Synod having driven away the impious
error which had prevailed for a certain time until now, and following
closely the straight path of the holy and approved Fathers, has
piously given its full assent to the five holy and Ecumenical
Synods (that is to say, to that of the 318 holy Fathers who assembled
in Nice against the raging Arius; and the next in Constantinople
of the 150 God-inspired men against Macedonius the adversary of
the Spirit, and the impious Apollinaris; and also the first in
Ephesus of 200 venerable men convened against Nestorius the Judaizer;
and that in Chalcedon of 630 God-inspired Fathers against Eutyches
and Dioscorus hated of God; and in addition to these, to the last,
that is the Fifth holy Synod assembled in this place, against
Theodore of Mopsuestia, Origen, Didymus, and Evagrius, and the
writings of Theodoret against the Twelve Chapters of the celebrated
Cyril, and the Epistle which was said to be written by Ibas to
Maris the Persian), renewing in all things the ancient decrees
of religion, and chasing away the impious doctrines of irreligion.
And this
our holy and Ecumenical Synod inspired of God has set its seal
to the Creed which was put forth by the 318 Fathers, and again
religiously confirmed by the 150, which also the other holy synods
cordially received and ratified for the taking away of every soul-destroying
The Nicene Creed of the 318 holy Fathers.
We believe, etc.
The Creed of the 150 holy Fathers assembled at Constantinople. We believe, etc.
The holy and Ecumenical Synod further says, this pious and
orthodox Creed of the Divine grace would be sufficient for the
full knowledge and confirmation of the orthodox faith. But as
the author of evil, who, in the beginning, availed himself of
the aid of the serpent, and by it brought the poison of death
upon the human race, has not desisted, but in like manner now,
having found suitable instruments for working out his will (we
mean Theodorus, who was Bishop of Pharan, Sergius, Pyrrhus, Paul
and Peter, who were Archbishops of this royal city, and moreover,
Honorius who was Pope of the elder Rome, Cyrus Bishop of Alexandria,
Macarius who was lately bishop of Antioch, and Stephen his disciple),
has actively employed them in raising up for the whole Church
the stumbling-blocks of one will and one operation in the two
natures of Christ our true God, one of the Holy Trinity; thus
disseminating, in novel terms, amongst the orthodox people, an
heresy similar to the mad and wicked doctrine of the impious Apollinaris,
Severus, and Themistius, and endeavouring craftily to destroy
the perfection of the incarnation of the same our Lord Jesus Christ,
our God, by blasphemously representing his flesh endowed with
a rational soul as devoid of will or operation. Christ, therefore,
our God, has raised up our faithful Sovereign, a new David, having
found him a man after his own heart, who as it is written, "has
not suffered his eyes to sleep nor his eyelids to slumber,"
until he has found a perfect declaration of orthodoxy by this
our God-collected and holy Synod; for, according to the sentence
spoken of God, "Where two or three are gathered together
in my name, there am I in the midst of them," the present
holy and Ecumenical Synod faithfully receiving and saluting with
uplifted hands as well the suggestion which by the most holy and
blessed Agatho, Pope of ancient Rome, was sent to our most pious
and faithful Emperor Constantine, which rejected by name those
who taught or preached one will and one operation in the dispensation
of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ who is our very God,
has likewise adopted that other synodal suggestion which was sent
by the Council holden under the same most holy Pope, composed
of 125 Bishops, beloved of God, to his God-instructed tranquillity,
as consonant to the holy Council of Chalcedon and to the Tome
of the most holy and blessed Leo, Pope of the same old Rome, which
was directed to St. Flavian, which also this Council called the
Pillar of the right faith; and also agrees with the Synodal Epistles
which were written by Blessed Cyril against the impious Nestorius
and addressed to the Oriental Bishops. Following the five holy
Ecumenical Councils and the holy and approved Fathers, with one
voice defining that
our Lord Jesus Christ must be confessed to be very God and very
man, one of the holy and consubstantial and life-giving Trinity,
perfect in Deity and perfect in humanity, very God and very man,
of a reasonable soul and human body subsisting; consubstantial
with the Father as touching his Godhead and consubstantial with
us as touching his manhood; in all things like unto us, sin only
excepted; begotten of his Father before all ages according to
his Godhead, but in these last days for us men and for our salvation
made man of the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, strictly and
properly the Mother of God according to the flesh; one and the
same Christ our Lord the only-begotten Son of two natures un-confusedly,
unchangeably, inseparably indivisibly to be recognized, the peculiarities
of neither nature being lost by the union but rather the proprieties
of each nature being preserved, concurring in one Person and in
one subsistence, not parted or divided into two persons but one
and the same only-begotten Son of God, the Word, our Lord Jesus
Christ, according as the Prophets of old have taught us and as
our Lord Jesus Christ himself hath instructed us, and the Creed
of the holy Fathers hath delivered to us; defining all this we
likewise declare that in him are two natural wills and two natural
operations indivisibly, inconvertibly, inseparably, inconfusedly,
according to the teaching of the holy Fathers. And these two natural
wills are not contrary the one to the other (God forbid!) as the
impious heretics assert, but his human will follows and that not
as resisting and reluctant, but rather as subject to his divine
and omnipotent will. For it was right that the flesh should be
moved but subject to the divine will, according to the most wise
Athanasius. For as his flesh is called and is the flesh of God
the Word, so also the natural will of his flesh is called and
is the proper will of God the Word, as he himself says: "I
came down from heaven, not that I might do mine own will but the
will of the Father which sent me!" where he calls his own
will the will of his flesh, inasmuch as his flesh was also his
own. For as his most holy and immaculate animated flesh was not
destroyed because it was deified but continued in its own state
and nature (
so also his human will,
although deified, was not suppressed, but was rather preserved
according to the saying of Gregory Theologus: "His will [i.e.,
the Saviour's] is not contrary to God but altogether deified."
We glorify two natural operations indivisibly, immutably,
inconfusedly, inseparably in the same our Lord Jesus Christ our
true God, that is to say a divine operation and a human operation,
according to the divine preacher Leo, who most distinctly asserts
as follows: "For each form (
does in communion with the other what pertains properly to it,
the Word, namely, doing that which pertains to the Word, and the
flesh that which pertains to the flesh."
For we will not admit one natural operation in God and in
the creature, as we will not exalt into the divine essence what
is created, nor will we bring down the glory of the divine nature
to the place suited to the creature.
We recognize the miracles and the sufferings as of one and
the same [Person], but of one or of the other nature of which
he is and in which he exists, as Cyril admirably says. Preserving
therefore the inconfused-
ness and indivisibility, we make briefly this whole confession,
believing our Lord Jesus Christ to be one of the Trinity and after
the incarnation our true God, we say that his two natures shone
forth in his one subsistence in which he both performed the miracles
and endured the sufferings through the whole of his economic conversation
and that not in appearance only but in very deed, and this by
reason of the difference of nature which must be recognized in
the same Person, for although joined together yet each nature
wills and does the things proper to it and that indivisibly and
inconfusedly. Wherefore we confess two wills and two operations,
concurring most fitly in him for the salvation of the human race.
These firings, therefore, with all diligence and care having
been formulated by us, we define that it be permitted to no one
to bring forward, or to write, or to compose, or to think, or
to teach a different faith. Whosoever shall presume to compose
a different faith, or to propose, or teach, or hand to those wishing
to be converted to the knowledge of the truth, from the Gentiles
or Jews, or from any heresy, any different Creed; or to introduce
a new voice or invention of speech to subvert these things which
now have been determined by us, all these, if they be Bishops
or clerics let them be deposed, the Bishops from the Episcopate,
the clerics from the clergy; but if they be monks or laymen: let
them be anathematized.
(Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 1047 et seqq.)
[This address begins with many compliments to the Emperor, especially
for his zeal for the true faith.]
But because the adversary Satan allows no rest, he has raised
up the very ministers of Christ against him, as if armed and carrying
weapons, etc.
[The various heretics are then named and how they were condemned
by the preceding five councils is set forth.]
Things being so, it was necessary that your beloved of Christ
majesty should gather together this all holy, and numerous assembly.
Thereafter being inspired by the Holy Ghost, and all agreeing
and consenting together, and giving our approval to the doctrinal
letter of our most blessed and exalted pope, Agatho, which he
sent to your mightiness, as also agreeing to the suggestion of
the holy synod of one hundred and twenty-five fathers held under
him, we teach that one of fire Holy Trinity, our Lord Jesus Christ,
was incarnate, and must be celebrated in two perfect natures without
division and without confusion. For as the Word, he is consubstantial
and eternal with God his father; but as taking flesh of the immaculate
Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, he is perfect man, consubstantial
with us and made in time. We declare therefore that he is perfect
in Godhead and that the same is perfect likewise in manhood, according
to the pristine tradition of the fathers and the divine definition
of Chalcedon.
And as we recognize two natures, so also we recognize two
natural wills and two natural operations. For we dare not say
that either of the natures which are in Christ in his incarnation
is without a will and operation: lest in taking away the proprieties
of those natures, we likewise take away the natures of which they
are the proprieties. For we neither deny rite natural will of
his humanity, or its natural
operation: lest we also deny what is the chief thing of the dispensation
for our salvation, and lest we attribute passions to the Godhead.
For this they were attempting who have recently introduced the
detestable novelty that in him there is but one will and one operation,
renewing the malignancy of Arius, Apollinaris, Eutyches and Severus.
For should we say that the human nature of our Lord is without
will and operation, how could we affirm in safety the perfect
humanity? For nothing else constitutes the integrity of human
nature except the essential will, through which the strength of
free-will is marked in us; and this is also the case with the
substantial operation. For how shall we call him perfect in humanity
if he in no wise suffered and acted as a man? For like as the
union of two natures preserves for us one subsistence without
confusion and without division; so this one subsistence, shewing
itself in two natures, demonstrates as its own what things belong to each.
Therefore we declare that in him there are two natural wills
and two natural operations, proceeding commonly and without division:
but we cast out of the Church and rightly subject to anathema
all superfluous novelties as well as their inventors: to wit,
Theodore of Pharan, Sergius and Paul, Pyrrhus, and Peter (who
were archbishops of Constantinople), moreover Cyrus, who bore
the priesthood of Alexandria, and with them Honorius, who was
the ruler (
) of Rome, as he
followed them in these things. Besides these, with the best of
cause we anathematize and depose Macarius, who was bishop of Antioch,
and his disciple Stephen (or rather we should say master), who
tried to defend the impiety of their predecessors, and in short
stirred up the whole world, and by their pestilential letters
and by their fraudulent institutions devastated multitudes in
every direction. Likewise also that old man Polychronius, with
an infantile intelligence, who promised he would raise the dead
and who when they did not rise, was laughed at; and all who have
taught, or do teach, or shall presume
to teach one will and one operation in the incarnate Christ. .
. But the highest prince of the Apostles fought with us: for we
had on our side his imitator and the successor in his see, who
also had set forth in his letter the mystery of the divine word
For the ancient city of Rome handed thee a confession of divine
character, and a chart from the sunsetting raised up the day of
dogmas, and made the darkness manifest, and Peter spoke through
Agatho, and thou, O autocratic King, according to the divine decree,
with the Omnipotent Sharer of thy throne, didst judge.
But, O benign and justice-loving Lord, do thou in return do this favour to him who hath bestowed thy
power upon thee; and give, as a seal to what has been defined
by us, thy imperial ratification in writing, and so confirm them
with the customary pious edicts and constitutions, that no one
may contradict the things which have been done, nor raise any
fresh question. For rest assured, O serene majesty, that we have
not falsified anything defined by the Ecumenical Councils and
by the approved fathers, but we have confirmed them. And now we
all cry out with one mind and one voice, "O God, save the
King! etc., etc."
[Then follow numerous compliments to the Emperor and prayers
for his preservation.]
(Found in Migne, Pat. Lat., Tom. LXXXVII., col. 1247 et seqq.;
and Labbe and Cossart, Concilia, Tom. VI., col. 1071 et seqq.)
A copy of the letter sent by the holy and Ecumenical Sixth
Council to Agatho, the most blessed and most holy pope of Old
The holy and ecumenical council which by the grace of God
and the pious sanction of the most pious and faithful Constantine,
the great Emperor, has been gathered together in this God-preserved
and royal city, Constantinople, the new Rome, in the Secretum
of the imperial (
, sacri) palace
called Trullus, to the most holy and most blessed pope of Old
Rome, Agatho, health in the Lord.
Serious illnesses call for greater helps, as you know, most
blessed [father]; and therefore Christ our true God, who is the
creator and governing power of all things, gave a wise physician,
namely your God-honoured sanctity, to drive away by force the
contagion of heretical pestilence by the remedies of orthodoxy,
and to give the strength of health to the members of the church.
Therefore to thee, as to the bishop of the first see of the Universal
Church, we leave what must be done, since you willingly take for
your standing ground the firm rock of the faith, as we know from
having read your true confession in the letter sent by your fatherly
beatitude to the most pious emperor: and we acknowledge that this
letter was divinely written (perscriptas) as by the Chief of the
Apostles, and through it we have cast out the heretical sect of
many errors which had recently sprung up, having been urged to
making a decree by Constantine who divinely reigns, and wields
a most clement sceptre. And by his help we have overthrown the
error of impiety, having as it were laid siege to the nefarious
doctrine of the heretics. And then tearing to pieces the foundations
of their execrable heresy, and attacking them with spiritual and
paternal arms, and confounding their tongues that they might not
speak consistently with each other, we overturned the tower built
up by these followers of this most impious heresy; and we slew
them with anathema, as lapsed concerning the faith and as sinners,
in the morning outside the camp of the tabernacle of God, that
we may express ourselves after the manner of David,(1) in accordance
with the sentence already given concerning them in your letter,
and their names are these: Theodore, bishop of Pharan, Sergius,
Honorius, Cyrus, Paul, Pyrrhus and Peter. Moreover, in addition
to these, we justly subjected to the anathema of heretics those
also who live in their impiety which they have received, or, to
speak more accurately, in the impiety of these God - hated persons,
Apollinaris, Severus and Themestius, to wit, Macarius, who was
the bishop of the great city of Antioch (and him we also stripped
deservedly of his pastor's robes on account of his impenitence
concerning the orthodox faith and his obstinate stubbornness),
and Stephen, his disciple in craziness and his teacher in impiety,
also Polychronius, who was inveterate in his heretical doctrines,
thus answering to his name; and finally all those who impenitently
have taught or do teach, or now hold or have held similar doctrines.
Up to now grief, sorrow, and many tears have been our portion.
For we cannot laugh at the fall of our neighbours, nor exult with
joy at their unbridled madness, nor have we been elated that we
might fall all the more grievously because of this thing; not
thus, O venerable and sacred head, have we been taught, we who
hold Christ, the Lord of the universe, to be both benign and man-loving
in the highest degree; for he exhorts us to be imitators of him
in his priesthood so far as is possible, as becometh the good,
and to obtain the pattern of his pastoral and conciliatory government.
But also to true repentance the most Serene Emperor and ourselves
have exhorted them in various ways, and we have conducted the
whole matter with great religiousness and care. Nor
have we been moved to do so for the sake of gain, nor by hatred,
as you can easily see from what things have been done in each
session, and related in the minutes, which are herewith sent to
your blessedness: and you will understand from your holiness's
vicars, Theodore and George, presbyters beloved of God, and from
John, the most religious deacon, and from Constantine, the most
venerable sub-deacon, all of them your spiritual children and
our well-loved brethren. So too you will hear the same things
from those sent by your holy synod, the holy bishops who rightly
and uprightly, in accordance with your discipline, decreed with
us in the first chapter of the faith.
Thus, illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and instructed by your
doctrine, we have cast forth the vile doctrines of impiety, making
smooth the right path of orthodoxy, being in every way encouraged
and helped in so doing by the wisdom and power of our most pious
and serene Emperor Constantine. And then one of our number, the
most holy praesul of this reigning Constantinople, in the first
place assenting to the orthodox compositions sent by you to the
most pious emperor as in all respects agreeable to the teaching
of the approved Fathers and of the God-instructed Fathers, and
of the holy five universal councils, we all, by the help of Christ
our God, easily accomplished what we were striving after. For
as God was the mover, so God also he crowned our council.
Thereupon, therefore, the grace of the Holy Spirit shone upon
us, displaying his power, through your assiduous prayers, for
the uprooting of all weeds and every tree which brought not forth
good fruit, and giving command that they should be consumed by
fire. And we all agree both in heart and tongue, and hand, and
have put forth, by the assistance of the life-giving Spirit, a
definition, clean from all error, certain, and infallible; not
'removing the ancient landmarks, as it is written (God forbid!),
but remaining steadfast in the testimonies and authority of the
holy and approved fathers, and defining that, as of two and in
two natures (to wit, the divinity and the humanity) of which he
is composed and in which he exists, Christ our true God is preached
by us, and is glorified inseparably, unchangeably, unconfusedly,
and undividedly; just so also we predicate of him two natural
operations, undividedly, incontrovertibly, unconfusedly, inseparably,
as has been declared in our synodal definition. These decrees
the majesty of our God-copying Emperor assented to, and subscribed
them with his own hand. And, as has been said, we rejected and
condemned that most impious and unsubstantial heresy which affirmed
but one will and one operation in the incarnate Christ our true
God, and by so doing we have pressed sore upon the crowd who confound
and who divide, and have extinguished the inflamed storm of other
heresies, but we have set forth clearly with you the shining light
of the orthodox faith, and we pray your paternal sanctity to confirm
our decree by your honourable rescript; through which we confide
in good hope in Christ that his merciful kindness will grant freely
to the Roman State, committed to the care of our most clement
Emperor, stability; and will adorn with daily yokes and victories
his most serene elemency; and that in addition to the good things
he has here bestowed upon us, he will set your God-honoured holiness
before his tremendous tribunal as one who has sincerely confessed
the true faith, preserving it unsullied and keeping good ward
over the orthodox flocks committed to him by God.
We and all who are with us salute all the brethren in Christ
who are with your blessedness.
To this decree attaches not only the necessary importance
and interest which belongs to any ecumenical decision upon a disputed
doctrinal question with regard to the incarnation of the Son of
God, but an altogether accidental interest, arising from the fact
that by this decree a Pope of Rome is stricken with anathema in
the person of Honorius. I need hardly remind the reader how many
interesting and difficult questions in theology such an action
on the part of an Ecumenical Council raises, and how all important,
not to say vital, to such as accept the ruling of the recent Vatican
Council, it is that some explanation of this fact should be arrived
at which will be satisfactory. It would be highly improper for
me in these pages to discuss the matter theologically. Volumes
on each side have been written on this subject, and to these I
must refer the reader, but in doing so I hope I may be pardoned
if I add a word of counsel--to read both sides. If one's knowledge
is derived only from modern Eastern, Anglican or Protestant writers,
such as "Janus and the Council," the Pere Gratry's "Letters,"
or Littledale's controversial books against Rome, one is apt to
be as much one-sided as if he took his information from Cardinal
Baronius, Cardinal Bellarmine, Rohrbacher's History, or from the
recent work on the subject by Pennacchi.(1) Perhaps the average
reader will hardly find a more satisfactory treatment than that
by Bossuet in the Defensio. (Liber VII., cap. xxi, etc.)
It will be sufficient for the purposes of this volume to state
that Roman Catholic Curialist writers are not at one as to how
the matter is to be treated. Pennacchi, in his work referred to
above, is of opinion that Honorius's letters were strictly speaking
Papal decrees, set forth auctoritate apostolica, and therefore
irreformable, but he declares, contrary to the opinion of almost
all theologians and to the decree of this Council, that they are
orthodox, and that the Council erred in condemning them; as he
expresses it, the decree rests upon all error in facto dogmatico.
To save an Ecumenical Synod from error, he thinks the synod ceased
to be ecumenical before it took this action, and was at that time
only a synod of a number of Orientals! Cardinal Baronius has another
way out of the difficulty. He says that the name of Honorius was
forged and put in the decree by an erasure in the place of the
name of Theodore, the quondam Patriarch, who soon after the Council
got himself restored to the Patriarchal position. Baronius moreover
holds that Honorius's letters have been corrupted, that the Acts
of the Council have been corrupted, and, in short, that everything
which declares or proves that Honorius was a heretic or was condemned
by an Ecumenical Council as such, is untrustworthy and false.
The groundlessness, not to say absurdity, of Baronius's view has
been often exposed by those of his own communion, a brief but
sufficient summary of the refutation will be found in Hefele,
who while taking a very halting and unsatisfactory position himself,
yet is perfectly clear that Baronius's contention is utterly indefensible.(2)
Most Roman controversialists of recent years have admitted
both the fact of Pope Honorius's condemnation (which Baronius
denies), and the monothelite (and therefore heretical) character
of his epistles, but they are of opinion that these letters were
not his ex cathedra utterances as Doctor Universalis, but mere
expressions of the private opinion of the Pontiff as a theologian.
With this matter we have no concern in this connexion.
I shall therefore say nothing further on this point but shall
simply supply the leading proofs that Honorius was as a matter
of fact condemned by the Sixth Ecumenical Council.
1. His condemnation is found in the Acts in the xiiith Session,
near the beginning.
2. His two letters were ordered to be burned at the same session.
3. In the xvith Session the bishops exclaimed "Anathema
to the heretic Sergius, to the heretic Cyrus, to the heretic Honorius,
4. In the decree of faith published at the xviijth Session
it is stated that "the originator of all evil ... found a
fit tool for his will in ... Honorius, Pope of Old Rome, etc."
5. The report of the Council to the Emperor says that "Honorius,
formerly bishop of Rome" they had "punished with exclusion
and anathema" because he followed the monothelites.
6. In its letter to Pope Agatho the Council says it "has
slain with anathema Honorius."
7. The imperial decree speaks of the "unholy priests
who infected the Church and falsely governed" and mentions
among them "Honorius, the Pope of Old Rome, the confirmer
of heresy who contradicted himself." The Emperor goes on
to anathematize "Honorius who was Pope of Old Rome, who in
everything agreed with them, went with them, and strengthened
the heresy."
8. Pope Leo II. confirmed the decrees of the Council and expressly
says that he too anathematized Honorius.(1)
9. That Honorius was anathematized by the Sixth Council is
mentioned in the Trullan Canons (No. j.).
10. So too the Seventh Council declares its adhesion to the
anathema in its decree of faith, and in several places in the
acts the same is said.
11. Honorius's name was found in the Roman copy of the Acts.
This is evident from Anastasius's life of Leo II. (Vita Leonis
12. The Papal Oath as found in the Liber Diurnus(2) taken
by each new Pope from the fifth to the eleventh century, in the
form probably prescribed by Gregory II., "smites with eternal
anathema the originators of the new heresy, Sergius, etc., together
with Honorius, because he assisted the base assertion of the heretics."
13. In the lesson for the feast of St. Leo II. in the Roman
Breviary the name of Pope Honorius occurs among those excommunicated
by the Sixth Synod. Upon this we may well hear Bossuet: "They
suppress as far as they can, the Liber Diurnus: they have erased
this from the Roman Breviary. Rave they therefore hidden it? Truth
breaks out from all sides, and these things become so much the
more evident, as they are the more studiously put out of sight."(3)
With such an array of proof no conservative historian, it
would seem, can question the fact that Honorius, the Pope of Rome,
was condemned and anathematized as a heretic by the Sixth Ecumenical
In the name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, our God and
Saviour, the most pious Emperor, the peaceful and Christ-loving
Constantine, an Emperor faithful to God in Jesus Christ, to all
our Christ-loving people living in this God-preserved and royal
[The document is very long, Hefele gives the following epitome,
which is all sufficient for the ordinary reader, who will remember
that it is an Edict of the Emperor and not anything proceeding
from the council.]
Hefele's Epitome (Hist. of the Councils, Vol.
v., p. 178).
"The heresy of Apollinaris, etc., has been renewed by
Theodore of Pharan and confirmed by Honorius, sometime Pope of
Old Rome, who also contradicted himself. Also Cyrus, Pyrrhus,
Paul, Peter; more recently. Macarius, Stephen, and Polychronius
had diffused Monothelitism. He, the Emperor, had therefore convoked
this holy and Ecumenical Synod, and published the present edict
with the confession of faith, in order to confirm and establish
its decrees. (There follows here an extended confession of faith,
with proofs for the doctrine of two wills and operations.) As
he recognized the five earlier Ecumenical Synods, so he anathematized
all heretics from Simon Magus, but especially the originator and
patrons of the new heresy, Theodore and Sergius; also Pope Honorius,
who was their adherent and patron in everything, and confirmed
the heresy (
, further, Cyrus, etc., and
ordained that no one henceforth should hold a different faith,
or venture to teach one will and one energy. In no other than
the orthodox faith could men be saved. Whoever did not obey the
imperial edict should, if he were a bishop or cleric be deposed;
if an official, punished with confiscation of property and loss
of the girdle (
); if a private
person, banished from the residence and all other cities."
from The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church, trans H. R. Percival, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, ed. P. Schaff and H. Wace, (repr. Grand Rapids MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1955), XIV, 324-353
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(c)Paul Halsall Mar 1996
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