Byzantine Studies Articles
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Byzantine Studies articles, or find that links have expired or gone bad, please email me
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This page contains links to articles, papers and other secondary material concerning
Byzantine studies. Articles related to other areas, especially Islam, may be included.
They will be arranged in chronological order with general articles first. Please note that
most of these texts are not at this site. If any links go bad, please
contact me.
Important Notice: All of these texts were collected while surfing the Internet.
Since they were available on the net at educational sites and had no copy-restrictions, I
have assumed that they were copy permitted for educational and non-commercial use. If this
is not the case, and I am notified, I shall removed any text immediately pending
resolution of the issue.
Invitation: Many readers of these pages have published articles in journals,
article which deserve further audiences. I am willing to place copies of any relevant
article or book extract on this page.
Byzantine History - Chronological
- David Kennedy and Derrick Riley. Rome's Desert Frontier.
(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990), Chapter One: Physical and Human Geography,
- Irfan Shahid: Byzantium
and the Arabs in the Fifth Century. (Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research
Library, Washington, D.C. 1989), Vll. BYZANTINISM AND ARABISM: INTERACTION, 528-539
- Judith Herrin: The
Formation of Christendom. "Byzantium Confronted by Islam",
(Princeton: Princeton Univ, Press. 1987), 183-213
Stylianos G. Papadopoulos: The Holy Trinity and
the Parousia of the Holy Spirit According to St. John Chrysostom [At Orthodox
Research Institute]Constantine Scouteris: Platonic
Elements in Pseudo-Dionysius Anti-Manichaean Ontology [At University of Athens]
Arnold Toynbee: Christianity
and Civilization [At Church of Greece]
A very different view than Gibbon's.
- Richard Frye: Heritage of
Persia, 224-229
- Richard Frye: History of
Ancient Iran, 325-334
- Patricia Crone: Meccan Trade and
the Rise of Islam, (Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1987), 231-250
- Montgomery Watt: Muhammad Prophet
and Statesman (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961) Last Chapter
- Maxime Rodinson: Muhammad.
(New York: Pantheon Books. 1980), pp. 38. ff, Chapter 3
- Fred Donner: The Early Islamic
Conquests, (Princeton: Princeton Univ Press, 1981), pp.251 ff - Chapter VI.
"Conclusions: 1. Tribe and State in Arabia: Second Essay"
- Oleg Grabar: Ceremonial Art at
the Ummayyad Court. PhD Dissertation, Princeton Univ 1955. Chap. I. The Umayyad Royal
Idea and its Expression under Mu'awiyah I. pp 18 ff
- Oleg Grabar: The Formation of
Islamic Art, (New Haven: Yale Univ Press, 19??), pp. 43- 71,.Chap. 3 "The
Symbolic Appropriation of the Land" chapter 3
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr: Science and
Civilization in Islam, (New York : New American Library. 1968).
- J. Schacht: "Law and
Justice", in Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Islam, vol. II, pt. VIII/chap. 4,
pp. 539 ff.
- Gaston Wiet: Baghdad: Metropolis
of the Abbasid Caliphate, (Norman OK: Univ of Oklahoma Press, 19?? ) Chap. 5
- Yacov Lev: State and Society in
Fatamid Egypt, (Leiden: E. J. Brill., 1991), CHAPTER FOUR: THE RULING CIRCLES
- David J. Wasserstein: The
Caliphate in the West, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993), chap. 1. "The Caliphal
Institution in al-Andalus until 422/1031"
- J. J. Saunders: A History of
Medieval Islam, (London: Routledge, 19??), chap. 9. "IX The Turkish
- Hadia Dajani-Shakeel: Some
Medieval Accounts of Salah al-Din's Recovery of Jerusalem (Al-Quds) in Hisham Nashabe
(ed) Studia Palaestina: Studies in honour of Constantine K. Zurayk, Institute for
Palestine Studies, Beirut 1988.
- Bernard Lewis: Race and Slavery
in the Middle East, (New York: Oxford Univ Press 1994) Chap 1.
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