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Brewing in NYC

by Ricardo Roces

This beer is good for you. This is draft beer. Stick with the beer. Let's go and beat this guy up and come back and drink some more beer. 
-Ernest Hemingway, To Have and Have Not 
Modern Beer- Finally, what we've all come to love. Today, we are able to sample the different kinds of beer from all over the world. Beer has become a part of out lives, for good and bad. We see gentlemen and ladies drink it in fine establishments, and we see teens chugging 40's on the street corner. We make new friends over mugs of ale in the local pub, and we drink it like slobs on Superbowl Sunday. Beer is here to stay, a part of our culture. And because it is part of our culture, it has also become commercialized to the extreme.

Most beers today are mass produced from one monstrous brewery per region. Gone are the tavern and monasteries that produced it's own special blend. We will never feel the same way Tolkien's Bilbo and Frodo did when they visited inns famous for their unique brews.

But maybe it's not too late. See the following link for New York micro breweries, bars and restaurant that specialize in providing distinct tasting beer. Don't settle for cheap swill in a can! Be a gourmet beer drinker!

And for fellow Fordham Univ. students- next time you're in Annapolis, check out the Fordham Brewery (no affiliation with the school) by the Naval Academy.
Heartland Microbrewery and Bar on Union Sq. West, New York City 

For More on Beer follow These Links: 

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