Bishops/Patriarchs of Antioch
bef 54 |
(Peter) |
bef 68 |
96 |
Euodios |
96 |
bef 117 |
Ignatios |
12/20 |
Hero (Heros) |
Kornelios |
Eros |
Theophilos |
Maximinos |
Serapion |
Asklepiades |
Philetos |
Zebinnos |
Babylas |
Fabios |
Demetrios |
Paul of Samosota |
Domnus |
Timaeos |
279/280 |
303 exiled |
Kyril I |
304 |
about 314 |
Tyrannos |
about 314 |
320 |
Vital |
320 |
324 |
Philogonos |
12/20 |
324 or 325 |
330 deposed |
Eustathios |
02/21 |
330 [six months] |
Paulinos II [trans from Tyre] |
331 |
332 |
Eulalios |
332 |
333 |
Euphronios |
333 |
342? |
Flakillos |
342 |
344 |
Stephen I |
344 |
358 |
Leontios |
358 |
359 |
Eudoxios [elected bishop of CP in 360] |
359 |
immed exiled |
Annanios |
360 |
381 |
Meletios |
02/12 |
360 |
376 |
Euzoïos [Arian] |
362 |
388 |
Paulinos II [Catholic] |
375? |
Vital [Apollinarist] |
376 |
381? |
Dorotheos [Arian] |
381 end |
404 Sep |
Flavianos [successor of Meletios] |
388 |
392/393 |
Evagrios [successor to Paulinos] |
404 |
414? |
Porphyry |
414 |
424 |
Alexander |
424 |
428 |
Theodotos |
428 |
441/442 |
John I |
441/442 |
450 |
Domnos |
451 |
455 |
Maximos |
457 |
455 |
Basil |
457 |
459 |
Akakios |
459 bef Sep |
470 |
Martyrios |
470 |
Peter the Foulon (1) [some think he had four distinct episcopates] |
471? |
475 |
Julian |
476 end |
477 beg |
John II Kodonatos |
477 spring |
479 |
Stephen II
[Ths existence of another Stephen, successor of the preceding is discussed.] |
479 |
484 |
Kalendonion |
485 |
489 |
Peter the Foulon (3) |
490 |
498 |
Palladios |
498 |
512 autumn |
Flavian II |
512 Nov 18 |
518 Sep 29
[+538 Feb 8] |
Severos |
519 summer |
521 Spring |
Paul II |
521 spring |
526 May 26 |
Euphrates |
527 Apr/May |
545 |
Ephrem |
545 |
559 |
Domninos |
559 |
570 |
Anastasios I (1) |
570 |
593 |
Gregory |
593 Mar 25 |
598 |
Anastasios I (2) |
598 end/ 599 beg |
609 |
Anastasios II |
30 years |
vacancy |
639 |
after 649 |
Makedonios |
? |
? |
George |
? |
681 Mar 7 |
Makarios I |
681 Mar 8/Apr 5 |
- |
Theophanes |
? |
685? |
Thomas |
685? |
702? |
George II |
742/743 |
744/745 |
Stephen III |
744 |
750 |
Theophylakt Bar Qanbara |
750/751 |
773/774 |
Theodore I |
bef 787 |
? |
Theodoret |
813/814 |
844/845 |
Job |
845 |
867 |
Nicholas I |
845 |
btw 861 & 869 |
Eustathios |
870 |
Stephen IV |
870 |
890 |
Theodosios I |
892 |
907 |
Simeon I |
907 |
934 Jul 24 |
Elijah I |
936 Aug |
943 |
Theodosios II |
944 |
948 |
Theokaristos |
960 |
969 |
Christopher |
969 Nov/Dec |
Eustratios |
970 Jan 23 |
976 May 29 |
Theodore II |
978 Jan 20 |
996 Sep |
Agapios |
996 Oct 4 |
1021 Jul |
John III |
1025 Jan 17 |
1030 Oct 8 |
Nicholas II |
1032 Apr 1 |
1033 Sep 8 |
Elijah II |
1034 Mar 3 |
1042 Sep 24 |
Theodore III |
? |
? |
Basil II |
1052 spring |
1056 after Aug |
Peter III |
1056 aft Aug |
1057 bef Aug 15 |
Dionysios [also called John (IV) in an Armenian source] |
1057 bef Aug 30 |
1059 aft Apr 4 |
Theodosios III |
? -1074 |
1079/1080 |
Emilian |
1079/1080 |
? |
Nikephoros the Black |
perhaps 1088/1089
or 1091 Feb |
1100 Oct |
John IV or V |
1106 |
1134? |
John V or VI |
1137/1138 |
1156 |
Luke |
1156 end |
1157 May 1 |
Soterichos Panteugenos - elected pat., but repousse May 1157 |
1157 |
1171 Jun 22 |
Athanasios III |
?-1173 |
1179 or after |
Kyril II |
bef 1189 |
1195 or after |
Theodore IV Balsamon |
bef 1206 |
aft 1235 |
Simeon II |
? |
? |
David |
bef 1258 |
about 1274 |
Euthymios I |
1275 Jun |
1283/1284 |
Theodosios V de Villehardouin |
1283/1284 |
about 1286 |
Arsenios |
transferred from Tyre 1308, enthroned at Tyre1287, until 1308 |
Kyril III |
transferred from Pompeiopolis, concurrently elected in Cilicia, enthroned 2nd semester 1287, not recognized by CP, soul titulary 1309-1316 |
Dionysios I or II |
? |
? |
Kyril IV |
? |
? |
Dionysios II or III |
? |
? |
Sophronios |
1344 bef Nov |
bef 1349 |
Ignatios II |
bef 1349 |
1368 |
Pachomias I (1) |
1368 |
1375 Aug 17 |
Michael I |
1375 Aug |
1377 mid year |
Pachomias I (2) |
1377 Apr |
1378 Apr 10 |
Mark I |
1378 Apr |
1386 Dec 19 |
Pachomias I (3) |
bef 1388 Jan |
? |
Nilos |
? |
1395 Jan 11 |
Nikon |
1395 Feb 6 |
1412 Apr 18 |
Michael II |
1412 Jun 1 |
1412 Oct 9 |
Pachomias II |
? |
1424-1425 |
Joachim I |
1426/1427 |
? |
Mark II |
1434/1435 |
1451 Sep 8 |
Dorotheos I |
1451 Sep 14 |
1456? |
Michael III |
1456? |
1457/1458 |
Mark III |
1458 bef Jun |
1459 after Jun 1 |
Joachim II |
about 1470/1474 |
bef 1484 |
Michael IV |
bef 1438 |
after 1500 |
Dorotheos II |
557/558 |
about 561 |
Sergios of Teila |
564 |
577 ret to CP, died 584 |
Paul the Black |
581 |
591 |
Peter of Kallinikos |
591 |
594 |
Julian I |
595 |
631 |
Athanasios the Cameldriver |
631 |
648 Dec 14 |
John I |
649 |
667 |
Theodore |
668 |
680 or 684 |
Severos |
684 |
687 Sep 11 |
Athanasios II |
687 Nov |
708 |
Julian II |
709 |
722 Oct 3 |
Elijah |
724 Apr |
740 |
Athanasios III |
740 |
754 Oct |
John II |
754 |
Isaac, intruder |
755/756 |
758 or 759 |
Athanasios Sandalya, intruder |
758 Dec |
790 (in prison 758-777 |
George |
758/9 |
763/764 |
John of Kallinikos, intruder |
763/764 |
bef 777 |
David of Dara, intruder |
790 |
792 Jan |
Joseph |
793 Aug |
817 Aug 16 |
Kyriakos |
808 |
837 |
Abraham, intruder |
818 Jun |
845 Aug 22 |
Dionysios I |
837 |
? |
Simeon, intruder |
846 Nov 21 |
873 Dec 3 |
John III |
878 Jun 5 |
883 Mar 26 |
Ignatios |
887 Feb 5 |
896 Jun 1 |
Theodosios |
897 Apr |
909 Apr 18 |
Dionysios II |
910 Apr 21 |
933 Nov 30 |
John IV |
923 Aug 15 |
935 Mar 25 |
Basil I |
936 Aug 28 |
953 Jul 3 |
John V |
954 Jul 18 |
957 Jan 31 |
John VI |
957 Nov 28 |
961 Jun 2 |
Dionysios III |
962 May 25 |
963 Mar 4 |
Abraham |
965 Jul 9 |
985 |
John VII |
986 Oct 21 |
1003 |
Athanasios V, also known as Lazaros |
1004 Jul 6 |
1033 Feb 3
(exiled) |
John VIII bar Abdoun |
1034 |
1044 |
Dionysios IV |
1049 Aug |
1058 |
John IX |
1058 |
1063 |
Athanasios VI |
1064 |
1073 |
John X |
1074 Jan 6 |
1075 Jul |
Basil II |
1075 |
about 1095 |
John XI Abdoun |
Concurrents |
1077 Apr 7 |
1077 Dec |
Dionysios V |
1080 OR 1084 |
1082 OR 1086 |
John XII |
1088 |
1090 |
Dionysios VI |
1090 Dec 1 |
1129 Jun 8 |
Athanasios VII |
1130 Feb 17 |
1137 |
John XIII |
1138 Dec 4 |
1166 Jul 14 |
Athanasios VIII |
1166 Oct 18 |
1199 Nov 7 |
Michael I |
1200 |
1215 |
Michael II, intruder |
1199 Dec 19 |
1207 |
Athanasios IX |
1208 |
1220 |
John XIV |
1222 May 22 |
1252 Jun 14 |
Ignatios II |
1252 Sep 14 |
1261 Feb 18 |
Dionysios VII |
Concurrent |
1252 Dec 4 |
1261 Feb 18 |
John XV |
1264 Feb 6 |
1282 Nov 17 |
Ignatios III |
1283 Feb 2 |
1292 beg July |
Ignatios IV, Philoxenos |
(Armenia, Syria)
Simultaneously |
1292 Nov |
1293 Nov |
Constantine, Met of Melitene, at Melitine |
1292 Nov |
1312 Dec 7 |
Ignatios Michael Barsumas, archimandrite of Gavicatha |
1312 |
1349 |
Michael Joshua Barsusan |
1349 |
1387 |
Basil Gabriel |
1387 |
1421 |
Philoxenos the Serb, bishop of Damascus |
1421 |
1445 |
Basil Simeon Manaamita
[Last Patriarch of this Series]
At Mardin
1293 Jan 1 |
1332 Apr 15 |
Ignatios V-I Bar Vahib |
1332 |
1365 Jun 4 |
Ignatios VI-II Ishmael Almaged |
1365 |
1381 Jan |
Ignatios VII-III Schahab |
1381 |
1412 |
Ignatios VIII-IV Abraham Bar-Garib |
1412 |
1455 |
Ignatios IX-V Behena |
1455 May 25 |
1484 |
Ignatios X-VI Chaleph |
1484 |
1493 Sep |
Ignatios XI-VII John Bar-Sila |
concurrent |
1484 |
? |
Ignatios Isa |
1493 |
1509 Jul 28 |
Ignatios XII-VIII Noah
At Tour-Abdin
1364 Aug 6 |
1390 |
Ignatios I Saba of Salacha |
1390 |
1412, chasse by Vizier, m 1421 |
Ignatios II Joshua Bar-Muta |
1412 |
1420 |
Ignatios III Masud |
1421 |
1446 |
Ignatios IV Henoch |
1446 |
1455 |
Ignatios V Koumas Philoxenos |
1455 |
1466 |
Ignatios VI Joshua Basil |
1466 |
1489 |
Ignatios VII Aziz Bar-Sabra |
1489 |
1493 Feb 22 |
John Bar-Couphar |
concurrent |
1489 |
? |
Schaba |
1493 |
1495 abdicated |
Ignatios VIII, Masud
[Last Patriarch at Tour-Abdin]
Note: I am willing to add the names and dates of Patriarchs
since the 15th century, if someone will send them to me.
The table presents the following information
Date1: date of election/appointment/installation
Date2: date of death/exile/deposition
Under "Date",
beg = beginning of
btw = between
dep = deposed
end = end of
exile = exiled
prob = probably
Name: Name of holder of
position. Since many patriarchs held the title more than once,
the (ºnumber) inside parentheses indicates which of various
times this particular time is.
Saint: if the holder was
later celebrated in calendars.
Feast Day(s): Date on
which celebration was/is held.
Since canonization was long a haphazard affair in the Orthodox Church, the indicated saintliness of the various patriarchs, based on a variety of pieces of information is not meant to be definitive in this listing. Corrections and suggestions welcome.
Eusebios, History of the Church from Constantine to Christ,
trans. G.A. Williamson, (New York: Penguin, 1965), Appendix A:,
pp. 415-417
Venance Grumel, La Chronologie, Vol. 1 of Traité
d'etudes byzantines, ed. Paul Lemerle, (Paris: Presses universitaires
de France, 1958), 446-450
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