The Rulers of the Roman Empire
from Augustus to Constantine XI Dragases
For much more information on Roman emperors of all periods
De Imperatoribus
An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors From Augustus to Constantine Dragases.
The United Roman Empire
Dates |
Name |
27 BC-14 CE |
Augustus |
14-37 |
Tiberius |
37-41 |
Gaius (Caligula) |
41-54 |
Claudius |
54-68 |
Nero |
68-69 |
Galba |
69 |
Otho |
69 |
Vitellius |
69-79 |
Vespasian |
79-81 |
Titus |
81-96 |
Domitian |
96-98 |
Nerva |
98-117 |
Trajan |
117-138 |
Hadrian |
138-161 |
Antoninus Pius |
161-180 |
Marcus Aurelius
161-169 Verus
177- Commodus |
180-192 |
Commodus |
193 |
Didius Julianus |
193-211 |
Septimus Severus |
211-217 |
Antoninus (Caracalla)
211-212 Geta |
217-218 |
218 Diadumenianus |
218-22 |
Antoninus (Elagabalus) |
222-235 |
Severus Alexander |
235-238 |
Maximinus Thrax |
238 |
Gordian I
Gordian II
Pupienus (Maximus)
Balbinus |
238-244 |
Gordian III |
244-249 |
Philip the Arab
247-249 Philip |
249-251 |
Decius |
251-253 |
Trebonius Gallus
Volusianus |
253-260 |
Gallienus |
260-268 |
Gallienus |
268-270 |
Claudian II Gothicus |
270-275 |
Aurelian |
275-276 |
276 Florianus |
276-282 |
Probus |
282-283 |
Carus |
283-284 |
Carinus & Numerian |
286-305 |
Maximian |
305-311 |
Constantius I
Severus II
Constantine I
Maximinus Daza
(all associated at various time. 6 augusti in 309!) |
311-324 |
Constantine I and Licinius |
324-337 |
Constantine |
337-340 |
Constantine II, Constantius II, and Constans |
340-361 |
Constantius II |
361-363 |
Julian |
363-364 |
Jovian |
364-375 |
Valentian I and Valens with Galens from 367 |
375-378 |
Valens, Gratian and Valentian II |
378-395 |
Theodosius I the Great
378-383 with Gratian and Valentian II
383-392 with Valentian II and Arcadius
392-395 with Arcadius and Honorius |
The Western Empire
395 |
395-423 |
Honorius |
425-455 |
Valentian III |
455 |
Petronius Maximus |
455-456 |
Avitus |
457-461 |
Majorian |
461-465 |
Libius Severus |
467-472 |
Anthimus |
472 |
Olybrius |
473-474 |
Glyceruis |
474-475 |
Julius Nepos |
475-476 |
Romulus Augustulus |
The Eastern Empire
395 |
Dynasty of Theodosius |
395-408 |
Arcadius |
408-450 |
Theodosius II |
450-457 |
Marcian (m. Pulcheria, gnddghtr Theod I) |
457-474 |
Dynasty of Leo
Leo I |
474 |
Leo II |
474-491 |
Zeno |
491-518 |
Anastasius |
Dynasty of Justinian |
518-527 |
Justin |
527-565 |
Justinian I |
565-578 |
Justin II |
578-582 |
Tiberius II |
582-602 |
Maurice |
602-610 |
Phocas |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
610-641 |
Heraclius |
641-668 |
Constans II |
668-685 |
Constantine IV |
685-695 |
Justinian II (banished) |
695-698 |
Leontius |
698-705 |
Tiberius III |
705-711 |
Justinian II (restored) |
711-713 |
(no dynasty)
Bardanes |
713-716 |
Anastasius II |
716-717 |
Theodosius II |
Isaurian Dynasty |
717-741 |
Leo III |
741-775 |
Constantien V Copronymus |
775-780 |
Leo IV |
780-797 |
Constantine VI (blinded/murded by his mother, Irene) |
797-802 |
Irene |
802-811 |
Nicephorus I |
811 |
Strauracius |
811-813 |
Michael I |
813-820 |
Leo V |
820-829 |
Phrygian Dynasty
Michael II |
829-842 |
Theophilus |
842-867 |
Michael III |
Macedonian Dynasty |
867-886 |
Basil I |
and 913 |
Leo VI and Alexander |
912-959 |
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
919-944 Romanus I Lecapenus
924 Constantine (VIII), Romanus' son, attempts usurpation. Fails. |
959-963 |
Romanus II |
963-1025 |
Basil II Bulgaroctonus
Constantine VIII (IX)
963 Regency of Theophano (widow Romanus II)
963-969 Nicephorus II Phocas (who married Theophano)
969-976 John Tzimisces (who murdered Nicephorus II with Theophano's help.) |
1025-1028 |
Constantine VIII (IX) alone |
1028-1034 |
Romanus II Argyrus |
1034-1041 |
Michael IV the Paphlagonian |
1041-1042 |
Michael V Calaphates |
1042 |
Zoe and Theodora |
1042-1055 |
Constantine IX Monomachus (husband of Zoe, who died 1050) |
1055-1056 |
Theodora alone |
1056-1057 |
Michael VI Stratioticus |
Prelude to Comnenian Dynasty |
1057-1059 |
Isaac I Comnenos (abdicated) |
1059-1067 |
Constantine X (1X) Ducas |
1067-1071 |
Romanus IV Diogenes
[Constanine (XII)] |
1071-1078 |
Michale VII Ducas |
1078-1081 |
Nicephorus III Botaniates
[Revolt of Nicephoros Bryennios] |
Dynasty of the Comneni |
1081-1118 |
Alexius I Comnenus |
1118-1143 |
John II Comenus |
1143-1180 |
Manuel I |
1180-1183 |
Alexius II |
1183-1185 |
Andronicus I |
Dynasty of the Angeli |
1185-1195 |
Isaac II (dethroned) |
1195-1203 |
Alexius II |
1203-1204 |
Isaac II (restored) with Alexius IV |
1204 |
Alexius V Ducas Murtzuphlus |
1204 |
Loss of Constantinople |
Lascarid Dynasty in Nicea |
1204-1222 |
Theodore I Lascaris |
1222-1254 |
John III Ducas Vatatzes |
1254-1258 |
Theodore II Lascaris |
1258-1261 |
John IV Lascaris |
Dynasty of the Palaeologi |
1259-1282 |
Michael VIII Paleologus |
1261 |
1282-1343 |
Andronicus II |
(1293-1320) |
Michael IX |
period of anarchy |
1328-1341 |
Andronicus III |
1341-1376 |
John V Cantancuzenus
1341-1354 John VI |
1376-1379 |
Andronicus IV |
1379-1391 |
John V (restored) |
1390 |
John VII |
1391-1425 |
Manuel II |
1425-1448 |
John VIII |
1449-1453 |
Constantine XI (XIII) Dragases |
May 29 |
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]