Church of Saint Mary the Virgin
139 West 46 Street, New York, NY 10036
(212) 869-5830 Fax No. (212) 869-7039
Tim Chang
Gothic Architecture at Church of
St. Mary the Virgin
In 1895, modeled on French Gothic architecture of the XIII
century, this church was built on an eight-lot parcel in midtown New York,
which designed to accommodate a rector, convent, and clergy house.
Erecting this building was a big challenge to French architect Napoleon
Le Brun. Nothing of this size and scale was ever attempted around the time
1894. Le Brun is one of very few architects who first worked with iron
framing, which is buried within the walls.
If you ever visit this site, you will be amazed how a Le Brun designed
this church to fit in between two buildings on 46th street. The height
of the nave is much bigger than it looks from the outside.
Dimensions: Nave, chancel and all open space are 80 feet floor to

The pictures above (somewhat dark) are murals
inside the Church depicting the Virgin Mary carrying Jesus
St. Mary the Virgin
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