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Internet Medieval Sourcebook

Pope Gregory I (r. 590-604):

Letter to Abbot Mellitus, c. 601 AD

Pope Gregory the Great (590-604) wrote this letter to the Abbot Mellitus, who was about to join St. Augustine of Canterbury on the mission to England in 597 AD.

Tell Augustine that he should be no means destroy the temples of the gods but rather the idols within those temples. Let him, after he has purified them with holy water, place altars and relics of the saints in them. For, if those temples are well built, they should be converted from the worship of demons to the service of the true God. Thus, seeing that their places of worship are not destroyed, the people will banish error from their hearts and come to places familiar and dear to them in acknowledgement and worship of the true God.

Further, since it has been their custom to slaughter oxen in sacrifice, they should receive some solemnity in exchange. Let them therefore, on the day of the dedication of their churches, or on the feast of the martyrs whose relics are preserved in them, build themselves huts around their one-time temples and celebrate the occasion with religious feasting. They will sacrifice and eat the animals not any more as an offering to the devil, but for the glory of God to whom, as the giver of all things, they will give thanks for having been satiated.

Thus, if they are not deprived of all exterior joys, they will more easily taste the interior ones. For surely it is impossible to efface all at once everything from their strong minds, just as, when one wishes to reach the top of a mountain, he must climb by stages and step by step, not by leaps and bounds....

Mention this to our brother the bishop, that he may dispose of the matter as he sees fit according to the conditions of time and place.

Source: Gregory the Great: Epistola 76, PL 77: 1215-1216, Compare with Bede's version in Ecclesiastical History XXX and NPNF version

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© Paul Halsall, January 2023

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