Byzantine Sources in Translation
By Paul Halsall
[Preliminary Version 0.9 : 16 April October 2019]
These are preliminary bibliographies of Byzantine sources
and editions. The goal is to list available translations of Byzantine sources
in Western European languages. It is present in one very large file so
that it can be easily searched and printed out. Until this bibliography
there was no available listing of such translations, although Emily Albu's
bibliography of translations into English was widely used. Although much
material is available in English, a list of only English translations does
not give an idea of the amount of material available. For many who cannot
read Greek fluently, French, German or Italian translations offer access
to Byzantine texts. Even for Greek readers, translations are important
for rapidity in scanning texts and for information on how another reader
has interpreted the material. For Western medieval scholars, the availability
of translations should allow comparative work. The sheer amount of material
listed here also makes it clear that quite advanced undergraduate, and
perhaps even masters and co-field doctoral studies, are feasible with minimal
SAINTS' LIVES: There are a great many Byzantine saints'
lives translated into Western languages. See Translations of Byzantine Saints’ Lives Listed Chronologically [At Dumbarton Oaks]
THE BYZANTINE HISTORIOGRAPHICAL TRADITION: the Byzantine historiographical tradition
BYZANTINE MANUSCRIPTS: Byzantine Manuscripts
SOURCES ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB: Byzantine and other medieval
sources available on the Web are accessible through the Internet Medieval
Sourcebook: Byzantium
Many of these printed translations are now out of copyright
in the United States [anything published before 1920 is in the public domain,
and some texts published after]. If you are willing to scan in any source,
however long, I will provide web space to make it available in the Sourcebook.
FORMAT NOTES: For some sections [specifically on historiography,
letter collections, and literature], the goal is to collect references
to all available printed editions, translated or not. In the other sections
editions are usually only listed if translations are available. In most
case the language into which a text has been translated is listed, with
occasional - to be rectified - omissions where this is obvious.
SEE ALSOo Modern Language Translations of Byzantine Sources and
Digitized Greek Manuscripts [At Princeton]
Useful Bibliographical Resources
Albu, Emily, "An Annotated Bibliography of Byzantine Sources
in English Translation", Byzantine Studies/Etudes Byzantines 9:1
(1982), 68-87
Bak, Janos M., Medieval Narrative Sources: A chronological guide,
(New York: Garland, 1987).
Colonna M.E., Gli storici bizantine dal IV al XV secolo. Vol.
1: Gli storici profani, (Naples: 1956)
Farrar, Clarissa P. and Austin P. Evans, Bibliography of English
Translations from Medieval Sources, (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1946)
Ferguson, Mary Ann Heyward, Bibliography of English Translations
from Medieval Sources, 1943-1967, (New York: Columbia University Press,
McBain, Bruce, "An Annotated Bibliography of Sources for Late Antiquity
in English Translation", Byzantine Studies/Etudes Byzantines 10:1
(1983), 88-109 and 10:2 (1983), 223-47 [covers period 284-602]
A: Byzantine
Source Collections
TABLE I Byzantine
Source Collections - In Original Languages
TABLE II Byzantine Source
Collections - In Translation
B: Byzantine Historiography
TABLE I Byzantine Historians
TABLE II Byzantine Chroniclers
TABLE III The Greek Tradition
TABLE IV The Latin Tradition
C: Byzantine
Political Documents
TABLE I Byzantine
Political Structures
TABLE II Fiscal Texts
TABLE III Byzantine Military Texts
D: Byzantine Legal
TABLE I Byzantine Legal Texts
- Collections and Codes
TABLE II Byzantine Legal Texts -
Decrees, Edicts
E: Byzantium
- Contemporary Descriptions
F: Byzantine
Church History Documents
TABLE I Church Document
TABLE II Church Councils
TABLE III Monastic Documents
TABLE III Church History Documents
TABLE IV Liturgical Documents
TABLE V Canon Law
G: Byzantine
Theological Literature [post 500 CE]
TABLE I Where to Find
Texts of 4th and 5th-century Christian Writers
TABLE II Discourses/Treatises
TABLE III Sermons and Homilies
TABLE IV Spirituality
TABLE IV Controversy with: Heretics;
Latins; Jews; and Muslims
H: Byzantine Literature
TABLE I Poetry
TABLE II Other Fictional Literature
TABLE III Criticism and Belles
TABLE IV Selected
Secondary Works
I: Byzantine Letter
J: Byzantine Philosophy
K: Byzantine Science
L: Non-Greek Sources for
Byzantine History
TABLE I Eastern Sources
[Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Persian, Syriac,Turkish]
TABLE II Northern and Western
[Latin, Russian, Slavonic, Western Vernaculars]
TABLE III Crusades
M: Modern
Byzantine History Writing
TABLE I Byzantine History:
TABLE II Byzantine History:
Specific Periods
-----Postscript: Byzantine Jewry
TABLE III Byzantine History:
A: Byzantine
Source Collections
Over the past four centuries a number of source collections
have been made of Byzantine sources, some in original languages, others
in translation.
TABLE I Byzantine
Source Collections - in Original Languages
TABLE II Byzantine
Source Collections - in Translation
Table I: Byzantine
Source Collections: Original Languages
Boissonade, J.F.
Analecta Graeca e Codicibus Regis, (Paris: 1829)
Dolger. F.
Regesten der Kaiserkunden des ostromischen Reiches, pts. 1-5,
(Munich & Berlin: 1924-65), pt. 3 1204-1282, 2nd. ed. P. Wirth (Munich:
1977), pt. 4 1282-1341, (Munich & Berlin: 1966), pt. 5 1341-1453 (Munich
& Berlin: 1965)
Greek Anthology
ed. and trans. W.R. Paton, Loeb Classical Library, 5 Vols, (London:
partial English verse translation in D. Fitts, Poems from the Greek
Anthology in English Translation, (New York: New Directions, 1956)
partial English verse translation in A. Sinclair, Selections from
the Greek Anthology, (New York: Macmillan, 1967)
partial English verse translation in C.A. Trypanis, Penguin Book
of Greek Verse in Translation, (New York: Penguin, 19 )
Migne, J.P.
Patrologiae cursus completus, Series Greaco-latina, 161 vols.
In 166, (Paris: 1857-66)
J.P. Migne,
a French priest with low morals when it came to using other people's texts,
published a series of collected medieval sources to about 1300 - Latin,
Greek, and "Oriental". Many of these texts were lifted directly from earlier
editions - in many cases none too carefully. Migne was amarketing genius
and sets of these editions were distributed to a huge number of libraries.
In fact if a library does not have "Migne" [pronounced "mean" by the way]
it is not likely to be useful to a medieval scholar. The result is that
"PG". "PL" and "PO" followed by volume, column, and page partition numbers
have become common ways to refer a huge variety of medieval texts. In almost
all cases it is preferable to use a later edition if available. For Latin
readers a useful feature is that all the Greek texts have side by side
Latin translations - not always reliable, however, and an easy target of
persnickety reviewers.
Miklosich, F. & J. Muller
Acta et Diplomats greaca medii aevi sacra et profana 6 vols.,
(Vienna: 1860-1890)
see also J. Darrouzés, Le Registre synodal du patriarcat
byzantin au XIVe siecle: Etude paleographique et diplomatique, Archives
de l'Orient chretien 12, (Paris: 1971)
Muratori L.A.
Rerum Italicarum Scriptores (Milan: 1723-1751)
A huge collection of Italian related sources, for many of which this
remains the only edition. Given Byzantium's close involvement wit Italy
throughout its history, a useful collection for Byzantinists.
Petrtz G.H., T. Mommsen et al.
Monumenta Germaniae Historica, ed. (Hanover, 1826- : new eds.
in progress, Hanover & Berlin)
Took a very broad view of "German"!
Pitra, J.P.
Analecta Sacra et Classica 6 vols., ed., (Paris & Rome:
Sathas, Konstantine.N.
Mesaionike Bibliotheke/Bibliotheca Greaca Medii Aevi 7 vols.,
(Venice & Paris: 1872-94)
Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1828-97), editions
of Byzantine Historians
A large number of Byzantine historiographical texts were first edited
and printed in the 16th and 17th centuries. For the most part these were
re-edited and published at amazing speed by a series of German scholars
(Bekker, de Boor, etc.) in the 19th century. All the texts are accompanied
by Latin translations, generally of a higher quality than those in Migne.
Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1967-), reeditions
of old "Bonn Corpus"
For the past few decades a consortium of academic publishers in Washington
DC, Berlin, Athens, Brussels, and elsewhere have been co-operating in a
an effort to re-edit, to a much higher critical standard, the corpus of
Byzantine historiography - this has inlcuded histories, chronicles, military
and diplomatic manuals and collections of letters. Editions may or may
not be accompanied by a translation into English, French, German or Italian.
In a number of cases where CFHB has not published a translation, the new
editors have done so through other sources.
Table II: Byzantine
Source Collections - in Translation
Barker, Ernest
Social and Political Thought in Byzantium from Justinian I to the
Last Paleologue, (Oxford: 1957)
A surprisingly useful collection of excerpted sources by a non-specialist.
Brand. C. M.
Icon and Minaret: Sources of Byzantine and Islamic Civilization,
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969)
Cobham, C.B., ed. and trans.,
Excerpta Cypria, (Cambridge: 1908: repr. 1969)
Doblhofer, Ernst
ed. and German trans. Byzantinische Diplomaten und ostliche Barbaren;
aus den Excerpta de legationibus des Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos ausgewahlte
Abschnitte des Priskos und Menander Protektor ubersetzt, eingeleitet und
erklart, (Graz, Verlag Styria, 1955), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber
; Vol .4.
Ducellier, Alain
L'Église byzantine: Entre Pouvoir et Esprit (313-1204), Bibliotheque
d'Histoire du Christianisme 21, (Paris: Desclée, 1990)
Contains short excerpts, some not translated elsewhere, arranged to
illustrate the history of the Byzantne Church.
Heather, P. J. (Peter J.) and John Matthews
The Goths in the Fourth Century, (Liverpool : Liverpool University
Press, c1991) Translated texts for historians ; v. 11. [Eastern Europe
History, to 1100.]
Geanakoplos, Deno John
Byzantium: Church. Society and Civilization Seen through Contemporary
Eyes, (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1984)
Probably the best collection in English, although many selections are
somewhat short. Texts are arranged thematically.
Gabler, Franz and G. Stokel
Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen, (Graz: Styria
1954), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2.
Contents: Aus dem Geschichtswerk des Laonikos Chaikokondyles -- Die
Nordlandreise des Laskaris Kananos -- Zwei Briefe des Manuel Chrysoloras,
je ubers. (alles eingeleitet und erklart von Franz Gabler) -- Reisebericht
eines unbekannten Russen (1437-1440) (alles ubers. / eingeleitet und erklart
von G. Stokl)
Gordon, C.D.
The Age of Attila: Fifth Century Byzantium and the Barbarians,
(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960)
Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch shaped
into one narrative.
Koder, Johannes
Der Lebensraum der Byzantiner : historisch-geographischer Abriss
ihres mittelalterlichen Staates im ostlichen Mittelmeerraum, (Graz
: Verlag Styria, c1984), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber. Erganzungsband
; 1.
Larsen, Tage and Adam Bulow-Jacobsen
Subliterary texts and Byzantine documents from Egypt, edited
with translation and commentary, (Bonn : R. Habelt, 1985) Series title:
Papyri Graecae Haunienses ; fasc. 3. Series title: Papyrologische Texte
und Abhandlungen ; Bd. 36.
Mango, Cyril
The Art of the Byzantine Empire, 312-1453: Sources and Documents,
Sources and Documents in History, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,
1972; reissued by Medieval Academy of America) - English trans of Greek,
Latin, Slavic, Syriac and Arabic sources to illustrate Byzantine art history.
O'Faolin, Julia and Lauro Martines, eds.
Not in God's Image: Women in History from the Greeks to the Victorians,
(New York: Harper and Row, 1973)
Good selections relating to women from Byzantine legal codes.
Samuel N.C. Lieu and Dominic Montserrat
From Constantine to Julian : Pagan and Byzantine views: A Source
History, (London ; New York : Routledge, 1996)
Sideras, Alexander.
Byzantine Funeral Orations
Die byzantinischen Grabreden : Prosopographie, Datierung, Uberlieferung,
142 Epitaphien und Monodien aus dem byzantinischen Jahrtausend, (Vienna:
Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1994), Wiener
byzantinistische Studien Bd. 19.
Sources chretiennes, (Paris: 1924-)
New scholarly editions of classica Christian texts with French translations.
In many cases these replace Migne.
Wortley, John
"The Legendary History of Byzantium", Historical Papers/Commications
historiques (1977), 215-29
extracts from Sozomen, Theodoret, Evagrius and Malalas
B: Byzantine
Some cultures have history as distinct field of interest, some
don't. Among those that do not we may list the ancient Egyptians, where
apparently the lone Egyptian historian, Manetho, wrote for Greeks, and
Indian culture, where the history of the subcontinent has to be gleaned
largely from Greek, Persian, and Chinese sources. Among those cultures
that do value history, a number stand out: the Jewish tradition in particular
has affected all later Jewish, Christian and Muslim civilization and world
views. In terms of continuity the two longest such historiographical traditions
seem to have been that of the Chinese and the Greeks. The Greek tradition,
beginning with Herodotos, Thukydides continued throughout Antiquity. Less
well known is that it continued in Byzantium, the subject here, and is
one of the reasons for interest in and ability to research, Byzantine history
despite the loss much material available to historians of other medieval
For much of Byzantine history a series of historical accounts,
often covering about fifty years each, continued, one after another, each
giving a detailed account of the history of the empire from the perspective
of the governmental and ecclesiastical elites. There was an element of
self-consciousness about this tradition, even though, unlike in China,
it was not a government project - thus Michael Psellos acknowledges Leo
the Deacon, and Anna Komnena picks up the torch from Psellos. As noted
by Harry Turtledove in his translation of Theophanes Chronographia,
these historical accounts self-consciously looked back to Thukydides and
were written in a classicizing and sometimes clumsy Greek. Alongside such historical works were also a series of more popularly written chronicles,
often arranged year by year and written in a less formal style. These chronicles
often begin with creation and lifted content for most of their text from
earlier chroniclers, or sometimes historians. The historiographic and chronographic
traditions are parallel, with distinct audiences. Occasionally, as with
Theophanes, the historiographical tradition faltered or has been lost and
the chronographers are our main sources.
As can be seen below virtually the entire corpus has been edited
and in many cases re-edited. Translations of all but a few texts are now
available in English, French, German or Italian.
Here are 5 tables, arranged by lifetime of author, of the historiographical
and chronographical traditions of Byzantine culture.
TABLE I Byzantine Historians
TABLE II Byzantine Chronographers
TABLE III The Greek Tradition
TABLE IV The Latin Tradition
CAVEAT: These tables, especially the last three, are not complete,
nor definitive. Suggestions, etc. are welcome.
Table I: Byzantine
Eusebios of Caesarea
Ekklesiastike historia / Ecclesiastical History
ed I.A. Heikel, (Leipzig: 1902)
ed. and English translation, Kirsopp Lake and J.E.I Oulton, Loeb Classical
Library, 2 Vols, (London and New York: 19 )
English trans. An ecclesiastical history to the twentieth year of
the reign of Constantine : being the 324th of the Christian era, trans.
by C.F. Cruse. 4th ed., carefully rev., to which is prefixed The life
of Eusebius by Valesius, trans by S. E. Parker, (London : S. Bagster,
English trans. as The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine,
by G.A. Williamson, (New York: Penguin, 1965)
English trans by Roy J. Defferi, 2 vols, Fathers of the Church 19 and
29, (New York: Fathers of the Church, 1953-55)
English trans by Arthur C. Mcgiffert and Earnest C. Richardson, the
Nicence and Post Nicene Fathers, Second Series, Volume I, (New York: Christian
Literature Co. 1890) . This volume also includes the Life of Constantine
the Great and Oration in Praise of Constantine. The entire volume
is available on the World Wide Web through the Internet Medieval Sourcebook
at /halsall/sbook.html
ed. and French trans. Histoire ecclesiastique / Eusebe de Cesaree
; texte grec, traduction et notes, by Gustave Bardy. rev. ed. (Paris
: Cerf, 1984-) Series title: Sources chretiennes ; no 55
-church history to 324
Eunapios of Sardis
[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 7-56; also cf. Excerpt de legationibus, ed. C. de Boor,
(1903), 591-92
ed. R.C.Blockley, The fragmentary classicising historians of the
later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus,
(Liverpool, Great Britain : F. Cairns, c1981-1983), 2 Vols..
ed. and English trans., W.C. Wright, Philostratus and Eunapius:
The Lives of the Sophists, Loeb Classical Library (London: 1922)
Olympidoros of Thebes
[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 57-68
ed. R.C.Blockley, The fragmentary classicising historians of the
later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus,
(Liverpool, Great Britain : F. Cairns, c1981-1983), 2 Vols..
for excerpts see C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila: Fifth Century Byzantium
and the Barbarians, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960)
[Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch shaped
into one narrative]
Historia Nea /New History
ed. L. Mendelssohn, (Leipzig: 1887)
critical ed. and French trans., Francois Paschoud, Histoire
nouvelle [par] Zosime. Texte etabli et traduit, (Paris, Les Belles
Lettres, 1971-1989), 3 vols.
English trans as The History of Count Zosimus, Sometime Advocate
and Chancellor of the Roman Empire, trans from Original Greek, (London:
Printed for J. Davis, 1814)
English trans. J. J. Buchanan and H. T. Davies (San Antonio TX: 1967).
superseded by
English translation by Ronald D. Ridley,, Byzantina Australiensa 2,
(Canberra: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies,1982)
German trans. Neue Geschichte / Zosimos ; ubersetzt und eingeleitet von Otto Veh ; durchgesehen und erlautert by Stefan Rebenich, (Stuttgart
: A. Hiersemann, 1990), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 31.
Farrar and Evans 3838
-Augustus-410, full from Diocletian
Sokrates Scholastikos
Ekklesiastike historia /Ecclesiastical History
ed. Migne PG 67:28-842
The ecclesiastical history of Socrates, surnamed Scholasticus, or
the Advocate : comprising a history of the church in seven books, from
the accession of Constantine, A.D. 305, to the 38th year of Theodosius...,
(London : Henry G. Bohn, 1853) reprinted several times
Ekklesiastike historia / Ecclesiastical History
ed. Migne PG 67:843-1630
ed. and French tr. Histoire ecclesiastique, Greek text of the
edition by J. Bidez ; introduction by Bernard Grillet and Guy Sabbah ;
translation by Andre-Jean Festugiere ; annotation by Guy Sabbah, (Paris
: Editions du Cerf, 1983-) Sources chretiennes ; no 306-
A history of the church in nine books, from A.D. 324 to A.D. 440,
tran. Edward Walford, (London : Bagster, 1846)
Theodoret of Cyprus
d.c. 547
Ekklesiastike historia / Ecclesiastical History
ed. L. Parmentier, (Leipzig: 1911)
English trans. by B. Jackson as "The Ecclesiastical History, Dialogues
and Letters of Theodoret", in Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 2nd
series, III, (New York: 1893)
English trans as A History of The Church, in Five Books from AD
322 to the Death of Theodore of Mopsuestia, AD 427, a new translation
from the Original Greek Ecclesiastical Historians 5, (London: S. Bagster
and Sons, 1843)
Farrar and Evans 3607-08
[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 69-100
ed. R.C.Blockley, The fragmentary classicising historians of the
later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus, and Malchus,
(Liverpool, Great Britain : F. Cairns, c1981-1983), 2 Vols..
for excerpts see C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila: Fifth Century Byzantium
and the Barbarians, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960)
[Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch shaped
into one narrative]
works include
The Wars [written 551, addition to 553]
The Buildings [written 554]
The Secret History [written ?]
edition, Opera Omnia 3 vols., ed. J. Haury, (Leipzig: 1905-13;
rev. G. Wirth, 4 vols. Leipzig: Teubner series, 1962-64)
English translation, Works 7 vols., ed. and trans. H.B. Dewing,
(New York and London: Loeb Classical Library, 1914-35)
English translation, History of the Wars, Secret History and Building,
trans., ed. and abridged Averil Cameron, Great Histories Series, (New York:
English translation, The Secret History, trans. G.A. Williamson,
(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966, 1981)
The Secret History, trans. R. Atwater, (New York: 1927; repr.
With intro by A.E.R. Boark, Ann Arbor, Mi.: 1961)
Justinian's reign to 552
Agathias of Myrina
Historiarum Libri Quinque
[intended to follow Prokopios]
ed. R. Keysdell, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 2A (Berlin: De
Gruyter, 1967)
partial English trans, Averil Cameron, "Agathias on the Sassanians", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 23-24 (1969-70), 67-183
trans as The Histories, Joseph D. Frendo, Corpus Fontium Historiae
Byzantinae 2A (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1975)
c. 536- c.595
Ecclesiastical History
ed J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, (London: 1898, reprinted Amsterdam:
French trans: A-J. Festugière, in Byzantion 45:2 (1975)
English trans: A history of the church in six books, from A.D.431
to A.D.594. A new translation from the Greek: with an account of the author
and his writings, trans. Edward Wlaford, (London, S. Bagster and sons,
1846, reissued London: H.G. Bohn, 1854)
John of Epiphaneia
[a cousin of Evagrios]
[fragments] in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp. 272-76
Theophanes of Byzantium
in C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Greacorum IV, pp.
270-71 and in Photios, Bibliotheca, ed. R. Henry, Vol 2, (Paris:
1959), pp. 76-79
Menander Protector [the Guardsman]
Historia [survives in fragments]
[Historikon syngramma. English & Greek. 1985]
[intended to follow Agathias of Myrina]
ed. and English trans. The History of Menander the Guardsman,
trans. Roger C. Blockley, (Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1985)
Theophylakt of Simokatta
b.c. 580s - d. p. 641?
[intended to follow Menander]
ed. C. de Boor, corr. P. Wirth, (Stuttgart: 1972)
English trans. as The History of Theophylact of Simocatta: An English
Translation with Introduction and Notes, trans. Michael Whitby and
Mary Whitby, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986)
German trans. Geschichte / Theophylaktos Simokates ; ubersetzt und
erlautert, by Peter Schreiner, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1985), Bibliothek
der griechischen Literatur Bd. 20
Rumanian trans. Teofilact simocata istorie bizantina : domnia imparatului
mauricius (582-602), by H. Mihaescu, (Bucharest:: Editura Academiei
Republicii Socialiste, 1985), Scriptores Byzantini ; v. 9.
582-602 [reign of Maurice]
Nikephoros, Pat CP 806-815
Historia Syntomos
[intended to follow Theophylakt]
ed. C. de Boor, (Leipzig: 1880)
ed. and English trans, as Short history / Nikephoros, Patriarch
of Constantinople ; text, translation, and commentary, by Cyril Mango,
Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 13, (Washington, D.C : Dumbarton
Oaks, 1990)
Joseph Genesios
fl. 912-959
Basileiai / Regum Libri Quattuor [written 945-59]
["Official" account of Michael III and Basil I]
ed. C. Lachmon, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1828)
ed. A. Lesmüller-Werner, and H. Thurn, Corpus Fontium Historiae
Byzantinae 14, Series Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973)
German trans. Byzanz am Vorabend neuer Grosse : Uberwindung des
Bilderstreites und der innenpolitischen Schwache (813-886) : die vier Bucherder
Kaisergeschichte des Ioseph Genesios ; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart,
by Anni Lesmuller-Werner, (Vienna: Fassbaender, 1989), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber,
Bd. 18.
2nd iconclast period and to 886]
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos, Emperor 905-959.
Historike diegesis tou viou kai ton praxeon Vasileiou tou aoidimou
Vasileos. Book 5.
German trans as. Vom Bauernhof auf den Kaiserthron : Leben des Kaisers
Basileios I., des Begrunders der Makedonischen Dynastie / beschrieben von
seinem Enkel, dem Kaiser Konstantinos VII. Porphyrogennetos ; ubersetzt,
eingeleitet und erklart, by Leopold Breyer. (Graz: Styria, c1981) Byzantinische
Geschichtsschreiber, Bd. 14.
John Kaminatos
Eis ten alosin tes Thessalonikes / De Expugnatione Thessalonicae
ed., Gertrude Böhlig, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol.
IV, Series Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1973)
ed. and German trans as Einnahme Thessalonikes durch die Araber
im Jahre 904: ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Gertrud Böhlig.
1. (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1975)
Arab sack of 904
Vita Euthymii patriarchae CP
ed and trans . Patricia Karlin-Hayter, Bibliotheque de Byzantion 3, (Brussels: Éditions de Byzantion, 1970)
Despite its title, this is an historical account of the reign of Leo
Leo the Deacon
[modeled on Agathias]
ed., C. B. Hase, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1828)
German trans, Nikephoros Phokas "Der bleiche Tod der Sarazenen"
und Johannes Tzimiskes : die Zeit von 959 bis 976 in der Darstellung des
Leon Diakonos, by Franz Loretto, (Graz : Styria, c1961), Byzantinische
Geschichtsschreiber, Bd. 10
Russian trans. Istoriia / Lev Diakon, perevod M.M. Kopylenko
; stat'ia M.IA. Siuziumova ; kommentarii M.IA. Siuziumova, S.A. Ivanova
; otvetstvennyi redaktor G.G. Litavrin, (Moscow: Izd-vo "Nauka", 1988),
Pamiatniki istoricheskoi mysli.
English trans. by Alice Mary Talbot, in typescript
Michael Psellos
Chronographia [only 1 12C ms survived]
[intended to follow Leo the Deacon]
ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Bibliotheca greaca medii aevi, vol
4, (Paris: 1874)
The history of Psellus, edited with critical notes and indices
by Constantine Sathas. 1st AMS ed. (New York : AMS Press, 1979), Reprint
of the 1899 ed. of Chronographia, published by Methuen, London
ed. J.B. Bury, (London: 1899)
ed and French trans E. Renauld, 2 vols, (Paris: 1926-18)
English trans. as Fourteen Byzantine Rulers, trans. E.R.A. Sewter,
rev. ed., (New York: Penguin, 1966)
ed. and Italian trans. Imperatori di Bisanzio : (cronografia):
introduzione di Dario Del Corno; testo critico a cura di Salvatore Impellizzeri
; commento di Ugo Criscuolo; traduzione di Silvia Ronchey. 1a ed., (Milan:
Fondazione L.Valla : A. Mondadori, 1984)
Russian trans. Khronografiia, perevod, stat'ia i primechaniia
IA.N. Liubarskogo, (Moskva : "Nauka", 1978)
Swedish trans and notes by as: Michael Psellos, Bysantinska porträtt, S. Linner, (Stockholm, 1984).
NOTE: This is the most readable and human of the Byzantine histories,
with Psellos' personality manifest throughout. At his death, Ken Snipes
of Manhattan College had completed a great deal of the work on re-editing
and re-translating the text [for CFHB?]. I have no information as to whether
another scholar has decided to take his work to completion.
Historia syntomos
recensuit, Anglice vertit et commentario instruxit W.J. Aerts. Editio
princeps, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 30; Series Berolinensis,
(Berlin; W. de Gruyter, 1990), edition with English translation
Michael Attaliates
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae 34, (Bonn:
Partial French trans, chaps 1-32, by Henri Gregoire, Byzantion 28 (1958),. 325-362
Partial English trans. {Bonn pp 93-151), by George T. Dennis, typescript
in Dumbarton Oaks Library
Anna Komnena
The Alexiad [only 2 mss survived]
[intended to follow Michael Psellos]
ed. and French trans., B. Lieb, 3 vols., (Paris: 1937-45: rep. 1967)
English trans. E.A. Dawes, (London: 1928)
English trans. E.R.A. Sewter, (New York: Penguin, 1969)
Partial Italian trans. La precrociata di Roberto il Guiscardo; pagine
dall'Alessiade, by Salvatore Impellizzeri. (Bari: Dedalo, 1965)
Partial Swedish trans. with introduction and notes as by by S. Linner
see also:
Anonyme Metaphrase zu Anna Komnene, Alexias XI-XIII : ein Beitrag
zur Erschliessung der byzantinischen Umgangssprache, by Herbert Hunger,
(Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenchaften, 1981),
Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 15.
Nicephoras Bryennios
[husband of Anna Komnena]
Materials for a History,
ed. as Comentarii, Augustus Meinecke, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae
Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1836)
ed. as Histoire with French trans. by Paul Gautier, Corpus Fontium
Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. IX, (Brussels: 1975
French trans. by Henri Gregoire, Byzantion 23 (1953), 469-530,
and Byzantion 25-27 (1955-57), 881-925
John Kinnamos
b. after 1143 - d. after 1185, wrote c.1180-1182.
Epitome [Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus] [1 13C ms survives.]
[intended to follow Anna Komnena]
ed. as Historia, Augustus Meinecke, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae
Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1836)
English trans. Deeds of John and Manuel Comnenus, Charles. M.
Brand, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1976)
Eustathios of Thessalonica, dc. 1194
The Capture of Thessalonica
ed as La espugnazione di Tessalonica, by S. Kyriakades, with
an Italian translation by V. Rotolo, (Palermo: 1961)
English trans by John Melville-Jones, Byzantina Australiensia 8, (Canberra:
Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1988)
German translation Die Normannen in Thessalonike; die Eroberung
von Thessalonike durch die Normannen, 1185 n. Chr., in der Augenzeugenschilderung
des Bischofs Eustathios. Ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Herbert
Hunger, (Graz, Verlag Styria, 1955) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol
Niketas Choniates
b. c. 1155-1215/16
ed. as Historia, Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae
Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1835)
ed. Jan-Louis Van Dieten, (Nicetae Choniatae), Corpus Fontium Historiae
Byzantinae, Series Berolinensis, Vols. XI/1 and XI/2, (Berlin: De Gruyter,
English trans. O City of Byzantium, Annals of Niketas Choniates,
trans. Harry J. Magoulias, (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1984)
German trans.
-----Die Krone der Komnenen : die Regierungszeit der Kaiser Joannes
und Manuel Komnenos (1118-1180) / aus dem Geschichtswerk des Niketas Choniates.
Ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Franz Grabler. (Graz : Styria,
1958) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 7.
-----Abenteurer auf dem Kaiserthron : die Regierungszeit der Kaiser
Alexios II., Andronikos und Isaak Angelos (1180-1195) aus dem Geschichtswerk
des Niketas Choniates / ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Franz Grabler.
(Graz : Verlag Styria, 1958) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 8
-----Die Kreuzfahrer erobern Konstantinopel; die Regierungszeit
der Kaiser Alexios Angelos, Isaak Angelos und Alexios Dukas, die Schicksale
der Stadt nach der Einnahme sowie das "Buch von den Bildsaulen" (1195-1206)
aus.., , by Franz Grabler. (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1958) Byzantinische
Geschichtsschreiber Vol 9
George Akropolites
Chonike Sungraphe
ed. Immanuel Bekker, CSHB, (Bonn: Weber, 1836)
critical ed. as Opera, by A. Heisenberg, (Leipzig: 1903)
German trans. Die Chronik / Georgios Akropolites ; ubersetzt und
erlautert, von Wilhelm Blum, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1989), Bibliothek
der griechischen Literatur ; Bd. 28.
English trans by R.M. Magdalino in typescript [signalled by Albu -where?]
George Pachymeres
1242- c. 1310
De Michaele et Andronico Paleologus
[continues Akropolites]
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
ed. as Relationes historicas, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae,
Series Berolinensis, Vol. XXII, ed. Albert Failler with French translation
by Vitalien Laurent, (Paris: Less Belles Lettres, 1984)
Nikephoras Gregoras
Romaike Historia [in 37 books]
ed. as Historia Byzantina, Ludwig Schopen and Immanuel Bekker,
Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, 3 vols. (Bonn: Weber, 1829-30)
German trans. Rhomaische Geschichte = Historia Rhomaike [von] Nikephoros
Gregoras. Ubers. und erlautert, by Jan Louis van Dieten, (Stuttgart,
A. Hiersemann, 1973-<1994 >), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur.
Abteilung Byzantinistik Bd. 15, 24, 39.
English trans of Plague description in Bartsocas, C.S., "Two 14th Century
Greek Descriptions of the `Black Death'", Journal of the History of
Medicine 21:4 (1966), pp. 395ff.
John Kantakuzenos
ed. Ludwig Schopen, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, 3.vols.
(Bonn: Weber, 1828-32)
ed. Opera / Johannis Cantacuzeni ; nunc primum editae curantibus,
Edmond Voordeckers and Franz Tinnefeld. (Turnhout : Brepols ; Leuven :
University Press, 1987-: Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 16
English partial trans. by R. Trone History I: 1-19 (Ph.D Dissertation,
Catholic University of America, 1979) [==Bonn I, 1-98]
English partial trans. by Timothy S. Miller as The History of John
Cantacuzenus, Book IV, Text, Translation and Commentary (Ph.D Dissertation,
Catholic University of America, 1975; Ann Arbor, Mi.: University Microfilms,
75-19,517) [==Bonn III, 8-107]
English trans of Plague description in Bartsocas, C.S., "Two 14th Century
Greek Descriptions of the `Black Death'", Journal of the History of Medicine
21:4 (1966), pp. 395ff
German trans. Geschichte, Johannes Kantakuzenos ubersetzt und erlautert,
by Georgios Fatouros und Tilman Krischer., (Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1982-<1986
>), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur ; Bd. 17, etc.
Symeon, Abp. of Thessalonike
Politico-historical works of Symeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica,
(1416/17 to 1429), critical Greek text with introd. and commentary
/ by David Balfour, (Vienna:: Verl. d. Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1979), Wiener
byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 13.
Leontios Makhairos
Recital Concerning the Sweet Land of Cyprus
ed. and trans. R. M. Dawkins, 2 vols. (Oxford: 1932)
esp. 1359-1432
John Kanonas
ed. with Sphrantzes by Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae
Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1838), pp. 457-78
German trans. Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen,
(Graz: Styria 1954) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2.
Contents: - Die Nordlandreise des Laskaris Kananos (alles eingeleitet
und erklart von Franz Gabler)
Murad II's 1422 attack on Constantinople
John Anagostes
ed. with Sphrantzes by Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae
Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1838), pp. 457-78
Capture of Thessalonica 1430
Laonikos Chalkokondyles
Historiarum demonstrationes [written in 1480s]
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
ed. E. Darkó, 2 vols., (Budapest: 1922-27)
German trans. in Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen,
(Graz: Styria 1954) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2.
Contents: Aus dem Geschichtswerk des Laonikos Chaikokondyles -- Die
Nordlandreise des Laskaris Kananos -- Zwei Briefe des Manuel Chrysoloras,
je ubers. (alles eingeleitet und erklart von Franz Gabler)
Adam to Ottoman beginnings in 1299, then 1298-1463 in detail
Historia Turco-Byzantina [written in vernacular]
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
critical ed. Vasile Grecu, (Bucharest: 1958)
English trans. Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks,
by Harry J. Magoulias, (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1975)
George Sphrantzes,
b. 1401
Chronicon Maius [attrib to Sphrantzes]
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
Partial German trans. Die letzten Tage von Konstantinopel : der
auf den Fall Konstantinopels 1453 bezugliche Teil des dem Georgios Sphrantzes
zugeschriebenen "Chronicon Maius", ubers., eingeleitet und erklart,
by Endre von Ivanka, (Graz : Verlag Styria, 1954, repr. 1965), Byzantinische
Geschichtsschreiber Vol 1. [Translation of part of the Melissenos version
of the Chronikon.]
Chronicon Minus
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorium Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
ed. J-P Migne, Patrologia greaca 156: 1025-80 (Bonn: 1834)
critical ed. J. B. Papadopoulos, (Leipzig: Teubner, 1935)
ed. and Italian trans. Cronaca, ed. Giorgio Sfranze ; a cura
di Riccardo Maisano. Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 29. Series Italica,
(Rome: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1990)
English trans. The Fall of the Byzantine Empire, by Marios Philippides,
(Amherst MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1980) [This edition includes
a short excerpt on the fall of Constantinople by Michael Melissenos. ]
Michael Kritovoulos (Critoboulus)
Vios tou Moameth II / De rebus gestibus Mahumetis II
ed. C. Müller in Fragmentum historicum greacorum, (Paris:
1883), V:52-164
critical ed. V. Grecu, (Bucharest: 1963)
ed. Critobuli Imbriotae historiaem by Diether Roderich Reinsch,
Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 22. (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1983)
English trans. History of Mehmed the Conqueror, trans. Charles
T. Rigg, (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1954)
German trans. Mehmet II. Erobert Konstantinopel : die ersten Regierungsjahre
des Sultans Mehmet Fatih, des Eroberers von Konstantinopel 1453 : das Geschichtswerk
des Kritobulos von Imbros; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Diether
Roderich, (Graz : Styria, c1986), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Bd.
Sylvester Syropoulos
Les "Memoires" du Grand Ecclesiarche de l'Eglise de Constantinople
Sylvestre Syropoulos sur le concile de Florence (1438-39), ed. &
trans. V. Laurent, Concilium Florentium: Documenta et Scriptores, Series
B, 9, (Rome: 1971)
Ekthesis chronike synometera syntethesia en haploteti lexeon
ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Bibliotheca greaca medii aevi, vol
7, (Paris: 1894)
Text and English trans. Emperors, Patriarchs and Sultans of Constantinople,
by Marios Philippides, (Brookline MA: Hellenic College Press, 1990)
Anon 17C
Chronikon peri ton Tourkon soultanon.
English trans. Byzantium, Europe, and the early Ottoman sultans,
1373-1513 : an anonymous Greek chronicle of the seventeenth century (Codex
Barberinus Graecus 111), translated and annotated by Marios Philippides,
(New Rochelle, N.Y. : A.D. Caratzas, c1990), Late Byzantine & Ottoman
Studies 4.
Table II: Byzantine
[See Mango, Cyril, "The Tradition of Byzantine Chronography", Harvard Ukrainian Studies 12-13 (1988-1989), 360-372]
Eusebius of Caesarea
written late 3C
[First full scale Christian chronicle]
Adam - late 3rd century.
John Malalas [aka John the Rhetor, or John of Antioch?]
b.c. 490- d.c. 570
ed, Ludwig Dindorf, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae 32, (Bonn:
Weber, 1831)
ed. John Thurn, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae vol. ?, Series
Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, ?) announced
English trans. The Chronicle of John Malalas, trans. Elizabeth
Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys, Roger Scott, et al, Byzantine Australiensia
4, (Melbourne: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1986)
-this is more than a translation, since it attempts a critical collation
of a number of sources.
English trans from Church Slavonic version, Chronicle of John Malalas:
Books 8-18, trans., M. Spinka in collaboration with Glanville Downey,
(ChicagoL University of Chicago Press, 1940)
and for excerpts see C.D. Gordon, The Age of Attila: Fifth Century
Byzantium and the Barbarians, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
1960) [Passages from Priskos, Malchos, Olympidoros and John of Antioch
shaped into one narrative]
Adam - 563
Chronicon Paschale
[intended to extend Malalas]
ed. Ludwig Dindorf, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
Weber, 1832)
Partial English trans. Chronicon Paschale 284-628 AD, translated
with notes and introduction by Michael Whitby and Mary Whitby, (Liverpool
: Liverpool University Press, c 1989), Translated texts for historians
Adam - 628
John of Nikiou
[orginally written in Greek, survives in a mutilated Ethiopic translation
of an Arab translation]
English trans. by R.H. Charles, The Chronicle of John, Bishop of
Nikiou, Text and Translation Society, (London and Oxford: Williams
and Norgate, 1916)
Adam - Arab Conquest of Egypt
George the Synkellos
Georgii Syncelli Ecloga chronographica, ed Alden A. Mosshammer,
(Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1984), Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum
Text in Greek; editorial matter in Latin.
Adam to 285.
Theophanes the Confessor
[intended to continue George the Synkellos]
ed. C. de Boor, 2 vols., Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Leipzig:
1883-85; repr. Hildesheim: 1963)
English trans., The Chronicle of Theophanes : An English Translation
of anni mundi 6095-6305 (A.D. 602-813), trans Harry Turtledove, (Philadelphia
: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982).
German trans of 717-813 AD as Bilderstreit und Arabersturm in Byzanz
: das 8. Jahrhundert (717-813) aus der Weltchronik des Theophanes / ubers.,
eingeleitet und erklart, by Leopold Breyer, (Graz: Verlag Styria, 1964,
c1957.), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 6.
English trans R. Scott and Cyril Mango, in typescript? - [Signalled
in Albu, "Annotated Guide"].
English trans of "Conversation Between Justinian and the Green Party
in the Hippodrome" in J.B. Bury, History of the Later Roman Empire from
the Death of Theodosius I, to the Death of Justinian (AD 395 to AD 565),
(London: Macmillan, 1923), II, 71-74
Also trans in Alan Cameron, Circus Factions: Blues and Greens at
Rome and Byzantium, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976), 318-333
284-813, essential for 602-813
(Pseudo-) Symeon magister
ed. I. Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin:
Theophanes Continuatus
[Book 5 written by Constantine VII Porphygenitos]
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin:
Nikephoros, Pat CP 806-815
Adam - 829
George Monachos
Chronicle [written 842-67]
ed. C. de Boor, (Leipzig: 1905)
Adam to 842
Symeon the Logothete
Chronicle survives in several versions known as: The Chronicle
of Theodosios Melitenos [ed. T. Tafel, (Munich: 1859)]; George Monachos
Continuatos; and the Chronicle of Leo Grammatikos, [ed., Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1842); also Migne
PG: 108:1037-1164]
English trans from Old Church Slavic text, Walter K. Hanak, The
Chronicle of Symeon Logothetes, publication planned [Signalled by Albu,
"Annotated Sources"]
Adam to 948 [some versions go to 11C]
John Skylitzes
fl. 1081
Synopsis Historiarum
ed. Hans Thurn, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. V, Series
Berolinensis, (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1978)
German trans. as Byzanz, wieder ein Weltreich : das Zeitalter der
makedonischen Dynastie / nach dem Geschichtswerk des Johannes Skylitzes;
ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Hans Thurn. (Graz: Verlag Styria,
c1983-), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 15.
811 -1057
Skylitzes Continuatos
Ioannis Scylizes Continuatus
ed. E.T. Tsolakes, (Thessalonica: 1968)
George Kedrenos
Historiarum Compendium
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae 35-36,
2 vols, (Berlin: 1838-39)
John Zonaras
Epitome historiarum
ed. M. Pindar and M. Büttner-Wobst, 3 vols, Corpus Scriptores
Historiae Byzantinae, (Berlin: 1841-97)
ed. L. Dindorf, 6 vols., (Leipzig, 1868-75)
Partial English trans, by Michael DiMaio, Jr. Zonaras' Account of the
Neo-Flavian Emperors: A Commentary, (Ph.D diss., University of
Missouri-Columbia, 1977; Diss Abs Accession No: AAG7814112) [DiMaio
has more in typescript]
Partial German trans. Militars und Hoflinge im Ringen um das Kaisertum
: Byzantinische Geschichte 969 bis 1118 Nach der Chronik des Johannes Zonaras
; ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart, by Erich Trapp. (Graz : Verlag
Styria, c1986), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 16.
Adam - 1118
Constantine Manassas
ed. as Breviarum historiae metricum, ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus
Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: Weber 1837)
Adam - 1081
Michael Glykas
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
Weber 1836)
Adam - 1118
Chronographia Compendia
ed. Immanuel Bekker, Corpus Scriptores Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn:
Weber, 1836 )
Adam - 1204
Theodore Skutariotes
[often known as Synopis Sathas]
ed. Konstantinos N. Sathas, Bibliotheca greaca medii aevi, vol
7, (Paris: 1894), 1-556
Adam - 1261
Chronicle of Morea [exists in various languages]
Greek version, ed., J.Schmitt, as The Chronicle of the Morea,
(London: 1904)
English trans. H.E. Lurier, Crusaders as Conquerors: The Chronicle
of Morea, (New York: Columbia UP, 1964)
First Crusade, then 1202-1292
Ephraim Ainios
Ephraem Aenii Historia chronica, ed. Odysseus Lampsides, Corpus
fontium historiae Byzantinae 27 ; Series Atheniensis, (Athens: Academiae
Atheniensis, 1990)
Michael Panaretos
critical ed. O. Lampsides, (Athens: 1958)
3-15 C in Trebizond
Short Chronicles
ed. as Brachea Chronika, by S.P. Lampros & K, Amantos (Athens:
Akademia Athenon Mnemeia tes Ellenikes Istorias, A, 1932-1933) No. 27 (also
in 1834 Bonn edition of Ducas, op. cit., ed. I Bekker, pp. 515-5270
ed. Peter Schreiner, as, Die byzantinischen Kleinchronikon, I Introduction and Text, II Historical Commentary, Corpus
Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 12:1 & 2, (Vienna: 1975, 1977)
Charanis, Peter, "An Important Short Chronicle of the Fourteenth Century", Byzantion 13 (1938), 335-62
Dennis, G.T., trans., "The Short Chronicle of Lesbos 1355-1428", Lesbiaca 5 (1966), pp. 123-144
Loernertz, R-J, ed. and trans., "La Chronique breve mereote de 1423", Melanges Eugene Tisserunt II, Studi e Testi 232, (Vatican:
1964), pp. 399-439, text 403-409
[A collation of Brachea Chronika Nos. 19 & 27 with a previously
unpublished text.]
Cronaca dei Tocco di Cefalonia; prolegomeni, testo critico e traduzione,
by Giuseppe Schiro, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 10. (Rome: Accademia
nazionale dei Lincei, 1975)
Chronikon peri ktiseos Monembasias.
Ed. and Ital. trans. Cronaca di Monemvasia ; introduzione, testo
critico e note, by Ivan Duicev, (Palermo : Istituto siciliano di studi
bizantini e neoellenici, 1976)
Table III: The
Greek Tradition
The Illiad
[Not exactly a history but the an important contributor to the later
Greek historiographical tradition]
Mythical Trojan war
Hekataeos of Miletos
c 500 BCE
Periegesis or Guide [fragments survive]
Histories or Geneaologies
guide to a map of the world
c.490-c.425 BCE
The Histories [in 9 books]
ed. W.W. How and J. Wells, (Oxford: 1912)
ed. and English translation, A.D. Godley, Loeb Classical Library, 4
Vols, (London and New York: 19 )
Mid-6th Cent - 478 BCE, with many historical digressions [e.g. Book
2 on history of Egypt]
c.460-c.399 BCE
History of the Peloponnesian War [in 8 books]
ed., (Oxford: 19)
ed. and English translation, 4 Vols., C.F. Smith, Loeb Classical Library,
(London and New York: 19 )
479-411 BCE
Wars of Greek City States
Theopompos and Kratippos
continued Thukydides [now lost]
c428-c.352 BCE
Anabasis or The Persian Expedition
ed. and English translation, C.L. Brownson, Loeb Classical Library,
(London and New York: 19 )
English trans, Rex Warner, (New York: Penguin, 1949, new ed. 1972)
The Hellenica
[continues Thukydides]
ed. and English translation, C.L. Brownson, Loeb Classical Library,
(London and New York: 19 )
English trans. as A History of My Times, by , (New York: Penguin,
19 )
401-399 BCE
Greek mercenaries for Persia
411-362 BCE
Ephoros of Cyme
b.c. 405
Universal History [in 30 books, all now lost, but used in books
11-16 of Diodoros Sikulos]]
1100-341 BCE
history of cities of Greece and Asia Minor
384-322 BCE
The Athenian Constitution [part of a collected study of the constitutions
of 158 Greek cities by A's students. Only this survives, recovered from
an Egyptian papyrus in 1890]
ed. and English translation, H. Rackham, Loeb Classical Library, (London
and New York: 19 )
Hieronymous of Cardia
3rd Cent BCE
History [Lost, but used by Diodoros Sikulos, Arrian, and Plutarch]
323-272 (poss 263) BCE
After death of Alexander
Manetho of Heiropolis
3rc Cent BCE
History of Egypt [survives in fragments]
ed. and English translation, W.G. Wadell, Loeb Classical Library, (London
and New York: 19 )
Egyptian origins to 323 BCE
c.200-c.118 BCE
Universal History [in 40 books, 5 survive complete plus substantial
parts of others.]
ed. and English translation, W.R. Paton, Loeb Classical Library, 6
Vols, (London and New York: 19 )
Partial English trans, Ian Scott-Kilvert, (New York: Penguin, 1979)
220-146 BCE, but esp after 200
Rise of Roman Empire
c. 160 CE
Roman History [24 books, 9 survive]
ed. and English translation, Horace White, Loeb Classical Library,
4 Vols, (London and New York: 19 )
German trans. Romische Geschichte / Appian von Alexandria ;
ubersetzt von Otto Veh ; durchgesehen, eingeleitet und erlautert von Kai
Brodersen, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1987-1989), Bibliothek der griechischen
Literatur Bd. 23, 27.
earliest times to Vespasian, most valuable for 146-70BCE
Diodoros Sikulos
1st Cent BCE
Biblitheke historia or World History [written bet 60 and
30 BCE] [Survives in part - a complet copy perished during capture of CP
in 1453]
ed. and English translation, C.H. Oldfather, C.L. Sherman, C.B. Welles,
Russel M. Geer, F.R. Walton, Loeb Classical Library, 12 Vols, (London and
New York: 19 )
German trans. Griechische Weltgeschichte : Buch I-X / Diodoros ;
ubersetzt von Gerhard Wirth (Buch I-III) und Otto Veh (Buch IV-X);
eingeleitet und kommentiert von Thomas Nothers, 2 vols. (Stuttgart : A.
Hiersemann, 1992-1993). Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 34-35.
earliest times to 54BCE
Dionysios of Halikarnassos
1st Cent BCE
Romaike Archiologia or Roman Antiquities [Books 1-9, and
parts of 11 and 12 survive. It went up to where Polybios began]
ed. and English translation, trans Spelman, rev. E. Cary, Loeb Classical
Library, 7 Vols, (London and New York: 19 )
Mythical times to 264 BCE , although only survives to 441 BCE
Josephus Flavius
37-d.p.93 CE
The Jewish War [originally in Aramaic] c.170BCE-66CE
Antiquities of the Jews - Adam to 66 CE
ed. of Works with English translation, S. St.-J. Thackery, Ralph
Marcus, Allen Wikgren, and L.H. Feldman, Loeb Classical Library, 9 Vols,
(London and New York: 19 )
English trans. The Jewish War, by G.A. Williamson, rev.ed.,
(New York: Penguin, 1970)
46-120 CE
Parallel Lives [23 pairs of lives, and 4 single lives]
ed. and English translation, B. Perrin, Loeb Classical Library, 11
Vols, (London and New York: 19 )
English trans, John Dryden, in multiple editions.
Figures from Greek and Roman history
b. 85/80 CE
Anabasis or Campaigns of Alexander the Great [in 7 books
with a 8th descriving India]
ed. and English translation, P. Brunt and E. Iliffe Robson, Loeb Classical
Library, 2 Vols, (London and New York: 19 ) [based on a bad text - see
comments in Penguin edition.]
English trans, Aubrey de Sélincourt, rev. J.R. Hamilton, (New
York: Penguin, 1971)
Events After Alexander [in 10 books, only first 2 years survive.]
Parthian History [in 17 books, fragments survive]
History of Bithynia [fragments survive] -earliest times to 74
Dio Cassius [or Cassius Dio]
Roman History
critical ed. U.P. Boissevin, 5 vols, (Berlin: 1895-1931)
ed. and English translation, E. Cary, Loeb Classical Library, 9 Vols,
(London and New York: 1914-1927)
Partial English trans [books 50-56, 32BC-14CE], Ian Scott-Kilvert,
(New York: Penguin, 1987)
727BCE-3rd Cent CE
Portions 64BCE-46CE survive
Foundation of Rome to 3rd century CE
Herodion of Syria
fl. c. 230CE
History of the Empire From the Time of Marcus [in 8 books]
ed. and English translation, C.R. Whittaker, Loeb Classical Library,
2 Vols, (London and New York: 1914-1927)
180-238 CE
Death of Marcus Aurelius to accession of Gordian III
Table IV: The
Latin Tradition
Fabius Pictor
2nd Cent BCE
[wrote in Greek, survives in fragments]
Foundation to 2nd Cent BCE
wrote btw 168 and 149 BCE
Origines [fragments]
Cassius Hemina
Calpurnius Piso
86-c.35 BCE
The Jurgathine War
Conspiracy of Catiline
ed. and English translation, J.C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library, (London
and New York: 19 )
English trans. (New York: Penguin, 19 )
History of Rome [142 books, of which 35 survive]
ed. and English translation, B.O> Foster, F.G. Moore, Evan T. Sage,
A.C. Schelsinger and R.M. Geer, Loeb Classical Library, 14 Vols, (London
and New York: 19 )
English translation - various long sections in Penguin volumes trans,
Aubrey de Sélincourt
Foundation of Rome to 9BCE
Julius Caesar
Gallic Wars or The Conquest of Gaul [8 books, only first
7 by Caesar, 8th by Aulus Hirtius]
ed. and English translation, H.J. Edwards, Loeb Classical Library,
(London and New York: 19 )
English trans. S. A. Hanford, rev. Jame Gardner, (New York: Penguin,
The Civil War
ed. and English translation, A.G. Peskett, Loeb Classical Library,
(London and New York: 19 )
English trans. (New York: Penguin, 19 )
Quintus Curtius Rufus
1st Cent CE
History of Alexander the Great [in ten books, first 2 are lost]
English trans, (Baltimore: Penguin, 19 )
334-323 BCE
c 55-c.117 CE
English trans. Michael Grant, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1956)
The Histories
ed. Histories and Annals with English translation, C.H.
Moore and J. Jackson, Loeb Classical Library, 4 Vols, (London and New York:
19 )
The Germania
ed. and English translation, M. Hutton, Loeb Classical Library, (London
and New York: 19 )
c.69-c.140 CE
Lives, or The Twelve Caesars
ed. and English translation, J.C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library, (London
and New York: 19 )
English trans. Robert Graves, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1957)
100BCE-96 CE
Julius Caesar to Domitian
Breviarum ab urbe condita.
English trans: The breviarum ab urbe condita of Eutropius : the
right honourable secretary of state for general petitions : dedicated to
Lord Valens, Gothicus Maximus & perpetual emperor, translated with
an introduction and commentary by H.W. Bird., (Liverpool : Liverpool University
Press, 1993)
Ammianus Marcellinus
b.c 330 CE
Greek, but writes in Latin
Res Gestae
[intended as a continuation of Tacitus -only books 14-31 survive in
a single 9th centuty copy]
English trans. as The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus, During
the Reigns of Emperor's Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinianm and
Valens, trans C.D. Young, Bohn's Classical Library, (London H.G. Bohn:
1862, repr. 1887, 1894)
ed. and English translation, J.C. Rolfe, Loeb Classical Library, 3
Vols, (London and New York: 1935-39)
Partial English trans, Walter Hamilton, (New York: Penguin, 1986)
[Rerum gestarum libri. Selections] Ammianus Marcellinus
: a selection, with introduction, notes, and commentary, (Bristol :
Bristol Classical Press, 1980).
353-378 CE
Anonymous Valesianus (Excepta Valesiana)
ed. and English translation in vol 3 of , J.C. Rolfe, trans., Ammianus
Marcellinus, Loeb Classical Library, 3 Vols, (London and New York:
1935-39; rept with revisions 1963)
Two works bound with Ammianus - a short history of Constantine, and
a chronicle of events during the reigsn of Odacar and Theodoric in Italy.
Augustan History
English trans. The lives of the Roman emperors from Domitian where
Suetonius ends, to Constantine the Great : containing those of Nerva and
Trajan from dion Cassius: a translation of the six writers of the Augustean
history,... John Bernard, (London : Printed for Charles Harper, 1698)
Partial English trans. as Lives of the Later Caesars, by Anthony
Birley, (Baltimore: Penguin, 1976) [also includes lives of Nerva and Trajan,
117-260 CE
Marcellinus, comes, fl. 500-534.
Latin and English. The Chronicle of Marcellinus : a translation and
commentary : (with a reproduction of Mommsen's edition of the text),
Brian Croke, (Sydney: Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1995),
Byzantina Australiensia 7.
C: Byzantine
Political Documents
By "political documents" is meant texts which reflect the interests
and concerns of Byzantium's rulers, but which are not historiography and
not legal texts.
TABLE I Byzantine
Political Structures
TABLE II Fiscal Texts
TABLE III Byzantine Military
Table I: Byzantine
Political Structures
Mirrors of Princes
Various dates
-Theophylakt of Ochrid, ca1050-1106
-Thomas Magister, 1310-1327]
Byzantinische Furstenspiegel : Agapetos, Theophylakt von Ochrid,
Thomas Magister, ubersetzt und erlautert von Wilhelm Blum.(Stuttgart
: Hiersemann, 1981) Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur. Abteilung Byzantinistik
Bd. 14.
(Pseudo)-Codinus (Kodinus)
Traite des offices, ed., J. Verpeaux, (Paris: 1966)
Julian, Emperor,
ed and English trans. W.C. Wright, The World of the Emperor Julian,
Loeb Classical Library, 3 Vols, (London: 1913-1923)
Farrar and Evans 2315-2120
Notitia Dignitatum
The Notitia Dignitatem or Register of Dignities, trans William
Fairley, Translations and Reprints 6:4, (Philadelphia; University of Pennsylvannia
Department of History,1899)
Only survivial official document of all imperial civil and military
officials, as of circa 400CE/
John Lydos
On the Magistracies of the Roman People, trans. by T.F. Carney
in part 3. Of his Bureaucracy ina Traditional Society: Romano-Byzantine
Bureaucracy Viewed from Within, (Lawrence KA: 1971)
-civil and military heirarchy
Leo VI, r.866-912.
Funeral Oration on Basil I
ed. and French trans. Oraison funebre de Basile I, par son fils
Leon VI, le Sage; editee avec introduction et traduction, by A. Vogt
et I. Hausherr, (Rome: Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, 1932), Orientalia
christiana ; no. 77.
Cyril Mango, "The Legend of Leo the Wise", Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog
instituta 6 (1960), 59-93
-oracles from the 13C about the end of Byzantium
Constantine VII Porphrygenitos, Emperor b. 905, r.912-959
De Administrando Imperio
ed. Gyula Moravcsik, trans. Romily J. H. Jenkins, Corpus Fontium Historiae
Byzantinae I, (Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1967)
Partial English trans. The early history of the Slavonic settlements
in Dalmatia, Croatia, & Serbia / Constantine Porphyrogennetos. De administrando
imperio. Chapters29-36, ed. by J.B. Bury, (London : Society for promoting
Christian knowledge ; New York : Macmillan, 1920)
German trans, Klaus Belke and Peter Soustal, Die Byzantiner
und ihre Nachbarn. Die De Administrando Imperio genannte Lehrschrift
des Kaisers Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos fur seinen Sohn Romanos,
(Vienna: Verlag Fassbaender, 1995)
De Ceremoniis Aulae Byzantinae
ed. J.J. Reiske, Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae, (Bonn: 1829)
ed. and French trans. in part, A. V. Vogt, as Le livre des ceremonies, 2 vols. (Paris: Bude, 1935, 1939-40; Paris: 1967)
De Thematibus
ed. A. Pertusi, Studi e testi 160 (Rome: 1952)
Un discours inedit
Constantine VII Porphrygenitos, "Un discours inedit", ed. and French
trans. H. Ahrweiler, Travaux et memoires 2 (1967), 393-404
Lists of Precedence
Oikonomides, N., Les Listes de preseance byzantines des IXe et Xe
siècles, (Paris: 1972)
Theophylact of Ochrida
Speech to Alexius I Comnenus,
French trans. Paul Gautier, "Discours de Theophylacte. archeveque d'Ochrid,
addressé à Alexis I Comnène", Revue des études
byzantines 20 (1962), 120-130
see also E. Barker, Social and Political Thought in Byzantium,
Michael Psellos
Monody on the Emperor Andronicus Ducas
French trans. Paul Gautier, Revue des études byzantines 24 (1966), 154-56
A Chrysobull of Confirmation
French trans. Paul Gautier, Revue des études byzantines 34 (1976), 77-99
French trans. Paul Gautier, Revue des études byzantines 36 (1978), 83-151
Manuel Straboromanus
trans. Paul Gautier, "Le dossier d'un haut fontionnaire d'Alexis I
Comnène: Manueal Straboromanus", Revue des études byzantine 23 (1965), 172-77
Nikephoros Chrysoberges
1204. Jan 6
C.M. Brand, "A Byzantine Plan for the Fourth Crusade", Speculum 43 (1968), 462-75
"the only surviving Byzantine literary text" from the time of the crusade.
Nicholas Mesarites
in A. Heisenburg, Neue Quellen Zur Geschichte des Latinischen Kasiertums
I, (Munich: 1923)
[C.13-15? - see Vasiliev, Speculum 13]
Nicholas Kabasilas
Anti Zealot Discourse
Ihor Sevecenko, "'Nicholas Cabasilas' Anti-Zealot Discourese", a Reinterpretation", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 11 (1957), 79-171 - [edition and paraphrase-summary].
-translation in typescript by Alice-Mary Talbot
Partial English trans. in E. Barker, Social and Political Thought
in Byzantium from Justinian I to the Last Paleologue, (Oxford: 1957),
[note: The authenticity of this text is disputed, to say the least.]
Demetrios Kydones
John W. Barker, "The `Monody" of Demetrius Kydones on the Zealot Rising
of 1345 in Thessalonki". In Essays in Memory of Basil Laourdas,
(Thessalonica: 1975), 285-300
Alexios Makrembolites
Sevcenko, I., "Alexios Makrembolites and his `Dialogue between the Rich
and the Poor'", Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta 6 (Belgrade:
1960), 187-220
Manuel II Palaeologus, 1350-1425
Funeral oration on his brother Theodore : introduction, text, translation
and notes by J. Chrysostomides, (Thessalonica: Association for Byzantine
Research, 1985), Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae. Series Thessalonicensis
; v. 26.
Mazaris' Journey to Hades : or, Interviews with dead men about certain
officials of the imperial court, Greek text with translation, notes,
introduction and index, / by Seminar Classics 609, (Buffalo NY: Dept. of
Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1975)
Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai
Constantinople in the early eighth century : the Parastaseis syntomoi
chronikai : introduction, translation, and commentary, ed. Averil Cameron
and Judith Herrin.( Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1984), Columbia studies in the
classical tradition ; vol. 10.
Synodikon Vetus
The Synodicon vetus: text, translation, and notesI, by John Duffy
and John W. Barker, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae 15 (Washington
: Dumbarton Oaks, 1979).
Geoponika : Geoponicorum sive de re rustica libri XX, Cassiano
Basso scholastico collectore antea Constantino Porphyrogenneto a quibusdam
adscripti ; Graece & Latine ... prolegomena, notulas & indices
adjecit, Cambridge: Typis Academicis, impensis A. & J. hurchill, 1704)
French trans:
Les XX. liures de Constantin Cesar, ausquels sont traictes lesbons
enseignemens d'agriculture; traduicts en francoys, by M. Anthoine Pierre.
Poictiers [Iehan & Enguilbert de Marnef] 1545
Table II: Fiscal
Egyptian papyri
B.R. Rees, Papyri from Hermapolis and Other Documents of the Byzantine
Period, (London: Egypt Explorations Society, 1964)
see also
The Oxyrhynchus Papryri, ed. and tans. E.G. Turner et al. (London:
Egypt Explorations Society, 1962)
A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar, trans, Select Papyri, Loeb Classical
Library, (London: Heinemann, 1932), 2 Vols
Aurelaia Titouesi
J. Day and S.B. Porges, "Financial transations of Aurelia Titoueis", American Journal of Philology, 81 (1960), 155-75
Three texts and trans altions from 372 CE
Taxation treatises
10C and 11C
Brand, Charles M., "Two Byzantine Treatises on Taxation", Traditio 25 (1969), 35-60
The Marcian Treatise (c. 10C) and the Zavorda Treatise (mid 12C)
Cadaster of Thebes
"Cadaster of Thebes", ed. N. Svornos, Bulletin de correspondance
hellénique 83 (1955)
Eustathios Voilas, Will
English trans. Speros Vryonis, Jr. 'The Will of a Provinical Mgantae,
Eustachios Boilas", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 11 (1957), 263-77
French trans. Paul Lemerle, CinqEtudes sure le XIe siecle byzantin,
(Paris: 1977), pp. 29- 35]
Ignatios the Deacon
see Kazhdan, Alexander, "Ignatios the Deacon's Letters on the Byzantine
Economy", Byzantinoslavica 53:2 (1992), pp. 197 ff
Table III: Byzantine
Military Texts
Maurice, Emperor 582-602
ed. George T. Dennis, with German trans. by E. Gamillsheg, (Vienna:
English trans by G.T. Dennis, (Philadelphia: 1984)
Book XI. Trans with commentray by J.E. Wiita, The Ethnica in Byzantine
Military Treatises, (Ph.D Dissertation: University of Minnesota, 1977)
Rumanian trans. Arta militara / Mauricius ; editie critica, traducere
si introducere, by H. Mihaescu, (Bucharest: Editura Academiei Republicii
Socialiste Romania, 1970) Scriptores Byzantini 6.
Three Texts
6C and 10C
Three Byzantine military treatises / text, translation, and notes by George T. Dennis, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 25. (Washington,
D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks, 1985)
Leo VI, the Wise, Emperor, 865-911.
Institutions militaires de l'Empereur Leon, le philosophe, traduites
en Francois, avec des notes et des observations, suives d'une dissertation
sur le feu gregeois. Par M. Joly de Maizeroy. Nouv. ed., corrigee. (Paris:
C.A. Jombert, 1778)
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitos, 905-959.
Constantine Porphyrogenitus : three treatises on imperial military
expeditions / introduction, edition, translation, and commentary, by
John F. Haldon, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae, Vol 28 ; Series Vindobonensis,(Vienna:
Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1990)
Nikephoras Phokas
De velitatione/ Skirmishing.
Ed. and French trans. Le traite sur la guerilla (De velitatione)
de l'empereur Nicephore Phocas (963-969), texte etabli par Gilbert
Dagron et Haralambie Mihaescu ; traduction et commentaire par G. Dagron
; appendice Les Phocas par..., (Paris : Editions du Centre national de
la recherche scientifique, 1986), series: Le Monde byzantin.
Preacepta miltaria
English trans, Sowing the Dragon's Teeth: Byzantine Warfare in the
10th Century, Eric McGreer, (Washington, D.C.; Dumbarton Oaks; 1995)
translation (side by side Greek and English) of the Taktika of Nikephorus
Uranos and parts of Praecepta militaria of Nicephorus II Phocas, with analysis
by MrGreer.
Nikephoros Uranos
English trans, Sowing the Dragon's Teeth: Byzantine Warfare in the
10th Century, Eric McGreer, (Washington, D.C.; Dumbarton Oaks; 1995)
translation (side by side Greek and English) of the Taktika of Nikephorus
Uranos and parts of Praecepta militaria of Nicephorus II Phocas, with analysis
by MrGreer.
ed Cecaumeni strategicon et incerti scriptoris de officiis regiis
libellus, ed. B. Wassiliewsky and V. Jernstedt, (St. Petersburg: 1896;
repr. Amsterdam: 1965)
German trans. Vademecum des byzantinischen Aristokraten; das sogenannte
Strategikon des Kekaumenos, ubers., eingeleitet und erklart, by Hans
Georg Beck, (Graz, Verlag Styria, 1956) Byzantinischer Geschichtsschreiber 5
see also Paul Lemerle, Prolegemenes à une edition critique
et commentee des "Conseils et Recits" de Kekavmenos, (Brussels: 1960)
English trans by C.W. Rouche in typescript.
D: Byzantine
Legal Documents
TABLE I Byzantine
Legal Texts - Collections and Codes
TABLE II Byzantine Legal Texts - Decrees, Edicts
Table I: Byzantine
Legal Texts - Collections and Codes
Collection of Texts
Zepos, J. & P., eds, Jus Graeco-romanorum 8 vols., (Athens,
Theodosian Code
English trans. Codex Theodosianus: The Theodosian Code and Novels,
and the Sirmondian Constititutions, trans. C. Pharr in collab. With
Theresa S. Davdson and Mary B. Pharr, Corpus of Roman Law/Corpus Juris
Romani I, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1952)
-translates law codes 313-468 s well as interpretations to 506
Corpus Juris Civilis
Justinian I
Corpus Iurus Civilis, II, Codex Justinianus, ed. P. Krueger,
(Berlin: 1895), III, Novellae, ed. R. Schoel & W. Kroll, (Berlin:
Partial English trans. of whole: Corpus iuris civilis. The Civil
Law, including the Enactments of Justinian and the Constitutions of Leo,
trans. S.P. Scott, 17 Vols., (Cincinnati: Central Trust Co., 1932)
French trans. Code et Novelles de Justinien, Novelles de l'empereur
Leon, fragmens de Gaius, d'Ulpien et de Paul / traduction faite sur l'edition
d'Elzevirs, revue par D. Godefroy, et qui avec la traduction des Institutes
et celle du Digeste de M. Hulot, complete la traduction de tout le Corps
du droit romain. Avec le texte latin a cote, suivie d'une table generale,
by P.-A. Tissot, (Metz : Chez Behmer ; Paris : Chez Rondonneau,, 1806-1807)
DIGEST: English trans. Theodore Mommsen and Paul Krueger, eds., and
Alan Watson, trans, The Digest of Justinian, 4 Vols., (Philadelphia;
University of Pennsylvannia Press, 1985)
DIGEST: English trans: The Digest of Justinian, trans. C. H.
Munro, 2 Vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1904-1909)
DIGEST: Partial English trans: Digest. Digest of Roman Law: Theft.
Rapine, Damage and Insult, trans, C.G. Kolobert, (Harmandsworh: Penguin,
DIGEST: Partial English trans. Select Titles, trans. and annotated
B. Walker, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1879, 1880, 1881) -
Latin and English
DIGEST: Partial English trans. The Roman Law of Sale with Modern
Illustrations, trans. J. Mackintosh, (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1892)
- Digest xviii.1 and xix.1 - Latin and English
DIGEST: Partial English trans. Lex Aquila (Digest ix.2), trans.
J. B. Thayer, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1929) - - Latin and
INSTITUTES: The Institutes of Justinian : text, translation, and
commentary, by J. A. C. Thomas. (Amsterdam : North-Holland Pub. Co.
; New York : American Elsevier Pub. Co., 1975)
INSTITUTES: Justinian's Institutes, trans. Peter Birks &Grant
McLeod with the Latin text of Paul Krueger, (Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University
Press, 1987)
INSTITUTES: English trans. The Institutes of Justinian, trans.
J.B. Moyle, 2d ed. (Oxford: Clarendon, 1889)
INSTITUTES: English trans. The Institutes of Justinian, trans.
J.T. Abday and B. Walker, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1876)
INSTITUTES: English trans. The elements of Roman law : with a translation
of the Institutes of Justinian, by R.W. Lee. 4th ed. (London : Sweet
& Maxwell, 1956 , repr. 1986)
Leo III and Constantine V
Ludwig Burgmann, Ecloga: Das Gesetzbuch Leons III und Konstantinos
V, (Frankfurt: 1983)
English trans. Ecologa: A Manuel of Later Roman Law. The Ecloga
of Leo III and ConstantineV, and on the Procheiros Nomos of Basil I, Including
the Rhodian Law of the Sea, trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1927)
English trans. A Revised Manuel of Later Roman Law. The Ecloga of
Leo III and ConstantineV, trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1927)
Procherios Nomos
Basil I
English trans. Ecologa: A Manuel of Later Roman Law. The Ecloga of
Leo III and ConstantineV, and on the Procheiros Nomos of Basil I, Including
the Rhodian Law of the Sea, trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1927)
English trans. The Procheiros Nomos: A Manuel of Roman Law,
trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1928
Critical ed. Basilicorum libri LX, ed H.J. Scheltema and N. van
derWal, (Groningen : J.B. Wolters, 1953-<1988>), Scripta Universitatis
Text in Greek; critical matter in Latin. Publisher varies. Series B
also edited by D. Holwerda.
Ser.A. Textus.
v.1. libr. I-VIII.
v.2. libr. IX-XVI.
v.3. libr. XVII-XXV.
v.4. libr. XXVI-XXXIV.
v.5. libr. XXXV-XLII.
v.6. libr. XLIII-LII.
v.7. libr. LIII-LIX.
v.8. libr. LX --
Ser.B. Scholia.
v.1. libr. I-XI.
v.2. libr. XII-XIV.
v.3. libr. XV-XX .
v.4. libr. XXI-XXIII.
v. 5. libr.XXIV-XXX.
v.6. libr. XXXVIII-XLII,1.
v.7. libr. XLII,2-XLVIII.
v.8. libr. LVIII-LX,16.
v.9. libr. LX,17-69
Book of the Eparch, c 895
Leo VI
ed. and German trans. Das Eparchenbuch Leons des Weisen / Einfuhrung,
Edition, Ubersetzung undIndices, by Johannes Koder, Corpus fontium
historiae Byzantinae, Series Vindobonensis. Vol 33, (Vienna: Verlag der
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991)
English trans. The Book of the Eparch. Byzantine Guilds, Professional
and Commerical Ordinannces of Leo VI. C. 895 from the Book of the Eparch,
trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938,
reissued [?] London: Variorum, 1971)
Leo VI - Novels
French trans. Leo VI, Les Novelles, trans. P. Noailles &
A. Dain, (Paris: Societe d'edition "Les belles lettres",1944)
Book of the Prefect
Leo VI
To eparchikon biblion. The book of the Eparch.
Ed as Le livre du Prefet. With an introd. by Ivan Dujcev. (London:
Variorum Reprints, 1970)
English trans. The Book of the Eparch. Byzantine Guilds, Professional
and Commerical Ordinannces of Leo VI. C. 895 from the Book of the Eparch,
trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938)
English trans. Book of the Prefect, trans A.E.R.Boak, Journal of
Economic and Business History, 1 (1929), 600-19
Farmer's Law
Nomos georgikos
English trans. "The Farmer's Law", trans. W. Ashburner, Journal of
Hellenic Studies 32 (1912), 87-95
Calabrian Procheiron
English trans. A Provincial Manuel of Roman Law. The Calabrian Prochieron,
trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1931)
Rhodian Sea Law
Rhodian Sea Law, ed. from mss, W. Ashburner, Oxford: Clarendon,
English trans. Ecologa: A Manuel of Later Roman Law. The Ecloga
of Leo III and ConstantineV, and on the Procheiros Nomos of Basil I, Including
the Rhodian Law of the Sea, trans. E. H. Freshfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1927)
Ekthesis Nea
Darrouzes, J., "Ekthesis néa: Manuel des pittakia du XIVème
siécle", Revue des études byzantine 27 ( 1966), pp,
Table II: Byzantine
Legal Texts - Decrees, Edicts
Justinian II
A.A.Vasiliev, "An Edict of the Emperor Justinian II, September, 688", Speculum 18 (1943), 1-13
-On an edict to Church of St. Demetrius in Thesalonica
Imperial Land Legislation
see inter alia -
Paul Lemerle, "Esquisse pour une histoire agairaire Byzance", Revue
historique 219 (1953), 65-84
Paul Lemerle, "Esquisse pour une histoire agairaire Byzance", Revue
historique 220 (1954), 43-54
Peter Charanis, "Monastic Properties and the State", Dumbarton Oaks
Papers 4 (1948), 56-58, 62, 63-64
Nikephoros Phokas, 963-69
Novel of 964 [on landed properties]
trans in Peter Charanis, "Monastic Properties and the State", Dumbarton
Oaks Papers 4 (1948), 56-58, with other texts
Nikephoros Phokas, 963-69
Aikaterine Christophilopoulos, "Tomos - Nomos Nikephorou Phoko gic ten
ekloge archieron" [Law of Nicephoros Phocas on the selection of Bishops], Byzantina 13:1 (1935?), 171-176 [in Greek]
Alexios I Komnenos (Comnenus), Edict on the Reform of the Clergy
French trans. Paul Gautier, "L'edit de Alexis I Comnène sure
la reforme du clergé", Revue des études byzantines 31 (1973), 165-200
Manuel I
Macrides, R.J., "Justice under Manuel I Komnenos: Four Novels on Court
Business and Murder", Fontes minores 6 (1984), pp. 156-67 (text
and trans.), 190-204 (commentary)
E: Byzantium
- Contemporary Descriptions
TABLE I Descriptions
of Constantinople
Table I: Descriptions
of Constantiople
On Justinian's buildings.
ed and German trans, Bauten / Prokop. Beschreibung der Hagia Sophia
/ Paulos Silentiarios , Griechish-Deutsch ed. Otto Veh, (Munich:
Heimeran, 1977.
Paulos Silentarius
Description of Hagia Sophia
English trans. in W. R. Lethaby & Harold Swainson, The Church
of Sancta Sophia, Constantinople; a Study of Byzantine building, (London;
New York: Macmillan, 1894)
Michael Deacon of Hagia Sophia
Cyril Mango and J. Parker, "A Twelfth-Century Description of St. Sophia". Dumbarton Oaks Papers 14 (1960), 233-45
Nikolaos Mesarites, b. 1163 or 4.
Description of the Church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople,
Greek text edited with translation, commentary, and introd. by Glanville
Downey., (Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1957)
"Description of Constantinople", trans. K.N. Ciggaar, Revue
des études byzantines 34 (1976), pp. 245-263
F: Byzantine
Church History Documents
Christianity was a core component of Byzantine civilization,
and its history cannot be understood without looking closely at the varieties
of religious literature produced.
TABLE I Church
Document Collections
TABLE II Church Councils
TABLE III Monastic Documents
TABLE IV Church History
TABLE V Liturgical Documents
TABLE VI Canon Law
Table I: Church
Document Collections
Register of Patriarchal Documents
H. Hunger & O. Kresten, Das Register des Patriarcats von Konstantinopel,
I Edition und Ubersetzung der Urkunden aus den Jahren 1315-1331, Corpus
Fontium Historiae Byzantinae XIX/1, (Berlin: 19); ( separate index vol.
by C. Cupane, Vienna: 1981)
[Replaces Miklosich-Muller for relevant years.]
Register of Patriarchal Acts
Les Regestes des Actes du Patriarcat de Constantinople,
I Les Actes des Patriarches, fasc I-III, ed. V. Grummel, (Paris:
1932-47; fasc I, 2nd ed. Paris: 1971)
fasc IV: Les Regestes de 1208 a 1310, ed. V. Laurent,(Paris:
fasc. V: Les Regestes de 1310 a 1376, ed. J. Darrouzes, (Paris:
fasc. VI: Les Regestes de 1377 a 1410, ed. J. Darrouzes, (Paris:
Table II: Church
All Church Councils
Sacrum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, ed. J.D. Mansi,
J.D., 31 vols. (Florence & Venice: 1759-1798)
All Ecumenical Councils
Acta conciliorum oecumenicum 4 vols., ed. Eduard Schwarz, (Berlin
and Leipzig: De Gruyter, 1922-74) text in Greek and Latin)
trans as Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, 2 Volumes, edited
by Norman P. Tanner., (London : Sheed & Ward ; Washington, DC : Georgetown
University Press, 1990). v. 1. Nicaea I to Lateran V -- v. 2. Trent to
Vatican II.
This includes the documents in the original text, a reproduction of
Conciliorum oecumenicorum decreta, and English translations. [Available
on the world wide web via Internet Medieval Sourcebook at /halsall/sbook.html]
also see the older Disciplinary Decrees of the General Councils,
Text, Translation, and Commentary, by Rev. H. J. Schroeder, O.P., (St.
Louis, Mo.:London: B. Herder, 1937)
This gives the Greek and Latin texts and should be available in any
Catholic university library, but may be a little hard to find elsewhere.
[This text is now in the public domain. Much of it available on the net
via Internet Medieval Sourcebook at /halsall/sbook.html]
First Seven Councils
Henry R. Percival, ed., The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Unidivided
Church, their canons and dogmatic decrees, together with the canons of
all the local synods which have received ecumenical acceptance, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd Series, Vol. XIV, general editor
Philip Schaff, (Edinburgh: T&T Clark; Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans,
repr. 1988)
An easily available and trustworthy, English translation of the various
canons and decrees of the first seven councils usually called "ecumenical",
along with the full texts of a number of other important early councils
is available in:-
-The following councils' documents are included:-
1. Nicea I 325AD
------Ancyra 314AD
------Neocaesarea c. 315AD
------Gangra c.325-381AD
------Antioch in Encaenis 341AD
------Laodicea c.343-383AD
2. Constantinople I 381AD
3. Ephesus 431AD
-- First three only accepted by the "monophysite" churches
4. Chalcedon 451AD
-- First four only accepted by Anglicans [?]
5. Constantinople II 553AD
6. Constantinople III 680-681AD
*Council in Trullo/Quinisext 692AD
This council "supplied" canons missing from the 5th and 6th councils.
Its decrees were accepted at the 7th, and form the basis of Orthodox canon
law. Not strictly an "ecumenical" or "local" council.
------Sardica 343 or 344AD
------Code of African Church/Carthage 419AD
------Constantinople 394AD
------Carthage 257AD
[Canons received by Quinsext and Ratified by Nicea II]
Canon 2 of the Quinsext also accepted disciplinary rulings of a number
of fathers - these also are printed.
7. Nicea II 787AD
Council of Lyons
Laurent, V., & J. Darrouzes, Dossier grec de l'Union de Lyon
(1273-1279), Archives de l'Orient Chretien 16, (Paris: 1976)
Gill, Joseph, "The Church Union of the Council of Lyons (1274) portrayed
in Greek Documents", Orientalia Christiania Periodica 40 (1974),
pp. 5-45
Council of Florence
Gill, Joseph, ed., Quae supersunt actarum greacorum concilli Florentii,
(Rome: 1953)
Patristic canons
Joannou, P.P., Discipline generale antique, I Les Canons des peres
grecs, Pont. Comm. per la redaz. de. Cod. di diretto can. Orient. Fonti.
fasc. 9., (Grottaferrata: 1962)
Table III: Monastic
Meester, P. de, ed., De Monacho stau iuxta disciplinam byzantinium,
(Vatican: 1942)
Pachomius, d.c.346
Oeuvres de S. Pachome et de ses disciples. Editees par L.-Th.
Lefort., (Louvain, L. Durbecq, 1956), Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium
; v. 159-160.
Instructions, letters, and other writings of Saint Pachomius and
his disciples, trans. Armand Veilleux., (Kalamazoo, Mich. : Cistercian
Publications, 1982)
for Pachomius' rule see
Paradise of the Fathers, trans. E. A. Wallis Budge, (London:
see Farrar and Evans 3042
Actes de Xeropotamou, Archives de L'Athos III, ed. J. Bompaire.
(Paris: 1964)
Actes de Dionysiou, Archives de L'Athos IV, ed. N. Oikonmides,
(Paris: 1968)
Actes de Lavra I: Des origines à 1204, Archives de L'Athos
V, ed. Paul Lemerle, A. Guillou, N. Svornos, Denise Papachryssanthou ,(Paris:
Actes d'Esphigmenou, Archives de L'Athos VI, ed. Jacques Lefort,
(Paris: 1973)
Actes de Protaton, ed. Denise Papachryssanthou, Archives de
l'Athos VII, (Paris: 1975)
Actes de Lavra II De 1204 à 1328, Archives de L'Athos
VIII ed. Paul Lemerle, A. Guillou, N. Svornos, Denise Papachryssanthou
(Paris: 1977)
Actes de Lavra III de 1329 à 1350, Archives de L'Athos
X, ed. Paul Lemerle, A. Guillou, N. Svornos, Denise Papachryssanthou, (Paris:
Actes de Lavra I: Des origines à 1204, Archives de L'Athos
XI, ed. Paul Lemerle, A. Guillou, N. Svornos, Denise Papachryssanthou (Paris:
Actes de Lavra IV, Études historiques, Actes serbes, Compéments
et index, Archives de L'Athos XI, ed. Paul Lemerle, A. Guillou, N.
Svornos, Denise Papachryssanthou, (Paris: 1970)
Actes de Saint-Pantéléèmon, Archives de
L'Athos XII ed. Paul Lemerle, G. Dagron, S. Cirkovic, (Paris: 1982)
Actes de Docheiarou, Archives de L'Athos XIII, ed. N. Oikonmides,
(Paris: 1984)
Actes de Chilander, ed. L. Petit, Vizantiiskij Vremmnik 17
Actes de Zographou, ed.W. Regel, E. Kurtz and B, Korablev, Vizantiiskij
Vremmnik 13 (1907), Supplment 1
Actes de Kutlumus, ed. Paul Lemerle, (Paris: 1946)
Actes de Xenophon, ed. L. Petit, Vizantiiskij Vremmnik 10 (1903),
Appendix 1, nos. 3,7,11
Guillou, A., Les Actes grecs de S. Maria di Messina, Testi e
Monumenti 9, (Palermo: Instituto Siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici,
25 12th and 13th-century documents from Greek monasteries in Sicily
Actes de Vazelon, ed. Th. Ouspensky and V. Benechevitch, (Leningrad:
Documents on the economic and social history of Trebizond.
Andronikos Doukas (Ducas)
trans. Michael.J. Angold in typescript
bef 13C
Granstrem, E., I. Medvedev and D. Papachryssanthou, "Fragment d'un
praktikon de la région de Athènes (avant 1204) ", Revue
des études byzantines 34 (1976), 5-44, with French trans?
Dolger. F., " Sechs Byzantinsisch Praktika des 14. Jahrhundert fur
das Athoskloster Iberon", Abhandlungen der Bayerischer Akademie der
Wissenschaften, Philos.-historissche Klasse, N.F. 28 (Munich: 1949)
Lemerle, Paul, "Un praktikon inédit des archives de Karakala
(Janvier 1348) et la situation en Macédoine orientale au moment
de l'usurpation de Cantacuzene", Kharisteriou eis 'Anastatasion K. 'Orlandon I. (Athens: 1965), 278-298
Schreiner, P., "Zwei undierte Praktika aus der zweite Halfte des 14.
Jahrhunderts", Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik 19 (1970), pp. 39, 42-46
Collected texts
translated into English, by John P. Thomas, (Washington DC: Dumbarton
Oaks, forthcoming)
Lips and Bebais Elpidas
Delehaye, H., Deux typica byzantine de l'epoque des Paleologues,
(Brussels: 1921)
Typika of Lips and Bebaias Elpidos nunneries.
Eustratiades, S., "Tupikon tes en KPolei mones tou hagiou meglamarturos
Mamantos", Hellenika 1 (1928), 245-314
Theotokos Evergetis
Gautier, Paul, "Le typikon de la Théotokos Evergetis", Revue
des études byzantines 40 (1982), 5-101, with French trans.
Theotokos Kecharitomene
Gautier, Paul, "Le typikon de la Théotokos Kécharitoménè", Revue des études byzantines 43 (1985), 5-165, with French
Christ Savior
Gautier, Paul, "Le typikon du Christ Sauveur Pantokrator", Revue
des études byzantines 32 (1974), 1-145, with French trans.
Michel Attaleiates, "Diataxis", trans. Paul Gautier, Revue des études
byzantine 39 (1981), pp. 5-143
see also in Paul Lemerle, Cinq études sure le XIe siecle
byzantin, (Paris: 1977) [C11.]
Gregory Pakourianos, "Typikon",
in Paul Lemerle, Cinq Etudes sure le XIe siecle byzantin, (Paris:
1977) 11C
in Gautier, Paul, "Le typikon du sébaste Grégoire Pakourianos", Revue des études byzantines 42 (1984), 5-145 [cf. A. Kazhdan,
Byzantion 49 (1979), 496-97]
Munitiz, Joseph A.. "A missing chapter from the typikon of Nikephoros
Blemmydes", Revue des études byzantines 44 (1986), 199-207
Eustratiades, S., "He en Philadelphia mone tes hyperagias Theotokou
tes Koteines", Hellenika 3 (1930) [in Greek]
Petit, Lucien, "Typikon du monastère de la Kosmosoteira près
d'Aenos", IRIAK 13 (1908), 17-77
Pétridès, S., "Le typikon de Nils Damilas pour le monastère
de femmes de Baeonia en Crète (1400), IRIAK 15 (1911)
Darrouzes, J. "Dossier sur le Charisticariat" in Polychronion; Festschrift
Franz Dolger; ed by P Wirth1966 p150-165
John of Antioch
Treatise against Charistike,
trans. Paul Gautier, "Requisitoire du patriarche Jean d'Antioche contre
le charisticariat", Revues des études byzantines 33 (1975),
Two Speeches to the Emperor Alexius I Comnenus
trans. Paul Gautier, "Diatribes de Jean l'Oxite contre Alexis I Comnène", Revues des études byzantines 28 (1970), 18-55
Trinchera, Francesco., Syllabus Greacorum membranarum quae partim
Neapoli in maiori tabulario et primaria bibliotheca partim in Casinensi
Coenobio ac Cavensi et in episcopali tabulario Neritino iamdiu delitescentes
... nunc, (Naples: typis Josephi Cataneo, 1865)
Guillou, A.; Rognoni, C. "Une Nouvelle Fondation monastique dans le
Theme de Calabre (1053-1054)", Byzantinische Zeitschrift 84-85:2,
(1991-1992), 423-29
inlcudes translated documents
Table IV: Church
History Documents
Darrouzes, J., Notitiae Epicopatuum Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae,
(Paris: 198 ) [C6-15.]
Darrouzès, J., Recherches sur les 'ophphikia de l'eglise byzantine, Archives de l'Orient chretien 11, (Paris: 1970)
Will, C.J.C., Acta et scripta quae de controversis ecclesiae graecae
et latina, saeculo undecima composita extant, (Leipzig & Marburg:
Darrouzès, J., "Documents byzantins du XIIe siecle sur la primaute
romaine", Revue des études byzantins 23 (1965), 42-88 [C12.]
Golubovitch, G., Disputatio Latinorum et Graecorum, Archivum
Franciscanum Historicum 12 (1919), pp. 428-470
The experience of a delagation of friars trying to negotiate on union
with John III Vatatzes [C14.]
Gouillard, J., "Quatre proces de mystiques à Byzance", Revue
des études byzantines 36 (1978), pp. 5-81 11Cc
Gouillard, J., "Le Synodikon de l'Orthodoxie; edition et commentaire",
Travaux et Memoirs 2 (1967), pp. 1-316 [C9-15.] with French translation
Darrouzès, J., Documents inedits d'ecclesiologie byzantin, Archives
de l'Orient chretien 10, (Paris: 1966) [C12.]
for Tetragamy issue
Patricia Karlin-Hayter, "Texts for the Historical Study of the Vita
Euthymii", Byzantion, 28 (1958), 363-89; 31 (1961), 273-307
R.J.H. Jenkins, B. Laourdas, and C.A. Mango, "Nine Orations", Byzantinische
Zeitschrift 47 (1954), 1-17
Confraternity of Thebes
ed and Eng. trans. "A Confraternity of the Comnenian Era", trans. J.
Nesbitt & J. Wiitta, Byzantinische Zeitschrift 68 (1975), 360-384
A Devotional and burial society founded in 1048
Women's festival
Michael Psellus, "Peri tes en Buzantion yunaikeias panegureis tes agathes",
ed. Sathas, Bibliotheca Greaca, Vol. V, 527-531
Manuel II Palaeologus, 1350-1425
Manuelis Palaeologi Dialogum de matrimonio = Peri gamou, primum
edidit Claudius Bevegni, (Catania: Centro di studi sull'antico cristianesimo,
Universita di Catania, 1989)
English trans. Manuel Palaiologos : dialogue with the Empress-Mother
on marriage: introduction, text and translation, by Athanasios Angelou,
(Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1991),
Byzantina Vindobonensia 19.
Table V: Liturgical
Thanks to liturgical interest in the 19th century a huge amount of this
material is accessible in English - for Greek, Coptic, Armenians, Syriac
and Latin texts. See:-
Farrar and Evans 2467-1574
Ferguson 1288-1326
The Liturgy of the Orthodox Church, Greek text and Eng. trans.
Athenagoras Kokkinos, (London & Oxford: 1979)
Brightman, F.E., Liturgies Eastern and Western, I. Eastern
Liturgies, (Oxford: 1896)
Festal Menaion
Festal Menaion, trans. Mother Mary & Kallistos Ware, (London:1969)
Lenten Triodion
Lenten Triodion, trans. Mother Mary & Kallistos Ware, (London
& Boston: 1978)
The Pentecostarion
The Pentecostarion, translated from the Greek by the Holy
Transfiguration Monastery, (Boston : Holy Transfiguration Monastery, 1990)
Prayer book
M. Gideon, Byzantion Euchologion, (Constantinople: 1899)
Akathistos Hymn
trans. Vincent McNabb, Ode to Our Blessed Lady..., 626, (Oxford:
Blackfriars, 1948)
Canon for the Dead
Canon for the Dead, (Liturgical Text), Eastern Churches Review 10 (1975), 105-106
Romanos Melodos
Cantica. Edited by Paul Maas and C. A. Trypanis, (Oxford, Clarendon
Press, 1963-70)
Hymnes: introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes, by
Jose Grosdidier de Matons, 5 vols. (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1964-), Sources
chretiennes ; no. 99. 110, 114, 128
Kontakia of Romanos, Byzantine Melodist, trans Marjorie Carpenter,
2 Vols., (Columbia, Missouri: University of Missouri Press, 1970-73)
see A.C. Brandy, "Addendas and Corrigenda to M. Carpenter Kontakia
of Romanos, Byzantine Melodist", Byzantine Studies/Études
Byzantines 2 and 7 (1975 and 1980), in 4 parts
"On the Passion of Christ", trans R.J. Schork, 'The Sung Sermon", Worship 47 (1973), 527-39
Schork, R. J. Sacred Song from the Byzantine Pulpit: Romanos the
Melodist, (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1995)
Andreas (Archbishop of Crete 660-740)
The Great Canon: A Poem of St. Andrew of Crete, Recited During Some
of the Lenten Offices of the Eastern Orthodox Church, trans. D.J. Chitty,
(London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1957)
Tripolitis, Antonia (ed. & tr.), Kassia: The Legend, the Woman
and Her Work, (New York: Garland, 1992), Garland Library of Medieval
Literature No: 84, A
Symeon the New Theologian, 949-1022
Hymns of Divine Love, trans George A. Maloney, (Danville NJ:
Hymns Collection
F.S. Noli, Eastern Orthodox Hymns, (Boston: Albanian Orthodox
Church in America, 1951)
English trans from Greek and Slavonic
Byzantine Sacred Music - texts
see Constantine Cavarnos, Byzantine sacred music : the traditional
music of the Orthodox Church, its nature, purpose, and execution, (Belmont,
MA : Institute for Byzantine and modern Greek Studies, 1974)
Table VI: Canon Law
For Orthodox churches the situation is confused and complicated.
Supposedly all ancient canons are still in force, but in practice this
is not the case. Canon law in the "eastern" churches derives from canons
of the Ecumenical councils, from decrees of the "Synod Endemousa" ["Standing
synod"] during the Byzantine period, local councils, Roman Law [expressed
in various compilations such as Justinian's Corpus Iuris Civilis and the late Byzantine Basilics, as well as certain Imperial edicts
called "Novels"], and the later rulings made by canon lawyers and the governing
authorities of various national Orthodox Churches. It is, frankly, a mess.
Some of the above documents are available in English, such as Justinian's Code, others are available but rare, having been translated in various
dissertations, and others are simply not available except in Greek, Russian,
Arabic, Armenian, and so forth.
[Rhalles Potles]
Syntagma ton theion kai hieron kanonon ton te hagion kai paneuphemon
apostolon, kai ton hieron oikoumenikon kai topikon synodon, kai ton kata
meros hagion pateron : ekdothen syn pleistais allais ten ekklesiastiken
katastasin diepousais diataxesi, meta ton archaion exegeton kai diaphoron
anagnosmaton hypo G.A. Rhalle kai M. Potle, (Athens: Ek tes Typographias
G Chartophylakos, 1852-1859), 6 Volumes Vol. 1: [16], 403 p.; v. 2: [8],
732, [1] p.; v. 3: [8], 655, [1] p.; v. 4: [12], 640 p.; v. 5: [16], 638
t. 1. Photiou Patriarchou Konstantinoupoleos ...nomokanones
t. 2. Hoi theioi kai hieroi kanones ... apostolon. . oikoumenikon synodon..
t. 3. Hoi theioi kai hieroi kanones... topikon synodon ...
t. 4. Hoi theioi kai hieroi kanones ... ton hagion pateron ...
t. 5. Apophaseis synodikai kai diataxeis ton Konstantinoupoleos ...
t. 6. Mathaiou tou Blastareos Syntagma kata stoicheion ...
The "Rhalles-Potles" edition of the Commentaries of Balsamon and other
Byzantine canonists on the "Nomocanons" of Photius, an earlier attempt
to reconcile the variety of Church and Imperial laws. This is somewhat
hard to find, although a reprint is in the works in Athens. There is a
vastly inferior version of Balsamon in Migne's Patrologia Greaca,
which is easily accessible. This also has a somewhat dicey Latin translation.
Where possible though, use Rhalles-Potles:-
[extracts from 12th century canonists]
Codificazione Canonica Orientale, Fonti, serie II, fasc. 5,Textus
Selectii ex Operibus Commentatorum Byzantinorum Iuris Ecclesiastici,
ed. I. Croce, with Intro, by E. Herman.
Migne edition
Balsamon, Theodore, Opera in J.P. Migne, Patrologiae cursus
completus, Series Greaco-latina, (Paris: 1857-66) Vols. 137-138,
Balsamon, Theodore,
Commentary on the Nomocanons in J.P. Migne, Patrologiae cursus
completus, Series Greaco-latina, (Paris: 1857-66) Vol. 104, under Photius
Balsamon, (Theodore), Responses to Mark of Alexandria
Migne PG 138: 951-1012
G.A. Rhalles & M. Potles, Sintagma ton theion kai `ieron kanonon
ktl 6 vols., (Athens: 1852-59), vol 4, 447-496
Balsamon, (Theodore),
"On the Offices of the Chartophylax and Protecdicus"
G.A. Rhalles & M. Potles, Sintagma ton theion kai `ieron kanonon
ktl 6 vols., (Athens: 1852-59), vol 4, 530 ff.
Balsamon, (Theodore), "Meditation on the Privileges of the Patriarchs"
Migne PG 138: 1013-1034
G.A. Rhalles & M. Potles, Sintagma ton theion kai `ieron kanonon
ktl 6 vols., (Athens: 1852-59), vol 4, 497-579
Demetrius Chomatianus
in Analecta Sacra et Classica 6 vols., ed. J.-P. Pitra, (Paris
& Rome: 1891), vol. 6.
Matthew Blastares
Syntagma Alphabeticum
in Migne PG 144: 1015-1400, and Vol. 145: 9-212, (Paris: 1857-66)
Partial English trans, in Patrick Viscuso. A Byzantine Theology
of Marriage: The 'Syntagma kata stoicheion" of Matthew Blasteres, (Ph.D.
Diss: Catholic University of America, 1988: UMI no. 8905346)
The Rudder
The Rudder of the Orthodox Catholic Church: The Compilation of the
Holy Canons by Saints Nicodemus and Agapius, first published in 1800,
the fifth edition, published in Athens in 1908 by John Nicoledies, translated
by D. Cummings, (Chicago IL: Orthodox Christian Educational Society, 1957,
repr. 1983)
There is available in English a translation of an 18th compilation
of Orthodox canon law by the monks Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain and Agapius
known as the Pedalion [The "Rudder"]. This compilation, made in
the late 18th century, is usually regarded with maximum distrust. This
is, as yet, nothing to equal it in English. [but do not trust it!]
G: Byzantine
Theological Literature [post 500 CE]
This bibliography of text and translations of Byzantine Theological
literature and "spiritual writing", for want of a better term, excludes
from detailed consideration the immense number of texts from the 4th and
5th century, which are well documented elsewhere and fairly easily available
due to their continuing interest to many Christian Scholars. Instead, collected
here are texts from the time of Heraklios onwards.
TABLE I Where to
Find Texts of 4th and 5th-century Christian Writers
TABLE II Discourses/Treatises
TABLE III Sermons and Homilies
TABLE IV Spirituality
TABLE IV Controversy with:
Heretics; Latins; Jews; and Muslims
Table I: Locating
Translated Texts of 4-5th Century Christian Writers
Refer to
Farrar, Clarissa P. and Austin P. Evans, Bibliography of English
Translations from Medieval Sources, (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1946)
Ferguson, Mary Ann Heyward, Bibliography of English Translations
from Medieval Sources, 1943-1967, (New York: Columbia University Press,
Many are also available on line - see The Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Klement of Alexandria, c.150-212
Farrar and Evans 990-997
Ferguson 472-474
Athanasios of Alexandria, d. 373
Farrar and Evans 392-407
Gregory of Nazianzos 329-389
Farrar and Evans 1805-1809
Ferguson 807-808
Basil the Great, c.330-379
Farrar and Evans 547-555
Ferguson 258-50
Gregory of Nyssa 331-396
Farrar and Evans 1788-1791
Ferguson 800-804
Augustine of Hippo 354-430
Farrar and Evans 426-485
Ferguson 161-222
John Chrysostom, d. 407
Farrar and Evans 941-956
Ferguson 453-462
See also
On Marriage and Family Life, trans Catharine P. Roth and David
Anderson, (Crestwood, N.Y. : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1986)
{Homiles: 19, 20, 21, 12, and On Marriage]
Kyril of Jerusalem, c. 315-c386
Farrar and Evans 1163-1166
Kyril of Alexandria, d. 444
Farrar and Evans 1159-1162
Table II: Discourses/Treatises
Kosmas Indikopleustes
ed and French trans. Topographie chretienne Introduction, texte critique,
illustration,traduction et notes, by Wanda Wolska-Conus (Paris, Editions
du Cerf, 1968-) Sources chretiennes, no 141
English trans.
The Christian Topography of Cosmas, and Egyptian Monk, ed. and
trans. J.W. McCrindel, Hakluyt Society. Ist series, (London: Hakluyt Society,
[on the web via the Internet Medieval Sourcebook at /halsall/sbook.html]
Justinian I, 483?-565.
On the person of Christ : the Christology of Emperor Justinian,
translated and introduced by Kenneth Paul Wesche, (Crestwood, N.Y. : St.
Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1991)
Scritti teologici ed ecclesiastici di Giustiniano, by Mario Amelotti
e Livia Migliardi Zingale, (Milano : A. Giuffre, 1977), Legum Iustiniani
imperatoris vocabularium. Subsidia 3 [Italian trans?]
John Moschus
The Spiritual Meadow
French trans. Le pre spirituel, introduction et traduction by
M.-J. Rouet de Journel, (Paris: Editions de Cerf, 1946?), Sources chretiennes
; 12.
Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite
Peri theion onomaton Divinis nominibus
German trans. .
Die Namen Gotten: eingeleitet,ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen,
by Beate Regina Suchla, (Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann, 1988) Bibliothek
der griechischen Literature Pabteilung Patristik Bd. 26.
Farrar and Evans 1287-1293
Ferguson 576-578
Maximus the Confessor, ca. 580-662
Maximus Confessor : selected writings/ translation and notes
by George C. Berthold.(New York : Paulist Press, c1985)
Andrew Louth, Maximus Confessor, (London: Routledge, 1996)
Contents: introduction (c. 60 pages) and translations (with introductions)
of one letter, five "difficulties", two "opuscules" (c. 100 pages)
The ascetic life. The four centuries on charity, (Westminster,
Md., Newman Press, 1955). Works of the Fathers, 21
French trans. Centuries sur la charite, trans. Joseph Pegon,
(Paris : Editions du Cerf, 1943) Sources chretiennes no. 9.
Italian trans. Il libro ascetico / S. Massimo Confessore ; traduzione
dal greco, by Mario Dal Pra, (Milan: Fratelli Bocca, 1944)
The church, the liturgy, and the soul of man : the Mystagogia of
St. Maximus the Confessor, trans Julian Stead, (Still River, MA : St.
Bede's Publications, 1982)
Italian trans. La mistagogia, ed altri scritti, a cura di Raffaele
Cantarella, (Florence: Edizioni "Testi cristiani", 1931)
Le mystere du salut [par] Saint Maxime le Confesseur, Textes
traduits et presentes par Asterios Argyriou, (Namur: les Editions du soleil
levant, 1965)
The disputation with Pyrrhus of our father among the saints Maximus
the Confessor, trans. Joseph P. Farrell, (South Canaan, PA. : St. Tikhon's
Seminary Press, 1990).
The Earlier Ambigua of St. Maximus the Confessor, ed. P. Sherwood,
Studia Amselmiana 36 (1955)
Vie de la Vierge / Maxime le Confesseur ; editee [et traduite]
par Michel-Jean van Esbroeck, ( Louvain: E. Peeters, 1986)
for paraphrases from untranslated works see
L. Thunberg, Microcosm and Macrocosm: The Theological Anthropology
of Maximos the Confessor, (Lund: Gleerup, 1965)
Germanos, Patriarch of CP, d.733
On the Divine Liturgy, ed. and trans. Paul Meyendorff, (Crestwood,
N.Y. : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984)
John of Damascus
dc. 754
English trans. Writings (The Font of Konwledge, etc. )m Fathers
of the Church 37, (New York: Fathers of the Church, 1958)
On the Divine Images: Three Apologies Against Those Who Attack the
Divine Images, trans David Anderson, ( Crestwood, N.Y. : St. Vladimir's
Seminary Press, 1980)
German trans.
Philosophische Kapitel / Johannes von Damaskos ; eingeleitet, ubersetzt
und mit Erlauterungen versehen, by Gerhard Richter. (Stuttgart : A.
Hiersemann, 1982), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur. Abteilung Patristik
Bd. 15
see Farrar and Evans 2263-2264
Theodore Studites, 759-826
On the holy icons, trans Catharine P. Roth, ( Crestwood, N.Y.
: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1981)
Petites catecheses; introduction, notes, bibliographie, guide
thematique et glossaire, by Marie-Helene Congourdeau, (Paris : Mignes,
Nikephoros, Patriarch of CP, d. 828
Refutatio and Eversio
Summary and paraphrase in Paul J. Alexander, The Patriarch Nicephorus
of Constantinople; ecclesiastical policy and image worship in the Byzantine
Empire, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1958), 242-262
For the document to which he was responding see Paul J. Alexander, "The
Iconoclastic Council of St. Sophia (815)", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 7 (1953), 35-66
Photios I, Patriarch of Constantinople, ca. 820-ca. 891.
Orationes et homiliae LXXXIII ..., ed. St. D'Aristarchi ...,
2. Vols. (Constantinopole: 1900)
On the mystagogy of the Holy Spirit, translation by Holy Transfiguration
Monastery. (S.l.: Studion Publishers, 1983)
Symeon, the New Theologian, 949-1022
French translations
Chapitres theologiques, gnostiques et pratiques, introduction, texte
critique, traduction et notes, by Jean Darrouzès. 2e ed. avec
la collaboration de Louis Neyrand, (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1980) Sources
chretiennes ; 51
Catéchèses I-III, ed. Basil Krinochevene &
trans. J. Paramelle, (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1963-65) , Sources Chretiennes
96 etc
Traités Théologiques at éthiques, ed.and
trans. J. Darrouzès, (Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1966-67) , Sources
chretiennes no 122, 129
Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, ca. 1250-ca. 1326.
Sinkewicz, Robert E., (ed., introd., & tr.), "A Critical Edition
of the Anti-Arsenite Discourses of Theoleptos of Philadelphia", Mediaeval
Studies 50 (1988), 46-95
The Monastic discourses; a critical edition, translation and study, by Robert E. Sinkewicz, (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, c1992), Studies and texts (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies)
; 111.
Demetrios Kydones (Demetrius Cydones)
M. Rackl, Der hl. Thomas von Aquin und das trinitarische Grundgesetz
in byz. Beleuchtung, Xenia Thomistica III (1925), 363-389
German translation of the Kydones' (unedited) defence of St. Thomas
of Aquinas (Defensio sancti Thomae adversus Nilum Cabasilam) in:. (Source:
Tinnefeld, Demetrios Kydones, Briefe, I/1, p. 63)
German translation of K's "first apology" in H.-G. Beck. Ostkirchl.
Stud. 1 (1952), 208-225. (Source: Tinnefeld, Demetrios Kydones, Briefe,
I/1, p. 66. Greek text: Mercati, G., Notizie di Procoro e Demetrio Cidone,
Manuele Caleca e Teodoro Meliteniota ed altri appunti per la storia della
teologia e della letteratura bizantina nel secolo XIV, Citta del Vaticano
1931 [Studi et Testi 56]. Apology 2; 3 and a "Testamentum religiosum" in
the same volume)
Gregory Palamas
ed. and French trans. Defense des Saints Hesychasts, trans.
J. Meyendorff, (Louvain: Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense, Etudes et Documents,
Fascicule 30, 1959)
Triads ed. J. Meyendorff and English trans. N. Gendle (New York:
Paulist Press, 1983)
The one hundred and fifty chapters, a critical edition, translation
and study by Robert E. Sinkewicz, (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval
Studies, c1988),
Hagioretic Tome
ed. in Migne PG 1225-1236
critical edition in Gregoriou tou Palama: Syngrammata: Tomos B (Pragmateiai
kai Epostolai grapheisdai kata ta ete 1340-1346), ed. Panagiotou K.
Chrestou (Thessalonica 1966), 567-578
[Note: I have a very, repeat VERY, rough translation of this document
in etext form.]
See also John Meyendorff, A Study of Gregory Palamas, trans.
G. Lawrence, (London: Faith Press, 1964), for many excepts.
John VI Cantacuzenus, 1292-1383
ed, Iohannis Cantacuzeni Refutationes duae Prochori Cydonii ; et,
Disputatio cum Paulo Patriarcha Latino : epistulis septem tradita,
nunc primum editae, by Edmond Voordeckers et Franz Tinnefeld, (Turnhout
: Brepols; Leuven : University Press, 1987), Corpus Christianorum. Series
Graeca ; 16.
Table III: Sermons
and Homilies
Marian homilies
Jugie, Martin, "Homelies mariales byzantines", Patrologia Orientalis 19:3 (Paris), 289-526
Gregory of Corinth
Hunger, Herbert. "Gregorios von Korinth, Epigramme auf die Feste des
Dodekaorton", Analecta Bollandiana 100 (1982). 637-52, includes
German trans.
Leontius, Presbyter of Constantinople, 5-6C.
Fourteen homilies, translated, introduced, and annotated by Pauline
Allen with Cornelis Datema, (Brisbane: Australian Association for Byzantine
Studies, 1991), Byzantina Australiensia 9
The Homilies of Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, trans.
Cyril Mango, (Cambridge, Mass.: 1958)
Michael Psellos
Peri paradoxon akousmaton/ De mirabilibus auscultationibus
ed and Italian trans. Nozioni paradossali; testo critico, introduzione,
traduzione e commentario by Olimpio Musso, (Naples: Universita di Napoli,
Cattedra di filologia bizantina, 1977)
Speeches. Selections.
Michaelis Pselli Orationes hagiographicae, ed Elizabeth A. Fisher,
(Stuttgart: B.G. Teubner, 1994).
Isidore, Archbishop of Thessalonica
Angela C. Hero, Five Homelies of Isidore, Archbishop of Thessalonica:
Edition, Translation and Commentary, (MA Thesis: Columbia University,
Table IV: Spirituality
Sinkewicz, Robert E., "An Early Byzantine Commentary of the Jesus Prayer:
Introduction and Edition", Medieval Studies 49 (1987), 208-220
Evagrius Ponticus
The praktikos. Chapters on prayer, trans. John Eudes Bamberger,
(Spencer, Mass., Cistercian Publications, 1970 [c1972]), Cistercian studies
series ; no. 4.
Andreas Salos Apocalypse
Lennart Ryden, 'The Andreas Salos Apocalypse", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 28 (1974), 197-216
Greek text with English translation - what will happen at the end of
the World
Symeon, the New Theologian, 949-1022.
Hymnes [par] Symeon le Nouveau Theologien. Introd., texte critique
et notes, by Johannes Koder. Traduction par Joseph Paramelle, (Paris:
Editions du Cerf, 1969-), Sources chretiennes ; no. 156, 174, 196.
Nicholas Cabasilas (Kavasilas)
Commentary on the Divine Liturgy,
ed. Migne PG150: 367-491
Greek text with French translation, Explication de la divine liturgie.
Traduction et notes, by Severien Salaville. 2e edition, munie du texte
grec, revue et augmentee, par Rene Bornert, Jean Gouillard, Pierre Perichon,
(Paris, Editions du Cerf, 1967), Sources Chrétiennes 4 bis (Paris:
English trans. J.M. Hussey & P. McNulty, (London: SPCK, 1960, repr.
1977, 1983)
see Farrar and Evans E 789
On the Life of Christ
ed. in Migne PG 150: 491-726,
Greek text with French translation, La vie en Christ / Nicolas Cabasilas
; introduction, texte critique, traduction, et annotatio, by Marie-Helene
Congourdeau, (Paris : Editions du Cerf, 1989-1990), Sources chretiennes
; no 355, 361.
English trans. C.J. de Catanzaro, (Crestwood N.Y.: 1974)
Table V: Controversy
with Heretics;
Latins; Jes; and Muslims
John the Grammarian
"Fragments inedits d'un antirrhetique de Jean le Grammairien", ed.
Jean Gouillard, Revue des études byzantines 24 (1966), 171-181
Nikephoros Gregoras, 1295-1359 or 60.
Nikephoros Gregoras Antirrhetika I, Einleitung, Textausgabe,
Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen, by Hans-Veit Beyer, (Vienna: Osterreichische
Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1976), Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; 12.
Nicetas Stethatos,
"Against the Latins", in A. Michel, Humbert und Kerullarios,
Vol. II,(Paderborn: 1923-30), 46-50
German trans?
[See S. Runciman, Eastern Schism, pp. 46-50 on this.]
John Chrysostom,
d. 407.
Logoi kata Ioudaion
German trans
Acht Reden gegen Juden, eingeleitet und erlautert von Rudolf
Brandle ; ubersetzt von Verena Jegher-Bucher, (Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann,
1995) Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur. Abteilung Patristik Bd. 41
see also
Lange, N.R.M. de, "A fragment of Byzantine anti-Christian Polemic", Journal of Jewish Studies 41:1 (1990), pp.92 ff
Manuel II, Emperor 1350-1425
ed and French trans. Entretiens avec un Musulman : 7e controverse:
introd., texte critique, traduction et notes, by Theodore Khoury, (Paris:
Editions du Cerf, 1966) Series title: Sources chretiennes ; no 115.
Dialoge mit einem Muslim, (Wurzburg : Echter ; Altenberge :
Oros, 1993-), Corpus Islamo-Christianum 4.
Dialoge mit einem "Perser", [hrsg. von] Erich Trapp, (Vienna:
In Kommission bei G. Bohlaus, Nachf., 1966), Wiener byzantinistische Studien
; Bd. 2
H: Byzantine
By "literature" here is meant poetry, fiction, and for want
of a better term "belles lettres". Much reading/hearing for pleasure and
entertainment among Byzantine audiences apparently involved literary genres
such as hagiography and hymnography. Here the concentration is on more
commonly understood literary genres. For hagiography see the separate listing
of saint's lives, and for religious poetry and hymns see the documents
on Church Documents and Theological writings. Byzantine secular
literature is finding some defenders these days, after decades during which
even professional Byzantinists deplored it. Digenes Akrites is certainly
worth the read, but, depending on taste (which is perhaps worth arguing
about), there is comparatively little Byzantine literature that will bring
to modern readers the joy that can so often be found in reading Homer,
Vergil, or Chaucer.
TABLE I Poetry
TABLE II Other Fictional
TABLE III Criticism
and Belles Lettres
TABLE IV Selected
Secondary Works on Literature
Table I: Poetry
Collected Papyri
Greek Literary Papyri, ed. and trans., D.L. Pege, Loeb Classical
Library, 2 Vols. (London: 1942)
contains some 4-5th century poems
Collected Texts
W. Wagner, Medieval Greek Texts, (London: 1870)
Collected Poems
G. Wagner, Carmina Greaca medii aevi, (Leipzig: 1874)
Collected Poems
Baldwin, Barry, Anthology of Byzantine Poetry, (Amsterdam: 1985)
Tiburtine Sibyl
Paul J. Alexander, "The Oracle of Baalbeck: The Tiburtine Sibyl in Greek
Dress", Doumbarton Oaks Papers 10 (1967)
Timothy of Gaza
fl. 491-518
..On animals.., Fragments of a Byzantine Paraphrase of an Animal
Book of the Fifth Century A.D, trans F.S. Bodenheimer and A Rabinowitzm
Collection de travaux de l'académie internationale 3, (ParisL Académie
Interentionale d'Historie de Science; Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1949)
-translates a prose version of original poem
Nonnus of Panopolis
ed. and English trans. Dionysiaca by W. H. D. Rouse, Loeb Classical
Library, 3 Vols. (London: 1962-63)
ed. and French trans, Les Dionysiaques, texte etabli et traduit
par Francis Vian ... [et al.], (Paris : Belles Lettres, 1976-<1994 >)
Digenes Akrites
ed. E. Trapp, (Vienna: 1971) [Parallel text of E. G and "Z" versions]
ed. Version A, P. Kalonoras, as Basilieios Digenes Akritas,
(Athens: 1970)
ed. Grottaferrata Version and English trans J. Mavrogordato, (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1956)
English poetic trans of Grottaferrata version, D.B. Hull, Digenis
Akrites: The Two-Blooded Border Lord, (Athens: Ohio University Press,
ed. Escorial version, S. Alexiou, Basileios Dignes Akrities kai
to Asma tou Armoure¸(Athens: 1985)
ed. and English trans of Escorial manuscript, in David Ricks, Byzantine
Heroic Poetry, (Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, 1990). Also includes
text and translation of the Lay of Amoures
The most famous Byzantine Epic
Theodosius Diaconus.
De Creta capta.
Theodosii Diaconi De Creta capta, ed Hugo Criscuolo.(Leipzig
: Teubner, 1979)
Theodore Prodromos
ed. Migne, PG 133: 1003-1424
ed. D.C. Hesseling and H. Pernot, Poèmes prodromiques en
grec vulagire, (Amsterdam: 1910)
ed. Theodoros Prodromos : historische Gedichte, ed. Wolfram
Horandner, (Vienna: Verlag d. Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1974), Wiener byzantinistische
Studien ; Bd.11
Prodromea : textkritische Beitrage zu den historischen Gedichten
des Theodoros Prodromos, by Athanasios Kambylis, (Vienna: Verlag der
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1984), Wiener byzantinische
Studien ; Bd. 11, Suppl.
Alexiou, Margaret, "The Poverty of Ecriture and the Craft of Writing:
towards a reappraisal of the Prodromic Poems", Byzantine and Modern
Greek Studies 10 (1986), pp. 195-202
English translation of some of the poems of Theodore Prodromos.]
Brix, Michel; Piette, Isabelle, "Sur deux traductions francaises de
Theodore Prodrome", Les Etudes Classiques 62:1 (1994). 55-58
Theodore Metochites
two poems.
English trans. Ihor Sevcenko and J. Featherstone,
in Greek Orthodox Theological Review, [signalled in Albu as
Political Verse
M. J. Jeffreys, 'The Nature and origins of Political Verse", Dumbarton
Oaks Papers 28 (1974), 111-95
-contains translated examples from Planudes, Eusthatios, John Tzetzes.
Ihor Sevcenko, "Poems on the Deaths of Leo VI and Constantine VII in
the Madrid Mansucript of Skylitzes", Dumbarton Oaks Papers 23-24,
(1969-70), 185-228
-four tenth-century obituaries.
Emmanuel Georgillas
"Threnos on the Fall of Constantinople", and "The Pest of Rhodes" (in
demotic Greek) in Wilhelm Wagner, ed., Medieval Greek Texts: being a
collection of the earliest compositions in vulgar Greek prior to the year1500,
(London: 1870; repr. Chicago: Argonaut, 1970)
Table II: Other
Fictional Literature
Collected Texts
Wagner, Wilhelm, ed., Medieval Greek Texts: being a collection of
the earliest compositions in vulgar Greek prior to the year 1500, (London:
1870; repr. Chicago: Argonaut, 1970)
Collected Novels
Hercher, R. ed, Erotici Scriptores Graeci, (Leipzig: 1859)
English translation of short passages in Roderick Beaton, The Medieval
Greek Romance, (Cambrdige: Cambridge University Press, 1989)
Three Medieval Greek Romances: "Velthandros and Chrysandza," "Kallimachos
and Chrysorroi," "Livistros and Rodamni". Trans. Gavin Betts, Garland
Library of Medieval Literature, 98 (B), (New York & London: Garland,
Theodore Prodromos
Rodánthe and Dosiklís
ed Hercher, 287-343
Niketas Eugenianios
Drósilla and Charaklís
ed. Hercher, 435-552
English trans., F. Conca, Nicetas Eugenianos' `Drosilla and Charikles",
(Amsterdam: 1988)
Constantantine Manasses
Arístandros and Kallithéa
ed. Otto Mazal, Der Roman des Konstantinos Manasses. Uberlieferung,
Rekonstruktion, Textausg. der Fragmente, (Vienna:. H. Bohlaus Nachf.,
1967), Wiener byzantinistische
ed. E. Tsolákis, (Thessalonica: 1967)
Eusthatios Makrembolites
Hysimine and Hysimines
ed. I. Hilberg, (Vienna: 1876)
ed. Hercher 159-286
German trans. Hysmine und Hysminias / Eustathios Makrembolites ;
eingeleitet, ubersetzt und erlautert, by Karl Plepelits, (Stuttgart
: A. Hiersemann, 1989), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur. Abteilung
Byzantinistik Bd. 29.
-Translation of: De Ismeniae et Ismenes amoribus libri XI.
Farrar and Evans 1497 signal the following:
Ismene and Ismenias: a novel trans from the French, by L.H.
Le.Moine, (London and Paris: 1788)
The Tale of Achilles
ed. D.C. Hesseling, L'Achilléïde Byzantine, (Amsterdam:1919)
Andronikos Komenos Branas Doukas Angelos Palaiologos
Kallimachos and Chrysorroi
ed. E. Kriaras, Byzantina ippotika mythistoremata, (Athens:
1955), 19-83
ed. and French translation. M Pichard, Le roman de Callimaque et
de Chrysorrhoé: Texte établi et traduit, (Paris: 1956)
ed. E. Kriaras, Byzantina ippotika mythistoremata, (Athens:
1955), 19-83
Eng. trans. in Gavin Betts, Three Medieval Greek Romances: Velthandros
and Chrysandza, Kallimachos and Chrysorroi, Livistros and Rodamni.,
(New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1995).
Belthandro and Chrysantza
ed. E. Kriaras, Byzantina ippotika mythistoremata, (Athens:
1955), 85-130
Eng. trans. in Gavin Betts, Three Medieval Greek Romances: Velthandros
and Chrysandza, Kallimachos and Chrysorroi, Livistros and Rodamni.,
(New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1995).
Livistros and Rodamini
ed. J.A. Lambert, (Amsterdam: 1935)
Eng. trans. in Gavin Betts, Three Medieval Greek Romances: Velthandros
and Chrysandza, Kallimachos and Chrysorroi, Livistros and Rodamni.,
(New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc. 1995).
The Tale of Troy
ed. L. Nørgaard and O. Smith, A Byzantine Iliad, (Copenhagen:
War of Troy [translated from Old French]
ed. E. Jeffreys and M. Papathomapoulos, (Thessalonica; after 1988)?
Florios and Platza-Flora [translated from Tuscan, translated
Old French]
ed. E. Kriaras, Byzantina ippotika mythistoremata, (Athens:
1955), 131-96
Imberios and Margarona [translated from Old French]
ed. E. Kriaras, Byzantina ippotika mythistoremata, (Athens:
1955), 197-249
Apollonios of Tyre [translated from Latin]
ed. W. Wagner, Medieval Greek Texts, (London: 1870), 63-90
Boccacio's Thesiad [translated from Italian]
ed. E. Follieri, Il Teseida neogreco, (Rome: Libro I. Saggio
di edizione, 1959)
Table III: Criticism
and Belles Lettres
Gregory of Corinth
Xhardez, Didier, Le Traite des dialectes de Gregoire de Corinthe,
edite et traduit - contribution aux methodes d'analyse d'une tradition
textuelle., (see Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor,
MI. Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI, 53:1, 1992 Spring,
PhD, U Catholique de Louvain)
Photios, Patriarch of Constantinople
-Bibliotheque [par] Photius¸ Texte etabli et traduit par
Rene Henry, 9 vols. (Paris, Societe d'edition les Belles lettres, 1959-1991),
Collection byzantine.
-Bibliotheque, tome IX index par Jacques Schamp, (Paris : Les
Belles lettres, 1991)
-English trans. The bibliotheca : a selection, trans. N.G. Wilson,
(London : Duckworth, 1994)
-Bibliotheca (Myriobiblion), ed. & trans. R. Henry, (Paris:
Bude, 1959-77); nos. 1-165 trans. by J.H. Freese, The Library of Photius,
(London: 1920) [Only first volume completed]
Langst hatten wir uns bekehren mussen : die Reden des Photius beim
Russenangriff auf Konstantinopel, 860, ubersetzt und eingeleitet von
Rudolf Graber, (Innsbruck : Felizian Rauch, 1960)
ed. Arethae Scripta Minore, ed. L.G. Westerink, (Leipzig, 1968)
Michael Psellos
ed. Michaelis Pselli Scripta Minora, ed. E. Kurtz, (Milan: 1936)
English translation of some essays:
The Essays on Euripides and George of Pisidia and on Heliodorus
and Achilles Tatius, ed. and trans. Andre R. Dyck, Byzantina Vindobonensia
16, (Vienna: Ostereichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1986)
-Encomio per Giovanni, piissimo metropolita di Euchaita e protosincello
/ Michele Psello ; introduzione, traduzione e note di Rosario Anastasi,
(Padua:: CEDAM, 1968)
-Orazione in memoria di Costantino Lichudi, introduzione, traduzione,
commento e appendici a cura di Ugo Criscuolo, (Messina : Edizioni Dott.
A. Sfameni, 1983)
.-In Mariam Sclerenam, testo critico, introduzione e commentario,
by Maria Dora Spadaro, (Catania : Universita di Catania, Facolta di lettere
e filosofia, 1984)
-Gautier, Paul, "Eloge inedit du lecteur Jean Kroustoulas par Michel
Psellos", Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 17-19 (1982)
Michael Choniates (Akominatos)
ed., Works, ed. S. Lampros, (Athens: 1879)
Nikephoros Gregoras, 1295-1359 or 60.
La vie de Jean, Metropolite d'Heraclee du Pont, [redige avec
un avant-propos par] Vitalien Laurent, (Athens: : typographeion "Estia",
Demetrius Chalcondyles
Geanakoplos, Deno J., "The Discourse of Demetrius Chalcondyles on the
Inauguration of Greek Studies at the University of Padua in 1463", Studies
in the Renaissance 21 (1974), 118-44, [translation?]
Table IV: Selected Secondary Works on Literature
Agapitos, Panagiotis A., Narrative structure in the Byzantine
vernacular romances : a textual and literary study of Kallimachos, Belthandros
and Libistros, (Munich: Institut fur Byzantinistik und Neugriechische
Philologie der Universitat, 1991)
Agapitos, Panagiotis A. & Ole L. Smith, The study of medieval
Greek romance : a reassessment of recent work, (Copenhagen : Museum
Tusculanum Press, 1992)
Beaton, Roderick, The Medieval Greek Romance, (Cambrdige: Cambridge
University Press, 1989)
Beaton, Roderick and David Ricks, eds., Digenes Akrites : new approaches
to Byzantine heroic poetry, (Brookfield, Vt. : Variorum, c1993).
Beaton, Roderick, ed., The Greek Novel: AD 1-1985, (London: Croom
Helm, 1988)
Knos, Borje, L'histoire de la litterature neo-grecque; la periode
jusqu'en 1821, (Stockholm, Almquist & Wiksell 1962)
Littlewood, A.R., ed., Originality in Byzantine literature, art and
music : a collection of essays, (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1995)
Morgan, John R. (ed.); Stoneman, Richard (ed.), Greek Fiction: The
Greek Novel in Context, (London: Routledge, 1994)
Politis, L., A History of Modern Greek Literature, (Oxford: 1973)
Sevcenko, Ihor, "Three Byzantine Literatures: a layman's Guide", Journal
of Modern Hellenism 1 (1985), 1-20
I: Byzantine
Letter Writing
A major source for Byzantine history is made up of compiled
letter collections. Many of these have been published and are the focus
here. Some of the collections do contain a great deal of factual information,
while others are better seen as witnesses to the history of mentalities,
or to Byzantine ideas about friendship. For the most part, apparently reflecting
patterns of literacy, the letters were written by men to men.
[see Littlewood, A. R., "An 'Ikon of the Soul': The Byzantine Letter", Visible Language 10 (1976), 197-226]
TABLE I Byzantine
Letter Collections [by century of composition]
Table I: Byzantine
Letter Collections
D. Brooke, Private letters Pagan and Christian: An Anthology of Greek
and Roman Private Letters from the Fifth Century BC to the Fifth Century
of Our Own Era, (London: Ernest Benn, 1929)
-inc from Emperors Julian, Jovian, Theodosios and various Church fathers
M. Sicherl, "Epistolographen-Handschriften kretischer Kopisten",in Scritture,
libri e testi nelle aree provinciali di Bisanzio : atti de seminario di
Erice (18-25 settembre 1988), ed Guglielmo Cavallo, Giuseppe De Gregorio
e Marilena Maniaci, (Spoleta : Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo,
1991) 99-124
George T. Dennis, "The Byzantines as revealed in their letters", in Gonimos: Neoplatonic and Byzantine studies presented to Leendert G.
Westerink at 75, ed. John Duffy and John Peradotto, (Buffalo, N.Y.
: Arethusa, 1988), 155-65.
Aristeas' epistle
Lettre d'Aristee a Philocrate; introd., texte critique, traduction
et notes, index complet des mots grecs, by Andre Pelletier. (Paris,
Editions du Cerf, 1962)
Constantius II,
J.L. Swift and J.H. Oliver, "Constantius II on Flavious Phillipus", American Jourbal of Philology 83 (1962), 247-64
-reconstructed text and trans of a letter toa Cypriot official.
Synesius, of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais.
The letters of Synesius of Cyrene, translated into English with introduction
and notes, by Augustine FitzGerald. (London: Oxford University press,
Lettori bizantini di Zosimo : le note marginali del cod. Vat. gr.
156, by Anna Maria Forcina, (Milano : Vita e pensiero, 1987), Scienze
filologiche e letteratura ; 27.
Basil of Caesarea
The Letters of S. Basil, ed. and trans. Roy. J. Defferi, $ Vols.,
(London: William Heinemann, 1926-1934)
German trans. Briefe / Basilius von Caesarea ; eingeleitet,
ubersetzt und erlautert, by Wolf-Dieter Hauschild, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann,
1973, 1990-1993), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur ; Bd. 3, 32, <37>
Gregory of Nazianzus
German trans. Briefe / Gregor von Nazianz ; eingeleitet, ubersetzt
und mit Anmerkungen versehen, by Michael Wittig, (Stuttgart: Hiersemenn,
1981), Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur Bd. 13
Theodoret of Cyrrhus
Correspondance / Theodoret de Cyr ; introduction, texte critique,
traduction et notes, by Yvan Azema, (Paris : Editions du Cerf, 1955-1965),
Sources chretiennes ; no 40, 98, 111.,
rev. ed. with Supplement, (Paris : Cerf, 1982-) Sources chretiennes
; no 40.
Procopius of Gaza
ca. 475-ca. 528.
Epistolae et declamationes. Ed. Antonius Garzya et Raymundus
J. Loenertz, (Ettal, Buch-Kunstverlag, 1963), Studia patristica et Byzantina
; Hft. 9.
Theodore Studites
Epistola, Migne PG 99:904-16670
Theodori Studitae Epistulae, recensuit Georgios Fatouros, Corpus
fontium historiae Byzantinae ; Series Berolinensis. Vol 31(Berlin: Walter
de Gruyter, 1992, c1991)
Photios, Patriarch CP
Migne PG 102:585-990
Epistolai, ed. S. Valettas, (London: 1864):
[Epistolae = Epistolai] / Photios Patriarchos Constantinopolitanos;
Johannes N. Baletta, ed. Hildesheim ; (New York : G. Olms, 1978).
Despina Straoudiki White, Patriarch Photios of Constantinople: His
Life, Scholarly Constributions, and Correspondence Together with a Translation
of Fifty-two of His Letters, (Brookline MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press,
The Patriarch and the Prince : the letter of Patriarch Photios of
Constantinople to Khan Boris of Bulgaria / [edited] by Despina StratoudakiWhite
and Joseph R. Berrigan, (Brookline, Mass. : Holy Cross Orthodox Press,
Arethas of Ceasarea, c860-c.940
R.J. H. Jenkins and B. Laourdas, "Eight Letters of Arethas on the Fourth
Marriage of Leo the Wise", Hellenika 14 (1956), 293-372 - Greek
text and English summary
Darrouzès, J.
Epistoliers byzantins du Xe siècle, (Paris: 1970)
Nicolas Mystikos
852-925 Patriarch of Constantinople 912-25
Nicholas I Patriarch of Constantinople: Letters: Text and Translation,
R.J.H. Jenkins & L.G. Westerinck, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae
VI, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae XX, (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton
Oaks, 1973)
R.J.H. Jenkins, 'Three Documents Concerning the Tetragamy", Dumbarton
Oaks Papers 16 (1962), 232-241, text and English translation
Niketas Magistros
Lettres d'un exile (928-946), ed. L.G. Westernick, (Paris: 1973)
Leo of Synada
The Correspondence of Leo Metropolitan of Synada and Syncellus: Greek
Text, Translation and Commentary, ed. Martha P. Vinson, Corpus Fontium
Historiae Byzantinae XXIII, (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1985)
Michael Psellos
-To monacho kyr Ioanne kai gegonoti Patriarche to Xiphilino.
Italian trans, Epistola a Giovanni Xifilino, testo critico,
introduzione, traduzione e commentario, by Ugo Criscuolo, (Naples: Universita
di Napoli, Cattedra di filologia bizantina, 1991).
-Pros ton Patriarchen kyr Michael ton Keroularion.
Italian trans. Epistola a Michele Cerulario: testo critico,
introduzione, traduzione e note, by Ugo Criscuolo, (Naples: Universita
di Napoli, Cattedra di filologia bizantina, 1973)
-"Letter to the Sultan Malik-Shah", French trans. Paul Gautier, Revue
des études byzantines 35 (1977), 73-97
John Mauropus, Metropolitan of Euchaita,
fl. 11th cent.
The letters of Ioannes Mauropous Metropolitan of Euchaita, Greek
text, translation, and commentary by Apostolos Karpozilos, Corpus fontium
historiae Byzantinae ; v. 34. (Thessalonica: Association for Byzantine
Research, 1990)
Theophylactus, of Ochrida
Abp. of Ochrida, ca. 1050-ca. 1108.
Lettres / Theophylacte d'Achrida ; introduction, texte, traduction et notes, by Paul Gautier, Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae ; v. 16/1-2.,
(Thessalonica: Association de recherches byzantines, 1980-86)
Alexios I Komnenos
E. Joranson, "The Problem of the Spurious Letter of Emperor Alexius
to the Count of Flanders", American Historical Review 55 (1950),
Kosmos, Patriarch of CP
J. Darrouz'es, "Une lettre du patriarche Cosmos (1147)", in Gonimos:
Neoplatonic and Byzantine studies presented to Leendert G. Westerink at
75, ed. John Duffy and John Peradotto, (Buffalo, N.Y. : Arethusa, 1988),
John Tzetzes
Epistulae. ed. Petrus Aloisius M. Leone, (Leipzig: B.G. Teubner,
Balsamon, (Theodore)
"Letter to Eustathius Makrembolites", ed. E. Miller,, Annuaire de
l'association 18 (1884), pp. 18 ff.
"Lettres de Theodore Balsamon", ed. E. Miller, Annuaire de l'association 18 (1884), pp. 8-19 ff.
Niketas Choniates
ca. 1140-1213.
Kaisertaten und Menschenschicksale im Spiegel der schonen Rede :
Reden und Briefe des Niketas Choniates: ubersetzt, eingeleitet und erklart,
by Franz Grabler, (Graz : Styria, 1966) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber
Vol. 11.
John X Kameretos
Talbot, Alice-Mary and Alexander Papadakis, "John X Cameretos Confronts
Innocent III: An Unpublished Correspondance", Byzantinoslavica 23
(1972), 26-41
Theoleptos, Metropolitan of Philadelpheia
ca. 1250-ca. 1326
The life and letters of Theoleptos of Philadelphia, ed. and trans.
Angela C. Hero, (Brookline, Mass.: Hellenic College Press, 1994)
Manuel Moschoulos
fl. 1282-1328
Ihor Sevecenko, "The Imprisonment of Manuel Moschopulos in the year
1305 or 1306", Speculum 27 (1952), 133-57
Includes English translations of three letters
Barlaam of Calabria, Bp. of Gerace,
1290 (ca.)-1348.
Epistole greche; i primordi episodici e dottrinari delle lotte esicaste.
Studio introduttivo e testi a cura, by Giuseppe Schiro. (Palermo, 1954),
Testi e monumenti (Istituto siciliano di studi bizantini e neoellenici).
Testi ; 1.
Antony, Patriarch of CP
"Letter to Vasili I", in E. Barker, Social and Political Thought
in Byzantium from Justinian I to the Last Paleologue, (Oxford: 1957),
Michael Gabras
1290-ca. 1350.
Die Briefe (Epist[olae]) des Michael Gabras <ca. 1290-nach 1350>.
[Hrsg.] Georgios Fatouros, (Vienna: Verl. d. Osterr. Akad. d. Wiss., 1973),
Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 10.
Athanasios I, Patriarch of Constantinople
1289-93, 1303-09
The Correspondence of Athanasius I: Letters to the Emperor Andronicus
II, Members of the Imperial Family and Officials, ed., Alice-Mary M.
Talbot, (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1976)
Demetrius Kydones
Les recuils de lettres de Demetrius Cydones ed. Raymond J. Loenertz,
(Citta del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1947) Studi e testi
(Biblioteca apostolica vaticana) ; 131.
Correspondence 2 vols. (complete), ed. R-J Loernertz, Studi e
Testi 186, 208, (Vatican: 1956- 60)
Correspondance, ed. and French trans. of 50 letters, G. Cammelli,
(Paris: 1930)
German trans. Briefe / Demetrios Kydones ; ubersetzt und erlautert
by Franz Tinnefeld, (Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1981-<1991 >), Bibliothek
der griechischen Literatur. Abteilung Byzantinistik Bd. 12, 16, <33>.
Irene Eulogia Choumaina Palaiologina
Vitalien Laurent, "La direction spirituelle à Byzance. La correspondence
d'Irène-Eolgie Choumaina Paléologine ave son second directuer", Revue des études byzantines 14 (1956), 46-86
A Women's Quest for Spiritual Guidance: The Correspondence of Irene
Eulogia Choumaina Palaiologina, ed and English trans. . Angela C. Hero,
(Brookline MA: Hellenic College Press, 1986)
George et Demetrios Tornikes
Lettres et discours, ed. J. Darrouzès, (Paris: 1970)
Gregory Akindynos
14 C
Karpozilos, Apostolos, "Seventeen letters of Gregorios Akindynos (Cod
Monac Gr 223)", in Collectanea byzantina; by B Leib, et al (1977),
Letters, trans. Angela Hero, Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae
XXI (Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, Center for Byzantine Studies, 19
Gregory Palamas
critical edition in Gregoriou tou Palama: Syngrammata:, ed. Panagiotou
K. Chrestou (Thessalonika 1966)
Nikephoras Gregoras
Nicephori Gregorae epistulae : accedunt epistulae ad Gregoram missae,
ed P.A.M. Leone, (Matino (Le) : Tipografia di Matino, 1982-1983)
Correspondence de Nicephore Gregoras, ed. R. Guilland (Paris:
Nicholas Kabasilas
ed. E. Enepekides, Byzantinisches Zeitschrift 46 (1953):18-46,
and Ihor Sevcenko, Byzantinisches Zeitschrift 47 (1954):49-72
Theodore Metochites
"Letter to the monks of Chora (Logos 15) and Letter to Sir Methodius
Senacharim the Monk", trans Ihor Sevcenko, in The Kariya Djami,
Vol IV, ed., P. Underwood, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975),
59-83, 87-89
Theoleptos of Philadelphia
Salaville, "Une lettere et un discours inédits de Théolepte
de Philadelphie", Revue des études byzantines 5 (1947), 101-15
Kalekas, Manouel,
d. 1410.
Correspondance, publiee par Raymond-J. Loenertz, (Citta del Vaticano,
Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 1950)
Johannes Chortasmenos Ignatios, Metropolitan of Selybria
ca. 1370-ca. 1436.
Briefe, Gedichte u. kleine Schriften. Einl., Regesten, Prosopographie,
Text. [Hrsg. von] Herbert Hunger, (Vienna: Bohlau in Komm., 1969),
Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 7.
Manuel II Palaiologos
-Correspondance. Lettres de l'empereur Manuel Paléologue,
ed. E. Legrand, (Paris: 1893, repr. 1962)
-Lettres. Publiees d'apres trois manuscrits, ed Emile Legrand,
(Amsterdam: A. M. Hakkert, 1962)
-The Letters of Manuel II Paleologus: Text, Translation and Notes,
ed., George T. Dennis, Dumbarton Oaks Texts 4/Corpus Fontium Historiae
Byzantinae VIII, (Washington D.C.: 1977)
-Texts and English trans of various letters in George T. Dennis, The
Reign of Manuel II Paleologus in Thessalonica (1382-1387), Orientalia
Christiana Analecta 159, (Rome: Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies,
-Texts and English trans of various letters in John W. Barker, Manuel
II Paleologus (1391-1425): A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship,
(New Brunswick NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1968)
-C. Bevegni, "Le ultime due lettere di Manuele II Paleologo a Demetrio
Cidone ...", in Heptachordos lyra Humberto Albini oblata, (1988),
p. 5-18.
Demetrios Chrysoloras
Cento epistole a Manuele II Paleologo, ed. Ferruccio Conti Bizzarro,
(Naples: M. D'Auria, 1988)
Manuel Chrysoloras
ed. Migne PG 156
German trans in Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen,
(Graz: Styria 1954) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2.
Contents: Zwei Briefe des Manuel Chrysoloras, je ubers. (alles eingeleitet
und erklart von Franz Gabler)
J: Byzantine
Much of philosophical interest was written by theological writers,
but there was some philosophical writing in Byzantium which it would be
hard to class as "theological literature" and so of it is available in
TABLE I Philosophy
Table I: Philosophy
Francis Dvornik. "Byzantine Political Ideas in Kievan Rus", Dumbarton
Oaks Papers 9 (1956), 76-121
[translations from Byzantine sources which had been trans into Slavonic]
Farrar and Evans 2458-2641
Ferguson 1232-1234
d. 485
Ferguson 1625-1627
Marinus of Flavia Neopolis
see L.J. Rosen, The Philosophy of Proclus, the Final Phase of Ancient
Thought, (New York: Cosmos, 1949) -contains text and trans of Marinus' Vita Procli
John Italos
ed. Opuscula Selectae, ed. G. Cereteli, 2 vols., (Tiflis: 1924-26,
lithograph), re-edited by N. Ketschakmadze as Ioannis Itali Opera, (Tiflis:
1966) [Intro. in Russian and Georgian, notes in Latin]
-John Italus, Ioannes Italos, Quaestiones Quodlibetales, ed.
P. Joannou, 'Aporiai kai luseis, (Ettal: 1956)
Nikephoros Gregoras
1295-1359 or 60.
Fiorenzo : o, intorno alla sapienza, testo critico, introduzione,
traduzione e commentario, by Pietro L. M. Leone, (Naples: Universita di
Napoli. Cattedra di filologia bizantina, 1975)
Theodore Metochites
d. 1332
Hypomnenatismoi kai semeioseis gnomikai/ Miscellanea philosophica
et historica. Graece. Textum e codice Cizensi descripsit, lectionisque
varietatem ex aliquot aliis codicibus enotatam. Adiecit M. Christianus
Godofredus Muller. Editio auctoris morte praeventa, cui praefatus est M.
Theophilus Kiessling, (Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert, 1966, reprint of Leipzig,
1821, edition).
Gemistus Plethon, George
German trans.
Politik, Philosophie und Rhetorik im spätbyzantinischen Reich
(1355-1452), Georgios Gemistos Plethon, ubersetzt underlautert von
Wilhelm Blum, (Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 1988), Bibliothek der griechischen
Literatur. Abteilung Byzantinistik, Bd. 25.
-Translation from the Greek of nine essays by Plethon.
Partial Contents:
Gebet an den einen Gott
Zusammenfassung der Lehren des Zoroaster und des Platon
Die Totenklage auf die verblichene Furstin Kleope
Die Totenklage auf Helena Palaiogina
Die Unterschiede zwischen Platon und Aristoteles
Mahnrede an den Despoten Theodor
An Manuel Palaiologos
An den Kaiser
Kleine Dankadresse an den Despoten.
K: Byzantine Science
TABLE I Sources
for Byzantine Science
Table I: Sources
for Byzantine Science
d.c. 534
Anthemius of Trales, A study of Later Greek Geometry, trans.
G.L. Huxley, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Monographs, (Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1959)
-text and trans of two works by this 6th century mathematician and
(co-)architect of Hagia Sophia
Michael Psellos
Liber de quatuor mathematicis scientiis.
-Pselli, doctiss. uiri, Perspicuus liber de quatuor mathematicis
scientijs : arithmetica, musica, geometria, & astronomia Grace&
Latine nunc primum editus, Guilielmo Xylandro Augustano interprete
; cum nonnullis eiusdem annotationibus , (Basel: Per Ioannem oporinum,
-Psellou ton peri Arithmetikes synopsis = Pselli Arithmetices compendivm,
(Paris: In officina Christiani Wecheli, 1538).
Jones, Alexander., An eleventh-century manual of Arabo-Byzantine
astronomy, (Amsterdam : J.C. Gieben, 1987) Series title: Corpus des
astronomes byzantins ; 3
Leurquin, Regine, Theodore Meliteniote. Tribiblos Astronomique, (Amsterdam:
Adolf M. Hakkert, 1993)
Ein Byzantinisches Rechenbuch des fruhen 14. Jahrhunderts, .
Text, Ubersetzung und Kommentar, by Kurt Vogel, (Vienna; Graz; Koln: Bohlau
in Kommission, 1968), Wiener byzantinistische Studien ; Bd. 6.
Nikephoros Gregoras
1295-1359 or 60.
Ekthesis psephophorias ekleipseos heliou
ed. and French trans. Calcul de l'eclipse de soleil du 16 juillet
1330. [edité] par J. Mogenet (Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1983)
Greek Fire
J.R. Partington, A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder, (Cambridge,
England: Heffer, 1960)
pp. 42-61 contains English translation of Liber ignium as combusandos
Kadar, Zoltan., Survivals of Greek zoological illuminations in Byzantine
manuscripts, translated by Timothy Wilkinson, (Budapest : Akademiai
Kiado : [distributed by Kultura], 1978)
L: Non-Greek Sources
for Byzantine History
Greek language sources are central to Byzantine studies, but
important supplementary information derives for sources in Latin, Syria,
Coptic, Armenian, Arabic, Slavonic and Turkish, as well as western European
TABLE I Eastern Sources
[Arabic, Armenian, Coptic, Persian, Syriac,Turkish]
TABLE II Northern and
Western Sources
[Latin, Russian, Slavonic, Western Vernaculars]
TABLE III Crusades
Table I: Eastern Sources
Coptic Texts
Farrar and Evans 1039-1049
Ferguson 492-98
Jewish Sources
Corpus papyrorum Judaicarum, ed. V.A. Tcherikover and A. Fuks,
3 Vols. (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1957-1963) Vol Three has
text and translations of documents from Egypt 1-7C.
d. 489
F.C. Conybeare, "Anecdota monophysitarum: the Correspondence of Peter
Mongus, Patriarch of Alexandria, and Acacius, Patriach of Constantinople,
Together with the Henoticon of the Emperor Zeno and the Rescript of the
Emperor Anastasius, Now First Translated from the Old Armenian Texts", American Jouranl of Theology 9 (1905), 719-40
Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople
fl. 428.
The bazaar of Heracleides, newly translated from the Syriac and
edited with an introduction, notes & appendices by G. R. Driver &
Leonard Hodgson, (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1925: reissued New York : AMS
Press, 1978)
Le livre d'Heraclide de Damas, traduit en francais par F. Nau,
avec le concours du R. P. Bedjan et de M. Briere ; suivi du texte grec
des trois Homelies de Nestorius sur les tentations de Notre-Seigneur, et...,
(Paris : Letouzey et Ane, 1910; reissued Farnborough, England : Gregg International
Publishers, 1969)
Theodosius, Archbishop of Alexandria
d. 566
English trans. E. A. Wallis Budge, Saint Michael the Archangel: three
encomiums by Theodosius, Archbishop of Alexandria, Severus, Patriarch of
Antioch, and Eustathius, Bishop of Trake; the Coptic texts with extracts
from Arabic and Ethiopic versions,...(London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner
& co., ltd., 1894)
A Panegyric on John the Baptist, attributed to Theodosius Archbishop
of Alexandria, trans. K. H. Kuhn, (Louvain: Secretariat du Corpus SCO,
1966), Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium ; v. 269.
Joshua the Stylite
English trans. W. Wright, The Chronicle of Joshua the Stylite, Composed
in Syriac, AD 507, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1882)
-War btw Persia and Byzantium 502-506
Zacharias, Rhetor, Bishop of Mitylene
trans F.J. Hamilton and E.W. Brooks, as The Syriac Chronicke Known
as that of Zachariah of Mitylene, trans F.J. Hamilton and E. W. Brooks,
Byzantine Texts, (London: Methuen, 1899; reprinted New York : AMS Press,
- ends 599
Translated from Ms. Add. 17202 in the British Museum. Although this
chronicle has been attributed to Zachariah (Zacharias) of Mitylene, "it
is clear that the work of Zachariah ended in 491, and that he was only
one of the authorities used by the compiler of the work before us, who
followed him in bks. 3-6 only".--Introd.
Severus of Antioch
The sixth book of the select letters of Severus, patriarch of Antioch,
in the Syriac version of Athanasius of Nisibis, Edited and translated
by E.W. Brooks, 2 vols, (London Published for the Text and translation
society by Williams and Norgate, 1902-04, reprinted Paris : Firmin-Didot,
1916, 1919-1920, reprinted: Farnborough, Hants : Gregg, International Pub.,
1969; reprinted Turnhout: Editions Brepols, 1973). v.1 Text, part 1-2 --
v.2 Translation, part 1-2.
John of Ephesus
The Third Part of the Ecclesiastical History of John, bishop of Ephesus,
trans., R.Payne Smith, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1860)
Julius Caesar to Maurice. Part 3 covers 521-585
Lives of the Eastern saints. Syriac text edited and translated
by E. W. Brooks, 3 vols. (Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1923-25: reprinted Turnhout:
Editions Brepols, 1974.), Patrologia Orientalis, t. 17, fasc. 1; t. 18,
fasc. 4; t. 19, fasc. 2.
Syrian Sources
The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian Chronicles, introduced,
translated and annotated by Andrew Palmer ; including two seventh-century
Syriac apocalyptic texts, introduced, translated and annotated by Sebastian
Brock ; with added annotation and an historical introduction by Robert
Hoyland, (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1993) Translated texts
for historians ; v. 15.
Notes: "Part One presents 12 texts written between 636 and 847, including
date-lists, king-lists, anecdotal chronicles, inscriptions and a contemporary
memorandum of the Arab conquest. Part Two contains a long extract from
the Chronicle of AD 1234 with supplementary material from Michael the Syrian
... Part Three contains the last part of the Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius
and a related text from Edessa"--Back cover.
Aba, II, Patriarch of the Nestorians
La lettre du Catholicos Mar-Aba II : aux membres de l'Ecole patriarcale
de Seleucie, ed and French trans, J.-B. Chabot. [Paris? : s.n., 19--
Jacob, of Edessa
ca. 640-708.
The hymns of Severus of Antioch and others, Syriac version edited
and translated by E. W. Brooks, 2 Vols., (Turnhout:: Editions Brepols,
1980-1981).,Patrologia Orientalis ; t. 6, fasc. 1; t. 7, fasc. 5.
A. Jeffries, "Gheviond's Texts of the Correspondence between Omar II
and Leo III", Harvard Theologicl Review 27 (1944)
Al-Baldhuri, Ahmad ibn Yahya
d. 892.
The origins of the Islamic state, being a translation from the Arabic,accompanied
with annotations, geographic and historic notes of the Kitab fituh al-buldan
of al-Imam abu-l Abbas Ahmad ibn-Jabir al-Baladhuri, trans. P.K. Hitti,
2 Vols. (New York, Columbia University; 1916-1924; reprinted Beirut: Khayats,
1966; reprinted New York: AMS, 1968-69), .
English trans. The History of al-Tabari., Gen. Editor Ehsan Yar-Shater,
38 vols. (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1989-.)
A very importan work of early Arab historiography. Good translations
by a number of different scholars, with copious notes.
Harun ibn Yahya
A. Vasiliev, "Harun-ibn Yahya and His Description of Constantinople", Seminarium Kondakaovinium 5 (1932), 149-63
-written c. 864 and included in Ibn Rosta's Book of Precious Things
Collected Arab Historians
9/10th C
E.W. Brooks, "The Campiagn of 716-718 from Arabic Sources ", Journal
of Hellenic Studies 19 (1899), 19-33
E.W. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs in the Times of the Early Abbasids", English Historical Review 15 (1900), 728-47; 16 (1901), 84-92
Jewish (Karaite) Sources,
Z. Ankori, Karaites in Byzantium: The Formative Years 970-1110,
(New York; Columbia University Press: Jerusalem: Weizman Science Press,
Michael the Syrian
Historia, ed and French trans. J.B. Chabot, (Paris: 1905)
Yahya of Antioch
11 C
trans Shawqi Talia, in Catholic University of America Library, typscript
[Signalled in Albu, "Annotated Sources"
fl. 1056-1120
V. Minorsky, "Marvazi on the Byzantines" in Mélanges H. Gregoire,
Annuaire de l'institut de philologie et d'histoire oreintales et slaves
10 (Brussels: Université de Brussels, 1950, 2 vols. II, 455-69.
Arabic text and translations
Benjamin of Tudela
The itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela; critical text, translation and
commentary, by Marcus Nathan Adler, (London : Henry Frowde, 1907, reissued.New
York, P. Feldheim, [1964?])
Itinerary of R. Benjamin of Tudela, 1165-1173.trans by Ezra H.
Haddad. 1st ed., (Baghdad, Eastern Press, 1945)
The itinerary of Rabbi Benjamin of A. Asher. New York,
"Hakesheth" publishing co. [19--.(first pub. New York: 1840)
German trans, Reisetagbuch des Rabbi Binjamin von Tudela : ein beitrag
zur Kenntniss der Juden in der Diaspora mahrend des XII. Jahrhunderts,
by A. Martinet., (Berlin : L. Lamm, 1918)
Spanish trans. Libro de viajes de Benjamin de Tudela / version castellana,
introduccion y notas, by Jose Ramon Magdalena Nom de Deu. (Barcelona
: Riopiedras Ediciones, 1982)
Syriac Chronicles to 1234
Anonymi auctoris Chronicon ad annum Christi 1234 pertinens, ed
J. B. Chabot, 4 vols. (Paris: J. Gabalda, 1916-1974), Corpus scriptorum
Christianorum Orientalium ; v. 81-82, 109, 354: Scriptores Syri ; t. 36-37
Syr. III ; 14:1, 15, 56 Syr. III; 14:2. [Reimpression anastatique - Louvain:
L. Durbecq, 1952-]
Notes: Vol. 1 originally published in 1916. Vol. 3 has title: Chronicon
anonymum ad annum Christi 1234. On spine of some vols.: Chronicon ad annum
Christi 1234. Imprint varies: v. 3, Lovanii, Ex Officina Orientali et Scientifica;
v. 4, Louvain, Secretariat du CorpuSCO. Contents: v. 1. [Syriac text up
to A.D. 819, edited and transcribed by Aphram Barsaum].--v. 2. [Syriac
text, A.D.819-1234, transcribed by Aphram Barsaum].--v. 3. [Latin translation
by J.-B. Chabot of v. 1].--v. 4. [French translation by Albert Abouna of
v. 2, with intro., notes and index by J.-M. Fiey
Accounts of Fall of Constantinople
Die Eroberung Konstantinopels im Jahre 1453 aus armenischer Sicht
: drei Elegien von Abraham von Ankyra, Arak'el von Bitlis und Eremia Dpir
Komurcian : ein Kolophon des Bischofs Dawit' von Xarberd / ubersetzt, eingeleitet
und erklart, by Mesrob K. Krikorian und Werner Seibt, (Graz : Verlag
Styria, c1981), Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol. 13
Table II: Northern
and Western Sources
Abinnaeus Flavius,
fl c. 340
The Abinnaeus Archive: Papers of a Roman Officer in the reigh of
Constantine II, ed. H.I. Bell et al, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962)
prob 366-75
De rebus bellicis, trans/ E.A. Thompson in A Roman Reformer
and Inventor, (Oxford: Oxford University Pres, 1952)
-concerns imperial fiscal policy, administration and law
Pacatus Drepanius, Latinus
Panegyricus Theodosio Augusto dictus
English trans: Panegyric to the Emperor Theodosius, translated
with an introduction by C.E.V. Nixon, (Liverpool : Liverpool University
Press 1987) Translated texts for historians. Latin series ; 2.
Nikonovskaya letopis
Nikonovskaya letopis, The Complete Collection of Russian Annals,
(St. Petersburg: 1762- , in Old Russian)
Lives of Cyril and Methodius
9C on
trans I Sevcenko, in typescript
Liutprand of Cremona c.920-972
De legatione constantinopolitana
English trans. E.A. Wright, in The Works of Liudprand of Cremona,
(London: G. Routledge and Sons, 1930)
English trans in the appendix of Ernest F. Henderson, , Select Historical
Documents of the Middle Ages, (London: George Bell, 1910), pp. 440-477,
available on the WWW as <A HREF="source/liudprand1.html">Liutprand of
Cremona: Report on Mission to Constantinople 963</A>, <B>available
Nicephorus II Phocas
Le dit de l'empereur Nicephore II Phocas et de son epouse Theophano,
introduction, textes slaves, traduction et commentaires, by Emile Turdeanu,
(Thessalonica: Association Hellenique d'Etudes Slaves, 1976), Association
hellenique d'études slaves 1.
Liber Pontificalis
Le Liber Pontificalis: Texte, introduction et Commentaire, ed.,
L. Duchesne, 2 vols., (Paris, 1886-92);
English trans:
The Book of pontiffs (Liber pontificalis) : the ancient biographies
of the first ninety Roman bishops to AD 715, translated with an introduction
by Raymond Davis, (Liverpool:: Liverpool University Press, 1989) Translated
texts for historians. Latin series 5
The Lives of the Eighth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis),
Stephen IV, d. 817)(Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1992), Translated
texts for historians. Latin series 6
The Lives of the Ninth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis), (through
Pope Stephen V), (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995), Translated
texts for historians. Latin series 13
Russian Primary Chronicle
Russian Primary Chronicle (Laurentian Text), ed. and trans. S.H.
Cross & O.B. Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Medieval Academy of America 60, (Cambridge,
Mass.: 1953)
Farrar and Evans 3341
King Harald's Saga
King Haralds Saga, trans. (Harmandsworth: Penguin, 19 )
Adémar of Chabannes, 988-1034
R. L. Wolff, 'How the News Was broaught from Byzantium to Angoulême;
ot the Pursuit of a Hare in an Ox Cart", Byzantine and Modern Greek
Studies 4 (1978), 139-89 - four passges from the Chronicon of
Latin Empire Chroniclers
Colliot, Regine, "Images de la femme noble a Byzance au temps des premiers
empereurs latins (d'apres les chroniqueurs contemporains)", Images et
signes de l'Orient dans l'Occident medieval: Litterature et civilisation,
(Aix-en-Provence: Pubs. du CUER MA, Univ. de Provence, 1982) 102-127, [translations?]
Ramon Muntaner
late 13C-14C
The Chronicle of Muntaner, trans Lady Goodenough, Publications
of Hakluyt Society 50, 2 vols., (London: 1921-1921)
-Muntaner was on Catalan expedition - mercenaries who fought for Michael
Russian Travelers
George, P. Majeska, Russian Travelers to Constantinople in the Fourteenth
and Fifteenth Centuries, (Washington, D.C.: 1984)
Four Russian traveler's accounts edited, translated, and very fully
Russian Traveler
in Europa im XV. Jahrhundert von Byzantinern gesehen, (Graz:
Styria 1954) Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber Vol 2.
-- Reisebericht eines unbekannten Russen (1437-1440) (alles ubers.
/ eingeleitet und erklart von G. Stokl)
Cretan texts
George T. Dennis, "Three reports from Crete on the Situation in Romania,
1401-1402", Studi Veneziani 12 (1970), 243-65
-two Genoese and one Greek travellers' reports.
Nicolo Barbaro
trans. J.R. Jones, Diary of the Siege of Constantinople 1453,
(New York: Exposition Press, 1969)
Francesco Scalamonti
Vita viri Clarissimi et Famosissimi Kyria Ci Anaconitani, ed
and trans. Charles Mitchell and Edward W. Bodnar, Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society 84:4, (Philadelphia: 1996),
Ciriaco d"Ancona (1391-c.1453) was and Italian merchant and humanist
who spent most of his life travelling through Greece, Italy, Asia Minor
and Thrac in search ot Greek and Roman antiquities. He kept diaries of
his travles, most of which diarries have been lost. But, before they were
lost, Scalamonti, his friend, wrote a Vita Kyriaki Anacontini, supplmented
by family oral history. This remains a sources up to 1434, after which
we have some of the diaries. This is the first critical edition and translation.
Table III: Crusade Sources
Recueil des historiens des Croisades
Recueil des historiens des Croisades, (Paris, Imprimerie royale,
1841-1906), 16 Vols
Historiens occidentaux. t. 1-5, 1844-95.--
Historiens orientaux, t. 1-5, 1872-1906.--
Documents armeniens. t. 1-2,1869-1906.
Historiens grecs, t. 1-2, 1875-81.
Lois. Assises de Jerusalem ... t. 1-2, 1841-43.
---For arrangement of contents see:
Lasteyrie du Saillant., Bibliographie generale des travaux historiques
et archeologiques publies par les societes savantes de la Francem t.
3, p. 464-467.
The whole set was reissued in photofacsimilie - Farnborough (Hants.)
Gregg Press, 1967-) 5 ser. in 16 v. in plates (maps) 33 cm.
Facsim. reprint of the 1st ed., Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1841-1906.
-This is the major collection of crusade texts. For the most part they
are edited in original languages and have a modern French transalation
Collected Accounts
First Crusade
English trans. A.C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye-Witnesses
and Participants, (Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1921,
rep. Gloucester MA: P. Smith 1958)
Collection - Old French Chronicles
English trans.
Three Old French chronicles of the crusades : the History of the
holy war, the History of them that took Constantinople, the Chronicle of
Reims. Trans. Edward Noble Stone, (Seattle, Wash.: The University of
Washington, 1939)
[Ambroise, fl. ca. 1196. Histoire de la guerre sainte. Clari, Robert
de, 12th/13th cent. Conquete de Constantinople. Recits d'un menestrel de
Collected Accounts
Arab Sources
English trans. F. Gabrieli and E. J. Costello, Arab Historians of
the Crusades, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969)
Irwin, Robert, "The Image of the Byzantine and the Frank in Arab Popular
Literature of the Late Middle Ages", Mediterranean Historical Review 4 (1989)
Damascus Chronicle
English trans. H.A.R. Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades,
(London: Luzac, 1932)
Fulcher of Chartres
English trans. Martha E. McGinty, Fulcher of Chartres: Chronicle
of the First Crusade, (London: Oxford University Press; Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941)
English trans. Frances R. Ryan, and H.S. Fink, Fulcher of Chartres:
A Histroy of the Expedition to Jersusalem, 1095-1127, (Knoxville: University
of Tennasee Press, 1969)
Gesta Francorum
Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolymitanorum.
English trans.
The first crusade, The deeds of the Franks and other Jerusalemites;
"Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum", translated into English
for the first time by Somerset de Chair, (London: The Golden Cockerel Press,
The deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem,
trans. Rosalind Hill, (New York T. Nelson, 1962)
Ordericus Vitalis
Histoire eccleciasticae libri
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy, trans Thomas
Forester, 4 vols. (London, H. G. Bohn, 1853-56; reissued New York: AMS,
[Translation was made from the edition of Auguste Le Prevost, Paris,
The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis, edited and translated
with introduction and notes by Marjorie Chibnall, (Oxford, Clarendon Press,
Odo de Deuil, Abbot of Saint Denis, d. ca. 1162.
De profectione Ludovici VII in orientem, ed., with an English
translation, by Virginia Gingerick Berry, (New York, Columbia Univ. Press,
Otto I, Bishop of Freising, d. 1158.
The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa, by Otto of Freising and his continuator,
Rahewin; translated and annotated with an introd. by CharlesChristopher
Mierow (with the collaboration of Richard Emery), (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1953)
The two cities; a chronicle of universal history to the year 1146
A.D., by Otto, Bishop of Freising, trans. Charles Christopher Mierow,
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1928)
Raimundus de Agiles (Raymond D'Aguilers)
Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem [by] Raymond D'Aguilers,
trans. John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill., (Philadelphia: American Philosophical
Society, 1968)
Petrus Tudebodus (Peter Tudebode).
Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere [by] Peter Tudebode, trans.
John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill, (Philadelphia: American Philosophical
Society, 1974)
Jacques de Vitry
ca. 1170-1240.
The history of Jerusalem. A.D. 1180, trans. Aubrey Stewart, (London,
1896 [1893?])
William of Tyre
A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, trans. Emily A. Babcock
and A.C. Krey, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1943)
Richard of Devizes
Chronicles of the Crusades : being contemporary narratives of the
crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion / by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de
Vinsauf ; and of the crusade of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville,
(London ; H. G. Bohn, 1848; reissued New York: AMS, 1969)
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, d. ca. 1212.
The Conquest of Cinstantinople
La conquete de Constantinople, Editee et traduite par Edmond
Faral, (Paris, Societe d'edition "Les Belles lettres", 1938-)
Coulet, Noel, Ceux qui conquirent Constantinople : recits de la
quatrieme Croisade. (Paris : Union general d'editions, 1966)
English trans.
Shaw, Margaret R. B. (Margaret Renee Bryers), Chronicles of the
Crusades, (Baltimore: Penguin Books, [1963])
Chronicles of the crusades, by Villehardouin & De Joinville,
translated by Sir Frank Marzials, (London, Dent; New York, Dutton [introd.
Available on the Internet at
Robert de Clari, fl 1200-1216.
The Conquest of Constantinople
La conquete de Constantinople, ed. par Phipipe Lauer, (Paris,
E. Champion, 1956)
La Conquete de Constantinople. Traduction par Pierre Charlot.,
(Paris, E. de Boccard, 1939)
Coulet, Noel., Ceux qui conquirent Constantinople : recits de la
quatrieme Croisade. (Paris : Union general d'editions, 1966).
English trans.
The Conquest of Constantinople, trans. E. H.McNeal, (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1936)
Three Old French chronicles of the crusades : the History of the
holy war, the History of them that took Constantinople, the Chronicle of
Reims. Trans. Edward Noble Stone, (Seattle, Wash.: The University of
Washington, 1939)
Italian trans. La conquista di Constantinopoli (1198-1216) [di]
Roberto di Clari. Studio critico, traduzione e note, by Anna Maria
Nada Patrone, (Genova, 1972)
Jean de Joinville
Life of St. Louis.
Histoire de saint Louis. [Ed. revue et presentee par Regine
Pernoud. (Paris: Club des libraires de France [1960])
English trans.
Chronicles of the Crusades : being contemporary narratives of the
crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion / by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de
Vinsauf ; and of the crusade of St. Louis, by Lord John de Joinville,
(London ; H. G. Bohn, 1848)
Chronicles of the crusades, by Villehardouin & De Joinville,
translated by Sir Frank Marzials, (London, Dent; New York, Dutton [introd.
The history of Saint Louis, translated from the French text
edited by Natalis de Wailly, by Joan Evans, (Newtown, Montgomeryshire [Wales]
: Gregynog Press, 1937)
The life of St. Louis, translated by Rene Hague from the text
edited by Natalis de Wailly, (New York : Sheed and Ward, 1955)
Shaw, Margaret R. B. (Margaret Renee Bryers), Chronicles of the
Crusades, (Baltimore: Penguin Books, [1963])
Assizes of Romania
Liber consuetudinum Imperii Romaniae. Feudal institutions as revealed
in the Assizes of Romania, the law code of Frankish Greece : translation
of the text of the Assizes with a commentary on feudal institutions in
Greece and in medieval Europe, by Peter W. Topping, (New York : AMS
Press, [1980] c1949.) Series title: University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of
History Translations and reprints from the original sources of history
; ser. 3, v. 3.
M: Modern
Byzantine History Writing
This is a short guide to broad-range English language accounts of Byzantine history. For many decades the overviews by Ostrogorsky
and Vasiliev were standard. Since the last edition of Ostrogorksy's History
of the Byzantine State there have been great changes in scholarly understandings
of Byzantine history, as well as a stream of monographs, new editions and
translations. As yet, no one had written a "new Ostrogorsky": the wildly
popular trilogy by Lord Norwich, written in high British mandarin, has
not received widespread scholarly approbation, although to be fair that
was not his goal. There are series of monographs on specific periods, however,
which if read continuously [the ones marked with an asterisk*], would provide
an intensive account of Byzantine history from a modern viewpoint.
[Note: I have included introduction to the history of theology,
military society, and economics, but not art history, for which there is
another bibliography on the Byzantine Studies Website.]
TABLE I Byzantine
History: Overviews
TABLE II Byzantine
History: Specific Periods
Postscript: Byzantine Jewry
TABLE III Byzantine History:
Table I: Byzantine
History: Overviews
Baynes, Norman Hepburn, and H. St. L.B. Moss, eds. Byzantium;
an introduction to East Roman civilization, (Oxford, Clarendon Press:
collected essays
Brehier, Louis, The life and death of Byzantium, translated by
Margaret Vaughan., (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977),
Browning, Robert, The Byzantine Empire, (New York : Scribner,
1980), Rev. ed. (Washington, D.C. : Catholic University of America Press,
Often used as a college textbook
Byron, Robert, The Byzantine achievement : an historical perspective,
A.D. 330-1453, (London ; New York : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987,
reissuse of 1929 ed)
The Cambridge medieval history. 2d ed.. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1966-67), Vol 4: Pts 1 and 2, ed. Joan Hussey
Vast, with good bib and maps
Cheetham, Nicolas, Mediaeval Greece, (New Haven : Yale University
Press, 1981)
Christophilopoulou, Aikaterine, Byzantine history, trans. W.W.
Phelps. (Amsterdam : A.M. Hakkert, 1986-)
Diehl, Charles, Byzantium: greatness and decline, translated
from the French by Naomi Walford. With introd. and bibliography by Peter
Charanis, (New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, 1957)
Somewhat romantic
Diehl, Charles, History of the Byzantine empire, translated from
the French by George B. Ives., (Princeton, Princeton University Press,
1925), (reissued New York: AMS, 1969)
Every, George, The Byzantine patriarchate, 451-1204, 2d ed.,
rev., (London: S.P.C.K., 1962, Reissued, New York, AMS, 1980)
Finlay, George, History of the Byzantine and Greek empires from DCCXVI
to MCCCCLIII, (Edinburgh ; London : W. Blackwood, 1854.. last reissued
Finlay and Gibbon defined the field for English speakers
Franzius, Enno, History of the Byzantine Empire; mother of nations,
(New York Funk & Wagnalls, 1967)
Geanakoplos, Deno John, A short history of the Ecumenical Patriarchate
of Constantinople (330-1990) : "first among equals" in the Eastern Orthodox
Church, 2nd rev. ed. (Brookline, Mass. : Holy Cross Orthodox Press,
Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794. Decline and fall of the Roman empire,
introd. by Christopher Dawson. (London, Dent; New York, Dutton, 1957-62),
- with many other editions]
Gibbon's negative opinion of Byzantium held back its study for generations.
Guerdan, René, Byzantium, trans, D.L.B. Hartley, (New
York: Capricorn, 1957)
Nice line drawings
Haussig, Hans Wilhelm, A history of Byzantine civilization, translated
[from the German] by J. M. Hussey, (London, Thames & Hudson, 1971)
Hendy, Michael F., Studies in the Byzantine monetary economy, c.
300-1450, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985)
A modern standard
Hussey, J. M. (Joan Mervyn), The Orthodox Church in the Byzantine
Empire, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986)
Sums up the issues well
Hutton, William Holden, Constantinople; the story of the old capital
of the empire, . (Nendeln-Liechtenstein, Kraus Reprint, 1971)
Laiou, Angeliki E., and Henry Maguire, eds., Byzantium, a world civilization,
(Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks, 1992)
Short introduction
Lemerle, Paul, A history of Byzantium, translated by Antony Matthew,
(New York, Walker, 1964)
Lemerle, Paul, The agrarian history of Byzantium from the origins
to the twelfth century : the sources and problems, (Galway, Ireland
: Officiana Typographica, Galway University Press, c1979).
Mango, Cyril A., Byzantium : the empire of New Rome, (London
: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980)
Meyendorff, John, Byzantine theology : historical trends and doctrinal
themes, 2d ed., 2nd printing with revisions, (New York : Fordham University
Press, c1979, 1983)
Brief, and insightful - worth looking at again after more extended
research. Meyendorff''s judgment was excellent.
Miller, Dean A. The Byzantine tradition, (New York, Harper &
Row, 1966)
Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, Byzantium and Venice : a study in diplomatic
and cultural relations, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988)
Obolensky, Dimitri, The Byzantine commonwealth: Eastern Europe, 500-1453,
(London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1971)
Perhaps modeled on optimistic ideas of the "British Commonwealth" after
World War II.
Oman, Charles William Chadwick, The Byzantine empire, (London
: T.F. Unwin, 1922, c1892)
Ostrogorsky, George, History of the Byzantine state, translated
from the German by Joan Hussey. Rev. ed., (New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers
University Press, 1969)
Still the standard history. Good bibliographies. Concentrates
on political history.
Norwich, John Julius
Byzantium : the early centuries. (New York: Viking, 1988)
Byzantium : the apogee (New York:: Viking, 1991)
Byzantium : the decline and fall, (New York : Viking, 1995)
Vastly popular narrative account. Fixed on traditional issues of elite
history presented in narrative form..
Runciman, Steven, Byzantine civilization, (London: E. Arnold
& Co. 1966, c1933)
Runciman, Steven, Byzantine style and civilization, (Baltimore:
Penguin, 1975)
Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan,
-----The emergence of the Catholic tradition (100-600), (Chicago
: University of Chicago Press, 1971) [The Christian tradition ; 1]
-----The spirit of Eastern Christendom (600-1700), (Chicago
: University of Chicago Press, 1974) [The Christian tradition ; 2]
Although part of a five volume series on the history of theology, together,
these two volumes constitute one of the most insightful histories of Byzantine
theological thought. Meyendorff is a better introduction, but Pelikan goes
in much deeper.
Talbot-Rice, Tamara, Everyday Life in Byzantium, (London?: B.T.
Batsford: 1967; reissued New York: Dorset, 1987)
Very basic, with not notes, but has useful line drawings.
Treadgold, Warren, ["A New Ostrogorsky"] publication promised
Treadgold has been highly critical of other Byzantinists, and has promised,
at recent Byzantine Conferences, to publish a new standard history/
Vasiliev, Alexander Alexandrovich, History of the Byzantine Empire,
324-1453 [2d English ed., rev.], (Madison : University of Wisconsin
Press, 1952) [Original Russian, Petrograd, 1923]
Second great standard history. Read with Ostrogorsky.
Whitting, Philip, Byzantium : an introduction, New and rev. ed.,
(Oxford: Blackwell, 1981)
Neat, short narrative chapters by a variety of writers
Avoid, at all costs, the most inaccurate history of Byzantium ever
-Asimov, Isaac, Constantinople : the forgotten empire, (Boston
: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1970)
[This is indeed by the famed science fiction author!]
Table II: Byzantine
History: Specific Periods
Jones, A.H.M., The Later Roman Empire, 284-602, 4 vols.
(Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1964)
Jones claimed to have read "everything" from the period except "liturgical
Brown, Peter R.L. The world of late antiquity: from Marcus Aurelius
to Muhammad, (London, Thames and Hudson, 1971)
Brown virtually created the current growth of Late antique studies.
This is a useful and provocative overview
Brown, Peter R.L., The making of late antiquity, (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1978)
*Cameron, Averil, The later Roman empire, AD 284-430, (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993; London: Fontana, 1993)
In this and her other recent textbook, Cameron sums up developments
in the field 20 years after Brown kick started it.
Baynes, N.H., Constantine the Great and the Christian Church,
2nd ed. (i.e. 1st ed. reprinted) with a preface by Henry Chadwick., (London,
Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 1972. C. 1929)
Classic account with full treatment of sources
*Barnes, Timothy David, Constantine and Eusebius, (Cmbridge,
Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1981)
Must now be taken as standard account of the period.
Burckhardt, Jacob, The age of Constantine the Great. Trans. Moses
Hadas, (New York: Vintage Books, 1967, c1949)
Grant, Michael, The Emperor Constantine, (London : Weidenfeld
& Nicolson, 1993)
Grant has written popular histories of almost everything in the past
few years. Still he is an able and well-informed writer.
MacMullen, Ramsay, Constantine, (London ; New York : Croom Helm,
*Cameron, Averil, The Mediterranean world in late antiquity, AD 395-600,
(London; New York : Routledge, 1993)
see above
Kaegi, Walter Emil, Byzantium and the decline of Rome, (Princeton,
N.J., Princeton University Press, 1968)
Bury, J. B. (John Bagnell), History of the later Roman empire from
the death of Theodosius I. to the death of Justinian (A. D. 395 to A. D.
565), (London: Macmillan, 1923; reissued, New York: Dover, 1958)
Painstaking recreation of events from a variety of sources by on of
the greatest English historians. Still one of best and fullest accounts
of the period.
Bury, J. B. (John Bagnell), A history of the later Roman empire,
from Arcadius to Irene (395 A.D. to 800 A.D.) (London; New York: Macmillan,
1889; reissued Amsterdam, Adolf M. Hakkert, 1966-)
Meyendorff, John, Imperial unity and Christian divisions : the church,
450-680 AD, (Crestwood, N.Y. : St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1989)
Meant to emphasize Orthodox understandings of Church history
Cameron, Alan, Circus factions : Blues and Greens at Rome and Byzantium,
(Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1976)
Shahid, Irfan,
----- Byzantium and the Arabs in the fourth century, (Washington,
D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, c1984)
----- Byzantium and the Arabs in the fifth century, (Washington,
D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, c1989)
----- Byzantium and the Arabs in the sixth century, (Washington,
D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, c1995)
Kaegi, Walter Emil, Byzantium and the early Islamic conquests,
(New York : Cambridge University Press, 1992)
Challenges many common assumptions
Herrin, Judith, The formation of Christendom, (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, c1987, rev. ed. 1989)
Head, Constance, The Emperor Julian, (Boston : Twayne Publishers,
Browning, Robert, The Emperor Julian, (London : Weidenfeld and
Nicolson, 1975)
Bowersock, G. W. (Glen Warren), Julian the Apostate, (Cambridge
: Harvard University Press, 1978)
Vasiliev, Alexander Alexandrovich, Justin the First: An Introduction
to the Epoch of Justinian, (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1950)
Browning, Robert, Justinian and Theodora, Rev. ed., (New York,
N.Y.: Thames and Hudson, 1987)
Concentrates on politics, religion and military events.
Barker, John W., Justinian and the Later Roman Empire, (Madison
: University of Wisconsin Press, 1966)
Moorhead, John, Justinian, (London ; New York : Longman, 1994)
Evans , J.A.S., The Age of Justinian. The Circumstances of Imperial
Power, (London: Routledge, 1996)
Ure, P. N. (Percy Neville), Justinian and his age, (Harmondsworth,
Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1951)
Cameron, Averil, Procopius and the sixth century, (Berkeley :
University of California Press, c1985)
Whitby, Michael, The Emperor Maurice and his historian : Theophylact
Simocatta on Persian and Balkan warfare, (Oxford: Clarendon Press;
New York : Oxford University Press, 1988)
Head, Constance, Justinian II of Byzantium, (Madison, University
of Wisconsin Press, 1972)
*Haldon, John F., Byzantium in the seventh century : the transformation
of a culture, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990)
*Jenkins, Romilly J. H., Byzantium: the Imperial centuries, A. D.
610-1071, (London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966)
Bryer, Anthony and Judith Herrin, eds., Iconoclasm: papers given
at the ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham,
March 1975, (Birmingham: Centre for Byzantine Studies, University of
Birmingham, 1977)
Gero, Stephen,
----- Byzantine iconoclasm during the reign of Constantine V, with
particular attention to the oriental sources, (Louvain : Corpussco,
----- Byzantine iconoclasm during the reign of Leo III; with particular
attention to the oriental sources, (Louvain, Secretariat du Corpus
SCO, 1973)
*Treadgold, Warren T. The Byzantine revival, 780-842, (Stanford,
Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1988)
Bury, J. B. (John Bagnell), A history of the Eastern Roman Empire
from the fall of Irene to the accession of Basil I. (A.D. 802-867),
(London ; New York : Macmillan, 1912)
see above
Hussey, Joan M., Church and Learning in the Byzantine Empire, 867-1185,
(London: Oxford University Press, 1937)
Now see Angold, Church and Society
Harvey, Alan, Economic expansion in the Byzantine Empire, 900-1200,
(Cambridge; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1989)
Has a distinct thesis.
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, Constantine Porphyrogenitus and his world,
(London: Oxford University Press, 1973)
Runciman, Steven, The emperor Romanus Lecapenus and his reign; a
study of tenth-century Byzantium, (Cambridge: Cambridge, University
Press, 1929)
Bury, J. B. (John Bagnell), A history of the later Roman Empire,
a supplement containing the emperors from Basil II to Isaac Komnenos (A.D.
976-1057), and other essays on Byzantine history, ( Chicago : Ares
Publishers, 1974; original pub 19??)
Davids, Adelbert, ed., The Empress Theophano : Byzantium and the
West at the turn of the first millennium, (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995
Collected essays.
Vryonis, Speros, The decline of medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor
and the process of Islamization from the eleventh through the fifteenth
century, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971)
Brand, Charles M., Byzantium Confronts the West, 1180-1204, (Cambridge,
Harvard University Press, 1968)
Now see Angold, Byzantine Empire, and Magdalino, Manuel II
Hendy, Michael F., Coinage and money in the Byzantine Empire, 1081-1261,
(Washington, Dumbarton Oaks , 1969)
Runciman, Steven, A history of the Crusades, 3 Vols., (Cambridge:
New York : Cambridge University Press, 1987, c1951-1954),
Sir Steven writes the most beautiful English prose and has a a wonderful
grasp of sources. Some of his judgements have not stood up (for instance
about Venice in 1204), but this remains one of the great works of Medieval
Runciman, Steven, The Eastern schism : a study of the papacy and
the Eastern Churches during the XIIth and XIIth centuries, (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1963)
Kazhdan, Aleksandr Petrovich and Ann Wharton Epstein, Change in Byzantine
culture in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, (Berkeley : University
of California Press, c1985)
*Angold, Michael, The Byzantine Empire 1025-1204 : a political history,
( London ; New York : Longman, 1984)
Papadakis, Aristeides, The Christian East and the rise of the papacy
: the Church 1071-1453 A.D, (Crestwood, N.Y. : St. Vladimir's Seminary
Press, 1994)
This is less convincing than Meyendorff's Imperial Unity.
*Angold, Michael, Church and society in Byzantium under the Comneni,
1081-1261, (Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995)
Lilie, Ralph-Johannes, Byzantium and the crusader states, 1096-1204,
translated by J.C. Morris and Jean E. Ridings. Rev. 1988. (Oxford : Clarendon
Press ; New York: Oxford University Press, 1993)
*Magdalino, Paul, The empire of Manuel I Komnenos, 1143-1180 , (New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993)
Savvides, Alexes G. K., Byzantium in the Near East : its relations
with the Seljuk sultanate of Rum in Asia Minor, the Armenians of Cilicia
and the Mongols, A.D. c. 1192-,.(Thessalonica : Kentpon Byzantinon
Epeynon, 1981)
Gill, Joseph, Byzantium and the papacy, 1198-1400, (New Brunswick,
N.J.: Rutgers University Press, c1979)
Queller, Donald E., The Fourth Crusade : the conquest of Constantinople,
1201-1204, (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977)
Gardner, A. The Lascarids of Nicea, (London: Methuen, 1921)
Now see Angold, A Byzantine Government
*Angold, Michael, A Byzantine government in exile : government and
society under the Laskarids of Nicaea, 1204-1261, (London : Oxford
University Press, 1975)
Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, The despotate of Epiros, (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1957)
Lock, Peter, The Franks in the Aegean, 1204-1500, (London ; New
York: Longman, 1995)
*Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, The last centuries of Byzantium, 1261-1453,
2nd ed., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993)
Well informed summation.
Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, Church and society in the last centuries
of Byzantium, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979)
Maksimovic, Ljubomir, The Byzantine provincial administration under
the Palaiologoi, (Amsterdam : A.M. Hakkert, 1988)
Geanakoplos, Deno John, Emperor Michael Palaeologus and the West,
1258-1282, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959)
*Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, The despotate of Epiros, 1267-1479 :
a contribution to the history of Greece in the Middle Ages, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1984)
Runciman, Steven, The Sicilian Vespers; a history of the Mediterranean
world in the later thirteenth century, (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1958)
A masterful account of politics and intrigue, centered on Michael VIII
Palaiologos - and the origns of the Mafia.
Nicol, Donald MacGillivray., The reluctant emperor : a biography
of John Cantacuzene, Byzantine emperor and monk, c. 1295-1383, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1996)
Laiou, Angeliki E., Constantinople and the Latins; the foreign policy
of Andronicus II, 1282-1328, (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University
Press, 1972)
Meyendorff, John, Byzantium and the rise of Russia : a study of Byzantino-Russian
relations in the fourteenth century, (Cambridge : New York : Cambridge
University Press, 1981, reissued Crestwood NY: St. Valdmir's Seminary Press,
Meyendorff sees a deliberate creation and promotion of Muscovy by the
patriarchat of Constantinople.
Head, Constance, Imperial twilight : the Palaiologos dynasty and
the decline of Byzantium¸ (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, c1977)
Barker, John W., Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425); a study in late
Byzantine statesmanship, (New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press,
Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, The end of the Byzantine Empire,
(London : E. Arnold, 1979)
Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, The immortal emperor : the life and legend
of Constantine Palaiologos, last emperor of the Romans, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1992)
*Runciman, Steven, The fall of Constantinople, 1453, (Cambridge,
University Press, 1965, reissued 1990)
People have been known to cry at the end of this book.
Babinger, Franz, Mehmed the Conqueror and his time, trans. [from
German] by Ralph Manheim ; edited, with a pref., by William C. Hickman,
(Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1978)
Babinger's classic 1953 account of the Conqueror of Constantinople
- but here based on the second edition with notes and bibliography lacking
in German versions.
Shaw, Stanford J. History of the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey,
(Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1976-1977)
Standard modern account
Inalcik, Halil, The Ottoman Empire : the classical age, 1300-1600,
translated by Norman Itzkowitz and Colin Imber, (New Rochelle, N.Y. : A.D.
Caratzas, 1989, c1973)
Runciman, Steven, The Great Church in captivity: a study of the Patriarchate
of Constantinople from the eve of the Turkish conquest to the Greek War
of Independence, (London: Cambridge University Press, 1968)
The Greek ethnos did not disappear after 1453, but continued
as the Rum Millet with the Patriarch of Constantinople as "Ethnarch".
Postscript Table: Byzantine
Avi-Yonah, Michael, The Jews of Palestine : a political
history from the Bar Kokhba war to the Arab conquest, (Oxford : Blackwell,
Avi-Yonah, Michael, The Jews under Roman and Byzantine rule : a political
history of Palestine from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab conquest,
[translated and adapted by the author], (New York : Schocken Books; Jerusalem
: Magnes, the Hebrew University, 1984)
Bowman, Steven, The Jews of Byzantium (1204-1453), (University,
Ala. : University of Alabama Press, c.1985)
Braude, Benjamin, and Bernard Lewis, eds.Christians and Jews in the
Ottoman empire : the functioning of a plural society, (New York : Holmes
& Meier Publishers, 1982)
Epstein, Mark Alan, The Ottoman Jewish communities and their role
in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, (Freiburg : K. Schwarz, 1980)
Levy, Avigdor, ed. .The Jews of the Ottoman Empire, (Princeton,
N.J. : Darwin Press ; Washington, D.C.: Institute of Turkish Studies, c1994)
Revel-Neher, Elisabeth, The image of the Jew in Byzantine art,
translated from the French by David Maizel. 1st ed. (Oxford ; New York
: Published for the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of
Antisemitism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem by Pergamon Press, 1992)
Sharf, Andrew, Byzantine Jewry from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade¸ (New York, Schocken Books, 1971)
Sharf, Andrew, Jews and other minorities in Byzantium, (Ramat
Gan: Universitat Bar-Ilan, 755, 1995)
Shaw, Stanford J. ,The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish
Republic, (New York : New York University Press, 1991)
Starr, Joshua, The Jews in the Byzantine Empire, 641-1204, (Athen,
Verlag der "Byzantinisch-Neugriechischen Jahrbucher," 1939, republished
New York: B. Franklin, 1970)
Table III: Byantine
History: Military
Bartusis, Mark C., The late Byzantine army : arms and society,
1204-1453, (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992)
Elton, Hugh. Warfare in Roman Europe, AD 350-425, (Oxford : Clarendon
Press; New York : Oxford University Press, 1996)
Haldon, John F., Byzantine Praetorians : an administrative, institutional,
and social survey of the Opsikion and tagmata, c.580-900, (Bonn : R.
Habelt, 1984
Haldon, John F.. Recruitment and conscription in the Byzantine army
c. 550-950 : a study of the origins of the stratiotika ktemata, (Wien
: Verlag der Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1979)
Haldon, John F., State, army, and society in Byzantium : approaches
to military, social, and administrative history, 6th-12th centuries,
(Brookfield, Vt., USA : Variorum, 1995)
Kaegi, Walter Emil, Army, society, and religion in Byzantium,
(London : Variorum Reprints, 1982)
Kaegi, Walter Emil, Byzantine military unrest, 471-843 : an interpretation,
(Amsterdam : Hakkert, 1981)
Kuhn, Hans Joachim., Die byzantinische Armee im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert
: Studien zur Organisation der Tagmata, (Vienna: Fassbaender, c1991),
Byzantinische Geschichtsschreiber. Erganzungsband ; 2.
Langdon, John Springer, Byzantium's last imperial offensive in Asia
Minor : the documentary evidence for and hagiographical lore about John
III Ducas Vatatzes' crusade against the Turks, 1222 or 1225 to 1231¸(New
Rochelle, N.Y. : A.D. Caratzas, c1992)
Treadgold, Warren T. Byzantium and its army, 284-1081. (Stanford,
Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1995)
(c)Paul Halsall, 1997
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