Medieval Sourcebook:
Limits on Passage of Merchants, c. 805-809
Capitulary of Diedenhofen, 805.
C.7. Concerning merchants who come from parts of the Slavs and Avars, how far they
ought to proceed with their business, i.e., in the parts of Saxony as far as Bardowic
where Hredi is in charge; and at Schesel where Madalgaudus is in charge; and at Magdeburg
where Aito is in charge. And at Erfurt where Madalgaudus and at Hallstadt where
Madalgaudus is also in charge. At Forchheim and at Bremberg and at Regensburg where
Audulfus, and at Lorch where Warnarius is in charge. And let them not bring arms or
breastplates to sell. And if they be found carrying them, let all their goods be taken
from them, one half to the share of the palace, but the other half shall be divided
between the missi and the finder.
Capitulary of Aix-la-Chapelle, 809.
C.8. Let no one be forced to go to the bridge for the sake of crossing the river on
account of thelony, when he can cross that river in another place more advantageously.
Likewise in the open country where there is no bridge built, we command that no thelony be
exacted in any way.
From: J. P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus, (Paris, 1862), Vol. XCVII, pp.
285, 317, reprinted in Roy C. Cave & Herbert H. Coulson, A Source Book for Medieval
Economic History, (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1936; reprint ed., New York:
Biblo & Tannen, 1965), pp. 150-151.
Scanned by Jerome S. Arkenberg, Cal. State Fullerton. The text has been modernized by
Prof. Arkenberg.
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© Paul Halsall, September 1998
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