Metropolitan Museum of Art
Medieval Collection on 5th Avenue
Meaghan McCarthy and Chris Daenzer

This display depicts some of the jewelry: earrings, pendants, and necklaces of the
medieval times. Most of the artifacts above come from Early Byzantium, probably
origination in Constantinople. The pectoral pictured directly in the middle of the
picture, dates back to the mid 6th century. It is said to be part of a treasure found in
Antonie, and is composed of a plain ring attached to a highly detailed frame. The coin
circle in the middle shows an emperor in military attire on one side, with the opposite
side bearing the image of a figure on the throne with a helmet and tunic. Such pectorals
are representative of emperors from the 4th-6th century, with Justinian being the final
emperor depicted.

The above picture displays a girdle and a necklace with pendants from 6th-7th century,
NewYork | MMA Medieval Main | Gold
Jewelry | Silver Artifacts | Caskets | Stone Carvings | Ivory
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
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the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
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© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]